999 resultados para 361.61


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Program from the dedication ceremony of the new U.S. 61 between Interstate 80 and U.S. 30 near De Witt. This section provides motorists with a safe and convenient four-lane highway.


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Program from the dedication ceremony of the new U.S. 61 Muscatine Bypass.


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A laboratory study has been conducted with two aims in mind. The first goal was to develop a description of how a cutting edge scrapes ice from the road surface. The second goal was to investigate the extent, if any, to which serrated blades were better than un-serrated or "classical" blades at ice removal. The tests were conducted in the Ice Research Laboratory at the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research of the University of Iowa. A specialized testing machine, with a hydraulic ram capable of attaining scraping velocities of up to 30 m.p.h. was used in the testing. In order to determine the ice scraping process, the effects of scraping velocity, ice thickness, and blade geometry on the ice scraping forces were determined. Higher ice thickness lead to greater ice chipping (as opposed to pulverization at lower thicknesses) and thus lower loads. S~milabr ehavior was observed at higher velocities. The study of blade geometry included the effect of rake angle, clearance angle, and flat width. The latter were found to be particularly important in developing a clear picture of the scraping process. As clearance angle decreases and flat width increases, the scraping loads show a marked increase, due to the need to re-compress pulverized ice fragments. The effect of serrations was to decrease the scraping forces. However, for the coarsest serrated blades (with the widest teeth and gaps) the quantity of ice removed was significantly less than for a classical blade. Finer serrations appear to be able to match the ice removal of classical blades at lower scraping loads. Thus, one of the recommendations of this study is to examine the use of serrated blades in the field. Preliminary work (by Nixon and Potter, 1996) suggests such work will be fruitful. A second and perhaps more challenging result of the study is that chipping of ice is more preferable to pulverization of the ice. How such chipping can be forced to occur is at present an open question.


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A partir de Constantino I, cuando el cristianismo fue reconocido y apoyado por los emperadores romanos, se dotó a la Iglesia de terrenos destinados a su mantenimiento. En poco tiempo, este patrimonio fundiario se acrecentó notablemente gracias a las donaciones de privados y a que, en la medida en que la situación lo permitió, los obispos se apropiaron de las dotaciones de los templos paganos de sus comunidades. Por otro lado, este aumento patrimonial suscitó problemas legales relacionados con los impuestos que debían pagarse por estas tierras.


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Enjeux La réussite d'une transplantation rénale ou hépatique intègre non seulement le succès de l'acte chirurgical et sa prise en charge médicale post-greffe, mais également pour le patient greffé l'assurance d'une nouvelle qualité de vie dont le retour au travail fait partie. Le retour au travail après greffe est cependant généralement peu étudié dans la littérature et peu discuté semble-t-il au niveau médical que ce soit avant ou après greffe, quand bien même d'un point de vue médico-socio-économique il s'agit d'un sujet important compte tenu des coûts liés à un arrêt de travail prolongé ou à une rente pour incapacité de travail. Contexte Après une greffe réussie, il n'existe théoriquement plus de facteur limitant et peu de contre-indications médicales liées à la greffe pour empêcher une reprise progressive de l'activité professionnelle. Or en réalité le taux de retour au travail après greffe est généralement faible, variant entre 30 et 60% selon la littérature. Ceci a incité l'auteur de cette présente étude à essayer d'en connaître les raisons. Ainsi, l'hypothèse a été que certains facteurs professionnels (« en activité professionnelle ou non avant greffe », « être diplômé ou non»), individuels («âge», «genre», «type d'organe greffé») ou médicaux (« complications médicales aiguës de moins de 6 mois post greffe ») influencent négativement ou positivement le retour au travail des patients greffés. L'étude a porté sur un petit collectif volontaire de patients greffés rénaux et hépatiques opérés entre 1993 et 2003 et suivis depuis lors au centre de transplantation d'organes (CTO) du CHUV. Il leur a été administré en face à face un questionnaire médical spécialement conçu pour l'étude. Conclusion L'étude montre que le taux de retour au travail après greffe rénale ou hépatique s'élève à 39% et qu'il existe effectivement des facteurs pouvant influencer le retour au travail après greffe. Ainsi, être « âgé de moins de 45 ans », être « au bénéfice d'une formation (diplôme) » et « travailler les deux ans précédent la greffe » sont des facteurs significatifs de retour au travail après greffe. Perspective Gage de qualité de vie, le retour au travail après greffe doit être encouragé et favorisé quand il se peut, en s'aidant des facteurs connus qui l'influencent positivement ou négativement. Pour cela, il est indispensable qu'au stade pré greffe déjà s'instaure un dialogue sur le sujet entre patients en attente de greffe et personnel médico-social, afin de mettre en oeuvre le plus précocement possible les mesures socio-professionnelles adéquates comme cela se fait déjà en Allemagne ou aux Etats-Unis par exemple.


