945 resultados para 989.2:37
The toxicity of xenobiotic in aquatic ecosystems is influenced by many factors such as ambient temperature, water hardness, pond soil type, etc. In the present study, it was observed that air temperature, water hardness and soil sediment have profound influence on the toxicity of deltamethrin to common carp fry (ay. length 3.5 ± 0.5 cm, ay. weight 0.58 ± 0.25 g); 96h LC(sub)50 values for common carp at 38.07 ± 2.20°C maximum and 27.86 ± 1.22°C minimum air temperature in soft and very hard water were 0.102 and 0.495 µg lˉ¹, respectively. This value had increased significantly to 2.37 and 3.02 µg at 30.55 ± 1.21°C maximum and 26.04 ± 0.61°C minimum air temperature, respectively. When sediment was included, 96h LC(sub)50 at 38.07°C maximum temperature in very hard water was 1.808 µg 1ˉ¹ and this had increased to 8.073 µg 1ˉ¹ when tested at 30.55°C maximum temperature. Due to the 7.5°C increase in maximum and 1.7°C in minimum temperature, toxicity increased significantly. Lower toxicity in very hard water in comparison to soft water may be due to the lower solubility of deltarnethrin and high level of calcium. Adsorption reaction of deltamethrin with clay, humus, FeOOH, MnOOH and particulate organic carbon, and complexation reaction with dissolved organic carbon were responsible for the lowered toxicity in the experiment with sediment. Exposure time had no significant effect on acute toxicity of deltamethrin.
About 3600 specimens were collected by bottom trawl at 15 sampling stations. 24 biometric characters were measured for each specimens at the laboratory.. Microscopic cross – sections of statolith were used for age determination. Sex determination and fecundity were determined. Population dynamics parameters as well as stock as stock assessment including cohort analysis were estimated using FISAT software. The findings showed that Dorsal Mantle Length (DML) and Body weight (BW) of the Indian squid were 133.9 ± 0.78 mm and 99.61 ± 0.95 g respectively. Strong correlation was found between these 2 variables (R2 = 0.90). The maximum age was 5 years. Relationship between DML and age was highly significantly of p ≤ 0.05. Overall sex ratio (M: F = 0.52) was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (p ≤ 0.05). The ovary weight and nidamental glands weight were 7.72 ± 0.0006 g and 3.07 ± 0.0003g respectively. Absolute and relative fecundity of the Indian squid were found to be 122733 ± 30.87 and 2348 ± 0.4 respectively. GSI were 14.35 in April and 8.63 in July. This squid is therefore a spring spawner. The infinite dorsal mantle length were 258.62 mm for females, 194.72 mm for males and 252.02 for both sexes respectively. For population growth and mortality parameters; K (0.65 per year for both sexes, 0.85 per year for males, 0.65 per year for females); t0 (0.24year for both sexes, 0.22 year in females, 0.26 year in male); φ` (2.30 in both sexes, 2.47 for males, 2.37 for females); Z (1.17 per year for both sexes, 1.10 per year in females, 1.39 per year, in males); M (0.70 per year for both sexes, 0.90 for males, 0.67 for females); F(0.27 per year for both sexes, 0.27 per year in males, 0.195 per year in females). Exploitation coefficient were 0.51 per year for both sexes, 0.57 per year males and 0.51 per year females respectively. The results indicates that since the Indian squid is a short live aquatic organism, therefore, the exploitation coefficient could be raised to 0.7 per year. The analysis showed that total biomass and MSY were 10103.5 ton and 2576.4 ton respectively. These findings are the first study of its sort about the Indian squid in the coastal waters of Oman Sea as well as North-West of Indian Ocean.
