941 resultados para A. Nano-structures


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El objetivo de la tesis es investigar los beneficios que el atrapamiento de la luz mediante fenómenos difractivos puede suponer para las células solares de silicio cristalino y las de banda intermedia. Ambos tipos de células adolecen de una insuficiente absorción de fotones en alguna región del espectro solar. Las células solares de banda intermedia son teóricamente capaces de alcanzar eficiencias mucho mayores que los dispositivos convencionales (con una sola banda energética prohibida), pero los prototipos actuales se resienten de una absorción muy débil de los fotones con energías menores que la banda prohibida. Del mismo modo, las células solares de silicio cristalino absorben débilmente en el infrarrojo cercano debido al carácter indirecto de su banda prohibida. Se ha prestado mucha atención a este problema durante las últimas décadas, de modo que todas las células solares de silicio cristalino comerciales incorporan alguna forma de atrapamiento de luz. Por razones de economía, en la industria se persigue el uso de obleas cada vez más delgadas, con lo que el atrapamiento de la luz adquiere más importancia. Por tanto aumenta el interés en las estructuras difractivas, ya que podrían suponer una mejora sobre el estado del arte. Se comienza desarrollando un método de cálculo con el que simular células solares equipadas con redes de difracción. En este método, la red de difracción se analiza en el ámbito de la óptica física, mediante análisis riguroso con ondas acopladas (rigorous coupled wave analysis), y el sustrato de la célula solar, ópticamente grueso, se analiza en los términos de la óptica geométrica. El método se ha implementado en ordenador y se ha visto que es eficiente y da resultados en buen acuerdo con métodos diferentes descritos por otros autores. Utilizando el formalismo matricial así derivado, se calcula el límite teórico superior para el aumento de la absorción en células solares mediante el uso de redes de difracción. Este límite se compara con el llamado límite lambertiano del atrapamiento de la luz y con el límite absoluto en sustratos gruesos. Se encuentra que las redes biperiódicas (con geometría hexagonal o rectangular) pueden producir un atrapamiento mucho mejor que las redes uniperiódicas. El límite superior depende mucho del periodo de la red. Para periodos grandes, las redes son en teoría capaces de alcanzar el máximo atrapamiento, pero sólo si las eficiencias de difracción tienen una forma peculiar que parece inalcanzable con las herramientas actuales de diseño. Para periodos similares a la longitud de onda de la luz incidente, las redes de difracción pueden proporcionar atrapamiento por debajo del máximo teórico pero por encima del límite Lambertiano, sin imponer requisitos irrealizables a la forma de las eficiencias de difracción y en un margen de longitudes de onda razonablemente amplio. El método de cálculo desarrollado se usa también para diseñar y optimizar redes de difracción para el atrapamiento de la luz en células solares. La red propuesta consiste en un red hexagonal de pozos cilíndricos excavados en la cara posterior del sustrato absorbente de la célula solar. La red se encapsula en una capa dieléctrica y se cubre con un espejo posterior. Se simula esta estructura para una célula solar de silicio y para una de banda intermedia y puntos cuánticos. Numéricamente, se determinan los valores óptimos del periodo de la red y de la profundidad y las dimensiones laterales de los pozos para ambos tipos de células. Los valores se explican utilizando conceptos físicos sencillos, lo que nos permite extraer conclusiones generales que se pueden aplicar a células de otras tecnologías. Las texturas con redes de difracción se fabrican en sustratos de silicio cristalino mediante litografía por nanoimpresión y ataque con iones reactivos. De los cálculos precedentes, se conoce el periodo óptimo de la red que se toma como una constante de diseño. Los sustratos se procesan para obtener estructuras precursoras de células solares sobre las que se realizan medidas ópticas. Las medidas de reflexión en función de la longitud de onda confirman que las redes cuadradas biperiódicas consiguen mejor atrapamiento que las uniperiódicas. Las estructuras fabricadas se simulan con la herramienta de cálculo descrita en los párrafos precedentes y se obtiene un buen acuerdo entre la medida y los resultados de la simulación. Ésta revela que una fracción significativa de los fotones incidentes son absorbidos en el reflector posterior de aluminio, y por tanto desaprovechados, y que este efecto empeora por la rugosidad del espejo. Se desarrolla un método alternativo para crear la capa dieléctrica que consigue que el reflector se deposite sobre una superficie plana, encontrándose que en las muestras preparadas de esta manera la absorción parásita en el espejo es menor. La siguiente tarea descrita en la tesis es el estudio de la absorción de fotones en puntos cuánticos semiconductores. Con la aproximación de masa efectiva, se calculan los niveles de energía de los estados confinados en puntos cuánticos de InAs/GaAs. Se emplea un método de una y de cuatro bandas para el cálculo de la función de onda de electrones y huecos, respectivamente; en el último caso se utiliza un hamiltoniano empírico. La regla de oro de Fermi permite obtener la intensidad de las transiciones ópticas entre los estados confinados. Se investiga el efecto de las dimensiones del punto cuántico en los niveles de energía y la intensidad de las transiciones y se obtiene que, al disminuir la anchura del punto cuántico respecto a su valor en los prototipos actuales, se puede conseguir una transición más intensa entre el nivel intermedio fundamental y la banda de conducción. Tomando como datos de partida los niveles de energía y las intensidades de las transiciones calculados como se ha explicado, se desarrolla un modelo de equilibrio o balance detallado realista para células solares de puntos cuánticos. Con el modelo se calculan las diferentes corrientes debidas a transiciones ópticas entre los numerosos niveles intermedios y las bandas de conducción y de valencia bajo ciertas condiciones. Se distingue de modelos de equilibrio detallado previos, usados para calcular límites de eficiencia, en que se adoptan suposiciones realistas sobre la absorción de fotones para cada transición. Con este modelo se reproducen datos publicados de eficiencias cuánticas experimentales a diferentes temperaturas con un acuerdo muy bueno. Se muestra que el conocido fenómeno del escape térmico de los puntos cuánticos es de