993 resultados para 658
Background: Examination of the epidemiology and timing of trauma deaths has been deemed a useful method to evaluate the quality of trauma care. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of trauma care in a regional trauma system and in a university hospital in Brazil by comparing the timing of deaths in the studied prehospital and in-hospital settings to those published for trauma systems in other areas. Methods: We analyzed the National Health Minister`s System of Deaths Information for the prehospital mortality and we retrospectively collected the demographics, timelines, and trauma severity scores of all in-hospital patients who died after admission through the Emergency Unit of Hospital das Clinicas de Ribeirao Preto between 2000 and 2001. Results. During the study period, there were 787 trauma fatalities in the city: 448 (56.9%) died in the prehospital setting and 339 (43.1%) died after being admitted to a medical facility. In 2 years, 238 trauma deaths occurred in the studied hospital, and we found a complete clinical set of data for 224 of these patients. The majority of deaths in the prehospital setting were caused by penetrating injuries (66.7%), whereas in-hospital mortality was mainly because of blunt traumas (59.1%). The largest number of in-hospital deaths occurred beyond 72 hours of stay (107 patients-47%). Conclusions: The region studied showed some deficiencies in prehospital and in-hospitals settings, in particular in the critical care and short-term follow-up of trauma patients when compared with the literature. Particularly, the late mortality may be related to training and human resources deficiency. Based on the timeline of trauma deaths, we can suggest that the studied region needs improvements in the prehospital trauma system and in hospital critical care.
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) at progestin removal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) at timed artificial insemination (TA!) on ovarian follicular dynamics (Experiment 1) and pregnancy rates (Experiment 2) in suckled Nelore (Bos indicus) cows. Both experiments were 2 x 2 factorials (eCG or No eCG, and GnRH or No GnRH), with identical treatments. In Experiment 1, 50 anestrous cows, 134.5 +/- 2.3 d postpartum, received a 3 mg norgestomet ear implant se, plus 3 mg norgestomet and 5 mg estradiol valerate im on Day 0. The implant was removed on Day 9, with TAI 54 h later. Cows received 400 IU eCG or no further treatment on Day 9 and GnRH (100 mu g gonadorelin) or no further treatment at TAI. Treatment with eCG increased the growth rate of the largest follicle from Days 9 to 11 (means +/- SEM, 1.53 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.48 +/- 0.1 mm/d; P < 0.0001), its diameter on Day 11(11.4 +/- 0.6 vs. 9.3 +/- 0.7 mm; P = 0.03), as well as ovulation rate (80.8% vs. 50.0%, P = 0.02), whereas GnRH improved the synchrony of ovulation (72.0 +/- 1.1 VS. 71.1 +/- 2.0 h). In Experiment 2 (n = 599 cows, 40 to 120 d postpartum), pregnancy rates differed (P = 0.004) among groups (27.6%, 40.1%, 47.7%, and 55.7% for Control. GnRH, eCG, and eCG + GnRH groups). Both eCG and GnRH improved pregnancy rates (51.7% vs. 318%, P = 0.002; and 48.0% vs 37.6%, P = 0.02, respectively), although their effects were not additive (no significant interaction). In conclusion, eCG at norgestomet implant removal increased the growth rate of the largest follicle (LF) from implant removal to TAI, the diameter of the LF at TAI, and rates of ovulation and pregnancy rates. Furthermore, GnRH at TAI improved the synchrony of ovulations and pregnancy rates in postpartum Nelore cows treated with a norgestomet-based TAI protocol. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Este texto discute o significado da inser????o da demiss??o por insufici??ncia de desempenho no processo de implanta????o da administra????o gerencial, em termos de seus principais avan??os e desafios
Analise do conceito de Função Publica, identificando, á partida, uma dicotomia conceptual, entre um modelo marcadamente continental(broad concept of civil service) e um modelo restrito(restricted scope of the concept of civil service), característico dos países anglo-saxónicos, aflorando a reforma da Administração Publica, na senda da New Public Management, como o caminho para a afirmação de modelos híbridos, com características de laboralização da Função Publica e de flexisegurança, que surgem como consequência da pulverização daquela dicotomia, revelando uma miscigenação entre os modelos iniciais e elementos externos, de acordo com as idiossincrasias de cada país. Posterior estudo de caso, versando sobre Portugal e a Irlanda , dois países que, são contrario do que a tradição anglo- saxónica da Irlanda faria adivinhar, partilham um conceito amplo de Função Publica(broad concept of Civil Service), apoiado num sistema de carreira(carrear sytem). Percorrerem, quase em simultâneo, o caminho de um regate económico-financeiro desenvolvido pelo Fundo Monetário Internacional, Banco Central Europeu e Comissão Europeia. Procurara investiga-se se o acordo firmado entre os dois países e a Troika, materializado nos respectivos Memorando de Entendimento e sucessivas revisões, no período compreendido entre 16 de Dezembro de 2010 e 31 de Dezembro de 2012, introduziu modificações nos respectivos modelos de Função Publica, designadamente forçando-os a uma aproximação do restricted scope of the concept of Civil Service e, com isso, projectando-os para a adopção de modelos híbridos.