The genetic structure of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) populations was studied using microsatellite technique. A total of 207 specimens of adult pikeperch were collected from Aras dam (57 specimens), Anzali wetland (50 specimens), Talesh (50 specimens) and Chaboksar (50 specimens) coasts. Also a total of 158 specimens of adult perch were collected from Anzali (Abkenar (50 specimens)and Hendekhale(48 specimens)) and Amirkolaye(60 specimens) wetlands. About 2 g of each specimen's dorsal fin was removed, stored in 96% ethyl alcohol and transferred to the genetic laboratory of the International Sturgeon Research Institute. Genomic DNA was extracted using ammonium-acetate method. The quality and quantity of DNA was assessed using 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was conducted on the target DNA using 15 pairs of microsatellite primers. PCR products were electrophoresed on poly acryl amide gels (6%) that were stained that were stained using silver nitrate. DNA bands were analyzed with BioCapt software. Allele count and frequency, genetic diversity, expected and observed heterozygosity , allele number and the effective allele number, genetic similarity and genetic distance, Fst, Rst, Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium based on X2 and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) at 10% confidence level was calculated using the Gene Alex software. Dendogram for genetic distances and identities were calculated using TFPGA program for any level of hierarchy. The results for P. fluviatilis showed that from 15 pair of primers that were examined 6 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic loci were produced, while 2 loci didn't produce any DNA bands. Mean allele number was 4.1±1.1 and mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.56±0.12 and 0.58±0.14 respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in some of loci (P<0.001). Highest Fst (0.095) with Nm=2.37 was observed between Hendekhale and Amirkolaye and the lowest Fst (0.004) with Nm=59.31 was observed between Abkenar and Hendekhale. According to AMOVA Significant difference (P<0.05) was observed between recorded Rst in the studied regions in Anzali and Amirkolaye lagoons. In another words there are two distinct populations of this species in Anzali and Amirkolaye lagoons. The highest genetic distance (0.181) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.834) were observed between specimens from Hendekhale and Amirkolaye and the lowest genetic distance (0.099) and highest genetic 176 resemblance (0.981) were observed between specimens from Abkenar and Hendekhale. Based on the genetic dendogram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, specimens from Anzali and Amirkolaye wetlands have the same ancestor. On the other hand there is no noticeable genetic distance between the specimens of these two regions. Also the results for S. lucioperca showed that from 15 pair of primers that were examined 6 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic loci were produced, while 2 loci didn't produce any DNA bands. Mean allele number was 3.0±0.6 and mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.52±0.21 and 0.50±0.14 respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in some of loci (P<0.001). Highest Fst (0.093) with Nm=2.43 was observed between Aras dam and Anzali wetland and the lowest Fst (0.022) with Nm=11.27 was observed between Talesh and Chaboksar coasts. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed between recorded Rst in the studied regions exept for Talesh and Chaboksar Coasts. In another words there are three distinct populations of this species in Caspian sea, Anzali wetland and Aras dam. Highest genetic distance (0.110) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.896) were observed between specimens from Aras dam and Anzali wetland and the lowest genetic distance (0.034) and highest genetic resemblance (0.966) were observed between specimens from Talesh and Chaboksar coasts. Based on the genetic dendogram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, specimens from Talesh and Chaboksar coasts have the lowest genetic distance. On the other hand the main population of this species belongs to Anzali wetland. Phylogenetic relationship of these two species was inferred using mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequencing. For this purpose 2 specimens of P. fluviatilis from Anzali wetland, 2 specimens of S. lucioperca from Aras dam and 2 specimens of S. lucioperca from Anzali wetland were sequenced and submitted in Gene Bank. These sequences were aligned with Clustal W. The phylogenic relationships were assessed with Mega 4. The results of evolutionary history studies of these species using Neighbor-Joining and Maximum Parsimony methods showed that the evolutionary origin of pikeperch in Aras Dam and Anzali wetland is common. On the other hand these two species had common ancestor in about 4 million years ago. Also different sequences of any region specimens are supposed as different haplotypes. 177 As a conclusion the results of this study showed that microsatellite and mtDNA sequencing methods respectively are effective in genetic structure and phylogenic studies of P. fluviatilis and S. lucioperca.
采用声学探测的方法,进行中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)繁殖群体数量的估算。2005~2007年,第1次产卵前的资源量分别为235尾、217尾和203尾;第1次产卵后的资源量分别为157尾、157尾和102尾。采用食卵鱼解剖统计和股分析的方法对中华鲟的自然繁殖规模进行估算,其结果为,2005~2007年间中华鲟的产卵量分别为356万粒、119.6万粒和238.6万粒。结合历史相关研究数据,对近10年的中华鲟繁殖群体数量和繁殖规模的变动趋势进行分析,结果显示,在20世纪90年代中期,第1次产卵
借助人工装置和露天水池,通过分析实验水体中氮、磷元素浓度的变化,研究了实验室条件下一种绿球藻(Chlorococcumsp.)和露天小型生态系统中寡枝刚毛藻(Cladophora oligoclonaKütz).对污水中氮磷营养的去除效果.结果显示:绿球藻在高浓度氮和磷的污水中生长良好并维持较高的氮磷去除率,在6天处理期间,人工污水中总溶解性氮、硝酸盐氮、氨氮、总溶解性磷的去除率分别达到46.2%,37.8%,98.4%和79.3%;在对天然湖泊水的处理中,绿球藻对总溶解性磷的去除率在第5天为79.2%.