naturaleza fotónica; se debe a los fotones térmicos, que inducen transiciones entre los estados excitados que se encuentran escalonados en energía entre el estado intermedio fundamental y la banda de conducción. En el capítulo final, este modelo realista de equilibrio detallado se combina con el método de simulación de redes de difracción para predecir el efecto que tendría incorporar una red de difracción en una célula solar de banda intermedia y puntos cuánticos. Se ha de optimizar cuidadosamente el periodo de la red para equilibrar el aumento de las diferentes transiciones intermedias, que tienen lugar en serie. Debido a que la absorción en los puntos cuánticos es extremadamente débil, se deduce que el atrapamiento de la luz, por sí solo, no es suficiente para conseguir corrientes apreciables a partir de fotones con energía menor que la banda prohibida en las células con puntos cuánticos. Se requiere una combinación del atrapamiento de la luz con un incremento de la densidad de puntos cuánticos. En el límite radiativo y sin atrapamiento de la luz, se necesitaría que el número de puntos cuánticos de una célula solar se multiplicara por 1000 para superar la eficiencia de una célula de referencia con una sola banda prohibida. En cambio, una célula con red de difracción precisaría un incremento del número de puntos en un factor 10 a 100, dependiendo del nivel de la absorción parásita en el reflector posterior. Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the benefits that diffractive light trapping can offer to quantum dot intermediate band solar cells and crystalline silicon solar cells. Both solar cell technologies suffer from incomplete photon absorption in some part of the solar spectrum. Quantum dot intermediate band solar cells are theoretically capable of achieving much higher efficiencies than conventional single-gap devices. Present prototypes suffer from extremely weak absorption of subbandgap photons in the quantum dots. This problem has received little attention so far, yet it is a serious barrier to the technology approaching its theoretical efficiency limit. Crystalline silicon solar cells absorb weakly in the near infrared due to their indirect bandgap. This problem has received much attention over recent decades, and all commercial crystalline silicon solar cells employ some form of light trapping. With the industry moving toward thinner and thinner wafers, light trapping is becoming of greater importance and diffractive structures may offer an improvement over the state-of-the-art. We begin by constructing a computational method with which to simulate solar cells equipped with diffraction grating textures. The method employs a wave-optical treatment of the diffraction grating, via rigorous coupled wave analysis, with a geometric-optical treatment of the thick solar cell bulk. These are combined using a steady-state matrix formalism. The method has been implemented computationally, and is found to be efficient and to give results in good agreement with alternative methods from other authors. The theoretical upper limit to absorption enhancement in solar cells using diffractions gratings is calculated using the matrix formalism derived in the previous task. This limit is compared to the so-called Lambertian limit for light trapping with isotropic scatterers, and to the absolute upper limit to light trapping in bulk absorbers. It is found that bi-periodic gratings (square or hexagonal geometry) are capable of offering much better light trapping than uni-periodic line gratings. The upper limit depends strongly on the grating period. For large periods, diffraction gratings are theoretically able to offer light trapping at the absolute upper limit, but only if the scattering efficiencies have a particular form, which is deemed to be beyond present design capabilities. For periods similar to the incident wavelength, diffraction gratings can offer light trapping below the absolute limit but above the Lambertian limit without placing unrealistic demands on the exact form of the scattering efficiencies. This is possible for a reasonably broad wavelength range. The computational method is used to design and optimise diffraction gratings for light trapping in solar cells. The proposed diffraction grating consists of a hexagonal lattice of cylindrical wells etched into the rear of the bulk solar cell absorber. This is encapsulated in a dielectric buffer layer, and capped with a rear reflector. Simulations are made of this grating profile applied to a crystalline silicon solar cell and to a quantum dot intermediate band solar cell. The grating period, well depth, and lateral well dimensions are optimised numerically for both solar cell types. This yields the optimum parameters to be used in fabrication of grating equipped solar cells. The optimum parameters are explained using simple physical concepts, allowing us to make more general statements that can be applied to other solar cell technologies. Diffraction grating textures are fabricated on crystalline silicon substrates using nano-imprint lithography and reactive ion etching. The optimum grating period from the previous task has been used as a design parameter. The substrates have been processed into solar cell precursors for optical measurements. Reflection spectroscopy measurements confirm that bi-periodic square gratings offer better absorption enhancement than uni-periodic line gratings. The fabricated structures have been simulated with the previously developed computation tool, with good agreement between measurement and simulation results. The simulations reveal that a significant amount of the incident photons are absorbed parasitically in the rear reflector, and that this is exacerbated by the non-planarity of the rear reflector. An alternative method of depositing the dielectric buffer layer was developed, which leaves a planar surface onto which the reflector is deposited. It was found that samples prepared in this way suffered less from parasitic reflector absorption. The next task described in the thesis is the study of photon absorption in semiconductor quantum dots. The bound-state energy levels of in InAs/GaAs quantum dots is calculated using the effective mass approximation. A one- and four- band method is applied to the calculation of electron and hole wavefunctions respectively, with an empirical Hamiltonian being employed in the latter case. The strength of optical transitions between the bound states is calculated using the Fermi golden rule. The effect of the quantum dot dimensions on the energy levels and transition strengths is investigated. It is found that a strong