999 resultados para 78-542


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研究了科尔沁沙地 78种植物的繁殖体 (2 3种为种子 ,5 5种为果实 )重量和形状 ,其重量差别很大 ,最小的单粒重不足 0 .1mg,最大的超过 130 mg;形状差异也很大 ,最小的方差不足 0 .0 3,最大的超过 0 .18。综合本研究和以前研究的全部 14 0种植物的研究结果 ,进行了分析。结果表明 :1计有 2 4种植物繁殖体单粒重小于 1mg并接近圆球形 (方差小于 0 .0 9) ,它们可能具有持久种子库 ;2 1年生植物 (平均方差为 0 .0 70 )与 2年生植物 (平均方差为 0 .12 9)间的形状差异显著 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,2年生植物的繁殖体更加扁、长 ;1年生植物也与多年生草本植物 (平均方差为 0 .10 9)之间形状差异显著 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,多年生草本植物的繁殖体更加扁、长 ;3有 5 5 %的豆科植物、70 %的藜科植物繁殖体接近圆球形 (方差 <0 .0 6 ) ,所有的菊科、萝摩科植物繁殖体都很扁、长 (方差 >0 .0 6 )。豆科植物显著比菊科、禾本科、藜科植物繁殖体的重量大 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;4繁殖体附属物在植物的传播和定居方面具有重要的作用 :6种萝摩科植物和 3种杨柳科植物具有绢毛 ,6 0 %的菊科植物具有冠毛 ,6种植物有翅 ,8种植物有宿存花柱或宿存花萼 ,这些植物可能易于被风传播 ;5 4 %的禾本科植物具芒 ,减小了传播可能 ;苍耳、雾冰藜、鹤虱、蒺藜、


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GRP78 (78 kDa glucose-regulated protein), also known as BiP (immunoglobulin heavy-chain-binding protein), is an essential regulator of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis because of its multiple functions in protein folding, ER calcium binding, and controlling of the activation of transmembrane ER stress sensors. In this report, we cloned the full length cDNA of GRP78 (FcGRP78) from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. This cDNA revealed a 2,325 bp with 1,968 bp open reading frame encoding 655 amino acids. This is the first reported GRP78 gene in Crustacea. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcGRP78 shared high identity with previously reported insect GRP78s: 86, 87 and 85% identity with GRP78s of Drosophila melanogaster, Aedes aegypti and Bombyx mori, respectively. Northern blot analysis shows that FcGRP78 is ubiquitously expressed in tissues of shrimp. Heat shock at 35A degrees C significantly enhanced the expression of FcGRP78 at the first hour, reached the maximum at 4 h post heat shock, dropped after that and resumed to the normal level until 48 h of post recovery at 25A degrees C. Additionally, differential expression of FcGRP78 was detected in haemocytes, hepatopancreas and lymphoid organ when shrimp were challenged by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). We inferred that FcGRP78 may play important roles in chaperoning, protein folding and immune function of shrimp.


