993 resultados para ACCRETION DISKS


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We provide a 2.5-dimensional solution to a complete set of viscous hydrodynamical equations describing accretion- induced outflows and plausible jets around black holes/compact objects. We prescribe a self-consistent advective disk-outflow coupling model, which explicitly includes the information of vertical flux. Inter-connecting dynamics of an inflow-outflow system essentially upholds the conservation laws. We provide a set of analytical family of solutions through a self-similar approach. The flow parameters of the disk-outflow system depend strongly on the viscosity parameter α and the cooling factor.


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Heat transfer in a MHD flow between two infinite eccentric disks rotating with different speeds is considered when the plates are maintained at different temperatures. The results for the corresponding nonmagnetic case presented wrongly by Banerjee and Borkakati [7] are corrected. It is observed that the eccentric rotation reduces the heat transfer on the disks.


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The steady flow of an incompressible, viscous, electrically conducting fluid between two parallel, infinite, insulated disks rotating with different angular velocities about two noncoincident axes has been investigated; under the application of a uniform magnetic field in the axial direction. The solutions for the symmetric and asymmetric velocities are presented. The interesting feature arising due to the magnetic field is that in the central region the flow attains a uniform rotation with mean angular velocity at all rotation speeds for sufficiently large Hartmann number. In this case the flow adjusts to the rotational velocities of the disks mainly in the boundary layers near the disks. The forces on the disks are found to increase due to the presence of the applied magnetic field.


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The flow of an incompressible viscous fluid confined between two parallel infinite disks performing torsional oscillations with the same frequency, but rotating about different axes with different speeds has been studied. The solutions are presented for the symmetric and asymmetric first harmonic and steady streaming. The interesting features of the symmetric and asymmetric flow are discussed for the cases of small and large Womersley parameter at different ratios of the rotation speeds. The forces acting on one of the disks are also calculated.


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Unlike standard applications of transport theory, the transport of molecules and cells during embryonic development often takes place within growing multidimensional tissues. In this work, we consider a model of diffusion on uniformly growing lines, disks, and spheres. An exact solution of the partial differential equation governing the diffusion of a population of individuals on the growing domain is derived. Using this solution, we study the survival probability, S(t). For the standard nongrowing case with an absorbing boundary, we observe that S(t) decays to zero in the long time limit. In contrast, when the domain grows linearly or exponentially with time, we show that S(t) decays to a constant, positive value, indicating that a proportion of the diffusing substance remains on the growing domain indefinitely. Comparing S(t) for diffusion on lines, disks, and spheres indicates that there are minimal differences in S(t) in the limit of zero growth and minimal differences in S(t) in the limit of fast growth. In contrast, for intermediate growth rates, we observe modest differences in S(t) between different geometries. These differences can be quantified by evaluating the exact expressions derived and presented here.


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The steady flow of an incompressible, viscous, electrically conducting fluid between two parallel, infinite, insulated disks rotating with different angular velocities about two noncoincident axes has been investigated; under the application of a uniform magnetic field in the axial direction. The solutions for the symmetric and asymmetric velocities are presented. The interesting feature arising due to the magnetic field is that in the central region the flow attains a uniform rotation with mean angular velocity at all rotation speeds for sufficiently large Hartmann number. In this case the flow adjusts to the rotational velocities of the disks mainly in the boundary layers near the disks. The forces on the disks are found to increase due to the presence of the applied magnetic field.


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Abstract is not available.


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A method is presented to obtain stresses and displacements in rotating disks by taking into account the effect of out-of-plane restraint conditions at the hub. The stresses and displacements are obtained in a non-dimensional form, presented in the form of graphs and compared with the generalized plane stress solution.


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A method is presented to obtain stresses and displacements in rotating disks by taking into account the effect of out-of-plane restraint conditions at the hub. The stresses and displacements are obtained in a non-dimensional form, presented in the form of graphs and compared with the generalized plane stress solution.


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The unsteady MHD flow of an incompressible, viscous electrically conducting fluid contained between two torsionally oscillating eccentric disks has been investigated. The state of uniform rotation of the central region visualised in the steady flow is seen to be absent in the case of oscillatory flow.


