973 resultados para 3T3-L1 Cells
Fatty acids inhibit insulin-mediated glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle, an effect largely attributed to defects in insulin-mediated glucose transport. Insulin-resistant mice transgenic for the overexpression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in skeletal muscle were used to examine the molecular mechanism(s) in more detail. Using DNA gene chip array technology, and confirmation by RT-PCR and Western analysis, increases in the yeast Sec1p homolog Munc18c mRNA and protein were found in the gastrocnemius muscle of transgenic mice, but not other tissues. Munc18c has been previously demonstrated to impair insulin-mediated glucose transport in mammalian cells in vitro. Of interest, stably transfected C2C12 cells overexpressing LPL not only demonstrated increases in Munc18c mRNA and protein but also in transcription rates of the Munc18c gene. jlr To confirm the relevance of fatty acid metabolism and insulin resistance to the expression of Munc18c in vivo, a 2-fold increase in Munc18c protein was demonstrated in mice fed a high-fat diet for 4 weeks. Together, these data are the first to implicate in vivo increases in Munc18c as a potential contributing mechanism to fatty acid-induced insulin resistance.
Insulin stimulates glucose transport in fat and muscle cells by triggering exocytosis of the glucose transporter GLUT4. To define the intracellular trafficking of GLUT4, we have studied the internalization of an epitope-tagged version of GLUT4 from the cell surface. GLUT4 rapidly traversed the endosomal system en route to a perinuclear location. This perinuclear GLUT4 compartment did not colocalize with endosomal markers (endosomal antigen I protein, transferrin) or TGN38, but showed significant overlap with the TGN target (t)-soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) Syntaxins 6 and 16. These results were confirmed by vesicle immunoisolation. Consistent with a role for Syntaxins 6 and 16 in GLUT4 trafficking we found that their expression was up-regulated significantly during adipocyte differentiation and insulin stimulated their movement to the cell surface. GLUT4 trafficking between endosomes and trans-Golgi network was regulated via an acidic targeting motif in the carboxy terminus of GLUT4, because a mutant lacking this motif was retained in endosomes. We conclude that GLUT4 is rapidly transported from the cell surface to a subdomain of the trans-Golgi network that is enriched in the t-SNAREs Syntaxins 6 and 16 and that an acidic targeting motif in the C-terminal tail of GLUT4 plays an important role in this process.
Background Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) is a ligand-activated transcription factor known to be central to both adipose tissue development and insulin action. Growth of adipose tissue requires differentiation of preadipocytes with acquisition of specific cellular functions including insulin sensitivity, leptin secretion and the capacity to store triglyceride. Dietary fatty acids and members of the thiazolidinedione class of compounds have been reported to influence adipogenesis at the transcriptional level. Here, we compare the effects of a dietary fatty acid, linoleic acid, and a thiazolidinedione, rosiglitazone, on biochemical and functional aspects of human preadipocyte differentiation in vitro . Materials and methods Human omental and subcutaneous preadipocytes were subcultured 2-3 times and subsequently differentiated for 21 days in the presence of either linoleic acid or rosiglitazone. Differentiation was assessed using a number of biochemical and functional parameters. Results Omental and subcutaneous preadipocytes differentiated in the presence of linoleic acid showed marked cytoplasmic triacylglycerol accumulation however, no biochemical markers of differentiation (LPL expression, G3PDH gene expression and enzyme activity and leptin expression or secretion) were detected. In contrast, treatment of these cells with rosiglitazone induced full biochemical differentiation as judged by all markers assessed, despite comparatively little lipid accumulation. The rosiglitazone effects were subcutaneous depot-specific. Cells treated with linoleic acid showed decreased glucose uptake cf rosiglitazone-treated cells. A luciferase reporter assay demonstrated that rosiglitazone potently activates h-peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma while linoleic acid had no effect. Conclusions These studies demonstrate that (a) human preadipocytes have the potential to accumulate triacylglycerol irrespective of their stage of biochemical differentiation; (b) while omental preadipocytes are refractory to biochemical differentiation in vitro , they are able to accumulate triacylglycerol; and (c) rosiglitazone and linoleic acid may exert their effects via different biochemical pathways.
