964 resultados para 3D laser scanner


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[EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):


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[EN] This academic activity has been the origin of other work that are also located in this repository. The first one is the dataset of information about the geometry of the Monastery recorded during the two years of fieldwork, then some bachelor thesis and papers are listed:


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[ES] La documentación de este proyecto ha servido como base para la realización de los siguientes proyectos y artículos:


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O uso de modelos de estudo dentários faz parte tanto da prática quanto da pesquisa odontológica e ortodôntica. Com a introdução dos scanners 3D e dos tomógrafos CBCT (cone beam computer tomography) tornou-se possível a obtenção de modelos dentários tridimensionais virtuais das arcadas dentárias. Foram selecionados 56 modelos dentários superiores e escaneados em três tipos diferentes de scanners: Maestro 3D Dental Scanner (AGE Solutions, Potedera, Italia), 3Shape R700 3D Scanner (3Shape, Copenhagen, Dinamarca) e o scanner 3Shape TRIOS (3Shape, Copenhagen, Dinamarca). Doze medidas foram realizadas nos modelos dentários de gesso e comparadas com as mesmas medidas realizadas nos modelos dentários digitais por meio do teste de Análise de Variância (ANOVA). Estatisticamente não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as medições tradicionais nos modelos dentários de gesso e as medidas realizadas nos modelos dentários digitais. Os três tipos de métodos de aquisição de modelos dentários digitais foram considerados confiáveis para as medições horizontais, transversais e verticais. Os modelos dentários virtuais podem ser indicados como substitutos dos modelos dentários de gesso.


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采用连续模拟降雨试验,对坡沟系统概化模型进行坡面沟蚀发育过程模拟,再现坡面片蚀—细沟侵蚀—切沟侵蚀演变过程。结合3种测量技术从测量精度、测量人员要求、数据处理、数据通用性、配套软件使用、前期投入、测量条件等几个方面入手,对比分析高精度GPS(Trimble 5700)、三维激光扫描仪(Leica HDS 3000)和测针板的3种测量方法的优缺点,同时对3种测量方法在沟蚀过程监测和侵蚀量估算方面进行对比研究。结果表明,激光扫描仪能很好地监测沟蚀演变过程,且对侵蚀量估算精度较高,误差仅为4.5%。高精度GPS也能很好地监测沟蚀演变过程,对侵蚀量估算精度误差为7.38%。测针板法不能很好的反映沟蚀演变过程,但是对于侵蚀量的估算可以满足日常要求,误差为-12.78%。


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利用光线的反射与聚焦成象原理 ,将地表高程转换成不同物象点位置的电信号 ,再经计算机处理成数字高程模型 ,即形成用于获取地表糙度数字高程模型的激光微地貌扫描仪。实验测量得到 :在相同初始条件下 ,不同坡度土槽放水和降雨实验后地表形态的数字地形模型。通过对侵蚀地表形态的分析 ,得出坡度对坡面侵蚀及沟蚀影响的某些初步规律。


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Enhanced reality visualization is the process of enhancing an image by adding to it information which is not present in the original image. A wide variety of information can be added to an image ranging from hidden lines or surfaces to textual or iconic data about a particular part of the image. Enhanced reality visualization is particularly well suited to neurosurgery. By rendering brain structures which are not visible, at the correct location in an image of a patient's head, the surgeon is essentially provided with X-ray vision. He can visualize the spatial relationship between brain structures before he performs a craniotomy and during the surgery he can see what's under the next layer before he cuts through. Given a video image of the patient and a three dimensional model of the patient's brain the problem enhanced reality visualization faces is to render the model from the correct viewpoint and overlay it on the original image. The relationship between the coordinate frames of the patient, the patient's internal anatomy scans and the image plane of the camera observing the patient must be established. This problem is closely related to the camera calibration problem. This report presents a new approach to finding this relationship and develops a system for performing enhanced reality visualization in a surgical environment. Immediately prior to surgery a few circular fiducials are placed near the surgical site. An initial registration of video and internal data is performed using a laser scanner. Following this, our method is fully automatic, runs in nearly real-time, is accurate to within a pixel, allows both patient and camera motion, automatically corrects for changes to the internal camera parameters (focal length, focus, aperture, etc.) and requires only a single image.


