997 resultados para 79-545
Un experimento fue conducido en la Estación Experimental La Compañía, Carazo, IV Región sobre un suelo franco del 7 de Octubre al 19 de Diciembre 1986 con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de diferentes formas de aplicación del fertilizante fosfórico sobre peso fresco de malezas, del cultivo y el rendimiento de frijol estudiándose los siguientes factores: A- Malezas con y sin malezas B- Formas de aplicación 1- al voleo 2.- concentrado en el surco al mismo nivel de la semilla. 3- concentrado en el surco 7 cts. debajo de la semilla. 4- concentrado a 20 cms del surco y 12 cms de profundidad. 5.- concentrado cada dos surcos 20 cms fuera del surco y 12 cms de profundidad. 6.- control (sin fertilizante fosfórico). Bajo competencia de malezas, el mejor tratamiento fue concentrado en el surco 7 cms debajo de la semilla (3); en donde se presentó la menor biomasa fresca de malezas, el mayor peso fresco del cultivo y más alto rendimiento, en tanto que el tratamiento (4) concentrado a 20 csm de peso fresco de malezas Sin embargo bajo condiciones de no enhierbamiento no existieron diferencias significativas en rendimiento entre diferentes tratamientos
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVII - Segurança Pública e Defesa Nacional.
Coleção de editais de concursos públicos reunidos pela Coordenação de Relacionamento Pesquisa e Informação do Centro de Documentação da Câmara dos Deputados.
Torna público as inscrições para concurso público destinado ao preenchimento de vagas de Técnico Legislativo da Câmara dos Deputados.
Acima do título: Câmara dos Deputados. Primeira Vice-Presidência.
Rejeição pelo Plenário da proposta do Centrão sobre reforma agrária. Busca de acordo pelos Líderes entre o texto do Centrão e a proposta apresentada pela Comissão de Sistematização. Inclusão da definição de empresa brasileira de capital nacional na nova Carta Magna. Resguardo do patrimônio nacional. Autorização da distribuição dos derivados de petróleo por empresas multinacionais. Necessidade de regulamentação da remessa de lucros obtidos por empresas de capital estrangeiro.
Megacyclops viridis Jurine, noticed in Lago Maggiore in 1912 by De Marchi from the littoral vegetation of Pallanza, is a normal member of the littoral plankton of the lake. The subgenus Megacyclops, created by Kiefer in his revision of the viridis-vernalis group, contains european and american species some of which are today considered as varieties of the species viridis. This paper examines morphology and of the distribution of the Italian viridis in Lake Maggiore.
The significance of detritus in the nutrition of aquatic animals, especially of the small representatives of the zooplankton, has been studied very slightly. Research so far has established that in M. rectirostris with feeding on protococcal and single-celled green algae and bacteria the beginning of formation of eggs takes place in 2 - 4 days. The young appear in 4 - 6 days. In this study M. rectirostris and C. quadrangula are fed on detritus of natural origin in laboratory conditions. In order to determine the assimilability and productive: effect of detritus, the author set up experiments, permitting to characterize the rate of growth, speed of maturing and fertility of M. rectirostris and C. quadrangula with feeding of them on detritus of different composition and age.
Zooplankton was studied in four alpine lakes in Switzerland, France and Italy. The presence the presence of the invertebrate predator Heterocope in three lakes was stated. It is then discussed why in three of these four lakes, the copepod Arctodiaptomus denticornis is present in the absence of Arctodiaptomus bacillifer, and vice versa respectively in the second and first parts of the lacustrine summer.
From research carried, out on a section of the Levriere, concretions (granules, nodules, which were sometimes joined together) partly covering the river ”bottom” were observed. The authors propose to make besides a petrographic examination of the calcareous precipitations and to see if their origin is connected to a biological activity, or if it is purely a case of a physical-chemical precipitation. The hydrological background of the Levriere, a small river of the Normandy Vexin, is given and conditions of the formation of the concretions studied.
These minutes report on colloquium on the methodology of radiation measurement under water. The meeting was held on 3-5 January 1957, at the Biological Station, Lunz, Austria. The participants of the colloquium discussed various methodologies of radiation measurements, basic methods such as Secchi Disc and underwater photometer as well as specialist equipment like the absolute radiation apparatus.
abstract {A large-mode-area (LMA) multimode fiber before and after coiling was studied contrastively in the experiment. Single-transverse-mode output was achieved when the fiber laser was coiled around a mandrel of 65 mm radius. After coiling, beam quality factor of the laser dropped from 1.24 to 1.06 and slope efficiency dropped from 64.7% to 54.3%. When the launched pump power was 149 W, the corresponding output power was 94.7 W and 79.4 W, respectively. However, the brightness of the coiled fiber laser was 1.15 times that of the uncoiled. Coiled modal losses of different modes were also calculated for the fiber employed in the experiment. The measured results agree well with the calculated ones.}
In the line of the Chalci campaigns 78-01 and 78-02, the aim of this campaign too was the trawl exploration of the Ivoirian continental shelf at the depth of 10 to 120 metres.