在回顾中国淡水与土壤有壳肉足虫研究历史的基础上 ,根据最新分类系统修订了已报道淡水与土壤有壳肉足虫的分类 ,共计 3纲 3目 2 0科 38属 2 4 4种 (包括 5 2亚种 )。其中淡水种类 37属 2 33种及亚种 ,土壤种类 18属 6 4种及亚种 ,淡水与土壤共有 17属 5 3种及亚种。首次对中国淡水有壳肉足虫进行区系分析 ,用Jaccard共同系数分析西藏、贵州梵净山、湖南索溪峪、湖北东湖、江苏南京等 5个地区的淡水有壳肉足虫区系相似性 ,区系相似性系数在 0— 0 2 5或 0 2 5—
艾滋病的流行严重威胁着人类健康和全球经济的发展,在某些国家已经造成 严重的经济问题和社会问题。由于尚无安全有效的艾滋病疫苗问世,药物治疗仍 是目前防治艾滋病的主要途径。二十多种抗HIV 药物的临床使用以及HAART 疗 法的应用,艾滋病患者的死亡率呈一定的下降趋势。然而,目前使用的抗HIV 药物能够抑制患者体内病毒的复制,但不能完全清除病毒。耐药病毒株的出现和 流行更降低了药物治疗的成功率。为此需要不断研究开发作用于新靶点或具有不 同作用机制的药物。 药物筛选是药物开发中的重要环节,其关键在于建立适合的药物筛选方法。 传统药物筛选费时费力,近年来逐渐被高通量药物筛选方法所代替。本研究中, 我们在大肠杆菌中表达并纯化了HIV-1 蛋白酶,获得了纯度和活性较高的蛋白 酶。利用荧光标记的蛋白酶底物在体外检测化合物对蛋白酶活性的影响,建立了 适于高通量筛选蛋白酶抑制剂的体外筛选方法。通过对大量样本的筛选,发现一 些具有蛋白酶抑制活性的化合物和粗提物。本研究还表达纯化了HIV-1 核衣壳蛋 白NCp7。利用锌离子特异性的荧光染料,建立了相应的高通量筛选方法。该方 法能够筛选出通过逐出NCp7 结合的锌离子而抑制该蛋白功能的化合物。这两种 体外筛选方法的建立大大提高了药物筛选的效率,降低了工作强度,为进一步的 研究打下了基础。 在药物开发过程中,常常通过对已知有效的化合物进行结构修饰以提高药物 活性并降低细胞毒性,改善药物疗效。在先前的药物筛选中,我们发现从高等真 菌中提取的β-咔啉类化合物flazin, 具有一定的抗HIV 活性。通过对flazin 的结 构修饰, 我们发现了治疗指数更高的化合物。本研究对其中两个, dehydroxymethylflazinamide 和flazinamide,进行了更深入的抗HIV 活性研究。 dehydroxymethylflazinamide 和flazinamide 抑制HIV-1IIIB 感染诱导的合胞体形 成的EC50 分别为0.31 μM 和 0.38 μM。 与flazin(EC50 为2.37 μM)相比较, 抗HIV 活性提高了约6-7 倍。这两个化合物对C8166 细胞的半致死浓度(CC50) 分别为27.34μM和118.64μM。Dehydroxymethylflazinamide 的细胞毒性与flazin (CC50 为28.71μM)相似,而flazinamide 的细胞毒性降低了约4 倍左右。与flazin 相比,通过结构修饰,Dehydroxymethylflazinamide 治疗指数从12.1 提高到 88.19,而flazinamide 治疗指数从12.1 提高到312.2。研究还发现,这两个化 合物对临床分离株HIV-1KM018 以及实验株HIV-2ROD、HIV-2CBL-20 也有良好的抑 制效果。 我们对dehydroxymethylflazinamide 和flazinamide 的作用机制也进行了初 步探讨。二者均能有效抑制HIV-1IIIB, HIV-2ROD and HIV-2CBL-20 病毒的细胞间传 播,而不能抑制HIV-1IIB 慢性感染的H9 细胞中病毒复制,说明该化合物可能主 要作用于病毒生活周期的早期阶段; 进一步的研究表明, dehydroxymethylflazinamide 对HIV-1IIIB 进入阶段有很强的抑制活性,说明进入 阶段是该化合物的主要作用靶点;而flazinamide 对直接杀病毒、病毒吸附及进 入均没有显著的抑制效果,该化合物的作用机制还需进一步研究。对酶靶点作用 研究表明,两个化合物对HIV-1 逆转录酶仅有微弱抑制活性说明该酶可能不是作 用靶点;dehydroxymethylflazinamide 对HIV-1 蛋白酶有抑制活性但半效浓度 (EC50)较高,说明该酶可能是化合物的次要靶点。而flazinamide 在体外与重组 的整合酶有较强的结合活性,暗示该化合物可能对整合酶有一定的抑制作用。以 上结果还说明,虽然两个化合物具有类似的结构,但它们可能是通过完全不同的 机制来抑制HIV 的复制.
