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This paper describes the results of the measurement of the Marine Boundary Layer (MBL) height from spectral analysis of the u and v components of the wind and from CLASS/radiosonde temperature profiles. The data were collected on ORV Sagar Kanya during the pre-INDOEX (27 December 1996 through 31 January 1997) and FFP-98 (18 February to 31 March 1998) over the latitude range 15 degrees N to 14 degrees S and 15 degrees N to 20 degrees S respectively. During the pre-INDOEX, the MBL heights gradually decrease from 2.5 km at 13 degrees N to around 500 to 600 m at 10 degrees S, Similar results are observed in the return track. The MBL heights (0.5 to 1 km) obtained during FFP-98 are less compared to those obtained during pre-INDOEX. The MBL heights during FFP-98 are less compared to the pre-INDOEX and are believed to be due to the presence of stratus, stratocumulus and cumulus clouds during the cruise period, compared to a relatively cloud free pre-INDOEX cruise.


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Properties of cast aluminium matrix composites are greatly influenced by the nature of distribution of reinforcing phase in the matrix and matrix microstructural length scales, such as grain size, dendrite arm spacing, size and morphology of secondary matrix phases, etc. Earlier workers have shown that SIC reinforcements can act as heterogeneous nucleation sites for Si during solidification of Al-Si-SiC composites. The present study aims at a quantitative understanding of the effect of SiC reinforcements on secondary matrix phases, namely eutectic Si, during solidification of A356 Al-SiC composites. Effect of volume fraction of SiC particulate on size and shape of eutectic Si has been studied at different cooling rates. Results indicate that an increase in SiC volume fraction leads to a reduction in the size of eutectic Si and also changes its morphology from needle-like to equiaxed. This is attributed to the heterogeneous nucleation of eutectic Si on SiC particles. However, SiC particles are found to have negligible influence on DAS. Under all the solidification conditions studied in the present investigation, SiC particles are found to be rejected by the growing dendrites. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Epitaxial LaNiO3 thin films have been grown on SrTiO3 and several other substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The films are observed to be metallic down to 15 K, and the temperature dependence of resistivity is similar to that of bulk LaNiO3. Epitaxial, c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-x films with good superconducting properties have been grown on the LaNiO3 (100) films. I-V characteristics of the YBa2Cu3O7-x-LaNiO3 junction are linear, indicating ohmic contact between them.


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Tetracene is an important conjugated molecule for device applications. We have used the diagrammatic valence bond method to obtain the desired states, in a Hilbert space of about 450 million singlets and 902 million triplets. We have also studied the donor/acceptor (D/A)-substituted tetracenes with D and A groups placed symmetrically about the long axis of the molecule. In these cases, by exploiting a new symmetry, which is a combination of C-2 symmetry and electron-hole symmetry, we are able to obtain their low-lying states. In the case of substituted tetracene, we find that optically allowed one-photon excitation gaps reduce with increasing D/A strength, while the lowest singlet triplet gap is only wealdy affected. In all the systems we have studied, the excited singlet state, S-i, is at more than twice the energy of the lowest triplet state and the second triplet is very close to the S-1 state. Thus, donor-acceptor-substituted tetracene could be a good candidate in photovoltaic device application as it satisfies energy criteria for singlet fission. We have also obtained the model exact second harmonic generation (SHG) coefficients using the correction vector method, and we find that the SHG responses increase with the increase in D/A strength.