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磷化氢(PH3)是磷循环的气相载体,以气体自由态和基质结合态(MBP)两种形式存在于环境中。自然环境中磷化氢的发现是对磷生物地球化学循环的重要补充,它在磷循环中的地位和作用及产生机制开始成为人们关注的热点。目前国内外在湖泊、陆地土壤及大气中已开展了较为广泛的研究,但是关于海洋中的研究还较少。开展磷化氢在海洋沉积物中的分布特征,及其释放通量、与其它磷形态的转化、对微藻生长的影响等行为研究对弄清海洋环境中磷化氢的迁移转化机制及其在磷循环中的作用和地位具有重要的科学意义。 本论文以不同环境条件下的海洋沉积物为研究对象,采用野外实验与室内模拟相结合的方法,运用改进的柱前二次低温冷阱富集和气相色谱-氮磷检测器联用技术等分析手段,系统研究了海洋沉积物中磷化氢的分布特征、环境因子对其分布的影响、沉积物磷化氢向水体、大气中的释放、迁移、转化规律;初步了解了海洋沉积物中结合态磷化氢的分布特征及其释放通量;揭示了磷化氢对海洋环境的可能影响。主要研究结果如下: MBP广泛存在于海洋沉积物中。中国沿海表层沉积物中MBP的浓度范围为:0.89-25.86 ng/kg, dry,其分布也表现出一定的空间分布特征,在同一离岸断面上,有近岸浓度高,远岸浓度低的分布规律;在北黄海、南黄海、东海北部海域、东海南部海域和南海海域的平均浓度分别为:5.57±3.78、3.78±2.81、5.27±3.07、5.48±4.05 和 13.52±7.86 ng/kg dry,与其它海域相比,南海海域的MBP浓度要相对较高一些。长江口海域表层沉积物中MBP的浓度范围为:1.93-94.86 ng/kg, dry。其分布也表现出一定的空间和季节分布特征。上游河口沉积物中MBP的浓度要普遍高于下游河口,平均浓度分别为31.34和4.79 ng/kg, dry。靠近石洞口、竹园排污口以及黄浦江口的S3和S4站位处MBP的浓度要显著高于其它站位,季节平均浓度分别为43.01和61.54 ng/kg, dry。MBP浓度的季节差异并不显著,上游河口和下游河口MBP浓度表现出相似的季节变化特征,一般来说8月和11月要稍高于2月和5月。澳大利亚伊拉瓦拉海湾柱状沉积物中的MBP表现出一定的垂直分布特征。两个柱状沉积物样品均在中下层存在MBP的高值区,且该海湾MBP的含量要远高于中国近海及长江口海域MBP的含量,两个柱状沉积物中MBP的平均浓度分别为637.3和542.6 ng/kg, dry。 环境因子与MBP含量关系的研究结果表明:较高的TP、OP、IP、OC、TN含量均有利于高浓度MBP的产生;TP、OP、OC与MBP含量之间存在着较强的线性相关关系,是控制MBP分布的主要因素;氧化还原电位与MBP含量存在着显著的线性负相关,说明还原环境更有利于沉积物中高浓度MBP的存在;平均粒径与MBP含量存在着一定的线性负相关,说明小粒径有利于高浓度MBP的存在;水深、上升流引起的扰动等也是影响MBP分布的可能原因。并且,在本论文对中国沿海沉积物、长江口沉积物和澳大利亚海湾沉积物的研究中,均得到了MBP含量与OP存在着强烈的线性相关关系,而与IP的线性相关关系较弱或不相关的结论,说明海洋沉积物中的MBP更可能来源于微生物对有机磷成分的降解。另外,长江口海域沉积物中MBP含量与上层海水中活性磷酸盐、总磷、叶绿素a的含量也存在着一定的线性相关关系,说明沉积物中磷化氢的释放可能会对上层水环境产生影响。 静态箱法释放通量的研究结果显示,胶州湾海域沉积物存在着磷化氢的释放现象。沉积物-大气界面和水-大气界面磷化氢的释放通量分别为:27.77和17.37 ng/(m2•h),该结果要高于Louisiana湿地、水稻田和太湖水体磷化氢的排放通量。并据此估算出胶州湾的磷化氢年排放量为75.75kg/y,高于太湖及比利时垃圾填埋场的磷化氢年排放量。不同底质沉积物释放磷化氢的顺序为:虾池沉积物>滩涂沉积物>海滩黑泥沉积物>海滩排污口旁的砂质泥;践踏能显著促进磷化氢的释放。磷化氢的释放通量与沉积物中MBP的含量有显著的线性相关关系;胶州湾养殖池、滩涂沉积物及海域水体是大气中磷化氢的重要来源,沉积物中的磷化氢可连续向上层水体或大气中释放。晴天,胶州湾近海海域空气中磷化氢的浓度范围为1.06-16.90 ng/m3,且表现出早上和傍晚高,中午时分相对较低的变化规律;空气中磷化氢的浓度与光照强度及释放源释放量的大小有关。 利用室内模拟方法,研究了磷化氢在海水中的转化过程及其对海洋微藻生长的影响,并得出了一些初步结论。日光灯照射条件下,通入海水中的磷化氢可部分转化为磷酸盐和总磷,并且转化后主要以磷酸盐的形式存在。环境条件会对该转化过程产生影响,避光条件下,磷化氢的转化率较低,日光灯照射和紫外灯照射均能促进该转化过程,特别是紫外灯照射,促进效果显著;添加氧气或三价铁离子氧化剂也能促进该转化过程。微藻生长实验结果表明,适量磷化氢气体的通入,能显著刺激并促进磷限制条件下东海原甲藻和赤潮异弯藻的生长,但这种刺激作用并不是无限制的,后期刺激生长作用会变弱或停止生长;低量磷化氢气体的通入,刺激作用不明显;高量磷化氢气体的通入,则会抑制两种海洋微藻的生长。东海原甲藻和赤潮异弯藻对通入磷化氢的响应略有差异,后者对磷化氢的反应更为灵敏; 次磷酸盐和亚磷酸盐也都能刺激两种海洋微藻的生长,但与磷化氢相比,其影响作用相对较小。 本论文的初步研究结果表明,在磷的海洋生物地球化学循环中,需要考虑磷化氢的作用,其长期、连续的释放对磷循环的贡献不可忽视,并可能是磷限制海域赤潮形成的补充机制。


