841 resultados para 931
El presente estudio se realizó en el municipio de San Ramón, Matagalpa durante la época de postrera 2003. Las coordenadas de la propiedad son 12º 55' 24" latitúd norte y 85º 50' 33" longitud oeste, con una altitud de 700 a 750 msnm. Se evaluó el comportamiento agronómico y el uso eficiente del nitrógeno de 12 líneas de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) más un testigo local PINOLERO 1. Cada línea en estudio se sometió a dos niveles de fertilización; 1) cero absoluto t 2) la aplicación de fertilizantes completo (12-30-10) al momento de la siembra a razón 1.5 qq ha-1 y luego se aplicó urea (46%) en forma fraccionada a razón de 37.43 Kg de N ha-1. El ensayo se estableció en un diseño en bloques completamente al azar con arreglo en parcela divididas. Las variables a evaluar, fueron: altura de la planta (cm), diámetro del tallo (mm) número de hojas por planta, longitud de la panoja (cm), longitud del ráquis (cm), biomasa seca producida (Kg. ha-1), porcentaje nitrógeno en biomasa (%), porcentaje de nitrógeno en grano (%). rendimiento de grano (Kg ha-1), acumulación de nitrógeno en grano (Kg ha-1), Acumulación de nitrógeno en biomasa (Kg ha-1), Eficiencia fisiológica (%), relación de eficiencia (%), Eficiencia de recuperación (%). Los datos se procesaron usando el paquete estadístico Olivares (versión 2.5) de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México, Facultad de Agronomía FAUNAL, con TUKEY al 0.05% de probabilidad. Con el nivel 37.43 Kg. de N ha-1 los mejores resultados se obtuvieron en las variables: Altura de planta, número de hojas, diámetro, longitud del ráquis, en biomasa seca sobresalió la línea ICSVLM_89551, 89513 con 7,756.37 y 7,7049 Kg ha-1 en la interacción de igual forma sobresalió la línea ICSVLM_89513 con 9,035 Kg ha-1 y la línea ICSVLM_89503 con 8,824.75 Kg ha-1, para el rendimiento de grano la línea que sobresalió fue ICSVLM_89537 con 2,595 Kg. ha-1 de igual forma sobresalió de la interacción con 3,931 Kg ha-1 En cuanto a los % de nitrógeno en biomasa con el nivel b1 sobresalió la línea ICSVLM_89537 con 1.11 % y para el nivel b2 fue la misma línea con 0.57 %, para el porcentaje de N en grano sobresalió el testigo pinolero 1 con 1.5 % para el nivel b1 y para el nivel b2 fue la línea ICSVLM_89544 con 1.44%.en la acumulación de nitrógeno en grano para el nivel 37.43 Kg. de N ha-1 (b1) sobresalieron la línea ICSVLM_89537 con 49.5 Kg ha-1 y para el nivel 0 Kg N ha-1 (b2) ICSVLM_89551 con 18.2 Kg. ha-1, En la acumulación de N en la biomasa para el nivel b1 sobresalió la línea ICSVLM_89551 con 62.1 Kg ha-1 y para el nivel b2 de igual forma sobresalió la misma línea con 36.5 Kg. ha-1 en cuanto a la eficiencia fisiológica sobresalieron las líneas ICSVLM_90538 con 71 % en la eficiencia de recuperación sobresalió la línea ICSVLM_ 89537 con 192.7%.