direct transition between the ground intermediate state and the conduction band can be promoted by decreasing the quantum dot width from its value in present prototypes. This has the added benefit of reducing the ladder of excited states between the ground state and the conduction band, which may help to reduce thermal escape of electrons from quantum dots: an undesirable phenomenon from the point of view of the open circuit voltage of an intermediate band solar cell. A realistic detailed balance model is developed for quantum dot solar cells, which uses as input the energy levels and transition strengths calculated in the previous task. The model calculates the transition currents between the many intermediate levels and the valence and conduction bands under a given set of conditions. It is distinct from previous idealised detailed balance models, which are used to calculate limiting efficiencies, since it makes realistic assumptions about photon absorption by each transition. The model is used to reproduce published experimental quantum efficiency results at different temperatures, with quite good agreement. The much-studied phenomenon of thermal escape from quantum dots is found to be photonic; it is due to thermal photons, which induce transitions between the ladder of excited states between the ground intermediate state and the conduction band. In the final chapter, the realistic detailed balance model is combined with the diffraction grating simulation method to predict the effect of incorporating a diffraction grating into a quantum dot intermediate band solar cell. Careful optimisation of the grating period is made to balance the enhancement given to the different intermediate transitions, which occur in series. Due to the extremely weak absorption in the quantum dots, it is found that light trapping alone is not sufficient to achieve high subbandgap currents in quantum dot solar cells. Instead, a combination of light trapping and increased quantum dot density is required. Within the radiative limit, a quantum dot solar cell with no light trapping requires a 1000 fold increase in the number of quantum dots to supersede the efficiency of a single-gap reference cell. A quantum dot solar cell equipped with a diffraction grating requires between a 10 and 100 fold increase in the number of quantum dots, depending on the level of parasitic absorption in the rear reflector.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es un estudio profundo del crecimiento selectivo de nanoestructuras de InGaN por epitaxia de haces moleculares asistido por plasma, concentrandose en el potencial de estas estructuras como bloques constituyentes en LEDs de nueva generación. Varias aproximaciones al problema son discutidas; desde estructuras axiales InGaN/GaN, a estructuras core-shell, o nanoestructuras crecidas en sustratos con orientaciones menos convencionales (semi polar y no polar). La primera sección revisa los aspectos básicos del crecimiento auto-ensamblado de nanocolumnas de GaN en sustratos de Si(111). Su morfología y propiedades ópticas son comparadas con las de capas compactas de GaN sobre Si(111). En el caso de las columnas auto-ensambladas de InGaN sobre Si(111), se presentan resultados sobre el efecto de la temperatura de crecimiento en la incorporación de In. Por último, se discute la inclusión de nanodiscos de InGaN en las nanocolumnas de GaN. La segunda sección revisa los mecanismos básicos del crecimiento ordenado de nanoestructuras basadas en GaN, sobre templates de GaN/zafiro. Aumentando la relación III/V localmente, se observan cambios morfológicos; desde islas piramidales, a nanocolumnas de GaN terminadas en planos semipolares, y finalmente, a nanocolumnas finalizadas en planos c polares. Al crecer nanodiscos de InGaN insertados en las nanocolumnas de GaN, las diferentes morfologias mencionadas dan lugar a diferentes propiedades ópticas de los nanodiscos, debido al diferente carácter (semi polar o polar) de los planos cristalinos involucrados. La tercera sección recoge experimentos acerca de los efectos que la temperatura de crecimiento y la razón In/Ga tienen en la morfología y emisión de nanocolumnas ordenadas de InGaN crecidas sobre templates GaN/zafiro. En el rango de temperaturas entre 650 y 750 C, la incorporacion de In puede modificarse bien por la temperatura de crecimiento, o por la razón In/Ga. Controlar estos factores permite la optimización de la longitud de onda de emisión de las nanocolumnas de InGaN. En el caso particular de la generación de luz blanca, se han seguidos dos aproximaciones. En la primera, se obtiene emisión amarilla-blanca a temperatura ambiente de nanoestructuras donde la región de InGaN consiste en un gradiente de composiciones de In, que se ha obtenido a partir de un gradiente de temperatura durante el crecimiento. En la segunda, el apilamiento de segmentos emitiendo en azul, verde y rojo, consiguiendo la integración monolítica de estas estructuras en cada una de las nanocolumnas individuales, da lugar a emisores ordenados con un amplio espectro de emisión. En esta última aproximación, la forma espectral puede controlarse con la longitud (duración del crecimiento) de cada uno de los segmentos de InGaN. Más adelante, se presenta el crecimiento ordenado, por epitaxia de haces moleculares, de arrays de nanocolumnas que son diodos InGaN/GaN cada una de ellas, emitiendo en azul (441 nm), verde (502 nm) y amarillo (568 nm). La zona activa del dispositivo consiste en una sección de InGaN, de composición constante nominalmente y longitud entre 250 y 500 nm, y libre de defectos extendidos en contraste con capas compactas de InGaN de similares composiciones y espesores. Los espectros de electroluminiscencia muestran un muy pequeño desplazamiento al azul al aumentar la corriente inyectada (desplazamiento casi inexistente en el caso del dispositivo amarillo), y emisiones ligeramente más anchas que en el caso del estado del arte en pozos cuánticos de InGaN. A continuación, se presenta y discute el crecimiento ordenado de nanocolumnas de In(Ga)N/GaN en sustratos de Si(111). Nanocolumnas ordenadas emitiendo desde el ultravioleta (3.2 eV) al infrarrojo (0.78 eV) se crecieron sobre sustratos de Si(111) utilizando una capa compacta (“buffer”) de GaN. La morfología y eficiencia de emisión de las nanocolumnas emitiendo en el rango espectral verde pueden ser mejoradas ajustando las relaciones In/Ga y III/N, y una eficiencia cuántica interna del 30% se deriva de las medidas de fotoluminiscencia en nanocolumnas optimizadas. En la siguiente sección de este trabajo se presenta en detalle el mecanismo tras el crecimiento ordenado de