999 resultados para 20 mT demagnetization


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We present detailed paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results of rock samples recovered during Leg 173. The Leg 173 cores display a multicomponent magnetization nature. Variations in magnetic properties correlate with changes in lithology that result from differences in the abundance and size of magnetic minerals. The combined investigation suggests that the magnetic properties of the "fresher" peridotite samples from Site 1070 are controlled mainly by titanomagnetite, with a strong Verwey transition in the vicinity of 110 K, and with field- and frequency-dependent susceptibility curves that resemble those of titanomagnetites. These results are in excellent agreement with thermomagnetic characteristics where titanomagnetites with Curie temperature ~580°C were identified from the "fresher" peridotites. In contrast to the magnetic properties observed from the "fresher" peridotites, the low-temperature curves for the "altered" peridotites did not show any Verwey transition. Thermomagnetic analysis using the high-temperature vibrating sample magnetometer also failed to show evidence for titanomagnetites. The remanent magnetization is carried by a thermally unstable mineral that breaks down at ~420°C, probably maghemite. The field- and frequency-dependent relationships are also directly opposite to those in the reversal zone, with no signs of titanomagnetite characteristics. Altogether, these rock magnetic data seem to be sensitive indicators of alteration and support the contention that maghemite is responsible for the magnetic signatures displayed in the altered peridotites of the upper section. The magnetic minerals of the basement rocks from Sites 1068, 1069, and 1070 are of variable particle size but fall within the pseudo-single-domain size range (0.2-14 µm). The average natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensity of recovered serpenitinized peridotite is typically on the order of 20 mA/m for samples from Site 1068, but ~120 mA/m for samples from Site 1070. The much stronger magnetization intensity of Site 1070 is apparently in excellent agreement with the observed magnetic anomaly high. Nearly half of the NRM intensity remained after 400°C demagnetization, suggesting that the remanence can contribute significantly to the marine magnetic anomaly.


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Magnetic polarity stratigraphies for Sites 980-984 are based on shipboard measurements from the pass-through magnetometer after alternating field (AF) demagnetization at a peak field of 25 mT and shore-based stepwise AF demagnetization of discrete samples. The characteristic magnetization component was determined after AF demagnetization removed the steep downward drill-string-related magnetic overprint. Peak AF fields in the 20-30 mT range were required to resolve the component, carried by magnetite, that was used to produce unambiguous Pliocene-Pleistocene magnetic stratigraphies at all five sites. At Sites 980 and 983, magnetic stratigraphies were resolved to the base of the recovered advanced hydraulic piston corer (APC) section, which lies in the Matuyama Chron (1r.2r) and Olduvai Subchron (2n), respectively. At Sites 981 and 982, magnetization intensities decrease sharply in the normal polarity zone corresponding to the Gauss Chron (2An), and magnetic stratigraphies below this level could not be resolved. At Site 984, the resolution of magnetic stratigraphy was curtailed at ~250 meters below seafloor (Olduvai Subchron) by core deformation at the base of the APC section and in the underlying extended core barrel section. As the magnetic stratigraphies at all four sites are unequivocal, polarity chron interpretations can be made without aid from the biostratigraphy. Mean sedimentation rates within polarity chrons have been calculated and Pliocene-Pleistocene biomagnetostratigraphic correlations tested.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J27, 60K25.


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Az Országos Tudományos Kutatási Alapprogramok támogatásával működő kutatócsoportunk azt a célt tűzte maga elé, hogy a 20. századi magyar vezetés- és szervezéstudomány történetét dolgozza fel, beágyazva azt a korszak társadalom és gazdaságtörténetébe. E komplex feladat teljesítése során interdiszciplináris műhelyünkben közgazdász és történész kollégák dolgoztak együtt a kérdéskör feltárásán. Jelen kötet kutatói közösségünk egyik részkutatásának hároméves munkája eredményeit tartalmazza. Az összegző és résztanulmányok a vezetés- és szervezéstudomány magyarországi történetét, a szakma fejlődését, felsőoktatásban és vezetőképzésben való intézményesülését mutatják be, elhelyezve mindezt a társadalom- és gazdaságtörténet, illetve a nemzetközi tendenciák kontextusában. Reményeink szerint kutatásunk eredményei által nem csupán e tudományterületről tudunk meg többet, de alaposabb ismereteket szerezhetünk gazdaság és politika, gazdaság és társadalom változó viszonyairól is a vizsgált időszak Magyarországán.


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The TOMO-ETNA experiment was devised to image of the crust underlying the volcanic edifice and, possibly, its plumbing system by using passive and active refraction/reflection seismic methods. This experiment included activities both on-land and offshore with the main objective of obtaining a new high-resolution seismic tomography to improve the knowledge of the crustal structures existing beneath the Etna volcano and northeast Sicily up to Aeolian Islands. The TOMO ETNA experiment was divided in two phases. The first phase started on June 15, 2014 and finalized on July 24, 2014, with the withdrawal of two removable seismic networks (a Short Period Network and a Broadband network composed by 80 and 20 stations respectively) deployed at Etna volcano and surrounding areas. During this first phase the oceanographic research vessel “Sarmiento de Gamboa” and the hydro-oceanographic vessel “Galatea” performed the offshore activities, which includes the deployment of ocean bottom seismometers (OBS), air-gun shooting for Wide Angle Seismic refraction (WAS), Multi-Channel Seismic (MCS) reflection surveys, magnetic surveys and ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) dives. This phase finished with the recovery of the short period seismic network. In the second phase the Broadband seismic network remained operative until October 28, 2014, and the R/V “Aegaeo” performed additional MCS surveys during November 19-27, 2014. Overall, the information deriving from TOMO-ETNA experiment could provide the answer to many uncertainties that have arisen while exploiting the large amount of data provided by the cutting-edge monitoring systems of Etna volcano and seismogenic area of eastern Sicily.