We reported an efficient diode pumped Nd ! YVO, 1 064 nm laser passively mode-locked and Q-switched by a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror(SESAM). At the incident pump power of 7. 5 W, 2. 81 W average output power was obtained during stable CW mode locking with a repetition rate of 111 MHz. The optical conversion efficiency was 37. 5% , and the slope efficiency was 39%. So far as we know, this is the highest optical-optical conversion efficiency with a SESAM at home.
黄河三角洲丹顶鹤生境变化与评价 摘 要 从水禽角度出发,把影响其生境选择的因素划分为水、食物、隐蔽物和干扰四类。用遥感和地理信息系统软件对黄河三角洲地区3期TM数据进行处理,根据生境要素特征,对生境进行分类,获取该地区1986年、1996年和2001年3个时期各生境要素图。把生境要素图进行叠加,最终得到3个时期的黄河三角洲的水禽生境类型图。 通过对各生境要素图的面积、斑块数变化及转移矩阵的分析,可以看出各生境要素的结构发生了明显的变化,对水禽生境而言,总的结果是干扰加重、积水地区面积增多、植物性食物和适宜隐蔽物范围减小,通过对这种变化进行分析得出:人类有意识的活动(干扰)是引起各生境要素发生变化的主要驱动力。生境要素的变化造成黄河三角洲地区水禽生境质量的下降。 再以黄河三角洲生境分布图为基础,运用遥感和地理信息系统软件得出三个时期丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)生境分布图。选取一系列的景观指数,通过APACK软件进行计算,结合土地利用动态度的概念对黄河三角洲地区从1986—2001年丹顶鹤生境的动态变化进行量化分析。结果表明:适宜丹顶鹤栖息的总生境面积不断减小,该地区的生境破碎化程度也不断升高;相应的适应丹顶鹤栖息的各生境类型的面积除了轻干扰深积水鱼类苇田(人类活动造成)的面积增加外,其余大多呈减少趋势,总的来说丹顶鹤栖息生境质量呈下降趋势。人类活动是黄河三角洲丹顶鹤生境的变化的主要驱动力。 在利用景观连接度模型进行丹顶鹤生境评价的研究中发现:在黄河三角洲内尚有1062.63 km2适宜丹顶鹤生存的生境,占总面积6021.05 km2的17.65%。其中最适生境面积为205.84km2,占总面积的3.42%;适宜生境面积为142.47 km2,占总面积的2.37%;中等适宜面积为420.27 km2,占总面积的6.98%;勉强适宜面积为294.05 km2,占总面积的4.88%;不太适宜面积为2532.07 km2,占总面积的42.05%;不适宜面积为2426.36 km2,占总面积的40.30%。虽然适宜生境面积还很大,但在空间分布上十分零散,除了几个较大的斑块外,尚有许多较小斑块处于孤立状态,这些斑块将无法为丹顶鹤所利用。 黄河三角洲是我国最大的新生湿地生态系统,优越的生境条件使得该区物种丰富,成为许多水禽迁徙的重要中转站、越冬栖息地和繁殖地。本研究对区域生态保护和物种的生境评价研究有重要的理论和实践意义,为确保东亚鸟类迁飞网络的安全提供了科学的依据,这对黄河三角洲湿地生态系统、湿地鸟类及物种多样性的保护都意义重大。