nanocolumnas de InGaN/GaN emitiendo en el verde, y sus propiedades ópticas. Nanocolumnas de InGaN/GaN con secciones largas de InGaN (330-830 nm) se crecieron tanto en sustratos GaN/zafiro como GaN/Si(111). Se encuentra que la morfología y la distribución espacial del In dentro de las nanocolumnas dependen de las relaciones III/N e In/Ga locales en el frente de crecimiento de las nanocolumnas. La dispersión en el contenido de In entre diferentes nanocolumnas dentro de la misma muestra es despreciable, como indica las casi identicas formas espectrales de la catodoluminiscencia de una sola nanocolumna y del conjunto de ellas. Para las nanocolumnas de InGaN/GaN crecidas sobre GaN/Si(111) y emitiendo en el rango espectral verde, la eficiencia cuántica interna aumenta hasta el 30% al disminuir la temperatura de crecimiento y aumentar el nitrógeno activo. Este comportamiento se debe probablemente a la formación de estados altamente localizados, como indica la particular evolución de la energía de fotoluminiscencia con la temperatura (ausencia de “s-shape”) en muestras con una alta eficiencia cuántica interna. Por otro lado, no se ha encontrado la misma dependencia entre condiciones de crecimiento y efiencia cuántica interna en las nanoestructuras InGaN/GaN crecidas en GaN/zafiro, donde la máxima eficiencia encontrada ha sido de 3.7%. Como alternativa a las nanoestructuras axiales de InGaN/GaN, la sección 4 presenta resultados sobre el crecimiento y caracterización de estructuras core-shell de InGaN/GaN, re-crecidas sobre arrays de micropilares de GaN fabricados por ataque de un template GaN/zafiro (aproximación top-down). El crecimiento de InGaN/GaN es conformal, con componentes axiales y radiales en el crecimiento, que dan lugar a la estructuras core-shell con claras facetas hexagonales. El crecimiento radial (shell) se ve confirmado por medidas de catodoluminiscencia con resolución espacial efectuadas en un microscopio electrónico de barrido, asi como por medidas de microscopía de transmisión de electrones. Más adelante, el crecimiento de micro-pilares core-shell de InGaN se realizó en pilares GaN (cores) crecidos selectivamente por epitaxia de metal-orgánicos en fase vapor. Con el crecimiento de InGaN se forman estructuras core-shell con emisión alrededor de 3 eV. Medidas de catodoluminiscencia resuelta espacialmente indican un aumento en el contenido de indio del shell en dirección a la parte superior del pilar, que se manifiesta en un desplazamiento de la emisión de 3.2 eV en la parte inferior, a 3.0 eV en la parte superior del shell. Este desplazamiento está relacionado con variaciones locales de la razón III/V en las facetas laterales. Finalmente, se demuestra la fabricación de una estructura pin basada en estos pilares core-shell. Medidas de electroluminiscencia resuelta espacialmente, realizadas en pilares individuales, confirman que la electroluminiscencia proveniente del shell de InGaN (diodo lateral) está alrededor de 3.0 eV, mientras que la emisión desde la parte superior del pilar (diodo axial) está alrededor de 2.3 eV. Para finalizar, se presentan resultados sobre el crecimiento ordenado de GaN, con y sin inserciones de InGaN, en templates semi polares (GaN(11-22)/zafiro) y no polares (GaN(11-20)/zafiro). Tras el crecimiento ordenado, gran parte de los defectos presentes en los templates originales se ven reducidos, manifestándose en una gran mejora de las propiedades ópticas. En el caso de crecimiento selectivo sobre templates con orientación GaN(11-22), no polar, la formación de nanoestructuras con una particular morfología (baja relación entre crecimiento perpedicular frente a paralelo al plano) permite, a partir de la coalescencia de estas nanoestructuras, la fabricación de pseudo-templates no polares de GaN de alta calidad. ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to gain insight into the selective area growth of InGaN nanostructures by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy, focusing on their potential as building blocks for next generation LEDs. Several nanocolumn-based approaches such as standard axial InGaN/GaN structures, InGaN/GaN core-shell structures, or InGaN/GaN nanostructures grown on semi- and non-polar substrates are discussed. The first section reviews the basics of the self-assembled growth of GaN nanocolumns on Si(111). Morphology differences and optical properties are compared to those of GaN layer grown directly on Si(111). The effects of the growth temperature on the In incorporation in self-assembled InGaN nanocolumns grown on Si(111) is described. The second section reviews the basic growth mechanisms of selectively grown GaNbased nanostructures on c-plane GaN/sapphire templates. By increasing the local III/V ratio morphological changes from pyramidal islands, to GaN nanocolumns with top semi-polar planes, and further to GaN nanocolumns with top polar c-planes are observed. When growing InGaN nano-disks embedded into the GaN nanocolumns, the different morphologies mentioned lead to different optical properties, due to the semipolar and polar nature of the crystal planes involved. The third section reports on the effect of the growth temperature and In/Ga ratio on the morphology and light emission characteristics of ordered InGaN nanocolumns grown on c-plane GaN/sapphire templates. Within the growth temperature range of 650 to 750oC the In incorporation can be modified either by the growth temperature, or the In/Ga ratio. Control of these factors allows the optimization of the InGaN nanocolumns light emission wavelength. In order to achieve white light emission two approaches are used. First yellow-white light emission can be obtained at room temperature from nanostructures where the InGaN region is composition-graded by using temperature gradients during growth. In a second approach the stacking of red, green and blue emitting segments was used to achieve the monolithic integration of these structures in one single InGaN nanocolumn leading to ordered broad spectrum emitters. With this approach, the spectral shape can be controlled by changing the thickness of the respective InGaN segments. Furthermore the growth of ordered arrays of InGaN/GaN nanocolumnar light emitting diodes by molecular beam epitaxy, emitting in the blue (441 nm), green (502 nm), and yellow (568 nm) spectral range is reported. The device active region, consisting of a nanocolumnar InGaN section of nominally constant composition and 250 to 500 nm length, is free of extended defects, which is in strong contrast to InGaN layers (planar) of similar composition and thickness. Electroluminescence spectra show a very small blue shift