995 resultados para 734


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The effect of KCI addition on the microstructural, structural and dielectric properties of bismuth vanadate, Bi2VO5.5 (BiV) has been examined. The average grain size of BN ceramics increases with increase in KCl content (from an average grain size of TO to 80 mu m) as a result of the increased liquid-phase formation of KCI, at the grain boundaries. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) carried out on the KCl-added samples indicates an upward shift in the transition temperature (T-c), from 723 K (for BN) to 734 K (for 5 mol% KCl-added BiV). On further increase in the KCI content, T-c shifts down to about 722 K for 10 mol%. This trend is consistent with that of the lattice strain data. The relative permittivity as well as the dielectric loss decrease by more than half of the original values upon the addition of KCI. The relative permittivities of the KCl-added ceramics are comparable with the values predicted by the logarithmic mixture rule. Impedance analyses suggest that the grain boundary resistance of the KCl-added BiV ceramics is higher by two orders of magnitude than that of BN ceramics. The KCl-added BN ceramics exhibit ferroelectric domains and the domain density decreases as the grain boundary region is approached.


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The tension-softening parameters for different concrete-concrete interfaces are determined using the bimaterial cracked hinge model. Beams of different sizes having a jointed interface between two different strengths of concrete are tested under three-point bending (TPB). The load versus crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) results are used to obtain the stress-crack opening relation through an inverse analysis. In addition, the fracture energy, tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity are also computed from the inverse analysis. The fracture properties are used in the nonlinear fracture mechanics analysis of a concrete patch-repaired beam to determine its load-carrying capacity when repaired with concrete of different strengths.


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A novel and simple route for near-infrared (NIR)-light controlled release of drugs has been demonstrated using graphene oxide (GO) composite microcapsules based on the unique optical properties of GO. Upon NIR-laser irradiation, the microcapsules were ruptured in a point-wise fashion due to local heating which in turn triggers the light-controlled release of the encapsulated anticancer drug doxorubicin (Dox) from these capsules.


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Neutral and cationic copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes bearing methyl, phenyl, and hydrogen, on the diketo-backbone of the ligand have been synthesized. All of them were characterized by spectroscopic methods and in three cases by X-ray crystallography. In vitro cytotoxicity studies revealed that they are cytotoxic unlike the corresponding zinc complexes. Copper complexes Cu(GTSC) and Cu(GTSCHCl) derived from glyoxal-bis(4-methyl-4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazone) (GTSCH(2)) are the most cytotoxic complexes against various human cancer cell lines, with a potency similar to that of the anticancer drug adriamycin and up to 1000 fold higher than that of the corresponding zinc complex. Tritiated thymidine incorporation assay revealed that Cu(GTSC) and Cu(GTSCHCl) inhibit DNA synthesis substantially. Cell cycle analyses showed that Cu(GTSC) and Cu(GTSCHCl) induce apoptosis in HCT116 cells. The Cu(GTSCHCl) complex caused distinct DNA cleavage and Topo II alpha inhibition unlike that for Cu(GTSC). In vivo administration of Cu(GTSC) significantly inhibits tumor growth in HCT116 xenografts in nude mice.


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Resolution of cosmological singularities is an important problem in any full theory of quantum gravity. The Milne orbifold is a cosmology with a big-bang/big-crunch singularity, but being a quotient of flat space it holds potential for resolution in string theory. It is known, however, that some perturbative string amplitudes diverge in the Milne geometry. Here we show that flat space higher spin theories can effect a simple resolution of the Milne singularity when one embeds the latter in 2 + 1 dimensions. We explain how to reconcile this with the expectation that non-perturbative string effects are required for resolving Milne. Along the way, we introduce a Grassmann realization of the inonfi-Wigner contraction to export much of the AdS technology to -our flat space computation. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier BAT.


