124 resultados para 2899


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It is shown that under reasonable assumptions, conservation of angular momentum provides a strong constraint on gravity wave drag feedbacks to radiative perturbations in the middle atmosphere. In the time mean, radiatively induced temperature perturbations above a given altitude z cannot induce changes in zonal mean wind and temperature below z through feedbacks in gravity wave drag alone (assuming an unchanged gravity wave source spectrum). Thus, despite the many uncertainties in the parameterization of gravity wave drag, the role of gravity wave drag in middle-atmosphere climate perturbations may be much more limited than its role in climate itself. This constraint limits the possibilities for downward influence from the mesosphere. In order for a gravity wave drag parameterization to respect the momentum constraint and avoid spurious downward influence, any nonzero parameterized momentum flux at a model lid must be deposited within the model domain, and there must be no zonal mean sponge layer. Examples are provided of how violation of these conditions leads to spurious downward influence. For planetary waves, the momentum constraint does not prohibit downward influence, but it limits the mechanisms by which it can occur: in the time mean, downward influence from a radiative perturbation can only arise through changes in reflection and meridional propagation properties of planetary waves.


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In this project we explore how to enhance the experience and understanding of cultural heritage in museums and heritage sites by creating interactive multisensory objects collaboratively with artists, technologists and people with learning disabilities. We focus here on workshops conducted during the first year of a three year project in which people with learning disabilities each constructed a 'sensory box' to represent their experiences of Speke Hall, a heritage site in the UK. The box is developed further in later workshops which explore aspects of physicality and how to appeal to the entire range of senses, making use of Arduino technology and basic sensors to enable an interactive user experience.


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Emerging evidence suggests that items held in working memory(WM)might not all be in the same representational state. One item might be privileged over others, making it more accessible and thereby recalled with greater precision. Here, using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), we provide causal evidence in human participants that items inWMare differentially susceptible to disruptive TMS, depending on their state, determined either by task relevance or serial position. Across two experiments, we applied TMS to area MT during the WM retention of two motion directions. In Experiment 1, we used an “incidental cue” to bring one of the two targets into a privileged state. In Experiment 2, we presented the targets sequentially so that the last item was in a privileged state by virtue of recency. In both experiments, recall precision of motion direction was differentially affected by TMS, depending on the state of the memory target at the time of disruption. Privileged items were recalled with less precision, whereas nonprivileged items were recalled with higher precision. Thus, only the privileged item was susceptible to disruptive TMS over MT�. By contrast, precision of the nonprivileged item improved either directly because of facilitation by TMS or indirectly through reduced interference from the privileged item. Our results provide a unique line of evidence, as revealed by TMS over a posterior sensory brain region, for at least two different states of item representation in WM.


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Investigating the proteolytic activity of the recombinant Mycobacterium leprae Heat Shock Protein of 65 kDa (rHsp65), chaperonin 2 (cpn2), we observed that it displays high instability. The fragmentation process starts at the C-terminus followed by progressive degradation of the N-terminus, which leads to a stable fragment comprising the middle region of the molecule. Urea was able to prevent autolysis, probably due to its denaturing action, while EDTA increased degradation levels indicating the need for metal ions. Peptides originated from autolysis were purified and analyzed by mass spectrometry, generating a continuous map. Since the bacteria and mammalian Hsp60 are known to be targets of the immune response and have been implicated in autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation, the in vivo effect of rHsp65 peptides was evaluated in the spontaneous Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) model developed by the (NZB/NZW)F(1) mouse hybrids, and their individual anti-rHsp65 IgG2a/IgG1 antibody titer ratio was determined. The results showed orientation toward a T(H)1 responsiveness, and the treatment with the rHsp65 peptides diminished the environmental variance of the survival time of treated animals. These results outline the fact that environmental factors may also act through the modified stability expression of Heat Shock Proteins intervening during autoimmune processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this paper is to shed light on euphemism in two different senses: sweet talking and deception. I shall treat euphemism from two different perspectives: the usual use of euphemism, sweet talking, in which it is used to maintain one's face and the orthophemistic sense, deception, where 'torture' is referred to as "enhanced interrogation techniques". I shall analyze examples, taken from religious, cultural, political backgrounds, on each case. Moreover, I shall talk about taboo since it is usually associated with euphemism. I shall talk about the referential (semantic) and expletive (pragmatic) aspects of swearing expressions. In this essay, I shall show that euphemism can be used in two different senses: sweet talking and deception.


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O presente trabalho refere-se ao estudo das competências organizacionais e gerenciais. Ele buscou identificar junto a um grupo de proprietários de empresas de pequeno porte dos setores da indústria, do comércio e de serviços, que se destacaram no Rio Grande do Sul, quais competências esses empresários colocam em ação para desenvolver, em suas organizações, fatores de sobrevivência que determinam o sucesso dos seus negócios. Tratou-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, e seus dados foram analisados com base na técnica análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram que empresários dos setores da indústria, do comércio e de serviços, por um lado, comportam-se diferentemente, mas, por outro lado, demonstram consenso em seus posicionamentos.