with increasing current, (almost negligible in the yellow device) and line widths slightly broader than those of state-of-the-art InGaN quantum wells. Next the selective area growth of In(Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns on Si(111) substrates is discussed. Ordered In(Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns emitting from ultraviolet (3.2 eV) to infrared (0.78 eV) were then grown on top of GaN-buffered Si substrates. The morphology and the emission efficiency of the In(Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns emitting in the green could be substantially improved by tuning the In/Ga and total III/N ratios, where an estimated internal quantum efficiency of 30 % was derived from photoluminescence data. In the next section, this work presents a study on the selective area growth mechanisms of green-emitting InGaN/GaN nanocolumns and their optical properties. InGaN/GaN nanocolumns with long InGaN sections (330-830nm) were grown on GaN/sapphire and GaN-buffered Si(111). The nanocolumn’s morphology and spatial indium distribution is found to depend on the local group (III)/N and In/Ga ratios at the nanocolumn’s top. A negligible spread of the average indium incorporation among different nanostructures is found as indicated by similar shapes of the cathodoluminescence spectra taken from single nanocolumns and ensembles of nanocolumns. For InGaN/GaN nanocolumns grown on GaN-buffered Si(111), all emitting in the green spectral range, the internal quantum efficiency increases up to 30% when decreasing growth temperature and increasing active nitrogen. This behavior is likely due to the formation of highly localized states, as indicated by the absence of a complete s-shape behavior of the PL peak position with temperature (up to room temperature) in samples with high internal quantum efficiency. On the other hand, no dependence of the internal quantum efficiency on the growth conditions is found for InGaN/GaN nanostructures grown on GaN/sapphire, where the maximum achieved efficiency is 3.7%. As alternative to axial InGaN/GaN nanostructures, section 4 reports on the growth and characterization of InGaN/GaN core-shell structures on an ordered array of top-down patterned GaN microrods etched from a GaN/sapphire template. Growth of InGaN/GaN is conformal, with axial and radial growth components leading to core-shell structures with clear hexagonal facets. The radial InGaN growth (shell) is confirmed by spatially resolved cathodoluminescence performed in a scanning electron microscopy as well as in scanning transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore the growth of InGaN core-shell micro pillars using an ordered array of GaN cores grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy as a template is demonstrated. Upon InGaN overgrowth core-shell structures with emission at around 3.0 eV are formed. With spatially resolved cathodoluminescence, an increasing In content towards the pillar top is found to be present in the InGaN shell, as indicated by a shift of CL peak position from 3.2 eV at the shell bottom to 3.0 eV at the shell top. This shift is related to variations of the local III/V ratio at the side facets. Further, the successful fabrication of a core-shell pin diode structure is demonstrated. Spatially resolved electroluminescence measurements performed on individual micro LEDs, confirm emission from the InGaN shell (lateral diode) at around 3.0 eV, as well as from the pillar top facet (axial diode) at around 2.3 eV. Finally, this work reports on the selective area growth of GaN, with and without InGaN insertion, on semi-polar (11-22) and non-polar (11-20) templates. Upon SAG the high defect density present in the GaN templates is strongly reduced as indicated by TEM and a dramatic improvement of the optical properties. In case of SAG on non-polar (11-22) templates the formation of nanostructures with a low aspect ratio took place allowing for the fabrication of high-quality, non-polar GaN pseudo-templates by coalescence of the nanostructures.


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Structural information on complex biological RNA molecules can be exploited to design tectoRNAs or artificial modular RNA units that can self-assemble through tertiary interactions thereby forming nanoscale RNA objects. The selective interactions of hairpin tetraloops with their receptors can be used to mediate tectoRNA assembly. Here we report on the modulation of the specificity and the strength of tectoRNA assembly (in the nanomolar to micromolar range) by variation of the length of the RNA subunits, the nature of their interacting motifs and the degree of flexibility of linker regions incorporated into the molecules. The association is also dependent on the concentration of magnesium. Monitoring of tectoRNA assembly by lead(II) cleavage protection indicates that some degree of structural flexibility is required for optimal binding. With tectoRNAs one can compare the binding affinities of different tertiary motifs and quantify the strength of individual interactions. Furthermore, in analogy to the synthons used in organic chemistry to synthesize more complex organic compounds, tectoRNAs form the basic assembly units for constructing complex RNA structures on the nanometer scale. Thus, tectoRNA provides a means for constructing molecular scaffoldings that organize functional modules in three-dimensional space for a wide range of applications.


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Novel nano-biocomposite films based on poly (lactic acid) (PLA) were prepared by incorporating thymol, as the active additive, and modified montmorillonite (D43B) at two different concentrations. A complete thermal, structural, mechanical and functional characterization of all nano-biocomposites was carried out. Thermal stability was not significantly affected by the addition of thymol, but the incorporation of D43B improved mechanical properties and reduced the oxygen transmission rate by the formation of intercalated structures, as suggested by wide angle X-ray scattering patterns and transmission electron microscopy images. The addition of thymol decreased the PLA glass transition temperature, as the result of the polymer plasticization, and led to modification of the elastic modulus and elongation at break. Finally, the amount of thymol remaining in these formulations was determined by liquid chromatography (HPLC-UV) and the antioxidant activity by the DPPH spectroscopic method, suggesting that the formulated nano-biocomposites could be considered a promising antioxidant active packaging material.


