162 resultados para 3450
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o papel e a participação de diversos atores sociais na implementação de políticas públicas de turismo no município de Soure, na Ilha do Marajó, no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Através de Análise de Política de implementação do Programa de Regionalização, é descrito o sistema de implementação de políticas públicas de turismo, é especificado quem são os atores envolvidos, e a compreensão de como esses atores organizados atuam na implementação dessas políticas públicas. Na primeira parte, são expostas políticas públicas de cada nível governamental, no qual é avaliado o papel dos órgãos responsáveis, o conteúdo, o processo e o resultado. Na segunda parte, são expostas, através dos resultados da pesquisa de campo, as organizações e a participação delas no município. Por meio dos resultados, é compreendida, principalmente, a diferença das lógicas entre governo federal/estadual e local. Para o governo local falta o conceito do desenvolvimento turístico sustentável. Também, a descontinuidade das políticas in lócus está destacado. No que diz respeito às organizações locais, o problema é que elas ainda não estão na etapa de conseguir manter-se organizadas. Para interpretação desse fenômeno, são utilizadas teorias sobre o capital social, pela visão de estrutura social e de cultura, a teoria de sistema, e o conceito de desenvolvimento local e do desenvolvimento turístico sustentável.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Com base nas considerações de alguns críticos literários reconhecidamente empenhados com o problema do ensino da literatura, notadamente Antonio Candido, o presente texto propõe uma breve reflexão sobre o corpus literário a ser adotado em sala-de-aula pelo professor do ensino médio. Em outros termos, trata-se de uma busca, não propriamente de respostas mas de subsídios teóricos, capazes de embasar as reflexões daqueles que se perguntam sobre o que ler, ou o que ensinar em literatura.Palavras-chave: Literatura; ensino; leitura; teoria literária.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
To evaluate changes in microhardness, roughness and surface morphology of dental enamel and composite resin after different tooth bleaching techniques. Material and Methods: Dental fragments from bovine incisors with composite resin restorations were submitted to different bleaching protocols: G1 – daily 8 hours application of a 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel during 21 days; G2: 3 applications of 15 minutes of a 38% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) gel; G3: 38% H2O2 gel associated to irradiation with LED (470nm) during 6 minutes. The Knoop micro hardness of enamel and composite resin were evaluated at 1, 7, 14 and 21 days for G1, and after 1, 2 and 3 sessions for G2 and G3. The roughness and superficial morphology (atomic force microscopy) were evaluated before and at the end of the bleaching treatment. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests (=5%). Results: Significant reduction on enamel hardness was observed after 2 and 3 sessions for G2 and G3. For composite, the reduction occurred after 21 days for G1, and after 3 sessions for G2 and G3 (p<0.05). Significant reduction on roughness and superficial morphology were observed only for enamel of G1 group (p<0.05). Conclusion: The 10% CP gel promoted only superficial alterations on dental enamel, while the 38% H2O2 gel promoted mineral reduction of this dental tissue. All the bleaching protocols promoted reduction on hardness of composite resin.
In questa tesi ci occuperemo di fornire un modello MIP di base e di alcune sue varianti, realizzate allo scopo di comprenderne il comportamento ed eventualmente migliorarne l’efficienza. Le diverse varianti sono state costruite agendo in particolar modo sulla definizione di alcuni vincoli, oppure sui bound delle variabili, oppure ancora nell’obbligare il risolutore a focalizzarsi su determinate decisioni o specifiche variabili. Sono stati testati alcuni dei problemi tipici presenti in letteratura e i diversi risultati sono stati opportunamente valutati e confrontati. Tra i riferimenti per tale confronto sono stati considerati anche i risultati ottenibili tramite un modello Constraint Programming, che notoriamente produce risultati apprezzabili in ambito di schedulazione. Un ulteriore scopo della tesi è, infatti, comparare i due approcci Mathematical Programming e Constraint Programming, identificandone quindi i pregi e gli svantaggi e provandone la trasferibilità al modello raffrontato.