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The occurrence of spurious solutions is a well-known limitation of the standard nodal finite element method when applied to electromagnetic problems. The two commonly used remedies that are used to address this problem are (i) The addition of a penalty term with the penalty factor based on the local dielectric constant, and which reduces to a Helmholtz form on homogeneous domains (regularized formulation); (ii) A formulation based on a vector and a scalar potential. Both these strategies have some shortcomings. The penalty method does not completely get rid of the spurious modes, and both methods are incapable of predicting singular eigenvalues in non-convex domains. Some non-zero spurious eigenvalues are also predicted by these methods on non-convex domains. In this work, we develop mixed finite element formulations which predict the eigenfrequencies (including their multiplicities) accurately, even for nonconvex domains. The main feature of the proposed mixed finite element formulation is that no ad-hoc terms are added to the formulation as in the penalty formulation, and the improvement is achieved purely by an appropriate choice of finite element spaces for the different variables. We show that the formulation works even for inhomogeneous domains where `double noding' is used to enforce the appropriate continuity requirements at an interface. For two-dimensional problems, the shape of the domain can be arbitrary, while for the three-dimensional ones, with our current formulation, only regular domains (which can be nonconvex) can be modeled. Since eigenfrequencies are modeled accurately, these elements also yield accurate results for driven problems. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A slope failure is developed due to progressive external loads and deteriorations of slope geomaterials, thus forming a progressive and dynamic development and occurrence of landslides. Site geological properties and other active factors such as hydrodynamic load and human activities are complex and usually unknown, thus this dynamic development and occurrence of landslides can only be understood through the progressive accumulation of knowledge on the landslides. For such a progressive process, this paper proposes a dynamic comprehensive control method for landslide control. This control method takes full advantage of updated monitoring data and site investigations of landslides, and emphasizes the implementation of possible measures for landslide control at reasonable stages and in different groups. These measures are to prevent the occurrence of a landslide disaster. As a case study, a landslide project at the Panluo open-pit iron mine is analyzed to illustrate this dynamic comprehensive control method.


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El presente trabajo experimental se realizó con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto de la variación proteica sobre los rendimientos productivos en conejos de engorde y la evaluación económica de los Tratamientos. Se utilizarán 27 gazapos de 40 días de edad, de la raza Neozelandés Blanco (NB), con un peso vivo inicial promedio de 0.612 Kg. Se realizó sexaje de los animales resultando 12 hembras y 15 machos. Se utilizaron tres tratamientos. A los animales del grupo uno (T1) se les suministró pellet con 13% PB. En el segundo grupo (T2) o testigo se suministró pellet con 15% PB y el tercer tratamiento se suministró pellet con 17% PB. Para las evaluaciones estadísticas se empleó un diseño completamente aleatorio (DCA), con tres tratamientos y tres repeticiones por tratamiento. Cada repetición estaba constituida por tres gazapos distribuidos aleatoriamente a los que se le registraron diariamente consumo de alimento y semanalmente aumento de peso vivo, ganancia media diaria e índice de conversión alimenticia. Las variables analizadas estadísticamente por medio del análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) fueron la Consumo Promedio de Alimento (Kg/día), Ganancia Media Diaria (Gr/día) y el índice de conversión por cada tratamiento, Duración del período de Ceba y los Costos Totales por Tratamiento. Para las variables dependientes se obtuvieron los siguientes valores : %P T1. 13%; T2. 15%; T3. 17% CA(Kg) T1: 0.0757 %; T2: 0.0785; T3: 0.0945 GMD (Gr/Dia) T1: 18.874; T2:17.990; T3: 17.902 ICA (Kg A/Kg PV)T1: 4.01; T2: 4.36; T3: 5.28 lnc. Peso (Kg) T1: 1.189; T2: 1.134; T3: 1.128 Durante el ensayo los animales del tratamiento T1 (13 16 PB) fueron los primeros en alcanzar el peso comercial (1.872 Kg) a los 63 días del engorde. En tanto en los tratamientos T2 (15 % PB) y T3 (17 % PB) los pesos finales registrados fueron 1.850 y 1.833 Kg de PV respectivamente. En el ANDEVA realizado para las diferentes variables, se observó que el efecto de los tratamientos sobre Consumo alimenticio, Ganancia Media Diaria e índice de Conversión Alimenticia resultó no significativo concluyendo que no existe diferencia entre los tratamientos. Sin embargo el Tratamiento con13% de PB (T1) fue el que presentó menor consumo, mayor ganancia de peso y mejor conversión Con la realización del análisis de los costos totales para un gazapo en engorde se determinaron valores de $20.01(T1),20.45 (T2) y 21.55 (T3). Al determinar los costos de alimentación por tratamiento se obtuvieron valores de C$ 27.91 para el13% de PB (T1), C$ 30.86 para el15% de PB (T2) y C$ 43.53 para el 17% de PB (T3). Pudiendo concluir que el tratamiento con 13% de PB (T1) fue el que presentó menores costos de alimentación y por lo tanto se obtuvo mayor utilidad.