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Protein molecular motors, which are natural nano-machines that convert the chemical energy into mechanical work for cellular motion, muscle contraction and cell division, have been integrated in the last decade in primitive nanodevices based on the motility of nano-biological objects in micro- and nano-fabricated structures. However, the motility of microorganisms powered by molecular motors has not been similarly exploited. Moreover, among the proposed devices based on molecular motors, i.e., nanosensors, nano-mechanical devices and nano-imaging devices, biocomputation devices are conspicuously missing. The present contribution discusses, based on the present state of the art nano- and micro-fabrication, the comparative advantages and disadvantages of using nano- and micro-biological objects in future computation devices. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This thesis has focused on three key areas of interest for femtosecond micromachining and inscription. The first area is micromachining where the work has focused on the ability to process highly repeatable, high precision machining with often extremely complex geometrical structures with little or no damage. High aspect ratio features have been demonstrated in transparent materials, metals and ceramics. Etch depth control was demonstrated especially in the work on phase mask fabrication. Practical chemical sensing and microfluidic devices were also fabricated to demonstrate the capability of the techniques developed during this work. The second area is femtosecond inscription. Here, the work has utilised the non-linear absorption mechanisms associated with femtosecond pulse-material interactions to create highly localised refractive index changes in transparent materials to create complex 3D structures. The techniques employed were then utilised in the fabrication of Phase masks and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) phantom calibration artefacts both of which show the potential to fill voids in the development of the fields. This especially the case for the OCT phantoms where there exists no previous artefacts of known shape, allowing for the initial specification of parameters associated with the quality of OCT machines that are being taken up across the world in industry and research. Finally the third area of focus was the combination of all of the techniques developed through work in planar samples to create a range of artefacts in optical fibres. The development of techniques and methods for compensating for the geometrical complexities associated with working with the cylindrical samples with varying refractive indices allowed for fundamental inscription parameters to be examined, structures for use as power monitors and polarisers with the optical fibres and finally the combination of femtosecond inscription and ablation techniques to create a magnetic field sensor with an optical fibre coated in Terfenol-D with directional capability. Through the development of understanding, practical techniques and equipment the work presented here demonstrates several novel pieces of research in the field of femtosecond micromachining and inscription that has provided a broad range of related fields with practical devices that were previously unavailable or that would take great cost and time to facilitate.


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A new generation of surface plasmonic optical fibre sensors is fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre. Post-deposition UV laser irradiation using a phase mask produces a nano-scaled surface relief grating structure, resembling nano-wires. The overall length of the individual corrugations is approximately 14 μm with an average full width half maximum of 100 nm. Evidence is presented to show that these surface structures result from material compaction created by the silicon dioxide and germanium layers in the multi-layered coating and the surface topology is capable of supporting localised surface plasmons. The coating compaction induces a strain gradient into the D-shaped optical fibre that generates an asymmetric periodic refractive index profile which enhances the coupling of the light from the core of the fibre to plasmons on the surface of the coating. Experimental data are presented that show changes in spectral characteristics after UV processing and that the performance of the sensors increases from that of their pre-UV irradiation state. The enhanced performance is illustrated with regards to change in external refractive index and demonstrates high spectral sensitivities in gaseous and aqueous index regimes ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. The devices generate surface plasmons over a very large wavelength range, (visible to 2 μm) depending on the polarization state of the illuminating light. © 2013 SPIE.


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We investigate the modification of the optical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) resulting from a chemical reaction triggered by the presence of a specific compound (gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2)) and show this mechanism has important consequences for chemical sensing. CNTs have attracted significant research interest because they can be functionalized for a particular chemical, yielding a specific physical response which suggests many potential applications in the fields of nanotechnology and sensing. So far, however, utilizing their optical properties for this purpose has proven to be challenging. We demonstrate the use of localized surface plasmons generated on a nanostructured thin film, resembling a large array of nano-wires, to detect changes in the optical properties of the CNTs. Chemical selectivity is demonstrated using CO2 in gaseous form at room temperature. The demonstrated methodology results additionally in a new, electrically passive, optical sensing configuration that opens up the possibilities of using CNTs as sensors in hazardous/explosive environments.


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We present a comparative structural–vibrational study of nanostructured systems of V2O5: nano-urchin (VONURs) which are spherical structures composed of a radially oriented array of VOx nanotubes (VOx-NTs) with a volumetric density of ∼40 sr–1, and vanadium oxide nanorods (VOx-NRDs) with an average length of ∼100 nm. The Raman scattering spectrum of the nano-urchin exhibits a band at 1014 cm–1 related to the distorted gamma conformation of the vanadium pentoxide (γ-V5+). The infrared vibrational spectra of the nanorods sample also exhibit a distorted laminar V2O5 structure with evidence observed for quadravalent V4+ species at 921 cm–1.


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Fabricating stable functional devices at the atomic scale is an ultimate goal of nanotechnology. In biological processes, such high-precision operations are accomplished by enzymes. A counterpart molecular catalyst that binds to a solid-state substrate would be highly desirable. Here, we report the direct observation of single Si adatoms catalyzing the dissociation of carbon atoms from graphene in an aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). The single Si atom provides a catalytic wedge for energetic electrons to chisel off the graphene lattice, atom by atom, while the Si atom itself is not consumed. The products of the chiseling process are atomic-scale features including graphene pores and clean edges. Our experimental observations and first-principles calculations demonstrated the dynamics, stability, and selectivity of such a single-atom chisel, which opens up the possibility of fabricating certain stable molecular devices by precise modification of materials at the atomic scale.