Defende-se, neste texto, que o 11 de Setembro põe em causa os parâmetros de definição tradicional de «acontecimento mediático», revelando uma função simultaneamente integradora e desagregadora. Ao mesmo tempo que serviu para consolidar um comunitarismo ocidental definido em relação a uma alteridade islâmica ameaçadora, também enfatizou a existência de fissuras numa globalização não homogénea, deixando em aberto divisões acentuadas entre centro e periferia. A especificidade do 11 de Setembro prende-se ainda com o facto desse acontecimento ter sido produzido para os media por aqueles que pretendiam desafiar o sistema de globalização de que os media fazem parte. Assim, este mega acontecimento adquire conotações particularmente perversas, pois o ritual ao qual deu origem foi, em parte, ditado pelo ‘outro’, com o intuito de utilizar os media como espaço público de contestação, combate e confronto em tempo real.
Este artigo é parte de uma investigação(Serrasina, 1998) mais ampla referente ao processo de desenvolvimento profissional em matemática de três professores do 1º ciclo.
The evolution of the topography of titanium surfaces treated with femtosecond laser radiation in stationary conditions as a function of radiation fluence and number of laser pulses is investigated. Depending on the processing parameters, ripples, microcolumns, wavy or smooth surfaces can be obtained. The ripples predominate for fluences near the damage threshold of titanium (0.2+/-0.1) J/cm(2), while microcolumns form during the first 200 pulses for fluences between (0.6+/-0.2) and (1.7+/-0.2) J/cm(2). A wavy topography develops for fluences and number of pulses higher than (1.7+/-0.2) J/cm(2) and 300, respectively. A bimodal surface topography consisting of surface ripples overlapping a microcolumnar topography can be obtained if the surfaces are firstly treated to create microcolumns followed by laser treatment with a lower fluence near the ablation threshold of the material, in order to generate periodic ripple
This article analyses the painted panels of the moliceiro boat, a traditional working boat of the Ria de Aveiro region of Portugal. The article examines how the painted panels have been invented and reinvented over time. The boat and its panels are contextualized both within the changing socio-economic conditions of the Ria de Aveiro region, and the changing socio-political conditions of Portugal throughout the 20th century and until the present day. The article historically analyses the social significance of ‘moliceiro culture’, examining in particular the power relations it expresses and its ambiguous past and present relationships with the political and the economic powers of the Portuguese state. The article unpacks some of the complexity of the relations that have pertained between public and private, local and national, folk culture and ‘art’, and popular and institutional in the Ria de Aveiro region in particular, and Portugal more generally.
OBJECTIVE: Voluntary HIV counseling and testing are provided to all Brazilian pregnant women with the purpose of reducing mother-to-child HIV transmission. The purpose of the study was to assess characteristics of HIV testing and identify factors associated with HIV counseling and testing. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out comprising 1,658 mothers living in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Biological, reproductive and social variables were obtained from mothers by means of a standardized questionnaire. Being counseling about HIV testing was the dependent variable. Confidence intervals, chi-square test and hierarchical logistic model were used to determine the association between counseling and maternal variables. RESULTS: Of 1,658 mothers interviewed, 1,603 or 96.7% (95% CI: 95.7-97.5) underwent HIV testing, and 51 or 3.1% (95% CI: 2.3-4.0) were not tested. Four (0.2%) refused to undergo testing after counseling. Of 51 women not tested in this study, 30 had undergone the testing previously. Of 1,603 women tested, 630 or 39.3% (95% CI: 36.9-41.7) received counseling, 947 or 59.2% (95% CI: 56.6-61.5) did not, and 26 (1.6%) did not inform. Low income, lack of prenatal care, late beginning of prenatal care, use of rapid testing, and receiving prenatal in the public sector were variables independently associated with a lower probability of getting counseling about HIV testing. CONCLUSIONS: The study findings confirmed the high rate of prenatal HIV testing in Porto Alegre. However, women coming from less privileged social groups were less likely to receive information and benefit from counseling.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a contribuição das doenças relacionadas ao trabalho nos afastamentos por problemas de saúde em geral e ocupacionais. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados sociodemográficos, ocupacionais e de saúde referentes a 29.658 registros dos benefícios por incapacidade temporária concedidos por agravos à saúde pelo Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social, no Estado da Bahia, em 2000. Foram considerados casos todos os diagnósticos clínicos constantes da CID-10, com exceção das causas externas e fatores que influenciam o contato com os serviços de saúde. A vinculação do diagnóstico com a ocupação baseou-se no código CID-10 e se a espécie do benefício era "acidentária". RESULTADOS: Dentre os benefícios, 3,1% foram concedidos para doenças do trabalho: 70% eram doenças do sistema osteomuscular e do tecido conjuntivo e 14,5% do sistema nervoso. No geral, benefícios concedidos numa freqüência maior que o dobro da esperada foram: para tenossinovites na indústria da transformação (Razão de Proporção-RP=2,70), síndrome do túnel do carpo na intermediação financeira (RP=2,43) e transtornos do disco lombar no ramo de transporte, correio e telecomunicações (RP=2,17). Entretanto, não foi estabelecido nexo causal para estas doenças, nesses ramos de atividade, em percentual significativo de benefícios. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem a existência de possíveis fatores de risco ocupacionais para enfermidades nesses ramos de atividade, como também o sub-registro da vinculação das patologias com o trabalho, camuflando a responsabilidade das empresas e a perspectiva de prevenção pela reorganização do trabalho.