We measure the effects of phonon confinement on the Raman spectra of silicon nanowires (SiNWs). We show how previous reports of phonon confinement in SiNWs and nanostructures are actually inconsistent with phonon confinement, but are due to the intense local heating caused by the laser power used for Raman measurements. This is peculiar to nanostructures, and would require orders of magnitude higher power in bulk Si. By varying the temperature, power and excitation energy, we identify the contributions of pure confinement, heating and carrier photo-excitation. After eliminating laser-related effects, the Raman spectra show confinement signatures typical of quantum wires. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This technical memorandum documents the design, implementation, data preparation, and descriptive results for the 2006 Annual Economic Survey of Federal Gulf Shrimp Permit Holders. The data collection was designed by the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center Social Science Research Group to track the financial and economic status and performance by vessels holding a federal moratorium permit for harvesting shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico. A two page, self-administered mail survey collected total annual costs broken out into seven categories and auxiliary economic data. In May 2007, 580 vessels were randomly selected, stratified by state, from a preliminary population of 1,709 vessels with federal permits to shrimp in offshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The survey was implemented during the rest of 2007. After many reminder and verification phone calls, 509 surveys were deemed complete, for an ineligibility-adjusted response rate of 90.7%. The linking of each individual vessel’s cost data to its revenue data from a different data collection was imperfect, and hence the final number of observations used in the analyses is 484. Based on various measures and tests of validity throughout the technical memorandum, the quality of the data is high. The results are presented in a standardized table format, linking vessel characteristics and operations to simple balance sheet, cash flow, and income statements. In the text, results are discussed for the total fleet, the Gulf shrimp fleet, the active Gulf shrimp fleet, and the inactive Gulf shrimp fleet. Additional results for shrimp vessels grouped by state, by vessel characteristics, by landings volume, and by ownership structure are available in the appendices. The general conclusion of this report is that the financial and economic situation is bleak for the average vessels in most of the categories that were evaluated. With few exceptions, cash flow for the average vessel is positive while the net revenue from operations and the “profit” are negative. With negative net revenue from operations, the economic return for average shrimp vessels is less than zero. Only with the help of government payments does the average owner just about break even. In the short-term, this will discourage any new investments in the industry. The financial situation in 2006, especially if it endures over multiple years, also is economically unsustainable for the average established business. Vessels in the active and inactive Gulf shrimp fleet are, on average, 69 feet long, weigh 105 gross tons, are powered by 505 hp motor(s), and are 23 years old. Three-quarters of the vessels have steel hulls and 59% use a freezer for refrigeration. The average market value of these vessels was $175,149 in 2006, about a hundred-thousand dollars less than the average original purchase price. The outstanding loans averaged $91,955, leading to an average owner equity of $83,194. Based on the sample, 85% of the federally permitted Gulf shrimp fleet was actively shrimping in 2006. Of these 386 active Gulf shrimp vessels, just under half (46%) were owner-operated. On average, these vessels burned 52,931 gallons of fuel, landed 101,268 pounds of shrimp, and received $2.47 per pound of shrimp. Non-shrimp landings added less than 1% to cash flow, indicating that the federal Gulf shrimp fishery is very specialized. The average total cash outflow was $243,415 of which $108,775 was due to fuel expenses alone. The expenses for hired crew and captains were on average $54,866 which indicates the importance of the industry as a source of wage income. The resulting average net cash flow is $16,225 but has a large standard deviation. For the population of active Gulf shrimp vessels we can state with 95% certainty that the average net cash flow was between $9,500 and $23,000 in 2006. The median net cash flow was $11,843. Based on the income statement for active Gulf shrimp vessels, the average fixed costs accounted for just under a quarter of operating expenses (23.1%), labor costs for just over a