998 resultados para 35-325
The pressure dependences of Cl-35 nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) frequency, temperature and pressure variation of spin lattice relaxation time (T-1) were investigated in 3,4-dichlorophenol. T-1 was measured in the temperature range 77-300 K. Furthermore, the NQR frequency and T-1 for these compounds were measured as a function of pressure up to 5 kbar at 300 K. The temperature dependence of the average torsional lifetimes of the molecules and the transition probabilities W-1 and W-2 for the Delta m = +/- 1 and Delta m = +/- 2 transitions were also obtained. A nonlinear variation of NQR frequency with pressure has been observed and the pressure coefficients were observed to be positive. A thermodynamic analysis of the data was carried out to determine the constant volume temperature coefficients of the NQR frequency. An attempt is made to compare the torsional frequencies evaluated from NQR data with those obtained by IR spectra. On selecting the appropriate mode from IR spectra, a good agreement with torsional frequency obtained from NQR data is observed. The previously mentioned approach is a good illustration of the supplementary nature of the data from IR studies, in relation to NQR studies of compounds in solid state.
We have employed the highly sensitive electron magnetic resonance technique complimented by magnetization measurements to study the impact of size reduction on the magnetic ordering in nanosized Sm1-x Ca (x) MnO3 (x = 0.35, 0.65 and 0.92). In the bulk form, x = 0.35 sample shows a charge ordering transition at 235 K followed by a mixed magnetic phase, the sample with x = 0.65 exhibits charge order below 275 K and shows an antiferromagnetic insulator phase below 135 K while that with x = 0.92 has a ferromagnetic-cluster glass ground state. Thus, a comparative study of magnetic ground states of bulk and nanoparticles (diameter similar to 25 nm) enables us to investigate size-induced effects on different types of magnetic ordering. It is seen that in the bulk samples the temperature dependences of the EPR parameters are quite different from each other. This difference diminishes for the nanosamples where all the three samples show qualitatively similar behavior. The magnetization measurements corroborate this conclusion.
We report a systematic investigation of the temperature dependence of electron magnetic resonance (EMR) line width, intensity and resonance field for similar to 25 nm Nd0.65Ca0.35MnO3 (NCMO1), Nd0.65Ca0.35Mn0.94Cr0.06O3 (NCMO2) and Nd0.65Ca0.35Mn0.9Cr0.1O3 (NCMO3) nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method. The EMR line widths for the three nano-samples differ significantly from one another below a temperature T (min) where the line width has a minimum. T (min) was found to be 130, 100 and 120 K for NCMO1, NCMO2 and NCMO3, respectively. Well above T (min) the line width values for the three samples are close to one another. The sharp upturn of EMR line width below T (min) is attributed to the formation of short range, ferromagnetically ordered clusters. Temperature dependence of EMR intensity shows a residual CO transition in NCMO1 and NCMO2 and a complete disappearance of it in NCMO3. The intensity undergoes significant increase below 120, 80 and 100 K for NCMO1, NCMO2 and NCMO3, respectively, indicating the onset of ferromagnetic transitions. The occurrence of ferromagnetic transition is further confirmed by magnetization hysteresis measurements. The decrease in T (C) in NCMO2 and NCMO3 compared to NCMO1 nanoparticles is understood to be due to the destruction of the double-exchange interaction by chromium doping. The resonance field decreases below the ferromagnetic onset temperatures for all the samples as expected. The combined effects of the reduction in size and of chromium doping in Mn site are discussed.
Contenido: Del progreso en filosofía / La Dirección – Evolución de la verdad / Alberto García Vieyra – El sentimiento como revelador de lo ético / José Ignacio de Alcorta – Sobre algunos aspectos de la antropología filosófica actual en Alemania / Walter Brüning – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía
Published also as: Documento de Trabajo Banco de España 0504/2005.
[ES] La controversia acerca de si la implantación y negociación de activos derivados afecta a la estabilidad de los respectivos mercados de contado perdura desde hace más de dos décadas. En este trabajo abordamos la problemática anterior desde una nueva perspectiva. Concretamente, analizamos el impacto que sobre la estructura del mercado bursátil ha podido tener la introducción de los mercados de activos derivados sobre el IBEX-35. Para ello, definimos e identificamos la estructura del mercado bursátil para el periodo de estudio, y, a continuación, analizamos el efecto que sobre la misma ha tenido la aparición de los nuevos mercados de derivados. Nuestros resultados son consistentes con los de otros autores, ya que si bien no se ha producido un cambio generalizado y substancial en la estructura del mercado bursátil, la introducción de los nuevos mercados sí parece que ha afectado a un número reducido de empresas incluidas en el IBEX-35.