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Molar heat capacities of n-butanol and the azeotropic mixture in the binary system [water (x=0.716) plus n-butanol (x=0.284)] were measured with an adiabatic calorimeter in a temperature range from 78 to 320 K. The functions of the heat capacity with respect to thermodynamic temperature were established for the azeotropic mixture. A glass transition was observed at (111.9 +/- 1.1) K. The phase transitions took place at (179.26 +/- 0.77) and (269.69 +/- 0.14) K corresponding to the solid-liquid phase transitions of. n-butanol and water, respectively. The phase-transition enthalpy and entropy of water were calculated. A thermodynamic function of excess molar heat capacity with respect to temperature was established, which took account of physical mixing, destructions of self-association and cross-association for n-butanol and water, respectively. The thermodynamic functions and the excess thermodynamic ones of the binary systems relative to 298.15 K were derived based on the relationships of the thermodynamic functions and the function of the measured heat capacity and the calculated excess heat capacity with respect to temperature.


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Absolute and differential chemical abundances are presented for the largest group of massive stars in M31 studied to date. These results were derived from intermediate resolution spectra of seven B-type supergiants, lying within four OB associations covering a galactocentric distance of 5-12 kpc. The results are mainly based on an LTE analysis, and we additionally present a full non-LTE, unified model atmosphere analysis of one star (OB 78-277) to demonstrate the reliability of the differential LTE technique. A comparison of the stellar oxygen abundance with that of previous nebular results shows that there is an off set of between similar to0.15-0.4 dex between the two methods which is critically dependent on the empirical calibration adopted for the R 23 parameter with [O/H]. However within the typical errors of the stellar and nebular analyses (and given the strength of dependence of the nebular results on the calibration used) the oxygen abundances determined in each method are fairly consistent. We determine the radial oxygen abundance gradient from these stars, and do not detect any systematic gradient across this galactocentric range. We find that the inner regions of M31 are not, as previously thought, very "metal rich". Our abundances of C, N, O, Mg, Si, Al, S and Fe in the M31 supergiants are very similar to those of massive stars in the solar neighbourhood.


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La realidad del voluntariado es sumamente compleja hasta el punto de que resulta complicado definir y caracterizar el trabajo voluntario, dada la gran variedad de interpretaciones, motivaciones, variables sociodemográficas y aspectos culturales que configuran el perfil de los voluntarios. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia conjunta de algunas variables sociodemográficas, así como de los valores culturales de índole secular o tradicional, sobre el perfil de los voluntarios en Europa. Además, se investiga qué variables orientan a los voluntarios hacia un determinado tipo de voluntariado u otro. Para ello se ha aplicado principalmente una metodología de regresión logística a partir de la información disponible en la European Value Study. Los resultados obtenidos ayudan a establecer una caracterización del voluntariado en Europa, y confirman la influencia de los valores culturales, en primer lugar, en la realización o no de trabajos de voluntariado, y en segundo lugar, en la elección que hacen estas personas del tipo de actividad con la que están comprometidos. Al analizar dos tipos de voluntariado de motivación supuestamente muy diferente, se concluye que existe un grupo de valores que influyen en ambos, aunque el sentido y la intensidad en la que lo hacen sea diferente; por otra parte, algunos valores tienen influencia o no en la realización de trabajos de voluntariado, dependiendo del tipo específico al que nos refiramos.


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To assess the relationship between glycemic control, pre-eclampsia, and gestational hypertension in women with type 1 diabetes.