quarter (25.3%), and the non-labor variable costs for just over half (51.6%). The fuel costs alone accounted for 42.9% of total operating expenses in 2006. It should be noted that the labor cost category in the income statement includes both the actual cash payments to hired labor and an estimate of the opportunity cost of owner-operators’ time spent as captain. The average labor contribution (as captain) of an owner-operator is estimated at about $19,800. The average net revenue from operations is negative $7,429, and is statistically different and less than zero in spite of a large standard deviation. The economic return to Gulf shrimping is negative 4%. Including non-operating activities, foremost an average government payment of $13,662, leads to an average loss before taxes of $907 for the vessel owners. The confidence interval of this value straddles zero, so we cannot reject, with 95% certainty, that the population average is zero. The average inactive Gulf shrimp vessel is generally of a smaller scale than the average active vessel. Inactive vessels are physically smaller, are valued much lower, and are less dependent on loans. Fixed costs account for nearly three quarters of the total operating expenses of $11,926, and only 6% of these vessels have hull insurance. With an average net cash flow of negative $7,537, the inactive Gulf shrimp fleet has a major liquidity problem. On average, net revenue from operations is negative $11,396, which amounts to a negative 15% economic return, and owners lose $9,381 on their vessels before taxes. To sustain such losses and especially to survive the negative cash flow, many of the owners must be subsidizing their shrimp vessels with the help of other income or wealth sources or are drawing down their equity. Active Gulf shrimp vessels in all states but Texas exhibited negative returns. The Alabama and Mississippi fleets have the highest assets (vessel values), on average, yet they generate zero cash flow and negative $32,224 net revenue from operations. Due to their high (loan) leverage ratio the negative 11% economic return is amplified into a negative 21% return on equity. In contrast, for Texas vessels, which actually have the highest leverage ratio among the states, a 1% economic return is amplified into a 13% return on equity. From a financial perspective, the average Florida and Louisiana vessels conform roughly to the overall average of the active Gulf shrimp fleet. It should be noted that these results are averages and hence hide the variation that clearly exists within all fleets and all categories. Although the financial situation for the average vessel is bleak, some vessels are profitable. (PDF contains 101 pages)
No decorrer das últimas décadas a pesquisa relacionada à contaminação de organismos marinhos por compostos organoclorados (OCs) se intensificou aliada à utilização de algumas espécies como sentinelas da qualidade ambiental quanto aos poluentes orgânicos. Dentre essas espécies, podem-se destacar os cetáceos, animais que entre outras características possuem grande longevidade, alta porcentagem lipídica em seus tecidos e são predadores de topo de cadeia trófica, tendendo assim a acumular altos níveis de OCs em seus tecidos. O presente estudo teve por objetivo determinar as concentrações de OCs de origem industrial e agrícola (PCBs, HCB e DDTs) em tecido hepático de oito diferentes espécies de cetáceos delfinídeos pertencentes a três distintas áreas oceânicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, são elas a região costeira, a plataforma continental e a região oceânica. A determinação foi realizada em cromatógrafo a gás (GC - Agilent 6890) conectado a um espectrômetro de massa (MS - Agilent 5973). Os valores de DDTs (1263617272 ng.g -1 lip.) e PCBs (7648877288 ng.g -1 lip.) aqui encontrados estão entre os mais altos já reportados para o táxon. Em todas as áreas observou-se uma predominância do 931;PCB, seguida do 931;DDT e HCB, em níveis que refletem o caráter fortemente industrial da região analisada. Entre os PCBs, a maior contribuição advém dos hexabifenis, seguida dos hepta e pentabifenis, sendo os congêneres 153, 138 e 180 os principais em todas as áreas. A razão p,pDDE/931;Dp,pDDT foi alta em todas as regiões (0,9), refletindo um input antigo do poluente na área. Foram realizadas correlações entre as concentrações de OCs e os parâmetros biológicos das espécies, como idade, sexo e comprimento total. A transferência placentária de OCs foi analisada em dois pares de fêmea-feto de Sotalia guianensis, mostrando uma maior transferência dos compostos com menor log Kow. Como esperado, foi encontrada uma diferença significativa no perfil de contaminação entre as espécies das diferentes regiões, relacionada à proximidade da fonte, características espécie-específicas e ao arranjo trófico das espécies.