Activation of macrophages with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces the rapid synthesis and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNFalpha), for priming the immune response [1, 2]. TNFalpha plays a key role in inflammatory disease [3]; yet, little is known of the intracellular trafficking events leading to its secretion. In order to identify molecules involved in this secretory pathway, we asked whether any of the known trafficking proteins are regulated by LPS. We found that the levels of SNARE proteins were rapidly and significantly up- or downregulated during macrophage activation. A subset of t-SNAREs (Syntaxin 4/SNAP23/Munc18c) known to control regulated exocytosis in other cell types [4, 5] was substantially increased by LPS in a temporal pattern coinciding with peak TNFalpha secretion. Syntaxin 4 formed a complex with Munc18c at the cell surface of macrophages. Functional studies involving the introduction of Syntaxin 4 cDNA or peptides into macrophages implicate this t-SNARE in a rate-limiting step of TNFalpha secretion and in membrane ruffling during macrophage activation. We conclude that in macrophages, SNAREs are regulated in order to accommodate the rapid onset of cytokine secretion and for membrane traffic associated with the phenotypic changes of immune activation. This represents a novel regulatory role for SNAREs in regulated secretion and in macrophage-mediated host defense.
O trabalho descrito no presente documento reporta a preparação de derivados tetrapirrólicos iodados de tipo porfirina tornando-os potenciais veículos a meio de contraste iodado, usado em radiodiagnóstico. Com os resultados deste trabalho irá ser realizado um pedido de patente das moléculas e portanto, o acesso a este trabalho será restrito nos termos do Código da Propriedade Industrial, aprovado pelo Decreto de Lei nº 36/2003 de 5 de Março. Na primeira fase do trabalho, foi sintetizado o derivado porfirínico simétrico, meso-substituído, contendo um total de 8 iodos. Este foi preparado por condensação do pirrol e do aldeído iodado em meio ácido e na presença de nitrobenzeno. Foram ainda preparados as respetivas metaloporfirinas contendo os iões metálicos de manganês e gadolínio. Posteriormente foi avaliada a capacidade destes derivados atenuarem o feixe de raio-X, através da mediação das Unidades de Hounsfield, após serem adquiridas imagens por Tomografia Computorizada. Na segunda fase do trabalho procedeu-se ao estudo da influência destes compostos na diferenciação celular, usando como modelo as células de pré-adipócitos 3T3-L1. Foi avaliada a diferenciação celular, através da quantificação de lípidos das células maduras, marcados com Red Oil O, por espectrofotometria de Visível 3 e 10 dias após a administração dos derivados em estudo.
Introdução: Estudos anteriores em modelos tumorais de glioma e melanoma, tumores radiorresistentes, indicaram que a obesidade pode estar relacionada com um aumento do status oxidativo e com a diminuição da resistência à radiação. Como a Radioterapia é o tratamento frequentemente utilizado para esta patologia, propomo-nos, desta forma, a explorar a influência da obesidade em células de glioma, as BC3H1, e melanoma, B16F10, submetidas a Radioterapia, na presença de agentes oxidantes e antioxidantes, para o estudo da sua influência ao nível da viabilidade celular e do impacto do stress oxidativo. Métodos: As células BC3H1 e B16F10 foram tratadas com t-BOOH (150μM e 50 μM, respetivamente), TUDCA (25μM e 1μM, respetivamente) e com a mistura de t-BOOH+TUDCA em meio DMEM sem soro e meio condicionado (CM), a partir de adipócitos 3T3-L1. Em seguida, parte das células foram irradiadas com uma dose total de 2Gy. Posteriormente avaliou-se a viabilidade celular (teste MTT) e o stress oxidativo (teste TBARS, atividade da catalase, concentração da GSH, e status antioxidante total), às 4h e 12h. Resultados: Observou-se um aumento da capacidade antioxidante total das células irradiadas, comparativamente com as células não irradiadas. O meio condicionado reduziu o stress oxidativo nas BC3H1, ao mesmo tempo que reduziu a sua viabilidade celular. O TUDCA nas células incubadas com MC e submetidas a radioterapia, tendencialmente diminuiu a viabilidade celular, nas concertações em estudo. Discussão/Conclusão: O meio condicionado e a radioterapia, por si só, aumentam a resposta antioxidante total na célula, às 4h e às 12h. O TUDCA nas células incubadas com meio condicionado e submetidas a radioterapia, teve um comportamento citotóxico para as BC3H1, nas concentrações testadas. Revelando a necessidade de aprofundar os estudos da ação deste composto como agente radiossensibilizador, neste e noutros modelos celulares de carcinogénese.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