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En la finca El Plantel, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria año 2009, se estudió el efecto de dos manejos, orgánico y convencional sobre la dinámica poblacional de arvenses en el cultivo de pipián, con el fin de contribuir con técnicas de manejo de arvenses en la producción de este cultivo en las áreas de la pequeña y mediana producción. Se estableció en un diseño de parcelas apareadas con dos tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones, cada parcela de 84 m². En el tratamiento orgánico se aplicó Compost en dosis de 5618 Kg.ha-1, humus de lombriz a razón de 2519.04 kg.ha-1 y biofertilizantes líquidos en dosis de 1,345 l. ha-1. En el tratamiento convencional, fertilizante completo de la fórmula 12-30-10 a razón de 161.90 kg.ha-1 y urea 46% a razón de 307.5 kg.ha-1. Se evaluó: Composición florística de arvenses, Biomasa acumulada por familia y especies, Cobertura de arvenses en porcentaje, Banco de semillas de arvenses y el rendimiento del cultivo en kg/ha. Este último se analizó mediante la prueba de t student y las variables de arvenses por el análisis descriptivo, para ello el uso de promedios y graficas. La mayor diversidad de especie se encontró en el sistema orgánico (18 especies) en comparación con el sistema convencional (16 especies). La diversidad y abundancia se vio representada por las especies Cyperus rotundus L., Ixophorus unicetus L. y Sorghum halapense (L.) Pers. Sida acuta. F, Cleome viscosa L. La mayor biomasa se registro el sistema orgánico (5462.5 g), con el mayor peso las familias Poaceae (2840.6 g), Amaranthaceae (863.5 g) y Nyctaginaceae (668.2 g), en comparación con el convencional (3764.5 g) donde las Poaceae (1579 g) y Nyctaginaceae (902.2 g) con el mayor peso. El porcentaje de cobertura de arvenses en el sistema orgánico superó al porcentaje de cobertura del sistema convencional, presentando la mayor diversidad y la menor abundancia de especie. La diversidad en el banco de semilla en condiciones de invernadero difiere a lo encontrado en campo. Encontrándose una diversidad de 14 especies, Ixophorus unicetus L. y Sida acuta Burm F, son las especies de mayor presencia en ambos sistemas. El rendimiento (kg.ha-1), no presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p=0.2894).


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The interface of a laser-discrete-quenched steel substrate and as-deposited chromium electroplate was investigated by ion beam etching, dissolving-substrate-away and using a Vickers microhardness tester, in an attempt to reveal the mechanism that the service life of the chromium-coated parts is increased by the duplex technique of laser pre-quenching plus chromium post-depositing. The laser quenching of the steel substrate can reduce the steep hardness gradient at the substrate/chromium interface and improve the load-bearing capacity of chromium electroplate. Moreover, the laser quenching prior to plating has an extremely great effect on the morphologies and microstructure of the substrate/chromium interface: there is a transient interlayer at the original substrate/chromium interface while there is not at the laser-quenchedzone/chromium interface; the near-substrate surface microstructure and morphologies of the free-standing chromium electrodeposits, whose substrate was dissolved away with nital 30% in volume, inherit the periodically gradient characteristics of the laser-discrete-quenched substrate surface. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Red-shift conical emission (CE) is observed by femtosecond laser pulse propagating in BK7 at a low input power (compared to those input powers for generation of blue-shift CE). With the increasing input power the blue-shift CE begins to appear whereas the red-shift CE ring (902 nm in our experiment) disappears accompanied by the augment of the central white spot size synchronously. The disappearing of red-shift CE in our experiment is explained such that the increase of axial intensity is much higher than that of ring emission and the augment of the central white spot size with the increasing input laser power.