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Aquesta tesi tracta el problema del posicionament de robots mòbils quan, en el decurs del moviment, es realitzen mesures angulars relatives al robot de l'orientació de la recta entre un dels seus punts i punts de l'entorn de posició coneguda. Es considera que les mesures angulars són fetes per un sensor làser giratori que detecta diferents reflectors catadiòptrics fixos. La contribució principal és el desenvolupament d'un algorisme dinàmic, basat en un filtre de Kalman estès (EKF), que estima a cada instant de temps l'estat format pels angles associats als reflectors. La simulació hodomètrica dels angles entre mesures directes del sensor làser garanteix l'ús consistent i continuat dels mètodes de triangulació per a determinar la posició i l'orientació del robot. Inclou simulacions informàtiques i experiments per a validar la precisió del mètode de posicionament proposat. En l'experimentació s'utilitza un robot mòbil omnidireccional amb tres rodes de lliscament direccional de corrons esfèrics.


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In this paper, we address issues in segmentation Of remotely sensed LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) data. The LIDAR data, which were captured by airborne laser scanner, contain 2.5 dimensional (2.5D) terrain surface height information, e.g. houses, vegetation, flat field, river, basin, etc. Our aim in this paper is to segment ground (flat field)from non-ground (houses and high vegetation) in hilly urban areas. By projecting the 2.5D data onto a surface, we obtain a texture map as a grey-level image. Based on the image, Gabor wavelet filters are applied to generate Gabor wavelet features. These features are then grouped into various windows. Among these windows, a combination of their first and second order of statistics is used as a measure to determine the surface properties. The test results have shown that ground areas can successfully be segmented from LIDAR data. Most buildings and high vegetation can be detected. In addition, Gabor wavelet transform can partially remove hill or slope effects in the original data by tuning Gabor parameters.


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Due to advances in the manufacturing process of orthopedic prostheses, the need for better quality shape reading techniques (i.e. with less uncertainty) of the residual limb of amputees became a challenge. To overcome these problems means to be able in obtaining accurate geometry information of the limb and, consequently, better manufacturing processes of both transfemural and transtibial prosthetic sockets. The key point for this task is to customize these readings trying to be as faithful as possible to the real profile of each patient. Within this context, firstly two prototype versions (α and β) of a 3D mechanical scanner for reading residual limbs shape based on reverse engineering techniques were designed. Prototype β is an improved version of prototype α, despite remaining working in analogical mode. Both prototypes are capable of producing a CAD representation of the limb via appropriated graphical sheets and were conceived to work purely by mechanical means. The first results were encouraging as they were able to achieve a great decrease concerning the degree of uncertainty of measurements when compared to traditional methods that are very inaccurate and outdated. For instance, it's not unusual to see these archaic methods in action by making use of ordinary home kind measure-tapes for exploring the limb's shape. Although prototype β improved the readings, it still required someone to input the plotted points (i.e. those marked in disk shape graphical sheets) to an academic CAD software called OrtoCAD. This task is performed by manual typing which is time consuming and carries very limited reliability. Furthermore, the number of coordinates obtained from the purely mechanical system is limited to sub-divisions of the graphical sheet (it records a point every 10 degrees with a resolution of one millimeter). These drawbacks were overcome by designing the second release of prototype β in which it was developed an electronic variation of the reading table components now capable of performing an automatic reading (i.e. no human intervention in digital mode). An interface software (i.e. drive) was built to facilitate data transfer. Much better results were obtained meaning less degree of uncertainty (it records a point every 2 degrees with a resolution of 1/10 mm). Additionally, it was proposed an algorithm to convert the CAD geometry, used by OrtoCAD, to an appropriate format and enabling the use of rapid prototyping equipment aiming future automation of the manufacturing process of prosthetic sockets.


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Semi-automatic building detection and extraction is a topic of growing interest due to its potential application in such areas as cadastral information systems, cartographic revision, and GIS. One of the existing strategies for building extraction is to use a digital surface model (DSM) represented by a cloud of known points on a visible surface, and comprising features such as trees or buildings. Conventional surface modeling using stereo-matching techniques has its drawbacks, the most obvious being the effect of building height on perspective, shadows, and occlusions. The laser scanner, a recently developed technological tool, can collect accurate DSMs with high spatial frequency. This paper presents a methodology for semi-automatic modeling of buildings which combines a region-growing algorithm with line-detection methods applied over the DSM.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to assess if the positioning of the impression tray could cause plaster casts distortion during gypsum setting time. fifteen pairs of master models were cast with alginate impression material and immediately poured with gypsum. impressions were allowed to set with the tray in the not inverted position (group a) or in the inverted position (group b). the plaster models were digitized using a laser scanner (3shape r-700, 3shape a/s). tooth size measurements and distances were obtained using o3d software (widialabs, brasil) measurement tools. data were analyzed by paired t test and linear regression with 5% significance. most measurements of both groups were similar, except for the lower intermolar distance. it was not possible to corroborate the presence of distortions owing to the position of the impression tray during gypsum setting time.