Pregnancy outcome (pre-eclampsia or gestational hypertension) was assessed prospectively in 749 women from the randomized controlled Diabetes and Pre-eclampsia Intervention Trial (DAPIT). HbA1c (A1C) values were available up to 6 months before pregnancy (n = 542), at the first antenatal visit (median 9 weeks) (n = 721), at 26 weeks’ gestation (n = 592), and at 34 weeks’ gestation (n = 519) and were categorized as optimal (<6.1%: referent), good (6.1–6.9%), moderate (7.0–7.9%), and poor (=8.0%) glycemic control, respectively.

Pre-eclampsia and gestational hypertension developed in 17 and 11% of pregnancies, respectively. Women who developed pre-eclampsia had significantly higher A1C values before and during pregnancy compared with women who did not develop pre-eclampsia (P < 0.05, respectively). In early pregnancy, A1C =8.0% was associated with a significantly increased risk of pre-eclampsia (odds ratio 3.68 [95% CI 1.17–11.6]) compared with optimal control. At 26 weeks’ gestation, A1C values =6.1% (good: 2.09 [1.03–4.21]; moderate: 3.20 [1.47–7.00]; and poor: 3.81 [1.30–11.1]) and at 34 weeks’ gestation A1C values =7.0% (moderate: 3.27 [1.31–8.20] and poor: 8.01 [2.04–31.5]) significantly increased the risk of pre-eclampsia compared with optimal control. The adjusted odds ratios for pre-eclampsia for each 1% decrement in A1C before pregnancy, at the first antenatal visit, at 26 weeks’ gestation, and at 34 weeks’ gestation were 0.88 (0.75–1.03), 0.75 (0.64–0.88), 0.57 (0.42–0.78), and 0.47 (0.31–0.70), respectively. Glycemic control was not significantly associated with gestational hypertension.

Women who developed pre-eclampsia had significantly higher A1C values before and during pregnancy. These data suggest that optimal glycemic control both early and throughout pregnancy may reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes.


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This paper describes the design, implementation, and characterization of a new type of passive power splitting and combining structure for use in a differential four-way power-combining amplifier operating at E-band. In order to achieve lowest insertion loss, input and output coils inductances are resonated with shunt capacitances. Simple C-L-C and L-C networks are proposed in order to compensate inductive loading due to routing line that would otherwise introduce mismatch and increase loss. Across 78-86 GHz band, measured insertion loss is about 7 dB. Measured return losses are >10 dB from 73 GHz to 94 GHz at the input port and >9 dB from 60 GHz to 94 GHz at the output port. When integrated with driver and power amplifier cells, the simulated complete circuit exhibits 18.2 dB gain and 20.3 dBm saturated output power.


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From our linkage study of Irish families with a high density of schizophrenia, we have previously reported evidence for susceptibility genes in regions 5q21-31, 6p24-21, 8p22-21, and 10p15-p11. In this report, we describe the cumulative results from independent genome scans of three a priori random subsets of 90 families each, and from multipoint analysis of all 270 families in ten regions. Of these ten regions, three (13q32, 18p11-q11, and 18q22-23) did not generate scores above the empirical baseline pairwise scan results, and one (6q13-26) generated a weak signal. Six other regions produced more positive pairwise and multipoint results. They showed the following maximum multipoint H-LOD (heterogeneity LOD) and NPL scores: 2p14-13: 0.89 (P = 0.06) and 2.08 (P = 0.02), 4q24-32: 1.84 (P = 0.007) and 1.67 (P = 0.03), 5q21-31: 2.88 (P= 0.0007), and 2.65 (P = 0.002), 6p25-24: 2.13 (P = 0.005) and 3.59 (P = 0.0005), 6p23: 2.42 (P = 0.001) and 3.07 (P = 0.001), 8p22-21: 1.57 (P = 0.01) and 2.56 (P = 0.005), 10p15-11: 2.04 (P = 0.005) and 1.78 (P = 0.03). The degree of 'internal replication' across subsets differed, with 5q, 6p, and 8p being most consistent and 2p and 10p being least consistent. On 6p, the data suggested the presence of two susceptibility genes, in 6p25-24 and 6p23-22. Very few families were positive on more than one region, and little correlation between regions was evident, suggesting substantial locus heterogeneity. The levels of statistical significance were modest, as expected from loci contributing to complex traits. However, our internal replications, when considered along with the positive results obtained in multiple other samples, suggests that most of these six regions are likely to contain genes that influence liability to schizophrenia.