979 resultados para 2005 Literary Studies


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Our contemporary public sphere has seen the 'emergence of new political rituals, which are concerned with the stains of the past, with self disclosure, and with ways of remembering once taboo and traumatic events' (Misztal, 2005). A recent case of this phenomenon occurred in Australia in 2009 with the apology to the 'Forgotten Australians': a group who suffered abuse and neglect after being removed from their parents – either in Australia or in the UK - and placed in Church and State run institutions in Australia between 1930 and 1970. This campaign for recognition by a profoundly marginalized group coincides with the decade in which the opportunities of Web 2.0 were seen to be diffusing throughout different social groups, and were considered a tool for social inclusion. This paper examines the case of the Forgotten Australians as an opportunity to investigate the role of the internet in cultural trauma and public apology. As such, it adds to recent scholarship on the role of digital web based technologies in commemoration and memorials (Arthur, 2009; Haskins, 2007; Cohen and Willis, 2004), and on digital storytelling in the context of trauma (Klaebe, 2011) by locating their role in a broader and emerging domain of social responsibility and political action (Alexander, 2004).


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Total Dik! is a collaborative project between the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and Queensland Theatre Company (QTC). Total Dik! explores transmedia storytelling in live performance from concept development to delivery and builds on works, By the Way, Meet Vera Stark, (Forrester2012), Hotel Modern’s Kamp (2005) and God’s Beard (2012) that use visual art, puppetry, music and film. The project’s first iteration enabled an interrogation of the integration of media-rich elements with live performers in a theatrical environment. Performative transmedia storytelling draws on the tenets of convergent media theory developed by Jenkins (2007, 2012), Dena (2010) and Philips (2012). This exploratory work, juxtaposing transmedia storytelling techniques with live performance, draws on Samuel Becket’s challenges to theatre orthodoxy, and touches on Brechtian notions of alienation through ‘sleight-of-hand’ or processual unpacking and deconstruction during performance. Total Dik! blends a convergence of technologies, models, green screen capture, and live dimensions of performance in one narrative allowing the work’s creators to test new combinations of transmedia storytelling techniques on a traditional performance platform.


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Reading plays an important role in establishing lifelong learning and providing the reader with an avenue to new experiences and a language with which to express their ideas and feelings (Owen 2003; Hamston & Love 2005). In particular adolescents need a language that allows them to 'play with their identities in a safe and controlled manner to explore who they want to be in this ever changing world' (Koss & Teale 2009, 569). Block (1995) advances that there is a distinct correlation between what we read and how we live in the world, and argues 'if what we read influences our identity in the world, the ways we are able to imagine and live in the world, then there is some responsibility to address these various texts, their readers and possible reading experiences' (Koss & Teale 2009, 569). Within my research I attempt to take on this responsibility by establishing a connection between reluctant adolescent male readers, and their reading experiences and by using their opinions to create a novella that seeks to more fully engage them. Centred within the larger debate about boys and books are two central discussions: why don't boys read and what should boys read? While a number of reasons why adolescent boys don't read are mentioned in this paper and it might not be possible to fully account for why many are reluctant readers, it is possible to argue that specific forms of literature addressing certain themes and topics relevant to the age group might appeal to reluctant readers. The conceptual framework for this research was structured using a mixed-method approach consisting of four phases. In positioning my research for determining literature that reluctant readers may want to read I draw on a variety of material which tends to support the longevity of S.E Hinton's (1967) argument that 'teenagers today, want to read about teenagers today' (cited in Smith & Wilhelm 2002, 6). My practice-based research was conducted within a high school in Brisbane, Australia. Six participants were selected and required to read three recently published Australian Young Adult novels, and opinion was collected via semi-structured interviews on these case studies. Grounded Theory (Charmaz 2003; Charmaz 2006; Glaser & Strauss 2011) informed the design of the questions, and the process of concurrent interviews and analysis of opinion. This analysis led to construction of my theory: adolescent male reluctant readers want to read about female relationships and family conflict within a story that consists of an adventure that, although unlikely to happen, could happen. From this study there are two main contributions, which have theoretical and practical implications for stakeholders with a vested interest in the discussion regarding boys and books. First, this study, through the research methodology, presents key findings that indicate that reluctant readers are interested in realistic texts addressing themes that will help with the construction of, and understanding of, their own lives. Secondly, the grounded theory derived from these findings is applied to my own praxis and my creative artefact (Duende) is included with this exegesis as a text intended to create a connection between engaging texts and adolescent male reluctant readers.


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This practice-led project has two outcomes: a collection of short stories titled 'Corkscrew Section', and an exegesis. The short stories combine written narrative with visual elements such as images and typographic devices, while the exegesis analyses the function of these graphic devices within adult literary fiction. My creative writing explores a variety of genres and literary styles, but almost all of the stories are concerned with fusing verbal and visual modes of communication. The exegesis adopts the interpretive paradigm of multimodal stylistics, which aims to analyse graphic devices with the same level of detail as linguistic analysis. Within this framework, the exegesis compares and extends previous studies to develop a systematic method for analysing how the interactions between language, images and typography create meaning within multimodal literature.


