993 resultados para 210.0210


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NADCA Election in Progress Berryman Institute Announces 1999 Awards New Probe Editor to be Appointed: Larry Sullivan Ken Garner Retires Book Review: "Master Land Snaring: Canine and Coon Techniques, Effective in All Terrains." by Newt Sterling as told to Bob Noonan. 1999. 58 pages, illustrated. NPCA Gets New Name Lobster Plates: PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is fighting to prevent the return of the lobster to Maine's automobile license plates. Active Antis in the Northwest Animal Rights Violence on Increase Abstracts from the 6th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society: Monitoring of Sin Nombre Hantavirus in deer mice of the Southwest, USA -- Robinson, Rhonda /., Kathryn D. Bennett, James R. Biggs, Timothy K. Haarmann, David C. Keller, and Mary E. Salisbury Predators in the classroom: A prickly paradigm for educators -- Rollins, Dale Trends in bat rabies in the U.S.: Shaping public health policy -- Rupprecht, Charles E., Sharon B. Messenger, and Jean S. Smith


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BackgroundThe polysaccharide capsule is a major virulence factor of the important human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. However, S. pneumoniae strains lacking capsule do occur.ResultsHere, we report a nasopharyngeal isolate of Streptococcus pneumoniae composed of a mixture of two phenotypes; one encapsulated (serotype 18C) and the other nonencapsulated, determined by serotyping, electron microscopy and fluorescence isothiocyanate dextran exclusion assay.By whole genome sequencing, we demonstrated that the phenotypes differ by a single nucleotide base pair in capsular gene cpsE (C to G change at gene position 1135) predicted to result in amino acid change from arginine to glycine at position 379, located in the cytoplasmic, enzymatically active, region of this transmembrane protein. This SNP is responsible for loss of capsule production as the phenotype is transferred with the capsule operon. The nonencapsulated variant is superior in growth in vitro and is also 117-fold more adherent to and more invasive into Detroit 562 human epithelial cells than the encapsulated variant.Expression of six competence pathway genes and one competence-associated gene was 11 to 34-fold higher in the nonencapsulated variant than the encapsulated and transformation frequency was 3.7-fold greater.ConclusionsWe identified a new single point mutation in capsule gene cpsE of a clinical S. pneumoniae serotype 18C isolate sufficient to cause loss of capsule expression resulting in the co-existence of the encapsulated and nonencapsulated phenotype. The mutation caused phenotypic changes in growth, adherence to epithelial cells and transformability. Mutation in capsule gene cpsE may be a way for S. pneumoniae to lose its capsule and increase its colonization potential.


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In 2005, two ice cores with lengths of 58.7 and 57.6 m respectively to bedrock were recovered from the Miaoergou flat-topped glacier (43 degrees 03 ' 19 '' N, 94 degrees 19 ' 21 '' E; 4512 m a.s.l.), eastern Tien Shan. Pb-210 dating of one of the ice cores (57.6 m) was performed, and an age of AD 1851 +/- 6 at a depth of 35.2 m w.e. was determined. For the period AD 1851-2005, a mean annual net accumulation of 229 +/- 7 mm w.e. a(-1) was calculated. At the nearby oasis city of Hami (similar to 80 km from the Miaoergou flat-topped glacier) the annual precipitation rate is 38 mm w.e. a(-1), hence glacial meltwater is a major water supply for local residents. The surface activity concentration of Pb-210(ex) was found to be similar to 400 mBq kg(-1), which is higher than observed at other continental sites such as Belukha, Russia, and Tsambagarav, Mongolia, which have surface activity concentrations of 280 mBq kg(-1). The Pb-210 dating agrees well with the chronological sequence deduced from the annual-layer counting resulting from the seasonalities of delta O-18 and trace metals for the period AD 1953-2005, and beta-activity horizons resulting from atmospheric nuclear testing during the period AD 1962-63. We conclude that Pb-210 analysis is a suitable method for obtaining a continuous dating of the Miaoergou ice core for similar to 160 years, which can also be applied to other ice cores recovered from the mountains of western China.


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Vorbesitzer: Senckenbergische Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main


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19 Briefe zwischen Lisa Witherell (geb. Richter) und Max Horkheimer, 1963-1971; 2 Briefe zwischen Werner Wittayer (stud. phil.) und Max Horkheimer, 1964; 4 Drucksachen vom Landtagspräsidenten Otto Witte an Max Horkheimer, 1952-1954; 2 Briefe an Otto Witte von Max Horkheimer, 1952-1953; 1 Todesanzeige, 1963; 4 Briefe zwischen der Studentin Ulrike Wittenberg und Max Horkheimer, 1972-1973; 4 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Karl A. Wittfogel und Max Horkheimer, 1972; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Oberstudiendirektor Dr. Kurt Debus und Max Horkheimer, 1967; 3 Briefe zwischen David Wodlinger und Max Horkheimer, 1960; 2 Briefe zwischen Dr. Herman Wohlstein und Max Horkheimer, 1965; 16 Briefe an Johanna Woitschach von Max Horkheimer, 1970-1973 (die Briefe an Max Horkheimer wurden zurückverlangt); 1 Brief von Ernst Wolf an Max Horkheimer, San Francisco, 1954; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Diplom-Psychologen Heinz E. Wolf und Max Horkheimer, 1958; 13 Briefe zwischen dem Oberstudiendirektor Oskar Wolfenstädter und Max Horkheimer, 1968-1969; 4 Briefe zwischen der Ordensschwester Katherine Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 1970-1971; 25 Briefe zwischen Margo H. Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 1962-1973; 11 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Max Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 1960; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Manfred Wolfson und Max Horkheimer, 1971; 6 Briefe von der Physiotherapeutin Helga Wolk an Max Horkheimer, 1970-1971; 13 Briefe zwischen Hedwig G. de Wollenberger und Max Horkheimer, 1966-1970; 1 Brief an den Professor Günther Wollheim von Max Horkheimer, 1965; 4 Briefe zwischen Johanna Wopperer-Ege und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 5 Briefe zwischen Anton Wopperer und Max Horkheimer, 1969-1970; 3 Briefe an die World Future Society von Max Horkheimer, 1969-1973; 2 Briefe zwischen dem World Jewish Congress und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 2 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Theodor Würtenberger und Max Horkheimer, 1964; 3 Briefe zwischen der Würtembergischen Landesbibliothek und Max Horkheimer, 1969; 16 Briefe zwischen Rösle Wüstholz und Max Horkheimer, 1951-1959; 2 Briefe zwischen Christoph Wulf und Max Horkheimer, 1973; 1 Brief an Jssy Wygoda von Max Horkheimer, 1964; 2 Briefe zwischen Dr. Hans von Wyl und Max Horkheimer, 1971; 2 Briefe zwischen Jacques Wyler und Max Horkheimer, 1973; 1 Brief von Gisela Wysocki an Max Horkheimer, o.J. (1973?);


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Dank für ein Gedicht in der Frankfurter Latern, Zu seinem Enkel Otto Kienitz


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Briefwechsel zwischen Max Horkheimer, Frederick Pollock und Karl August und Olga Wittfogel; 1 Brief von Karl August Wittfogel an Stephen Duggan, 02.08.1936; 2 Briefe an Max Horkheimer von Karl August Wittfogel, November 1937; 1 Brief von Karl August Wittfogel an Carter, 16.07.1936; 1 Brief an den American Consul General (Tientein, China) von Max Horkheimer, 03.04.1936; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Owen Lattimore, 28.12.1935;


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Vorbesitzer: O. Borelli