In adult, bone remodeling is a permanent process, reaching an annual turnover of about 10% of the skeleton. Bone remodeling requires the sequential and coordinated actions of the hematopoietic origin osteoclasts, to remove bone and the mesenchymal origin osteoblasts to replace it. An increased level of bone resorption is the primary cause of age-related bone loss often resulting in osteopenia, and is the major cause of osteoporosis.¦Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which are expressed in three isotypes, PPARa, PPARp and PPARy, are ligand-activated transcription factors that control many cellular and metabolic processes, more particularly linked to lipid metabolism. In bone, previous works has shown that PPARy inhibits osteogenesis by favoring adipogenesis from common mesenchymal progenitors. In addition, the pro-osteoclastogenesis activity of PPARy results in an increased bone resorption. Accordingly, treatment with PPARy agonist such as the anti-diabetic drug TZD causes bone loss and accumulation of marrow adiposity in mice as well as in postmenopausal women. The aim of the present thesis work was to elucidate the PPARs functions in bone physiology.¦The initial characterization of the PPARP" bone phenotype mainly revealed a decreased BMD. In vitro studies exploring the potency of mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate in osteoblast showed no differences depending on the genotype. However, we could demonstrate an effect of PPARp in partially inhibiting osteoclastogenesis. These results are further sustained by a study made in collaboration with the group of Dr Kronke, which showed an impressive protection against ovariectomy-generated bone loss when the females are treated with a PPARp agonist.¦Observations in PPARy null mice are more complex. The lab has recently been able to generate mice carrying a total deletion of PPARy. Intriguingly, the exploration of the bone phenotype of these mice revealed paradoxical findings. Whereas short bones such as vertebrae exhibit an elevated BMD as expected, long bones (tibia and femur) are clearly osteoporotic. According to their activity when set in culture, osteoblast differentiation normally occurs. Indeed the phenotype can be mainly attributed to a high density of osteoclasts in the cortical bone of PPARy null mice, associated to large bone resorption areas.¦Our explorations suggest a mechanism that involves regulatory processes linking osteoclastogenesis to adipogenesis, the latter being totally absent in PPARy null mice. Indeed, the lack of adipose tissue creates a favorable niche for osteoclastogenesis since conditioned medium made from differentiated adipocyte 3T3L1 inhibited osteoclastogenesis from both PPARy-/- and WT cells. Thus, adipokines deficiency in PPARy-/- mice contributes to de- repress osteoclastogenesis. Using specific blocking antibody, we further identified adiponectin as the major player among dozens of adipokines. Using flow cytometry assay, we explored the levels at which the osteoclastic commitment was perturbed in the bone marrow of PPARy-/- mice. Intriguingly, we observe a general decrease for hematopoietic stem cell and lineage progenitors but increased proportion of osteoclast progenitor in PPARy-/- bone marrow. The general decrease of HSC in the bone marrow is however largely compensated by an important extra-medullary hematopoeisis, taking place in the liver and in the spleen.¦These specific characteristics emphasize the key role of PPARy on a cross road of osteogenesis, adipogenesis and hematopoiesis/osteoclastogenesis. They underline the complexity of the bone marrow niche, and demonstrate the inter-dependance of different cell types in defining bone homeostasis, that may be overseen when experimental design single out pure cell populations.¦Chez l'adulte, même après la fin de la croissance, le renouvellement des os se poursuit et porte sur environ 10% de l'ensemble du squelette adulte, par année. Ce renouvellement implique à la fois des mécanismes séquentiels et coordonnés des ostéoclastes d'origine hématopoïetique, qui dégradent l'os, et des ostéoblastes d'origine mésenchymale, qui permettent la régénération de l'os. La perte en densité osseuse due à l'âge entraîne un fort niveau de résorption, conduisant souvent à une ostéopénie, elle-même cause de l'ostéoporose.¦Les trois isotypes PPAR (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, PPARa, PPARp, et PPARy) sont des récepteurs nucléaires qui contrôlent de nombreux mécanismes cellulaires et métaboliques, plus particulièrement liés au métabolisme lipidique. Au niveau osseux, des travaux précédents ont montré que PPARy inhibe l'ostéoblastogenèse en favorisant la formation d'adipocytes à partir de la cellule progénitrice commune. De plus, l'activité pro- ostéoclastogénique de PPARy induit une résorption osseuse accrue. Condormément à ces observations, les patients diabétiques traités par les thiazolidinediones qui agissent sur PPARy, ont un risque accrue d'ostéoporose liée à une perte osseuse accrue et un accroissement de l'adiposité au niveau de la moelle osseuse. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de mon travail de thèse a été d'élucider le rôle des PPAR dans la physiologie osseuse, en s'appuyant sur le phénotype des souris porteuses de mutation pour PPAR.¦La caractérisation initiale des os des souris porteuses d'une délétion de ΡΡΑΕφ a principalement révélé une diminution de la densité minérale osseuse (DMO). Alors que l'ostéogenèse n'est pas significativement altérée chez ces souris, l'ostéoclastogenèse est elle augmentée, suggérant un rôle modérateur de ce processus par ΡΡΑΕΙβ. Ces résultats sont par ailleurs soutenus par une étude menée par le groupe du Dr Krônke en collaboration avec notre groupe, et qui monte une protection très importante des souris traitées par un activateur de PPARP contre l'ostéoporose provoquée par l'ovariectomie.¦Les observations concernant PPARy donnent des résultats plus complexes. Le laboratoire a en effet été capable récemment de générer des souris portant une délétion totale de PPARy. Alors que les os courts chez ces souris présentent une augmentation de la DMO, comme attendu, les os longs sont clairement ostéoporotiques. Ce phénotype corrèle avec une densité élevée d'ostéoclastes dans l'os cortical de ces os longs. Deux processus semblent contribuer à ce phénotype. En premier lieu, nous démontrons qu'un milieu conditionné provenant de cultures de cellules 3T3-L1 différenciées en adipocytes contiennent une forte activité inhibitrice d'osteoclastogenesis. L'utilisation d'anticorps neutralisant permet d'identifier l'adiponectine comme l'un des facteurs principaux de cette inhibition. Les souris PPARy étant totalement dépourvues d'adipocytes et donc de tissu adipeux, la sécrétion locale d'adiponectine dans la moelle osseuse est donc également absente, entraînant une désinhibition de l'ostéoclastogenèse. En second lieu, des analyses par FACS révèle une proportion accrue des cellules progénitrices d'ostéoclastes dans la moelle osseuse. Cela s'accompagne par une diminution globale des cellules souches hématopoïétiques, qui est cependant largement compensée par une importante hématopoëise extra-médullaire, dans le foie comme dans la rate.¦L'ensemble de notre travail montre toute l'importance de PPARy au carrefour de l'ostéogenèse, adipogenèse, et hématopoëise/osteoclastogenèse. Il souligne la complexité de la niche que représente la moelle osseuse et démontre l'inter-dépendance des différents types cellulaires définissant l'homéostasie osseuse, complexité qui peut facilement être masqué lorsque le travail expérimental se concentre sur le comportement d'un type cellulaire donné.
Tyrosine kinase receptors lead to rapid activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3 kinase) and the subsequent formation of phosphatidylinositides (PtdIns) 3,4-P2 and PtdIns 3,4, 5-P3, which are thought to be involved in signaling for glucose transporter GLUT4 translocation, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and DNA synthesis. However, the specific role of each of these PtdIns in insulin and growth factor signaling is still mainly unknown. Therefore, we assessed, in the current study, the effect of SH2-containing inositol phosphatase (SHIP) expression on these biological effects. SHIP is a 5' phosphatase that decreases the intracellular levels of PtdIns 3,4,5-P3. Expression of SHIP after nuclear microinjection in 3T3-L1 adipocytes inhibited insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation by 100 +/- 21% (mean +/- the standard error) at submaximal (3 ng/ml) and 64 +/- 5% at maximal (10 ng/ml) insulin concentrations (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively). A catalytically inactive mutant of SHIP had no effect on insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation. Furthermore, SHIP also abolished GLUT4 translocation induced by a membrane-targeted catalytic subunit of PI3 kinase. In addition, insulin-, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I)-, and platelet-derived growth factor-induced cytoskeletal rearrangement, i.e., membrane ruffling, was significantly inhibited (78 +/- 10, 64 +/- 3, and 62 +/- 5%, respectively; P < 0.05 for all) in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In a rat fibroblast cell line overexpressing the human insulin receptor (HIRc-B), SHIP inhibited membrane ruffling induced by insulin and IGF-I by 76 +/- 3% (P < 0.001) and 68 +/- 5% (P < 0.005), respectively. However, growth factor-induced stress fiber breakdown was not affected by SHIP expression. Finally, SHIP decreased significantly growth factor-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and DNA synthesis. Expression of the catalytically inactive mutant had no effect on these cellular responses. In summary, our results show that expression of SHIP inhibits insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation, growth factor-induced membrane ruffling, and DNA synthesis, indicating that PtdIns 3,4,5-P3 is the key phospholipid product mediating these biological actions.