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In this work three different metallic metamaterials (MMs) structures such as asymmetric split ring resonators (A-SRRs), dipole and split H-shaped (ASHs) structures that support plasmonic resonances have been developed. The aim of the work involves the optimization of photonic sensor based on plasmonic resonances and surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) from the MM structures. The MMs structures were designed to tune their plasmonic resonance peaks in the mid-infrared region. The plasmonic resonance peaks produced are highly dependent on the structural dimension and polarisation of the electromagnetic (EM) source. The ASH structure particularly has the ability to produce the plasmonic resonance peak with dual polarisation of the EM source. The double resonance peaks produced due to the asymmetric nature of the structures were optimized by varying the fundamental parameters of the design. These peaks occur due to hybridization of the individual elements of the MMs structure. The presence of a dip known as a trapped mode in between the double plasmonic peaks helps to narrow the resonances. A periodicity greater than twice the length and diameter of the metallic structure was applied to produce narrow resonances for the designed MMs. A nanoscale gap in each structure that broadens the trapped mode to narrow the plasmonic resonances was also used. A thickness of 100 nm gold was used to experimentally produce a high quality factor of 18 in the mid-infrared region. The optimised plasmonic resonance peaks was used for detection of an analyte, 17β-estradiol. 17β-estradiol is mostly responsible for the development of human sex organs and can be found naturally in the environment through human excreta. SEIRA was the method applied to the analysis of the analyte. The work is important in the monitoring of human biology and in water treatment. Applying this method to the developed nano-engineered structures, enhancement factors of 10^5 and a sensitivity of 2791 nm/RIU was obtained. With this high sensitivity a figure of merit (FOM) of 9 was also achieved from the sensors. The experiments were verified using numerical simulations where the vibrational resonances of the C-H stretch from 17β-estradiol were modelled. Lastly, A-SRRs and ASH on waveguides were also designed and evaluated. These patterns are to be use as basis for future work.


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Liquid-solid interactions become important as dimensions approach mciro/nano-scale. This dissertation focuses on liquid-solid interactions in two distinct applications: capillary driven self-assembly of thin foils into 3D structures, and droplet wetting of hydrophobic micropatterned surfaces. The phenomenon of self-assembly of complex structures is common in biological systems. Examples include self-assembly of proteins into macromolecular structures and self-assembly of lipid bilayer membranes. The principles governing this phenomenon have been applied to induce self-assembly of millimeter scale Si thin films into spherical and other 3D structures, which are then integrated into light-trapping photovoltaic (PV) devices. Motivated by this application, we present a generalized analytical study of the self-folding of thin plates into deterministic 3D shapes, through fluid-solid interactions, to be used as PV devices. This study consists of developing a model using beam theory, which incorporates the two competing components — a capillary force that promotes folding and the bending rigidity of the foil that resists folding into a 3D structure. Through an equivalence argument of thin foils of different geometry, an effective folding parameter, which uniquely characterizes the driving force for folding, has been identified. A criterion for spontaneous folding of an arbitrarily shaped 2D foil, based on the effective folding parameter, is thus established. Measurements from experiments using different materials and predictions from the model match well, validating the assumptions used in the analysis. As an alternative to the mechanics model approach, the minimization of the total free energy is employed to investigate the interactions between a fluid droplet and a flexible thin film. A 2D energy functional is proposed, comprising the surface energy of the fluid, bending energy of the thin film and gravitational energy of the fluid. Through simulations with Surface Evolver, the shapes of the droplet and the thin film at equilibrium are obtained. A critical thin film length necessary for complete enclosure of the fluid droplet, and hence successful self-assembly into a PV device, is determined and compared with the experimental results and mechanics model predictions. The results from the modeling and energy approaches and the experiments are all consistent. Superhydrophobic surfaces, which have unique properties including self-cleaning and water repelling are desired in many applications. One excellent example in nature is the lotus leaf. To fabricate these surfaces, well designed micro/nano- surface structures are often employed. In this research, we fabricate superhydrophobic micropatterned Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surfaces composed of micropillars of various sizes and arrangements by means of soft lithography. Both anisotropic surfaces, consisting of parallel grooves and cylindrical pillars in rectangular lattices, and isotropic surfaces, consisting of cylindrical pillars in square and hexagonal lattices, are considered. A novel technique is proposed to image the contact line (CL) of the droplet on the hydrophobic surface. This technique provides a new approach to distinguish between partial and complete wetting. The contact area between droplet and microtextured surface is then measured for a droplet in the Cassie state, which is a state of partial wetting. The results show that although the droplet is in the Cassie state, the contact area does not necessarily follow Cassie model predictions. Moreover, the CL is not circular, and is affected by the micropatterns, in both isotropic and anisotropic cases. Thus, it is suggested that along with the contact angle — the typical parameter reported in literature quantifying wetting, the size and shape of the contact area should also be presented. This technique is employed to investigate the evolution of the CL on a hydrophobic micropatterned surface in the cases of: a single droplet impacting the micropatterned surface, two droplets coalescing on micropillars, and a receding droplet resting on the micropatterned surface. Another parameter which quantifies hydrophobicity is the contact angle hysteresis (CAH), which indicates the resistance of the surface to the sliding of a droplet with a given volume. The conventional methods of using advancing and receding angles or tilting stage to measure the resistance of the micropatterned surface are indirect, without mentioning the inaccuracy due to the discrete and stepwise motion of the CL on micropillars. A micronewton force sensor is utilized to directly measure the resisting force by dragging a droplet on a microtextured surface. Together with the proposed imaging technique, the evolution of the CL during sliding is also explored. It is found that, at the onset of sliding, the CL behaves as a linear elastic solid with a constant stiffness. Afterwards, the force first increases and then decreases and reaches a steady state, accompanied with periodic oscillations due to regular pinning and depinning of the CL. Both the maximum and steady state forces are primarily dependent on area fractions of the micropatterned surfaces in our experiment. The resisting force is found to be proportional to the number of pillars which pin the CL at the trailing edge, validating the assumption that the resistance mainly arises from the CL pinning at the trailing edge. In each pinning-and-depinning cycle during the steady state, the CL also shows linear elastic behavior but with a lower stiffness. The force variation and energy dissipation involved can also be determined. This novel method of measuring the resistance of the micropatterned surface elucidates the dependence on CL pinning and provides more insight into the mechanisms of CAH.