A Constituinte pode decidir amanhã se muda o Regimento Interno, para permitir a apresentação de emendas ao projeto de Constituição aprovado pela Comissão de Sistematização. O Senador Mauro Benevides (PMDB-CE), vice-presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), comenta sobre a proposta que altera o regimento para permitir que cada Constituinte tenha direito a três emendas e seis destaques. O grupo "Centrão" já recolheu 324 assinaturas para exigir a mudança do regimento. O Deputado Daso Coimbra (PMDB-RJ) explica que não se pretende modificar trechos inteiros do Projeto da Constituição. Em reunião com o presidente da ANC, o Deputado Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP), integrantes do "Centrão" levaram a proposta do grupo. O Deputado Ricardo Fiuza (PFL-PE) comenta os resultados da reunião. O Senador Mário Covas (SP) admite que se abra espaço para mudanças com a alteração do regimento, mas não aceita a apresentação de um substitutivo em bloco. Uma pesquisa de opinião realizada pelo IBOPE em 23 Estados mostra o que pensa o brasileiro sobre o sistema de governo. Os Deputados Oswaldo Bender (PDS-RS), Paulo Delgado (PT-MG), Antônio Câmara (PMDB-RN) comentam o resultado da pesquisa.
Artikulu honetan Markowitz-en eredua azaltzen da. Hasieratik Markowitz-en ereduak garrantzia handia izan du teorikoki, garapen eta eratorri ugari eraginez. Gainera, finantza aktiboen merkatuko oreka teoria desberdinen oinarria ere izan dela esan daiteke. Dena den, karteren kudeatzaile eta analisigileen artean praktikan duen erabileran ez da teorian izan duen adina arrakastatsua izan. Egindako ikerketa enpirikoan Markowitz-en ereduak merkatuko erreferentzia karterak (IBEX-35 eta IGBM) gainditzeko gai diren karterak ematen ditu alde batetik. Eta bestetik, IBEX-35 eta IGBM ez dira kartera eraginkorrak eta ez dute merkatuko kartera teorikoaren portaera islatzen.
In this work, we measured 14 horizontal velocity profiles along the vertical direction of a rectangular microchannel with aspect ratio alpha = h/w = 0.35 (h is the height of the channel and w is the width of the channel) using microPIV at Re = 1.8 and 3.6. The experimental velocity profiles are compared with the full 3D theoretical solution, and also with a Poiseuille parabolic profile. It is shown that the experimental velocity profiles in the horizontal and vertical planes are in agreement with the theoretical profiles, except for the planes close to the wall. The discrepancies between the experimental data and 3D theoretical results in the center vertical plane are less than 3.6%. But the deviations between experimental data and Poiseuille's results approaches 5%. It indicates that 2D Poiseuille profile is no longer a perfect theoretical approximation since a = 0.35. The experiments also reveal that, very near the hydrophilic wall (z = 0.5-1 mu m), the measured velocities are significantly larger than the theoretical velocity based on the no-slip assumption. A proper discussion on some physical effects influencing the near wall velocity measurement is given.
A diode stack end-pumped Nd:YVO4 slab laser at 1342 nm with near-diffraction-limited beam quality by using a hybrid resonator was presented. At a pump power of 139.5 W, laser power of 35.4 W was obtained with a conversion efficiency of 25.4% of the laser diode to laser output. The beam quality M-2 factors were measured to be 1.2 in the unstable direction and 1.3 in the stable direction at the output power of 29 W. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio econométrico para explicar los rendimientos del IBEX 35 de diciembre de 2006 a febrero de 2014 y contrastar si la crisis es un factor determinante sobre ellos en el período citado. Para ello, en primer lugar se realiza un análisis descriptivo de una serie de variables que se considera que van a tener influencia en los rendimientos, tales como: la prima de riesgo, los tipos de interés y el volumen de contratación. Además, se analiza tanto la estacionalidad diaria como mensual. Posteriormente, se especifica y estima un modelo econométrico inicial y tras una serie de contrastes y restricciones se obtiene un modelo ajustado. El resultado final es el previsto antes de realizar la estimación en lo que corresponde a la prima de riesgo, el tipo de interés, y el volumen de contratación, son relevantes para explicar los rendimientos del IBEX 35. Por el contrario, la crisis, que a priori se espera que tenga influencia en los rendimientos del IBEX 35, resulta no tener influencia significativa en éstos.
En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio econométrico para explicar los rendimientos del IBEX 35 de diciembre de 2006 a febrero de 2014 y contrastar si la crisis es un factor determinante sobre ellos en el período citado. Para ello, en primer lugar se realiza un análisis descriptivo de una serie de variables que se considera que van a tener influencia en los rendimientos, tales como: la prima de riesgo, los tipos de interés y el volumen de contratación. Además, se analiza tanto la estacionalidad diaria como mensual. Posteriormente, se especifica y estima un modelo econométrico inicial y tras una serie de contrastes y restricciones se obtiene un modelo ajustado. El resultado final es el previsto antes de realizar la estimación en lo que corresponde a la prima de riesgo, el tipo de interés, y el volumen de contratación, son relevantes para explicar los rendimientos del IBEX 35. Por el contrario, la crisis, que a priori se espera que tenga influencia en los rendimientos del IBEX 35, resulta no tener influencia significativa en éstos.