993 resultados para 65-484A
Estudi d’una cohort de persones majors de 64 anys ateses en 5 Àrees Bàsiques de Salut del Vallès Occidental, a les que es van determinar els nivells de vitamina D desprès de l’estiu, per analitzar la possible existència d’una variació estacional en el seu estat vitamínic, i els factors associats. Es van comparar els resultats amb les dades obtingudes en un estudi previ realitzat desprès de l’hivern. Es manté una elevada prevalença d’hipovitaminosi D en aquesta població desprès de l’estiu. Els factors associats amb la deficiència vitamínica van ser els nivells basals previs de 25(OH)D3 i la menor exposició solar.
The Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme began in June 2012 and offers AAA screening to all men aged 65 and over in Northern Ireland. All men in their 65th year receive an invite in the post. All men aged over 65 who have not been screened can request an appointment. The aim of the AAA screening programme is to reduce AAA-related mortality by providing systematic, population-based screening.� This poster was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies as part of a professional information pack in the run-up to the launch of the programme. The poster is also distributed to relevant voluntary organisations and charities as a means of raising awareness among the target population.
This study tested whether the lower economy of walking in healthy elderly subjects is due to greater gait instability. We compared the energy cost of walking and gait instability (assessed by stride to stride changes in the stride time) in octogenarians (G80, n = 10), 65-yr-olds (G65, n = 10), and young controls (G25, n = 10) walking on a treadmill at six different speeds. The energy cost of walking was higher for G80 than for G25 across the different walking speeds (P < 0.05). Stride time variability at preferred walking speed was significantly greater in G80 (2.31 +/- 0.68%) and G65 (1.93 +/- 0.39%) compared with G25 (1.40 +/- 0.30%; P < 0.05). There was no significant correlation between gait instability and energy cost of walking at preferred walking speed. These findings demonstrated greater energy expenditure in healthy elderly subjects while walking and increased gait instability. However, no relationship was noted between these two variables. The increase in energy cost is probably multifactorial, and our results suggest that gait instability is probably not the main contributing factor in this population. We thus concluded that other mechanisms, such as the energy expenditure associated with walking movements and related to mechanical work, or neuromuscular factors, are more likely involved in the higher cost of walking in elderly people.
Purpose: In this study, we investigated the expression of the gene encoding beta-galactosidase (Glb)-1-like protein 3 (Glb1l3), a member of the glycosyl hydrolase 35 family, during retinal degeneration in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-specific 65-kDa protein knockout (Rpe65(-/-)) mouse model of Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). Additionally, we assessed the expression of the other members of this protein family, including beta-galactosidase-1 (Glb1), beta-galactosidase-1-like (Glb1l), and beta-galactosidase-1-like protein 2 (Glb1l2).Methods: The structural features of Glb1l3 were assessed using bioinformatic tools. mRNA expression of Glb-related genes was investigated by oligonucleotide microarray, real-time PCR, and reverse transcription (RT) -PCR. The localized expression of Glb1l3 was assessed by combined in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry.Results: Glb1l3 was the only Glb-related member strongly downregulated in Rpe65(-/-) retinas before the onset and during progression of the disease. Glb1l3 mRNA was only expressed in the retinal layers and the RPE/choroid. The other Glb-related genes were ubiquitously expressed in different ocular tissues, including the cornea and lens. In the healthy retina, expression of Glb1l3 was strongly induced during postnatal retinal development; age-related increased expression persisted during adulthood and aging.Conclusions: These data highlight early-onset downregulation of Glb1l3 in Rpe65-related disease. They further indicate that impaired expression of Glb1l3 is mostly due to the absence of the chromophore 11-cis retinal, suggesting that Rpe65 deficiency may have many metabolic consequences in the underlying neuroretina.
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of an individualized overground walking interval training on gait performance [i.e., speed and energy cost (C(w))] in healthy elderly individuals. Twenty-two older adults were assigned to either a training group (TG; n=12, 73.4+/-3.9yr) or a non-training control group (CG; n=10, 70.9+/-9.6yr). TG participated in a 7-week individualized walking interval training at intensities progressing from 50 to 100% of ventilatory threshold (T (VE)). Aerobic fitness [maximal oxygen uptake (V O(2max)) and T (VE)], preferred walking speed (PWS), gross and net C(w) (GC(w) and NC(w), respectively) and relative effort (%V O(2max)) at PWS measured before training (PWS(1)) were assessed prior and following the intervention. All outcomes were measured on a treadmill. Significant improvements in GC(w) (-8%; P=0.007), NC(w) (-12%; P=0.003), relative effort (%V O(2max): -12%; P<0.001) and PWS (+12%; P<0.001) were observed in TG but not in CG (P>0.71). V O(2max) and T (VE) remained unchanged in both groups (P>0.57). Changes in GC(w) at PWS(1) (difference between GC(w) at PWS(1) measured pre and post intervention) were inversely correlated with changes in PWS (difference between pre and post PWS; r=-0.67; P=0.02). The decreased C(w) at PWS(1), with no concomitant improvement in aerobic fitness, represents the main contributing factor for the reduction of the relative effort at this speed. This also allows elderly people to increase their PWS post training. Therefore, the present walking training may be an effective way to improve walking performance and delay mobility impairment in older adults.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57593
