969 resultados para 2-DICHLOROETHANE INTERFACE


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The interaction of OH- with Fe(TPP)(+), Fe(TDCPP)(+), Fe(TMP)(+) and Fe(TFPP)(+) in 1,2-dichloroethane was studied by titrating FeP solutions with aliquots of a solution of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide in acetonitrile. The number of OH- ions (n) coordinated to the FeP and the stability constants (beta(n)) for the FeP-OH- complexes were calculated from UV-Vis absorbance data and iron spin states were determined through EPR spectroscopy, Fe(TMP) (+) forms a high-spin mono-hydroxo complex, while Fe(TPP)I and Fe(TDCPP)(+) form high-spin bis-hydroxo complexes. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the formation of bis-hydroxo complexes from Fe(TPP) (+) has been reported, and this was possible because the studies were carried out in basic organic media, In this same medium, Fe-III-Fe-II reduction upon OH- addition to Fe(TFPP) (+) was observed, without concomitant formation of the mu-oxo dimeric species [Fe(TFPP)](2)O. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.


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This article refl ects about the action of the school speech therapist presented in a panel discussion proposed by the Public Health Department entitled: “School time of inclusion: common teaching, special education and speech therapist’s action” during the 19th SBFa’s Congress at the WTC Sheraton in São Paulo. The refl ections triggered aimed to provide elements for the systematization of actions from different sectors guided by ethical principles, theory and practice that enable collaborative relationships between educators and speech therapists. The text mantained the order of presentations that have focused on: 1) the challenges of speech-language intervention in the processes of inclusion and exclusion of the school: from the promotion of oral and written language, to the approaches of the so-called language disorders; 2) the interface between Speech Therapy and Education; 3) the role of the speech therapist in the context of Inclusive and Special Education. The authors support the position that the work done at the interface Speech Therapy and Education has the potential to contribute to school’s inclusion processes that will be capable to subvert the discriminatory logic that imposes in daily school the binomium inclusion / exclusion. The theoretical and methodological approaches presented by the authors are supported in a humane and civic vision care, training and social participation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ligands of the benzodiazepine binding site of the GABA(A) receptor come in three flavors: positive allosteric modulators, negative allosteric modulators and antagonists all of which can bind with high affinity. The GABA(A) receptor is a pentameric protein which forms a chloride selective ion channel and ligands of the benzodiazepine binding site stabilize three different conformations of this protein. Classical benzodiazepines exert a positive allosteric effect by increasing the apparent affinity of channel opening by the agonist γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). We concentrate here on the major adult isoform, the α(1)β(2)γ(2) GABA(A) receptor. The classical binding pocket for benzodiazepines is located in a subunit cleft between α(1) and γ(2) subunits in a position homologous to the agonist binding site for GABA that is located between β(2) and α(1) subunits. We review here approaches to this picture. In particular, point mutations were performed in combination with subsequent analysis of the expressed mutant proteins using either electrophysiological techniques or radioactive ligand binding assays. The predictive power of these methods is assessed by comparing the results with the predictions that can be made on the basis of the recently published crystal structure of the acetylcholine binding protein that shows homology to the N-terminal, extracellular domain of the GABA(A) receptor. In addition, we review an approach to the question of how the benzodiazepine ligands are positioned in their binding pocket. We also discuss a newly postulated modulatory site for benzodiazepines at the α(1)/β(2) subunit interface, homologous to the classical benzodiazepine binding pocket.


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During the DRIVE (Diurnal and Regional Variability of Halogen Emissions) ship campaign we investigated the variability of the halogenated very short-lived substances (VSLS) bromoform (CHBr3), dibromomethane (CH2Br2) and methyl iodide (CH3I) in the marine atmospheric boundary layer in the eastern tropical and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean during May/June 2010. The highest VSLS mixing ratios were found near the Mauritanian coast and close to Lisbon (Portugal). With backward trajectories we identified predominantly air masses from the open North Atlantic with some coastal influence in the Mauritanian upwelling area, due to the prevailing NW winds. The maximum VSLS mixing ratios above the Mauritanian upwelling were 8.92 ppt for bromoform, 3.14 ppt for dibromomethane and 3.29 ppt for methyl iodide, with an observed maximum range of the daily mean up to 50% for bromoform, 26% for dibromomethane and 56% for methyl iodide. The influence of various meteorological parameters - such as wind, surface air pressure, surface air and surface water temperature, humidity and marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) height - on VSLS concentrations and fluxes was investigated. The strongest relationship was found between the MABL height and bromoform, dibromomethane and methyl iodide abundances. Lowest MABL heights above the Mauritanian upwelling area coincide with highest VSLS mixing ratios and vice versa above the open ocean. Significant high anti-correlations confirm this relationship for the whole cruise. We conclude that especially above oceanic upwelling systems, in addition to sea-air fluxes, MABL height variations can influence atmospheric VSLS mixing ratios, occasionally leading to elevated atmospheric abundances. This may add to the postulated missing VSLS sources in the Mauritanian upwelling region (Quack et al., 2007).