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The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) used the traffic simulation model CORSIM to access proposed capacity and safety improvement strategies for the U.S. 61 corridor through Burlington, Iowa. The comparison between the base and alternative models allow for evaluation of the traffic flow performance under the existing conditions as well as other design scenarios. The models also provide visualization of performance for interpretation by technical staff, public policy makers, and the public. The objectives of this project are to evaluate the use of traffic simulation models for future use by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and to develop procedures for employing simulation modeling to conduct the analysis of alternative designs. This report presents both the findings of the U.S. 61 evaluation and an overview of model development procedures. The first part of the report includes the simulation modeling development procedures. The simulation analysis is illustrated through the Burlington U.S. 61 corridor case study application. Part I is not intended to be a user manual but simply introductory guidelines for traffic simulation modeling. Part II of the report evaluates the proposed improvement concepts in a side by side comparison of the base and alternative models.


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U.S. Highway 61 between Muscatine and Davenport, Iowa, is a four-lane divided section of road approximately 21 miles in length. This section was found to be among the top 5% of Iowa roadways for single-vehicle run-off-road, impaired driver, unbelted driver, and speed-related crashes for the period of 2001 through 2005. A road safety audit of this corridor was deemed appropriate by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Traffic and Safety. Staff and officials from the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education, and several local law enforcement and transportation agencies met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to US 61. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this US 61 corridor and explains several selected mitigation strategies.


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On the October 7 and 8, 2008, a road safety audit was conducted for the intersection of US 61/Harrison Street and West Locust Street in Davenport, Iowa. US 61/Harrison Street is a one-way street and a principal arterial route through Davenport, with three southbound lanes. Locust Street is a four-lane, two-way minor arterial running across the city from west to east. The last major improvement at this intersection was implemented approximately 20 years ago. The Iowa Department of Transportation requested a safety audit of this intersection in response to a high incidence of crashes at the location over the past several years, in view of the fact that no major improvements are anticipated for this intersection in the immediate future. The road safety audit team discussed current conditions at the intersection and reviewed the last seven years of crash data. The team also made daytime and nighttime field visits to the intersection to examine field conditions and observe traffic flow and crossing guard operations with younger pedestrians. After discussing key issues, the road safety audit team drew conclusions and suggested possible enforcement, engineering, public information, and educational strategies for mitigation.


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Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has re-initiated planning and preliminary design studies to improve U.S. 61 from Memorial Park Road in Burlington north to 1-mile north of IA 78 in Louisa County. The proposed project consists of improving approximately 18 miles of roadway from 2-lanes to 4-lanes and evaluating a potential bypass around Mediapolis.


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A snapshot of water resource trends prepared by the Iowa DNR in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the U.S. Geological Survey, and The Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department.


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A painful worsening of known difficulties in walking led us to investigate a man who presented a spastic paraparesis. Radiological investigations had to be repeated three times before making a diagnosis of a right C6 spinal dural arteriovenous fistula after a 22-month follow-up. Knowing the mechanisms leading to spinal venous hypertension may explain the low yield of the early radiological investigations that should be repeated. The efficiency of the treatment depends on the severity of the presurgical neurologic manifestations.