Die Herstellung von Polymer-Solarzellen aus wässriger Phase stellt eine attraktive Alternative zu der konventionellen lösemittelbasierten Formulierung dar. Die Vorteile der aus wässriger Lösung hergestellten Solarzellen liegen besonders in dem umweltschonenden Herstellungsprozess und in der Möglichkeit, druckbare optoelektronische Bauteile zu generieren. Die Prozessierbarkeit von hydrophoben Halbleitern im wässrigen Milieu wird durch die Dispergierung der Materialien, in Form von Nanopartikeln, erreicht. Der Transfer der Halbleiter in eine Dispersion erfolgt über die Lösemittelverdampfungsmethode. Die Idee der Verwendung von partikelbasierte Solarzellen wurde bereits umgesetzt, allerdings blieben eine genaue Charakterisierung der Partikel sowie ein umfassendes Verständnis des gesamten Fabrikationsvorgangs aus. Deshalb besteht das Ziel dieser Arbeit darin, einen detaillierten Einblick in den Herstellungsprozess von partikelbasierten Solarzellen zu erlangen, mögliche Schwächen aufzudecken, diese zu beseitigen, um so zukünftige Anwendungen zu verbessern. Zur Herstellung von Solarzellen aus wässrigen Dispersionen wurde Poly(3-hexylthiophen-2,5-diyl)/[6,6]-Phenyl-C61-Buttersäure-Methylester (P3HT/PCBM) als Donor/Akzeptor-System verwendet. Die Kernpunkte der Untersuchungen richteten sich zum einen die auf Partikelmorphologie und zum anderen auf die Generierung einer geeigneten Partikelschicht. Beide Parameter haben Auswirkungen auf die Solarzelleneffizienz. Die Morphologie wurde sowohl spektroskopisch über Photolumineszenz-Messungen, als auch visuell mittels Elektronenmikroskopie ermittelt. Auf diese Weise konnte die Partikelmorphologie vollständig aufgeklärt werden, wobei Parallelen zu der Struktur von lösemittelbasierten Solarzellen gefunden wurden. Zudem wurde eine Abhängigkeit der Morphologie von der Präparationstemperatur beobachtet, was eine einfache Steuerung der Partikelstruktur ermöglicht. Im Zuge der Partikelschichtausbildung wurden direkte sowie grenzflächenvermittelnde Beschichtungsmethoden herangezogen. Von diesen Techniken hatte sich aber nur die Rotationsbeschichtung als brauchbare Methode erwiesen, Partikel aus der Dispersion in einen homogenen Film zu überführen. Des Weiteren stand die Aufarbeitung der Partikelschicht durch Ethanol-Waschung und thermische Behandlung im Fokus dieser Arbeit. Beide Maßnahmen wirkten sich positiv auf die Effizienz der Solarzellen aus und trugen entscheidend zu einer Verbesserung der Zellen bei. Insgesamt liefern die gewonnen Erkenntnisse einen detaillierten Überblick über die Herausforderungen, welche bei dem Einsatz von wasserbasierten Dispersionen auftreten. Die Anforderungen partikelbasierter Solarzellen konnten offengelegt werden, dadurch gelang die Herstellung einer Solarzelle mit einer Effizienz von 0.53%. Dieses Ergebnis stellt jedoch noch nicht das Optimum dar und lässt noch Möglichkeiten für Verbesserungen offen.
Das Werk eröffnet eine Serie von Bänden, die sich die Publikation der wichtigsten Materialien zum Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuch zum Ziel gesetzt hat. Sie sollen den Berner Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Privatrecht um eine kodifikationshistorische Dimension ergänzen und den Ausgangspunkt für die Erläuterungen zum geltenden Recht bilden. Der erste Band ist eigens auf die Centenarfeier des ZGB am 10. Dezember 2007 hin fertig gestellt worden. Er enthält mit den Erläuterungen zum Vorentwurf des Eidg. Justiz- und Polizeidepartements von 1900 das vielleicht schönste und anregendste, sicher aber das monumentalste Werk der Materialien. Es zeugt vom magistralen Überblick Eugen Hubers über den zivilrechtlichen Rechtsstoff und einer Weitsicht, die noch heute Vorbild jeder Gesetzgebungsarbeit sein sollte. Erstmals seit Jahrzehnten wird es wieder einem breiteren Publikum in originalgetreuer Form zugänglich gemacht. Zwecks prägnanter Zitierbarkeit sind Randnoten hinzugefügt worden. Ein Stichwortverzeichnis garantiert die schnelle Auffindbarkeit der Textstellen.
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt Unsicherheiten in den Prozessen der Leercontainerlogistik und beinhaltet einen Systematisierungsansatz, der die Akteure bei der operativen Planung unterstützen soll. Weiterhin werden ausgewählte Modellierungskonzepte zur Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten vorgestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung zum Einsatz in mathematischen Optimierungsmodellen für das Leercontainermanagement analysiert. An einem konkreten Fallbeispiel wird der mögliche Einbezug der sogenannten Grey-Zahlen verdeutlicht.