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sustained adipose activation of the transcriptional activators cAMP response binding proteins (CREB) in obesity leads to impaired expression of the glucose transporter GLUT4 and adiponectin (adipoq) in mice model of obesity. Diminution of GLUT4 and adipoq caused by CREB is indirect and relies on the increased repressive activity of the CREB target gene activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3). Specific inactivation of CREB in adipocytes decreases ATF3 production and improves whole-body insulin sensitivity of mice in the context of diet-induced obesity. Thus, elevation of CREB activity is a key mechanism responsible for adipocyte dysfunction and systemic insulin resistance. The inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) is a negative regulator of the CREB activity. In fact, ICER antagonizes the CREB factor by competing for the regulation of similar target genes. The goal of the study was to investigate whether loss of ICER expression in adipocytes could be responsible for increased CREB activity in obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mice C57bl6 were fed with a high fat diet (HFD) for 12 weeks to increase body weight and generate insulin resistance. Biopsies of visceral adipose tissues (VAT) were prepared from human lean (BMI=24}0.5 Kg/m2) or obese subjects (BMI>35 Kg/m2). Total RNA and protein were prepared from white adipose tissues (WAT) of chow- or HFD-fed mice and VAT of lean and obese subjects. Activities of CREBs and ICER were monitored by electromobility shift assays (EMSA). The role of ICER on CREB activity was confirmed in 3T3-L1 adipocytes cells. Briefly after differentiation, the cells were electroporated with the plasmid coding for ICER cDNA. Gene expression was quantified by quantitative real-time PCR and western Blotting experiments. RESULTS: The expression of ICER is reduced in WAT of HFD-induced obese mice when compared to chow mice as measured by real-time PCR and EMSA. Similar result was found in human tissues. Reduction in ICER expression was associated with increased ATF3 expression and decreased adipoq and GLUT4 contents. Diminution in ICER levels was observed in adipocytes fraction whereas its expression was unchanged in stroma vascular fraction of WAT. Overexpression of ICER in 3T3-L1 adipocytes silenced the expression of ATF3, confirming the regulation of the factor by ICER. The expression of ICER is regulated by histone deacetylases activity (HDAC). Inhibition of HDACs in 3T3-L1 adipocytes cells using trichostatin inhibited the production of ICER. The whole activity of HDAC was reduced in WAT and VAT of obese mice and human obese subjects. CONCLUSION: Impaired adipose expression of ICER is responsible of increased CREB activity in adipocytes in obesity. This mechanism relies on reduction of the HDAC activity.
Rationale: Human keratinocytes used for transplants are cultivated on a feeder layer which may be composed of autologous human fibroblasts or 3T3 murine fibroblasts. Using the latter method spares 15 additional days of preparation. In this study we investigate the potential presence of residual murine feeder cell contaminants in epidermal cultures prepared for transplantation. Methods: Monolayers of cultured 3T3-J2 murine fibroblasts were treated with 4 μg/mL of mitomycin C (MMC) for 2 h and used to track cell survival kinetics. Using similar 3T3 cells, human keratinocyte cultures were grown following a modified protocol based on the method described by Rheinwald and Green. Cell sheets were mechanically detached and rinsed 4 times following the same procedure used for transplant preparation. The elimination of 3T3 cells during culture was visually tracked using phase contrast microscopy. Epidermal cultures were then dissociated to produce cell suspensions and analyzed by flow cytometry using a murine-specific antibody, CD90, conjugated to a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) marker. Dead cells were identified using 7-amino-actinomysin D (7-AAD) which binds to DNA in permeabilized cells. Results: 3T3 cells treated with MMC display clear morphological signs of apoptosis, disappearing completely in 9-10 days following kinetics similar to 30 Gy gamma irradiated 3T3 cells. Histological analysis of cultured epidermal sheets revealed homogenous keratinocytic tissue with no 3T3 cells. MMC treated and untreated 3T3 cells displayed strong CD90 expression. Cell suspensions obtained from epidermal cultures were, however, negative for that marker. Conclusion: Results obtained demonstrate the absence of contaminating murine 3T3 feeder cells in human keratinocyte cultures. These findings highlight our success in developing cultured human epidermal autografts.