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Nanostructures are highly attractive for future electrical energy storage devices because they enable large surface area and short ion transport time through thin electrode layers for high power devices. Significant enhancement in power density of batteries has been achieved by nano-engineered structures, particularly anode and cathode nanostructures spatially separated far apart by a porous membrane and/or a defined electrolyte region. A self-aligned nanostructured battery fully confined within a single nanopore presents a powerful platform to determine the rate performance and cyclability limits of nanostructured storage devices. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) has enabled us to create and evaluate such structures, comprised of nanotubular electrodes and electrolyte confined within anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) nanopores. The V2O5- V2O5 symmetric nanopore battery displays exceptional power-energy performance and cyclability when tested as a massively parallel device (~2billion/cm2), each with ~1m3 volume (~1fL). Cycled between 0.2V and 1.8V, this full cell has capacity retention of 95% at 5C rate and 46% at 150C, with more than 1000 charge/discharge cycles. These results demonstrate the promise of ultrasmall, self-aligned/regular, densely packed nanobattery structures as a testbed to study ionics and electrodics at the nanoscale with various geometrical modifications and as a building block for high performance energy storage systems[1, 2]. Further increase of full cell output potential is also demonstrated in asymmetric full cell configurations with various low voltage anode materials. The asymmetric full cell nanopore batteries, comprised of V2O5 as cathode and prelithiated SnO2 or anatase phase TiO2 as anode, with integrated nanotubular metal current collectors underneath each nanotubular storage electrode, also enabled by ALD. By controlling the amount of lithium ion prelithiated into SnO2 anode, we can tune full cell output voltage in the range of 0.3V and 3V. This asymmetric nanopore battery array displays exceptional rate performance and cyclability. When cycled between 1V and 3V, it has capacity retention of approximately 73% at 200C rate compared to 1C, with only 2% capacity loss after more than 500 charge/discharge cycles. With increased full cell output potential, the asymmetric V2O5-SnO2 nanopore battery shows significantly improved energy and power density. This configuration presents a more realistic test - through its asymmetric (vs symmetric) configuration – of performance and cyclability in nanoconfined environment. This dissertation covers (1) Ultra small electrochemical storage platform design and fabrication, (2) Electron and ion transport in nanostructured electrodes inside a half cell configuration, (3) Ion transport between anode and cathode in confined nanochannels in symmetric full cells, (4) Scale up energy and power density with geometry optimization and low voltage anode materials in asymmetric full cell configurations. As a supplement, selective growth of ALD to improve graphene conductance will also be discussed[3]. References: 1. Liu, C., et al., (Invited) A Rational Design for Batteries at Nanoscale by Atomic Layer Deposition. ECS Transactions, 2015. 69(7): p. 23-30. 2. Liu, C.Y., et al., An all-in-one nanopore battery array. Nature Nanotechnology, 2014. 9(12): p. 1031-1039. 3. Liu, C., et al., Improving Graphene Conductivity through Selective Atomic Layer Deposition. ECS Transactions, 2015. 69(7): p. 133-138.


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The reactions of meso-1,2-bis(phenylsulfinyl)ethane (meso-bpse) with Ph2SnCl2, 2-phenyl-1,3-dithiane trans-1-trans-3-dioxide (pdtd) with n-Bu2SnCl2 and 1,2-cis-bis-(phenylsulfinyl)ethene (rac-,cis-cbpse) with Ph2SnCl2, in 1:1 molar ratio, yielded [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n], [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] and [{Ph2SnCl2(rac,cis-cbpse)}x] (x = 2 or n), respectively. All adducts were studied by IR, Mössbauer and 119Sn NMR spectroscopic methods, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The X-ray crystal structure of [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n] revealed the occurrence of infinite chains in which the tin(IV) atoms appear in a distorted octahedral geometry with Cl atoms in cis and Ph groups in trans positions. The X-ray crystal structure of [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] revealed discrete centrosymmetric dimeric species in which the tin(IV) atoms possess a distorted octahedral geometry with bridging disulfoxides in cis and n-butyl moieties in trans positions. The spectroscopic data indicated that the adduct containing the rac,cis-cbpse ligand can be dimeric or polymeric. The X-ray structural analysis of the free rac-,cis-cbpse sulfoxide revealed that the crystals belong to the C2/c space group.


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Due to the development of nanoscience, the interest in electrochromism has increased and new assemblies of electrochromic materials at nanoscale leading to higher efficiencies and chromatic contrasts, low switching times and the possibility of color tuning have been developed. These advantages are reached due to the extensive surface area found in nanomaterials and the large amount of organic electrochromic molecules that can be easily attached onto inorganic nanoparticles, as TiO2 or SiO2. Moreover, the direct contact between electrolyte and nanomaterials produces high ionic transfer rates, leading to fast charge compensation, which is essential for high performance electrochromic electrodes. Recently, the layer-by-layer technique was presented as an interesting way to produce different architectures by the combination of both electrochromic nanoparticles and polymers. The present paper shows some of the newest insights into nanochromic science.