998 resultados para 393.1


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In this work we study the spontaneous breaking of superconformal and gauge invariances in the Abelian N = 1,2 three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter (SCSM) theories in a large N flavor limit. We compute the Kahlerian effective superpotential at subleading order in 1/N and show that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism is responsible for the dynamical generation of a mass scale in the N = 1 model. This effect appears due to two-loop diagrams that are logarithmic divergent. We also show that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism fails when we lift from the N = 1 to the N = 2 SCSM model. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The objective was to estimate alterations in adrenergic receptor sites of guinea pig vas deferens, in vivo and in vitro, induced by chronic denervation. The denervation process induced an increased sensitivity (3-fold at the EC50 level) without alteration in the maximum response to phenylephrine in vitro. The sensitivity alteration was characterized by the decrease in the dissociation constant of phenylephrine for alpha-adrenoceptor [K-A: normal tissue 3.50 (0.75-16.21) x 10(-5) and denervated tissue 0.43 (0.11-1.67) x 10(-5) M, p < 0.05] without changing the dissociation constant of prazosin. A decrease in pD(2)' value for phenylephrine-phenoxybenzamine, probably due to a qualitative rather than a quantitative alteration in the alpha-adrenoceptor, was also shown in vitro [pD(2)': normal tissue (8.2776 +/- 0.0402) and denervated tissue (8.0051 +/- 0.0442), p < 0.05]. No change in sensitivity and maximum response to phenylephrine was observed in vivo after denervation, although an increased resistance of vas deferens to phenoxybenzamine blockade has been evidenced in this condition. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reference materials (RM) are required for quantitative analyses and their successful use is associated with the degree of homogeneity, and the traceability and confidence limits of the values established by characterisation. During the production of a RM, the chemical characterisation can only commence after it has been demonstrated that the material has the required level of homogeneity. Here we describe the preparation of BRP-1, a proposed geochemical reference material, and the results of the tests to evaluate its degree of homogeneity between and within bottles. BRP-1 is the first of two geochemical RM being produced by Brazilian institutions in collaboration with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG). Two test portions of twenty bottles of BRP-1 were analysed by wavelength dispersive-XRF spectrometry and major, minor and eighteen trace elements were determined. The results show that for most of the investigated elements, the units of BRP-1 were homogeneous at conditions approximately three times more rigorous than those strived for by the test of sufficient homogeneity. Furthermore, the within bottle homogeneity of BRP-1 was evaluated using small beam (1 mm(2)) synchrotron radiation XRF spectrometry and, for comparison, the USGS reference materials BCR-2 and GSP-2 were also evaluated. From our data, it has been possible to assign representative minimum masses for some major constituents (1 mg) and for some trace elements (1-13 mg), except Zr in GSP-2, for which test portions of 74 mg are recommended.


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V393 Scorpii is a double periodic variable characterized by a relatively stable non-orbital photometric cycle of 253 d. Mennickent et al. argue for the presence of a massive optically thick disc around the more massive B-type component and describe the evolutionary stage of the system. In this paper, we analyse the behaviour of the main spectroscopic optical lines during the long non-orbital photometric cycle. We study the radial velocity of the donor determining its orbital elements and find a small but significant orbital eccentricity (e = 0.04). The donor spectral features are modelled and removed from the spectrum at every observing epoch using the light-curve model given by Mennickent et al. We find that the line emission is larger during eclipses and mostly comes from a bipolar wind. We also find that the long cycle is explained in terms of a modulation of the wind strength; the wind has a larger line and continuum emissivity at the high state. We report the discovery of highly variable chromospheric emission in the donor, as revealed by the Doppler maps of the emission lines Mg II 4481 and C I 6588. We discuss notable and some novel spectroscopic features like discrete absorption components, especially visible at blue depressed O I 7773 absorption wings during the second half-cycle, Balmer double emission with V/R curves showing 'Z-type' and 'S-type' excursions around secondary and main eclipses, respectively, and H beta emission wings extending up to +/- 2000 km s(-1). We also discuss possible causes for these phenomena and for their modulations with the long cycle.


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We revisit the supermultiplet structure of Noether currents for N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. Using superfield identities and the field equations we show how to derive a superfield equation for the divergences of the Noether currents in terms of the supercurrent and anomaly superfields containing 16_B+16_F components. We refer to this as the natural supercurrent structure as it is invariant under all local symmetries of the theory. It corresponds to the S-multiplet of Komargodski and Seiberg. We clarify the on/off-shell nature of the currents appearing in this multiplet and we study in detail the effect of specific improvement transformations leading to 1) a Ferrara-Zumino multiplet and to 2) a multiplet containing the new improved energy-momentum tensor of Callan, Coleman and Jackiw. Our methods also apply to supersymmetric gauge theories with a Fayet-Iliopoulos term. We construct the natural supercurrent multiplet for such a theory and show how to improve this to a formally gauge-invariant Ferrara-Zumino multiplet by introducing a non-dynamical chiral superfield S to ensure superfield gauge invariance. Finally we study the coupling of this theory to supergravity and show that S remains non-dynamical if the theory is R-symmetric and that S becomes propagating if the theory is not R-symmetric, leading to non-minimal 16_B+16_F supergravity


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u.a.: bezeugt durch den Appellationsgerichtssekretär Dr. jur. Gwinner und den Arzt Dr. med. Stiebel; Arthur Schopenhauer;


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Glückwünsche zum 85. Geburtstag (Gedicht), Geschenk von Richard Oppenheimer


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