Lipid overload in obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and decreased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Here, we report that the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), the rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial FAO, is higher in human adipose tissue macrophages than in adipocytes and that it is differentially expressed in visceral vs. subcutaneous adipose tissue in both an obese and a type 2 diabetes cohort. These observations led us to further investigate the potential role of CPT1A in adipocytes and macrophages. We expressed CPT1AM, a permanently active mutant form of CPT1A, in 3T3-L1 CARΔ1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages through adenoviral infection. Enhanced FAO in palmitate-incubated adipocytes and macrophages reduced triglyceride content and inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and ROS damage in macrophages. We conclude that increasing FAO in adipocytes and macrophages improves palmitate-induced derangements. This indicates that enhancing FAO in metabolically relevant cells such as adipocytes and macrophages may be a promising strategy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Lipid overload in obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and decreased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Here, we report that the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), the rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial FAO, is higher in human adipose tissue macrophages than in adipocytes and that it is differentially expressed in visceral vs. subcutaneous adipose tissue in both an obese and a type 2 diabetes cohort. These observations led us to further investigate the potential role of CPT1A in adipocytes and macrophages. We expressed CPT1AM, a permanently active mutant form of CPT1A, in 3T3-L1 CARΔ1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages through adenoviral infection. Enhanced FAO in palmitate-incubated adipocytes and macrophages reduced triglyceride content and inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and ROS damage in macrophages. We conclude that increasing FAO in adipocytes and macrophages improves palmitate-induced derangements. This indicates that enhancing FAO in metabolically relevant cells such as adipocytes and macrophages may be a promising strategy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Lys-gamma 3-MSH is a melanocortin peptide derived from the C-terminal of the 16 kDa fragment of POMC. The physiological role of Lys-gamma 3-MSH is unclear, although it has previously been shown that, although not directly steroidogenic, it can act to potentiate the steroidogenic response of adrenal cortical cells to ACTH. This synergistic effect appears to be correlated with an ability to increase the activity of hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) and therefore the rate of cholesterol ester hydrolysis. Ligand binding studies have suggested that high-affinity binding sites for Lys-gamma 3-MSH exist in the adrenal gland and a number of other rat tissues that express HSL, including adipose, skeletal muscle and testes. To investigate the hypothesis that Lys-gamma 3-MSH may play a wider role in cholesterol and lipid metabolism, we tested the effect of Lys-gamma 3-MSH on lipolysis, an HSL-mediated process, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In comparison with other melanocortin peptides, Lys-gamma 3-MSH was found to be a potent stimulator of lipolysis. It was also able to phosphorylate HSL at key serine residues and stimulate the hyper-phosphorylation of perilipin A. The receptor through which the lipolytic actions of Lys-gamma 3-MSH are being mediated is not clear. Attempts to characterise this receptor suggest that either the pharmacology of the melanocortin receptor 5 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes is different from that described when expressed in heterologous systems or the possibility that a further, as yet uncharacterised, receptor exists.
Free fatty acids are known for playing a crucial role in the development of insulin resistance. High fat intake is known for impairing insulin sensitivity; however, the effect of vegetable-oil injections have never been investigated. The present study investigated the effects of daily subcutaneous injections (100 mu L) of soybean (SB) and sunflower (SF) oils, during 7 days. Both treated groups developed insulin resistance as assessed by insulin tolerance test. The mechanism underlying the SB- and SF-induced insulin resistance was shown to involve GLUT4. In SB- and SF-treated animals, the GLUT4 protein expression was reduced similar to 20% and 10 min after an acute it? vivo stimulus with insulin, the plasma membrane GLUT4 content was similar to 60% lower in white adipose tissue (WAT). No effects were observed in skeletal muscle. Additionally, both oil treatments increased mainly the content of palmitic acid (similar to 150%) in WAT, which can contribute to explain the GLUT4 regulations. Altogether, the present study collects evidence that those oil treatments might generate insulin resistance by targeting GLUT4 expression and translocation specifically in WAT. These alterations are likely to be caused due to the specific local increase in saturated fatty acids that occurred as a consequence of oil daily injections. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.