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Concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere has been increasing rapidly during the last century due to ever increasing anthropogenic activities resulting in significant increases in the temperature of the Earth causing global warming. Major sources of GHG are forests (due to human induced land cover changes leading to deforestation), power generation (burning of fossil fuels), transportation (burning fossil fuel), agriculture (livestock, farming, rice cultivation and burning of crop residues), water bodies (wetlands), industry and urban activities (building, construction, transport, solid and liquid waste). Aggregation of GHG (CO2 and non-CO2 gases), in terms of Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO(2)e), indicate the GHG footprint. GHG footprint is thus a measure of the impact of human activities on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced. This study focuses on accounting of the amount of three important greenhouses gases namely carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) and thereby developing GHG footprint of the major cities in India. National GHG inventories have been used for quantification of sector-wise greenhouse gas emissions. Country specific emission factors are used where all the emission factors are available. Default emission factors from IPCC guidelines are used when there are no country specific emission factors. Emission of each greenhouse gas is estimated by multiplying fuel consumption by the corresponding emission factor. The current study estimates GHG footprint or GHG emissions (in terms of CO2 equivalent) for Indian major cities and explores the linkages with the population and GDP. GHG footprint (Aggregation of Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of GHG's) of Delhi, Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Greater Bangalore, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad are found to be 38,633.2 Gg, 22,783.08 Gg, 14,812.10 Gg, 22,090.55 Gg, 19,796.5 Gg, 13,734.59 Gg and 91,24.45 Gg CO2 eq., respectively. The major contributors sectors are transportation sector (contributing 32%, 17.4%, 13.3%, 19.5%, 43.5%, 56.86% and 25%), domestic sector (contributing 30.26%, 37.2%, 42.78%, 39%, 21.6%, 17.05% and 27.9%) and industrial sector (contributing 7.9%, 7.9%, 17.66%, 20.25%, 1231%, 11.38% and 22.41%) of the total emissions in Delhi, Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Greater Bangalore, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad, respectively. Chennai emits 4.79 t of CO2 equivalent emissions per capita, the highest among all the cities followed by Kolkata which emits 3.29 t of CO2 equivalent emissions per capita. Also Chennai emits the highest CO2 equivalent emissions per GDP (2.55 t CO2 eq./Lakh Rs.) followed by Greater Bangalore which emits 2.18 t CO2 eq./Lakh Rs. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present immuno-diagnostic method using soluble antigens from whole cell lysate antigen for trypanosomosis have certain inherent problems like lack of standardized and reproducible antigens, as well as ethical issues due to in vivo production, that could be alleviated by in vitro production. In the present study we have identified heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) from T. evansi proteome. The nucleotide sequence of T. evansi HSP70 was 2116 bp, which encodes 690 amino acid residues. The phylogenetic analysis of T. evansi HSP70 showed that T. evansi occurred within Trypanosoma clade and is most closely related to T. brucei brucei and T. brucei gambiense, whereas T. congolense HSP70 laid in separate clade. The two partial HSP70 sequences (HSP-1 from N-terminal region and HSP-2 from C-terminal region) were expressed and evaluated as diagnostic antigens using experimentally infected equine serum samples. Both recombinant proteins detected antibody in immunoblot using serum samples from experimental infected donkeys with T. evansi. Recombinant HSP-2 showed comparable antibody response to Whole cell lysate (WCL) antigen in immunoblot and ELISA. The initial results indicated that HSP70 has potential to detect the T. evansi infection and needs further validation on large set of equine serum samples.


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A new collision model, called the generalized soft-sphere (GSS) model, is introduced. It has the same total cross section as the generalized hard-sphere model [Phys. Fluids A 5, 738 (1993)], whereas the deflection angle is calculated by the soft-sphere scattering model [Phys. Fluids A 3, 2459 (1991)]. In virtue of a two-term formula given to fit the numerical solutions of the collision integrals for the Lennard-Jones (6-12) potential and for the Stockmayer potential, the parameters involved in the GSS model are determined explicitly that may fully reproduce the transport coefficients under these potentials. Coefficients of viscosity, self-diffusion and diffusion for both polar and nonpolar molecules given by the GSS model and experiment are in excellent agreement over a wide range of temperature from low to high.


