931 resultados para 82034 G-11-82-SE
A partir de um corpus extraído dos diários paulistas A Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de São Paulo no período anterior às eleições de IS.11.82 (15.10 a 14.11.82), descrevemos os aspectos característicos da terminologia política empregada nessa fase pré-eleitoral e as criações neológicas formais e conceptuais.
We conducted an explorative, cross-sectional, multi-centre study in order to identify the most common problems of people with any kind of (primary) sleep disorder in a clinical setting using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a frame of reference. Data were collected from patients using a structured face-to-face interview of 45-60 min duration. A case record form for health professionals containing the extended ICF Checklist, sociodemographic variables and disease-specific variables was used. The study centres collected data of 99 individuals with sleep disorders. The identified categories include 48 (32%) for body functions, 13 (9%) body structures, 55 (37%) activities and participation and 32 (22%) for environmental factors. 'Sleep functions' (100%) and 'energy and drive functions', respectively, (85%) were the most severely impaired second-level categories of body functions followed by 'attention functions' (78%) and 'temperament and personality functions' (77%). With regard to the component activities and participation, patients felt most restricted in the categories of 'watching' (e.g. TV) (82%), 'recreation and leisure' (75%) and 'carrying out daily routine' (74%). Within the component environmental factors the categories 'support of immediate family', 'health services, systems and policies' and 'products or substances for personal consumption [medication]' were the most important facilitators; 'time-related changes', 'light' and 'climate' were the most important barriers. The study identified a large variety of functional problems reflecting the complexity of sleep disorders. The ICF has the potential to provide a comprehensive framework for the description of functional health in individuals with sleep disorders in a clinical setting.
von Johann v. Balásházy. Aus dem Ungar. übers. von Joseph Vojdisek
We analyzed strontium/calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) in four colonies of the Atlantic coral genus Montastrea with growth rates ranging from 2.3 to 12.6 mm/a. Derived Sr/Ca-sea surface temperature (SST) calibrations exhibit significant differences among the four colonies that cannot be explained by variations in SST or seawater Sr/Ca. For a single coral Sr/Ca ratio of 8.8 mmol/mol, the four calibrations predict SSTs ranging from 24.0° to 30.9°C. We find that differences in the Sr/Ca-SST relationships are correlated systematically with the average annual extension rate (ext) of each colony such that Sr/Ca (mmol/mol) = 11.82 (±0.13) - 0.058 (±0.004) * ext (mm/a) - 0.092 (±0.005) * SST (°C). This observation is consistent with previous reports of a link between coral Sr/Ca and growth rate. Verification of our growth-dependent Sr/Ca-SST calibration using a coral excluded from the calibration reconstructs the mean and seasonal amplitude of the actual recorded SST to within 0.3°C. Applying a traditional, nongrowth-dependent Sr/Ca-SST calibration derived from a modern Montastrea to the Sr/Ca ratios of a conspecific coral that grew during the early Little Ice Age (LIA) (400 years B.P.) suggests that Caribbean SSTs were >5°C cooler than today. Conversely, application of our growth-dependent Sr/Ca-SST calibration to Sr/Ca ratios derived from the LIA coral indicates that SSTs during the 5-year period analyzed were within error (±1.4°C) of modern values.
Geological observations, using "free-diving" techniques (Figure I) were made in September, 1960 and March 1961 along two continuous profiles in the outer Kiel Harbor, Germany and at several other spot locations in the Western Baltic Sea. A distinct terrace, cut in Pleistocene glacial till, was found that was covered with varying amounts and types of recent deposits. Hand samples were taken of the sea-floor sediments and grainsize distribution determined for both the sediment as a whole and for its heavy mineral fraction. From the Laboratory and Field observations it was possible to recognize two distinct types of sand; Type I, Sand resulting from transportation over a long period of time and distance and Type 11, Sand resulting from little transportation and found today near to xvhere it was formed. Several criterea related to the agent of movement could be used to classify the nature of the sediment; (1) undisturbed (the sediment Cover of the Pleistocene Terrace is essentially undisturbed), (2) mixed by organisms, (3) transported by water movements (sediment found with ripple marks, etc., and (4) "Scoured" (the movement of individual particles of sediment from around larger boulders causes a slow downward movement or "Creeping" which is due to both the force of gravity and bottom currents. These observations and laboratory studies are discussed concerning their relationship to the formation of residual sediments, the direction of sand transportation, and the intensive erosion on the outer edge of the wave-cut platform found in this part of the Baltic Sea.
Includes Supplement-Kupferheft, zu den ersten vierzehn Theilen gehörig Leipzig, Gleditsch, 1825.
Fish stomach content records extracted from the DAPSTOM 4.5 database (held at the UK Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - CEFAS). Data collated as part of the EU Euro-Basin project and specifically concerning herring (Clupea harengus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus), blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), albacore (Thunnus alalunga) and bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). The data set consist of 20720 records - collected throughout the northeast Atlantic, between 1906 and 2011 - mostly during routine fisheries monitoring research cruises.
82 p.
Within the framework of basic psychological needs theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) with a time-lagged design was used to test a mediation model examining the relationship between perceptions of coaches’ interpersonal styles (autonomy supportive and controlling), athletes’ basic psychological needs (satisfaction and thwarting), and indicators of well-being (subjective vitality) and ill-being (burnout), estimating separately between and within effects. The participants were 597 Spanish male soccer players aged between 11 and 14 years (M = 12.57, SD = 0.54) from 40 teams who completed a questionnaire package at two time points in a competitive season. Results revealed that at the individual level, athletes’ perceptions of autonomy support positively predicted athletes’ need satisfaction (autonomy, competence, and relatedness), whereas athletes’ perceptions of controlling style positively predicted athletes’ need thwarting (autonomy, competence, and relatedness). In turn, all three athletes’ need satisfaction dimensions predicted athletes’ subjective vitality and burnout (positively and negatively, respectively), whereas competence thwarting negatively predicted subjective vitality and competence and relatedness positively predicted burnout. At the team level, team perceptions of autonomy supportive style positively predicted team autonomy and relatedness satisfaction. Mediation effects only appeared at the individual level.