Comunicação apresentada no Ciclo de Debates "Pensar a Administração Pública", 15.ª Sessão - Tecnologia e Cidadania: a AP à distância de um clique, organizada pelo INA, em Lisboa a 4 de junho de 2015
Two serological surveys for Chagas' infection were carried out, in 1991 and 1993, respectively, using a conglomerate family samples from the residents in the town of Barcelos (in the northern part of the State of Amazonas, on the right bank of the Rio Negro, 490 Km up-river from Manaus), using indirect immunofluorescent tests for anti-T. cruzi antibodies. In the first survey (1991), 628 blood samples from the residents of 142 dwellings were tested, showing positive in 12.7% for anti-T. cruzi antibodies and in 1993 an other 658 samples from residents of 171 dwellings showed positive in 13.7% of the tests, thus confirming the previous results. From 170 individuals with positive serology for T. cruzi antibodies, 112 (66%) were interviewed and submitted to electrocardiographic and clinical examinations; 82 (73.2%) of them gave consent for xenodiagnosis. From the 112 interviewed 52 (46.4%) recognized the triatomines as "piaçavas' lice", 48 (42.8%) knew the bugs from their work places being gatherers of piaçava fibers in rural areas and 19 (16.9%) said that have been bitten by bugs in their huts. Only 2 (2.4%) of 82 xenodiagnosis applied were positive for T. cruzi and 9 (8%) of the ECG had alterations compatible with Chagas' disease.
Com este estudo pretende-se fazer uma abordagem da problemática da laqueação tubária à luz de um entendimento psicológico.São avaliados os motivos pelos quais as mulheres pedem laqueações e quais os possíveis factores de risco e arrependimento.
American Society of Anesthesiologists Score: Still Useful After 60 Years? Results of the EuSOS Study
OBJECTIVE: The European Surgical Outcomes Study described mortality following in-patient surgery. Several factors were identified that were able to predict poor outcomes in a multivariate analysis. These included age, procedure urgency, severity and type and the American Association of Anaesthesia score. This study describes in greater detail the relationship between the American Association of Anaesthesia score and postoperative mortality. METHODS: Patients in this 7-day cohort study were enrolled in April 2011. Consecutive patients aged 16 years and older undergoing inpatient non-cardiac surgery with a recorded American Association of Anaesthesia score in 498 hospitals across 28 European nations were included and followed up for a maximum of 60 days. The primary endpoint was in-hospital mortality. Decision tree analysis with the CHAID (SPSS) system was used to delineate nodes associated with mortality. RESULTS: The study enrolled 46,539 patients. Due to missing values, 873 patients were excluded, resulting in the analysis of 45,666 patients. Increasing American Association of Anaesthesia scores were associated with increased admission rates to intensive care and higher mortality rates. Despite a progressive relationship with mortality, discrimination was poor, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.658 (95% CI 0.642 - 0.6775). Using regression trees (CHAID), we identified four discrete American Association of Anaesthesia nodes associated with mortality, with American Association of Anaesthesia 1 and American Association of Anaesthesia 2 compressed into the same node. CONCLUSION: The American Association of Anaesthesia score can be used to determine higher risk groups of surgical patients, but clinicians cannot use the score to discriminate between grades 1 and 2. Overall, the discriminatory power of the model was less than acceptable for widespread use.