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Abstract is not available.


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We study the energetics of the accretion-induced outflow and then plausible jet around black holes/compact objects using a newly developed disc-outflow coupled model. Inter-connecting dynamics of outflow and accretion essentially upholds the conservation laws. The energetics depend strongly on the viscosity parameter α and the cooling factor f which exhibit several interesting features. The bolometric luminosities of ultra-luminous X-ray binaries (e.g. SS433) and family of highly luminous AGNs and quasars can be reproduced by the model under the super-Eddington accretion flows. Under appropriate conditions, low-luminous AGNs (e.g. Sagittarius A*) also fit reasonably well with the luminosity corresponding to a sub-Eddington accretion flow with f→1.


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Thin accretion discs around massive compact objects can support slow pressure modes of oscillations in the linear regime that have azimuthal wavenumber m = 1. We consider finite, flat discs composed of barotropic fluid for various surface density profiles and demonstrate through WKB analysis and numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem - that these modes are stable and have spatial scales comparable to the size of the disc. We show that the eigenvalue equation can be mapped to a Schrodinger like equation. The analysis of this equation shows that all eigenmodes have discrete spectra. We find that all the models we have considered support negative frequency eigenmodes; however, the positive eigenfrequency modes are only present in power-law discs, albeit for physically uninteresting values of the power-law index beta and barotropic index gamma.


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We discuss two temperature accretion disk flows around rotating black holes. As we know that to explain observed hard X-rays the choice of Keplerian angular momentum profile is not unique, we consider the sub-Keplerian regime of the disk. Without any strict knowledge of the magnetic field structure, we assume the cooling mechanism is dominated by bremsstrahlung process. We show that in a range of Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter 0.2 greater than or similar to alpha greater than or similar to 0.0005, flow behavior varies widely, particularly by means of the size of disk, efficiency of cooling and corresponding temperatures of ions and electrons. We also show that the disk around a rotating black hole is hotter compared to that around a Schwarzschild black hole, rendering a larger difference between ion and electron temperatures in the former case. With all the theoretical solutions in hand, finally we reproduce the observed luminosities (L) of two extreme cases-the under-fed AGNs and quasars (e.g. Sgr A') with L greater than or similar to 10(33) erg/s to ultra-luminous X-ray sources with L similar to 10(41) erg/s, at different combinations of mass accretion rate, ratio of specific heats, Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter and Kerr parameter, and conclude that Sgr A' may be an intermediate spinning black hole.


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We investigate viscous two-temperature accretion disc flows around rotating black holes. We describe the global solution of accretion flows with a sub-Keplerian angular momentum profile, by solving the underlying conservation equations including explicit cooling processes self-consistently. Bremsstrahlung, synchrotron and inverse Comptonization of soft photons are considered as possible cooling mechanisms. We focus on the set of solutions for sub-Eddington, Eddington and super-Eddington mass accretion rates around Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes with a Kerr parameter of 0.998. It is found that the flow, during its infall from the Keplerian to sub-Kepleria transition region to the black hole event horizon, passes through various phases of advection: the general advective paradigm to the radiatively inefficient phase, and vice versa. Hence, the flow governs a much lower electron temperature similar to 10(8)-10(9.5) K, in the range of accretion rate in Eddington units 0.01 less than or similar to (M) over dot less than or similar to 100, compared to the hot protons of temperature similar to 10(10.2)-10(11.8) K. Therefore, the solution may potentially explain the hard X-rays and gamma-rays emitted from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and X-ray binaries. We then compare the solutions for two different regimes of viscosity. We conclude that a weakly viscous flow is expected to be cooling dominated, particularly at the inner region of the disc, compared to its highly viscous counterpart, which is radiatively inefficient. With all the solutions in hand, we finally reproduce the observed luminosities of the underfed AGNs and quasars (e. g. Sgr A*) to ultraluminous X-ray sources (e. g. SS433), at different combinations of input parameters, such as the mass accretion rate and the ratio of specific heats. The set of solutions also predicts appropriately the luminosity observed in highly luminous AGNs and ultraluminous quasars (e. g. PKS 0743-67).