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Purpose To present the results of tests for the development of literary trails for domestic visitors and tourists in Brisbane, Queensland, and to situate these findings in the context of recent state government policy changes in relation to culture, community engagement and the environment. Design Broadly cultural studies: the article analyses changes in international and national cultural tourism and Queensland based issues before presenting the research findings. Findings a gap in tourist and cultural development models exists for the implementation of a network of sustainable literary trails in Brisbane--this model can be extended to regions around the state to meet the demands of the new tourist. Limitations Queensland weather and Australian distance which will require a regional approach that networks with transport and community hubs. Practical implications the research has produced new software for the use of self-guided walks; the locations for two specific area trails; and the involvement of the State Library of Queensland as a “hub” for the trails. Substantial support exists for further development in advanced locative media and gaming. Social implications the research demonstrates the importance of developing a sense of place that relates to culture, literary history and community for tourists, as well as the potential for community engagement.


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This article uses two Australian historiographic metafictive texts, Into White Silence (Eaton, 2008) and The Lace Maker’s Daughter (Crew, 2005), to demonstrate how particular narrative strategies destabilize the relationship between history and fiction and the past and the present.


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It has been 10 years since the seminal paper by Morrison and colleagues reporting the association of alleles of the vitamin D receptor and bone density [1], a paper which arguably kick-started the study of osteoporosis genetics. Since that report there have been literally thousands of osteoporosis genetic studies published, and large numbers of genes have been reported to be associated with the condition [2]. Although some of these reported associations are undoubtedly true, this snow-storm of papers and abstracts has clouded the field to such a great extent that it is very difficult to be certain of the veracity of most genetic associations reported hereto. The field needs to take stock and reconsider the best way forward, taking into account the biology of skeletal development and technological and statistical advances in human genetics, before more effort and money is wasted on continuing a process in which the primary achievement could be said to be a massive paper mountain. I propose in this review that the primary reasons for the paucity of success in osteoporosis genetics has been: •the absence of a major gene effect on bone mineral density (BMD), the most commonly studied bone phenotype; •failure to consider issues such as genetic heterogeneity, gene–environment interaction, and gene–gene interaction; •small sample sizes and over-optimistic data interpretation; and •incomplete assessment of the genetic variation in candidate genes studied.


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Purpose of review Our understanding of the causation of the chondrocalcinosis and other disorders characterized by ectopic mineralization is rapidly increasing, and genetic studies have contributed substantially to recent major advances in the field. This review will discuss what is known about the genetics of chondrocalcinosis and what we have learned from genetic studies to date. Recent findings: Chondrocalcinosis is one of a family of conditions associated with ectopic mineralization. This family also includes disorders of mineralization of bone and spinal and other ligaments, and vascular calcification. There has been increasing evidence of the key role of transport and metabolism of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) in control of mineralization, and as the likely explanation for the association of a variety of genetic variants with chondrocalcinosis and ectopic mineralization elsewhere. This may be an overly simplistic view of this family of conditions, with recent evidence suggesting that, for example, ANKH variants may not all predispose to chondrocalcinosis by effects on PPi transport, but may also influence chondrocyte maturation. Summary: Understanding the control of the process of mineralization and its tissue specificity are important steps in the search for rational therapies for these conditions.


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We present results from a systematic numerical study of structural properties of an unforced, incompressible, homogeneous, and isotropic three-dimensional turbulent fluid with an initial energy spectrum that develops a cascade of kinetic energy to large wave numbers. The results are compared with those from a recently studied set of power-law initial energy spectra [C. Kalelkar and R. Pandit, Phys. Rev. E 69, 046304 (2004)] which do not exhibit such a cascade. Differences are exhibited in plots of vorticity isosurfaces, the temporal evolution of the kinetic energy-dissipation rate, and the rates of production of the mean enstrophy along the principal axes of the strain-rate tensor. A crossover between "non-cascade-type" and "cascade-type" behavior is shown numerically for a specific set of initial energy spectra.


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The unfolding pathway of two very similar tetrameric legume lectins soybean agglutinin (SBA) and Concanavalin A ( ConA) were determined using GdnCl-induced denaturation. Both proteins displayed a reversible two-state unfolding mechanism. The analysis of isothermal denaturation data provided values for conformational stability of the two proteins. It was found that the DeltaG of unfolding of SBA was much higher than ConA at all the temperatures at which the experiments were done. ConA had a T-g 18 degreesC less than SBA. The higher conformational stability of SBA in comparison to ConA is largely due to substantial differences in their degrees of subunit interactions. Ionic interactions at the interface of the two proteins especially at the noncanonical interface seem to play a significant role in the observed stability differences between these two proteins. Furthermore, SBA is a glycoprotein with a GlcNac(2)Man(9) chain attached to Asn-75 of each subunit. The sugar chain in SBA lies at the noncanonical interface of the protein, and it is found to interact with the amino acid residues in the adjacent noncanonical interface. These interactions further stabilize SBA with respect to ConA, which is not glycosylated.