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Este trabalho relata a primeira fase de um estudo mais amplo enfocado em estratégias emergentes (não planejadas) em organizações empresariais e formas de aproveitá-las. Um exame crítico da literatura pertinente a essa idéia é apresentado, é proposto um arcabouço conceitual para servir de base à parte empírica do estudo, a relevância da epistemologia para os administradores é salientada e são propostas perguntas a serem respondidas e metodologias de pesquisa para a segunda fase. A finalidade central do estudo todo é saber até que ponto as organizações podem preparar-se para usar estratégias emergentes com eficácia e assim aperfeiçoar seus processos estratégicos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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As ações dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde são reconhecidas em sua relevância nas legislações brasileira que se concretiza em 2002 com a Lei nº 10.507 de 10 de Julho de 2002 que cria a Profissão do Agente Comunitário de Saúde e dá outras providências, posteriormente substituída pela Lei 11.350, de 05 de outubro de 2006. Contudo a história dos ACS‟s remonta períodos bem anteriores como à criação do Programa dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (PACS) em 1991, considerado começo da profissionalização do ACS‟s. Diante disso, o Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária (PRONERA) vem para dar sua contribuição na formação de Técnicos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (TACS‟s). De maneira concisa o PRONERA emerge como Política Pública Educacional em 2009, quando o mesmo se consolida no artigo 33 da Lei nº 11.947/09 e no final de 2010 onde é assinado o Decreto nº 7.352/10, que trata da educação do campo e institui formalmente o PRONERA no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA). Assim, o PRONERA compõe a Política de Educação do Campo, ao mesmo tempo se caracteriza como Política Pública de Educação vinculada à Reforma Agrária. O PRONERA é um Programa do Governo Federal, através do Ministério de Desenvolvimento Agrário, coordenado pelo Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) em convênio com as Universidades Públicas, em parceria com Movimentos Sociais e agentes governamentais estaduais e municipais. Oferece cursos de educação básica, técnica e tecnológica, ensino superior e pós graduação. Nosso objeto aqui está na análise do projeto “Saúde em movimento na Transamazônica: Curso de Formação Integrada em Técnico Agente Comunitário de Saúde (TACS) e Ensino Médio”, portanto no PRONERA Saúde que é apenas um dos projetos do PRONERA no Pará. Este abrange os municípios de Altamira, Senador José Porfírio, Medicilândia, Anapú e Pacajá, o curso foi projetado e aprovado em 2005 e começou em 2006 e finalizado em julho de 2011. Iniciou com 90 discentes todos ACS‟s das prefeituras parceiras (Altamira, Anapú, Medicilândia, Pacajá, Sen. José Porfírio). Esses discentes foram selecionados por uma equipe técnica do PRONERA, a partir das indicações dos Movimentos Sociais locais, principalmente dos Sindicatos dos Trabalhadores Rurais. Para o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa utilizamos os Relatórios de Atividades do PRONERA Saúde e as entrevistas com os discentes (ACS‟s). A perspectiva teórico metodológica de análise das fontes para construção dissertativa se deu com base na teoria crítica marxista e nas leituras e contribuições da Educação Ambiental crítica, a relação saúde, meio ambiente e políticas públicas permeia a pesquisa e possibilita uma interação fundamental para busca de melhoria de vida desses agentes sociais.


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Lying under the contribution of a display of characteristics with multiple meanings (Catholicism, Surrealism, unite of contraries, and the dialogue with other types of art), Murilo Mendes focalizes some subjects that are made to become appealing in his works. Some of these subjects appear in his 1945’s poetry book, As metamorfoses, the object of analysis in this present work: the poet’s figure, insert in the historical view of the World War II and by the poet devastated; the muse’s figure, carrier of the sacred and the profane, whose body represents a repository of descriptions with surrealistic meanings, that is shown indistinctly as the poetry itself; and, concluding, the poetry (or the metapoetry) expressed in this context (historical and literary). Therefore, we intend to search, based in the analysis of poems, how each of this instances are configured inside the poetic universe of Murilo Mendes, with the intention of enlighten the constitution of the sewing made of them by the poet from Juiz de Fora; instances that are very precious when we deal with the poetry that gives to his writings the patent feature of modernity.


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Among the popular poets from the northeastern backlands who criticized the governmental measures of the republican government, the figure of Leandro Gomes de Barros has highlighted. His satire extends to the representatives of the government in the context of the First Republic, striking politicians, bachelors, priests, colonels and oligarchs. We show here the biographical traces of the poet and a stretch from my Doctoral Thesis in which Leandro satirizes the bourgeois-militarist speech from Olavo Bilac.


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Cet article a le but de réaliser une analyse du conte «Miss Dollar», de Machado de Assis, en prenant comme base théorique l’intertextualité, car on verra, le conte est plein de dialogues avec d’autres textes, mais ici nous essayerons d’expliquer les marques françaises dans ce texte et les processus d’absorbation et de transformation créative des sources.


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This paper wishes to reintroduce, in a brief manner, a subject which has been neglected in the recent past: the history of Classical Studies in colonial Brazil. As an introduction to this complex issue, it aims at a historical review of the ideal of humanitas in the Academias of the eighteenth century. The presence of this ideal in the Academias is seen as a result of the classical education of the Brazilian people, a process which begins with the arrival of Jesuit missionaries in 1549 and 1553. In our discussion, we shall use the ideas of Dante Tringali (1994), Fernando de Azevedo (1958), Antônio Cândido (1977), José Aderaldo Castello (1969), among others.