This study aimed to characterize the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) and to define the nociceptive threshold in 25 healthy, non-medicated experimental sheep in standing posture. Electrical stimulation of the dorsal lateral digital nerves of the right thoracic and the pelvic limb was performed and surface-electromyography (EMG) from the deltoid (all animals) and the femoral biceps (18 animals) or the peroneus tertius muscles (7 animals) was recorded. The behavioural reaction following each stimulation was scored on a scale from 0 (no reaction) to 5 (strong whole body reaction). A train-of-five 1 ms constant-current pulse was used and current intensity was stepwise increased until NWR threshold intensity was reached. The NWR threshold intensity (It) was defined as the minimal stimulus intensity able to evoke a reflex with a minimal Root-Mean-Square amplitude (RMSA) of 20 μV, a minimal duration of 10 ms and a minimal reaction score of 1 (slight muscle contraction of the stimulated limb) within the time window of 20 to 130 ms post-stimulation. Based on this value, further stimulations were performed below (0.9It) and above threshold (1.5It and 2It). The stimulus-response curve was described. Data are reported as medians and interquartile ranges. At the deltoid muscle It was 4.4 mA (2.9–5.7) with an RMSA of 62 μV (30–102). At the biceps femoris muscle It was 7.0 mA (4.0–10.0) with an RMSA of 43 μV (34–50) and at the peroneus tertius muscle It was 3.4 mA (3.1–4.4) with an RMSA of 38 μV (32–46). Above threshold, RMSA was significantly increased at all muscles. Below threshold, RMSA was only significantly smaller than at It for the peroneus tertius muscle but not for the other muscles.
PURPOSE Leakage is the most common complication of percutaneous cement augmentation of the spine. The viscosity of the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement is strongly correlated with the likelihood of cement leakage. We hypothesized that cement leakage can be reduced by sequential cement injection in a vertebroplasty model. METHODS A standardized vertebral body substitute model, consisting of aluminum oxide foams coated by acrylic cement with a preformed leakage path, simulating a ventral vein, was developed. Three injection techniques of 6 ml PMMA were assessed: injection in one single step (all-in-one), injection of 1 ml at the first and 5 ml at the second step with 1 min latency in-between (two-step), and sequential injection of 0.5 ml with 1-min latency between the sequences (sequential). Standard PMMA vertebroplasty cement was used; each injection type was tested on ten vertebral body substitute models with two possible leakage paths per model. Leakage was assessed by radiographs using a zonal graduation: intraspongious = no leakage and extracortical = leakage. RESULTS The leakage rate was significantly lower in the "sequential" technique (2/20 leakages) followed by "two-step" (15/20) and "all-in-one" (20/20) techniques (p < 0.001). The RR for a cement leakage was 10.0 times higher in the "all-in-one" compared to the "sequential" group (95 % confidence intervals 2.7-37.2; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The sequential cement injection is a simple approach to minimize the risk for leakage. Taking advantage of the temperature gradient between body and room temperature, it is possible to increase the cement viscosity inside the vertebra while keeping it low in the syringe. Using sequential injection of small cement volumes, further leakage paths are blocked before further injection of the low-viscosity cement.
In general, a moderate drying trend is observed in mid-latitude arid Central Asia since the Mid-Holocene, attributed to the progressively weakening influence of the mid-latitude Westerlies on regional climate. However, as the spatio-temporal pattern of this development and the underlying climatic mechanisms are yet not fully understood, new high-resolution paleoclimate records from this region are needed. Within this study, a sediment core from Lake Son Kol (Central Kyrgyzstan) was investigated using sedimentological, (bio)geochemical, isotopic, and palynological analyses, aiming at reconstructing regional climate development during the last 6000 years. Biogeochemical data, mainly reflecting summer moisture conditions, indicate predominantly wet conditions until 4950 cal. yr BP, succeeded by a pronounced dry interval between 4950 and 3900 cal. yr BP. In the following, a return to wet conditions and a subsequent moderate drying trend until present times are observed. This is consistent with other regional paleoclimate records and likely reflects the gradual Late Holocene diminishment of the amount of summer moisture provided by the mid-latitude Westerlies. However, climate impact of the Westerlies was apparently not only restricted to the summer season but also significant during winter as indicated by recurrent episodes of enhanced allochthonous input through snowmelt, occurring before 6000 cal. yr BP and at 5100-4350, 3450-2850, and 1900-1500 cal. yr BP. The distinct ~1500-year periodicity of these episodes of increased winter precipitation in Central Kyrgyzstan resembles similar cyclicities observed in paleoclimate records around the North Atlantic, likely indicating a hemispheric-scale climatic teleconnection and an impact of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) variability in Central Asia.