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This dissertation traces a set of historical transformations the Darwinian evolutionary narrative has undergone toward the end of the twentieth century, especially as reflected in Anglo-American popular science books and novels. The study has three objectives. First, it seeks to understand the organizing logic of evolutionary narratives and the role that assumptions about gender and sexuality play in that logic. Second, it asks what kinds of cultural anxieties evolutionary theory raises and how evolutionary narratives negotiate them. Third, it examines the possibilities and limits of narrative transformation both as a historical phenomenon and as a theoretical question. This interdisciplinary dissertation is situated at the intersection of science studies, cultural studies, literary studies, and gender studies. Its understanding of science as a cultural practice that both emerges from and contributes to cultural expectations and institutional structures follows the tradition of science studies. Its focus on the question of popular appeal and the mechanisms of cultural change arises from cultural studies. Its view of narrative as a structural phenomenon is grounded in literary studies in general and feminist narrative theory in particular. Its understanding of gender and sexuality as implicated in discourses of epistemic authority builds on the view of gender and sexuality as contingent cultural categories central to gender studies. The primary material consists of over 25 British and American popular science books and novels, published roughly between 1990 and 2005. In order to highlight historical transformations, these texts are read in the context of Darwin s The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man, on the one hand, and such sociobiological classics as E. O. Wilson s On Human Nature and Richard Dawkins s The Selfish Gene, on the other. The research method combines feminist narrative analysis with cultural and historical contextualization, emphasizing discursive abruptions, recurrent narrative patterns, and underlying continuities. The dissertation demonstrates that the relationship between Darwin s evolutionary narrative and late twentieth-century evolutionary narratives is characterized by reemphasis, omissions, and continuous rewriting. In particular, contemporary evolutionary discourse extends the role assigned to reproduction both sexual and narrative in Darwin s writing, generating a narrative logic that imagines the desire to reproduce as the driving force of evolution and posits the reproductive sex act as the endlessly repeated narrative event that keeps the story going. The study argues that the popular appeal of evolutionary accounts of gender, sexuality, and human nature may arise, to an extent, from this reproductive narrative dynamic. This narrative dynamic, however, is not logically invulnerable. Since the continuation of the evolutionary narrative relies on successful reproduction, the possibility of reproductive failure poses a constant risk to narrative futurity, arousing cultural anxieties that evolutionary narratives need to address. The study argues that evolutionary narratives appease such anxieties by evoking a range of cultural narratives, especially romantic, religious, and national narratives. Furthermore, the study shows that the event-based logic of evolutionary narratives privileges observable acts over emotions, pleasures, identities, and desires, thus engendering a set of conceptual exclusions that limits the imaginative scope of evolution as a cultural narrative.


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Dosidicus gigas, the only species in the genus Dosidicus, is commonly known as the jumbo squid, jumbo flying squid (FAO, see Roper et al., 1984), or Humboldt squid. It is the largest ommastrephid squid and is endemic to the Eastern Pacific, ranging from northern California to southern Chile and to 140oW at the equator (Nesis, 1983; Nigmatullin, et al., 2001). During the last two decades it has become an extremely important fisheries resource in the Gulf of California (Ehrhardt et al., 1983; Morales-Bojórquez et al., 2001), around the Costa Rica Dome (Ichii et al., 2002) and off Peru (Taipe et al., 2001). It is also an active predator that undoubtedly has an important impact on local ecology in areas where it is abundant (Ehrhardt et al., 1983; Nesis, 1983; Nigmatullin et al., 2001; Markaida and Sosa-Nishizaki, 2003).


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The paper first considers the role of Jungian ideas in relation to academic disciplines and to literary studies in particular. Jung is a significant resource in negotiating developments in literary theory because of his characteristic treatment of the ‘other’. The paper then looks at The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950) by C.S. Lewis whose own construction of archetypes is very close to Jung’s. By drawing upon new post-Jungian work from Jerome Bernstein’s Living in the Borderland (2005), the novel is revealed to be intimately concerned with narratives of trauma and of origin. Indeed, a Jungian and post-Jungian approach is able to situate the text both within nature and in the historical traumas of war as well as the personal traumas of subjectivity. Where Bernstein connects his work to the postcolonial ethos of the modern Navajo shaman, this new weaving of literary and cultural theory points to the residue of shamanism within the arts of the West. [From the Publisher]