Concentrações de compostos organoclorados (DDTs, PCBs, HCHs, Mirex e HCB) foram determinadas em camadas externas e internas do tecido adiposo subcutâneo de 17 botos-cinza (Sotalia guianensis) da região Sudeste do Brasil. Não houve diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os estratos, relativo aos 37 compostos determinados, assim como 931;DDT, 931;PCB, 931;HCH, e as razões p,p-DDE/931;DDT e 931;DDT/931;PCB. Entretanto, foram observadas diferenças significativas
nas concentrações de alguns compostos organoclorados de animais encalhados ou capturados acidentalmente quando comparados com animais biopsiados remotamente, sendo assim as comparações entre esses dois conjuntos de dados,
devem ser vistas com cuidado. No presente estudo, as concentrações dos compostos organoclorados foram determinadas em biópsias de botos-cinza obtidas de 2007 a 2009, nas baías de Sepetiba (n=13) e Ilha Grande (n=11), Sudeste do Brasil. As concentrações (ng/g de lipídio) variaram de
Er3+-doped TeO2-WO3 glass was fabricated and characterized by absorption spectrum, fluorescence spectrum, Raman spectrum and stability. The Judd-Ofelt parameter ohm(t)(t = 2, 4, 6) were calculated from the absorption spectrum by the Judd-Ofelt theory. The fluorescence spectrum indicates that the fluorescence width at half-maximum (FWHM) is 66nm. The stimulated emission cross-section of Er3+ in TeO2-WO3 glass at 1532 nm was calculated to be 0.80 x 10(-20) cm(2) by McCumber theory. The phonon energy of TeO2-WO3 glass is found to be 931 cm(-1). The difference between crystallization onset temperature and glass transition temperature Delta T is 112 degrees C. These results show that Er3+-doped TeO2-WO3 glass has higher stability and good spectral properties, which were useful for broadband amplifier. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A toxicidade dos metais em ambientes aquáticos está relacionada à sua biodisponibilidade e esta, por sua vez, pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores. As características do sedimento fazem dele um importante compartimento para avaliação do nível de contaminação no ambiente aquático. A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo quantificar e avaliar a biodisponibilidade de metais em sedimentos da baía da Ribeira. Nessa região, encontram-se os bairros mais populosos de Angra dos Reis RJ. Essa baía está localizada na parte nordeste da baía da Ilha Grande, que consiste de um espaço pesqueiro, turístico e de importante valor econômico e industrial. Foram coletados 12 sedimentos na baía da Ribeira e determinados os teores dos metais Al, Cu, Cd , Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn, através da extração com água régia (protocolo BCR-701), e o potencial de toxicidade dos metais Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn pelo método de extração dos sulfetos voláteis em meio ácido e quantificação dos metais extraídos simultaneamente (em inglês Acid Volatile Sulfide and Simultaneously Extracted Metal, AVS/SEM). Também foram efetuadas medidas de pH, potencial redox (Eh), carbono orgânico, fósforo total e granulometria. Através desses dados, foi possível estudar correlações entre essas variáveis. As concentrações de cada metal são similares nas diferentes localizações dos sedimentos e não apresentam significativas diferenças com relação a estudos reportados para a área, com exceção do Pb que apresentou a mais alta concentração já reportada. Os valores de SEM/AVS (entre 0,02 e 0,2) menores que 1, indicam que há quantidade de sulfetos suficiente para o aprisionamento dos metais investigados. As correlações obtidas através da Análise dos Componentes Principais demonstram relação direta entre as concentrações da maioria dos metais extraídos por água-régia (Ni, Fe, Cr, Cu, Zn); entre os metais Mn, Pb, Al e o fósforo total; entre os teores de matéria orgânica, carbono orgânico total, fósforo total com as frações finas de silte e argila com o Eh. Os resultados sugerem que a região não sofre influência significativa de fontes antrópicas em relação a metais e que, segundo o AVS/SEM, esses se encontram pouco disponíveis para o ambiente e, portanto, apresentam baixo potencial tóxico
Identification of procyanidin A2 as polyphenol oxidase substrate in pericarp tissues of litchi fruit
Ring seines are lightly constructed purse seines adapted for operation in the traditional sector. Fish production and energy requirement in the ring seine operations, off Cochin, Kerala, India are discussed in this paper, based on data collected during 1997- 1998. The results reflect the Gross Energy Requirement (GER) situation that existed during 1997-1998. Mean catch per ring seiner per year worked out to be 211.9 t of which sardines (Sardinella spp.) constituted 44.3%, followed by Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) 29.7%, carangids 11.4%, penaeid prawns 2.2%, pomfrets 1.1% and miscellaneous fish 11.3%. Total energy inputs into the ring seine operations were estimated to be 1300.8 GJ. Output by way of fish production was determined to be 931.85 GJ. GER is the sum of all non-renewable energy resources consumed in making available a product or service and is a measure of intensity of non-renewable resource use. GER per tonne of fish landed by ring seiners was estimated to be 6.14. Among the operational inputs, kerosene constituted 73.4% of the GER, followed by petrol (12.7%), diesel (6.7%) and lubricating oil (2.4%). Fishing gear contributed 3.8%, engine 0.8% and fishing craft 0.3% of the GER. Energy ratio for ring seining was 0.72 and energy intensity 1.40.