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Con el presente trabajo se pretende conocer las lesiones de hígados bovinos decomisados (condenados) en el Rastro Municipal de Estelí del año 2008 y la realización de su diagnóstico histopatológico utilizando la técnica de tinción Hematoxilina. Eosina, además de ampliar los conocimientos de patología bovina en Nicaragua. El Rastro municipal está ubicado al norte de la ciudad en su periferia y en el actual límite del casco urbano. Los datos del presente estudio se obtuvieron de los registros de los animales faenados por mes y los datos de hígados decomisados (condena dos) se obtuvo de la inspección post-mortem del rastro municipal de Estelí lo cual es realizado por el médico veterinario oficial que depende de la alcaldía, dichos datos fueron recopilados en el período comprendido de marzo a agosto del año 2008. El presente estudio fue de tipo descriptivo donde se hicieron los análisis frecuenciales de las distintas variables evaluadas como categoría, clasificación macroscópica y microscópica, pérdidas económicas. Se encontró que de los 59 casos de hígados condenados representa el 4.16% de animales afectados por diversas patologías. Los resultados encontrados según categorías de los animales afectados fueron: 42 Vacas representaron el 71.18%, 16 Vaquillas el 27.11 % y e1 1.69% un Buey. A los cuales se le designó valor numérico 1-Vaquilla; 2-Vaca; 3-Buey. De los 59 bovinos afectados por Afecciones hepáticas, el 51% presentaron hepatitis, el 12% se refiere peri hepatitis, 10% a hepatitis telangiectasia, 5% a hepatitis pigmentación 3.4% hepatitis crónica, hepatitis absceso, peri hepatitis fibrinosa y absceso, y los rangos de 1.7% corresponden a hemorragia, adherencia, telangiectasia absceso, combina 1 y 9, (hepatitis focal crónica, degeneración, hiperplasia de canalículos biliares) 7 y 9 (degeneración, hemorragia, hiperplasia de canalículos biliares). Las pérdidas económicas por la cantidad hígados condenados fue de C$ 14, 160.00 córdobas que en dólares equivale a US$ 734.013.00 de acuerdo a la tasa de cambio del período estudiado.


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Con el objetivo de determinar nuevas variedades para la producción de chiltoma (Capsicum annuum L.) con mayor adaptabilidad a las condiciones del valle de sebaco, se estableció un ensayo de campo en la Estación Experimental “Raúl González” del valle de Sebaco para evaluar once variedades de chiltoma (Capsicum Annum L.) De las variedades comparadas, Buketen, Early Cal Wonder, Keystone Resistant Giant, Abena, Calextra, Kapia 1300, Long Red Marconi, Emeral Giant, E-9-802 Star, Perfección y Agronómico, Mostraron Menor crecimiento con alturas de 35ª 63 cms. Y para cobertura foliar, la variedad Buketen tuvo el menor valor con 0.04m2, a excepción de perfetion y Early Cal Wonder que alcanzaron un ancho foliar de 0.08 y 0.09m2, respectivamente: las variedades Buketen, Albena y Kapia 1300 revelaron una mayor precocidad en cuanto a dias de floración, fructificación e inicio de cosecha: las variedades Emerald GIant y Albena produjeron los mayores rendimientos de frutos comerciales con 13,734 y 13,273 Kg/ha. En base a las asociaciones encontradas entre los diferentes caracteres morfo vegetativos y morfo reproductivos de la planta sugiere utilizar en frutos programas de selección para Albena, Kapìa 1300 y Emerald Giant, criterios como número de ramificaciones, cobertura foliar y número de frutos por plata por su alta correlación positiva con el rendimiento


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<正> 孤立磁通量是太阳大气中的基本磁场位形。通量管模型将空间分为两个区域,管外的弱磁场区域可用分层大气模型,管内的强磁场区域曾用无力场模型描述。本文讨论用磁流体静力学平衡关系来描述管内区域的一类模型,如图1所示。


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The flow structure around an NACA 0012 aerofoil oscillating in pitch around the quarter-chord is numerically investigated by solving the two-dimensional compressible N-S equations using a special matrix-splitting scheme. This scheme is of second-order accuracy in time and space and is computationally more efficient than the conventional flux-splitting scheme. A 'rigid' C-grid with 149 x 51 points is used for the computation of unsteady flow. The freestream Mach number varies from 0.2 to 0.6 and the Reynolds number from 5000 to 20,000. The reduced frequency equals 0.25-0.5. The basic flow structure of dynamic stall is described and the Reynolds number effect on dynamic stall is briefly discussed. The influence of the compressibility on dynamic stall is analysed in detail. Numerical results show that there is a significant influence of the compressibility on the formation and convection of the dynamic stall vortex. There is a certain influence of the Reynolds number on the flow structure. The average convection velocity of the dynamic stall vortex is approximately 0.348 times the freestream velocity.