OBJECTIVES: To describe the occurrence of selected adverse life events in young-old men and women, as well as their perceived psychological consequences. METHODS: In 2005, 1,422 participants in the Lausanne Cohort 65+ study, born in 1934-1938, self-reported whether they experienced any of 26 life events during the preceding year. Most participants (N = 1,309, 92%) completed the geriatric adverse life events scale during a face-to-face interview, by rating the level of stress associated with each event, as well as its impact on their psychological well-being. RESULTS: Overall, 72% of the participants experienced at least one of the 26 events in the preceding year (range 1-9). Disease affecting the respondent (N = 525) or a close relative (N = 276) was most frequent, as well as the death of a friend or non-close relative (N = 274). Women indicated a higher frequency of events (mean 2.1 vs. 1.7 events, P < 0.001), as well as a higher level of stress and a stronger negative impact on well-being than men. In multivariate analyses adjusting for self-rated health, depressive symptoms and comorbidity, female gender remained significantly associated with the level of stress and negative impact on psychological well-being. CONCLUSION: This exploratory study shows that several types of adverse life events frequently occur at age 65-70, with gender differences both in the frequency of reporting and consequences of these events. However, information on this topic is limited and studies based on different populations and designs are needed to better understand the impact of such events.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between fear of falling and gait performance in well-functioning older persons. DESIGN: Survey. SETTING: Community. PARTICIPANTS: Subjects (N=860, aged 65-70y) were a subsample of participants enrolled in a cohort study who underwent gait measurements. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Fear of falling and its severity were assessed by 2 questions about fear and related activity restriction. Gait performance, including gait variability, was measured using body-fixed sensors. RESULTS: Overall, 29.6% (210/860) of the participants reported fear of falling, with 5.2% (45/860) reporting activity restriction. Fear of falling was associated with reduced gait performance, including increased gait variability. A gradient in gait performance was observed from participants without fear to those reporting fear without activity restriction and those reporting both fear and activity restriction. For instance, stride velocity decreased from 1.15+/-.15 to 1.11+/-.17 to 1.00+/-.19 m/s (P<.001) in participants without fear, with fear but no activity restriction and with fear and activity restriction, respectively. In multivariate analysis, fear of falling with activity restriction remained associated with reduced gait performance, independent of sex, comorbidity, functional status, falls history, and depressive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: In these well-functioning older people, those reporting fear of falling with activity restriction had reduced gait performance and increased gait variability, independent of health and functional status. These relationships suggest that early interventions targeting fear of falling might potentially help to prevent its adverse consequences on mobility and function in similar populations.
"Bibliothecae monasterii S. Cornelii Compend. Congr. S. Mauri, 43", XVIIe s., f. 1. Compiègne.
Valtakunnallisen Voimaa Vanhuuteen -iäkkäiden terveysliikuntaohjelman (2004-2009) tavoitteena on edistää toimintakyvyltään heikentyvien ikäihmisten itsenäistä kotona selviytymistä tarjoamalla heille heidän jalkojensa lihasvoimaa ja tasapainoa parantavaa liikuntaa. Ohjelman koordinoinnista vastaa Ikäinstituutti. VoiTas Rampata Rapuissa -toimintakokeilu on yksi VoiTas -pilottihankkeen projekteista. Se toteutettiin Nurmijärven kunnan fysioterapian ja liikuntatoimen yhteistyönä syksyllä 2005 ja keväällä 2006. Tavoitteena oli saada yhden kerrostalon asukkaat motivoitua voimaharjoitteluun ja saada heidät käyttämään ahkerammin oman kotitalonsa portaita. Opinnäytetyöni tehtävänä on hankkia tietoa siitä, onko toimintakokeilu parantanut osallistujien toimintakykyä heidän itsensä mielestä. Haastatteluiden tuloksia olen käsitellyt ICF:n toimintakykyluokitusta mukaillen. Osallistujat kokivat, että heidän vireytensä ja itseluottamuksensa olivat lisääntyneet toimintakokeilun aikana. Osalla lihasvoiman lisääntyminen ja kipujen lievittyminen olivat motivoineet jatkamaan harjoitteita koko toimintakokeilun ajan. Yhdellä osallistujista unen laatu parani ja toimintakokeilu osaltaan auttoi häntä painonhallinnassa. Toimintakokeilu tuotti kaikille osallistujilleen hyvää mieltä ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta. Suoritustason kasvu arkielämässä näkyi eniten omaishoitajina toimivilla osallistujilla. He kokivat lihasvoiman kasvun myötä jaksavansa paremmin huolehtia puolisostaan ja arkipäivän asioista. Osa osallistujista koki itsensä hyväkuntoisiksi eivätkä he huomanneet toimintakokeilun tuoneen muutosta arkipäivässä toimimiseen, vaikka testitulokset osoittivat suorituskyvyn parantuneen. Osalla parantuneen suorituskyvyn muuttumista paremmaksi suoritustasoksi estivät perussairaudet ja kivut. Joidenkin osallistujien toimintatavat muuttuivat ainakin hetkellisesti, koska osa jatkoi kotiharjoitteiden tekemistä myös toimintakokeilun jälkeen. Neljä osallistujista siirtyi kuntosaliryhmään ja kaksi heistä aikoi jatkaa kuntosalilla vielä syksyllä. Suoritustasoa voitaisiin osallistujien mielestä parantaa yhteiskunnan tukitoimilla, kuten lähellä kotia olevilla ryhmillä ja yhteiskuljetuksilla ryhmiin. Jatkossa toivottiin toimintakokeilun tyyppisiä ryhmiä sekä kuntosali- ja vesiliikuntaryhmiä. Toimintakokeilu oli osallistujien mielestä sopiva monen ikäisille ihmisille. Harjoitteita oli helppo muunnella jokaisen kuntotasoa vastaavaksi. Ryhmähenki oli hyvä ja ohjaajista pidettiin. Lihasvoiman kasvaessa ja itsetunnon parantuessa kokivat ryhmäläiset jatkoryhmään siirtymisen helpommaksi.