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Esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como principal objetivo el obtener una cadena de tratamientos seguros de aguas seriados que nos permita asegurar la calidad de las aguas para consumo humano en caso de emergencias, de tal forma que se minimicen los efectos de acciones hostiles, como sabotajes o actos terroristas, desastres naturales, etc y buscar soluciones adecuadas para garantizar en este caso la salud. Las plantas de tratamientos de aguas existentes comercialmente no aseguran dicha calidad y la documentación sobre el tema presenta vacíos de conocimiento, contradicciones entre resultados de investigaciones o insostenibilidad de conclusiones de las mismas. Estas carencias nos permiten determinar los aspectos a tratar durante la investigación. Por ello, este objetivo se concretó en tres acciones: Investigar sobre rendimientos de plantas convencionales en eliminación de microorganismos y productos tóxicos y peligrosos. Introducir mejoras que garanticen el rendimiento de las plantas convencionales. Investigar sobre la conveniencia de complementar las instalaciones existentes buscando seguridad y garantía sanitaria. Y se desarrollaron tres líneas de investigación: LI 1 “Inorgánicos”: Investigación sobre la eliminación de los metales boro, cobre y molibdeno mediante procesos de intercambio iónico y de coagulaciónfloculación- decantación. LI 2 “Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles”: Investigación sobre la eliminación de los compuestos orgánicos 1,1 dicloroetano, 1,2 dicloroetano, clorobenceno, 1,3 dicloropropeno y hexacloro 1,3 butadieno mediante procesos de carbón activo granular y de oxidación avanzada. LI 3 “Plantas portátiles”: Investigación sobre plantas existentes portátiles para verificar su rendimiento teórico y proponer mejoras. Estas líneas de investigación se desarrollaron tanto en el nivel teórico como en el empírico, bien sea en laboratorio como en campo. A lo largo del documento se demuestra que las principales fuentes de contaminación, salvo la degradación de yacimientos naturales, proceden de la actividad humana (efluentes industriales y agrícolas, aguas residuales y actividades beligerantes) que provocan un amplio espectro de enfermedades por lo que dificultan tanto la definición de la fuente como la anticipada detección de la enfermedad. Las principales conclusiones que se obtuvieron están relacionadas con el rendimiento de eliminación de los parámetros tras la aplicación de los procesos y plantas de tratamiento de aguas anteriormente reseñadas. Sin embargo, el verdadero elemento designador de originalidad de esta Tesis Doctoral, tal como se ha reseñado arriba, radica en la definición de un sistema seriado de procesos de tratamiento de aguas que asegura la calidad en caso de emergencia. Éste se define en el siguiente orden: pretratamiento, oxidación, coagulación-floculación-decantación, filtración por arena, intercambio iónico, carbón activo granular, microfiltración, radiación UV, ósmosis inversa, radiación UV y cloración final. The main objective of this Thesis is to obtain a chain of stepwise safe water treatments that allow us to ensure the quality of water for human consumption in case of emergencies, so that the effects of hostile actions, such as sabotage or terrorism, natural disasters, etc. and seek appropriate solutions in this case to ensure health. The existing commercial water treatment plants do not ensure quality, and the documentation on the subject presents knowledge gaps or contradictions. These gaps allow us to determine the issues to be discussed during the investigation. Therefore, this objective was manifested in three actions: Researching yields in commercial plants and microorganisms, or toxic and dangerous products removal. Improvements to ensure the performance of conventional plants. Inquire about the advisability of implementing existing facilities for safety and health guarantee. And three lines of research are developed: LI 1 “Inorganic elements”: Research removing metals iron, copper and molybdenum by ion exchange processes and coagulation-flocculation-decantation. LI 2 “Volatile Organic Compounds”: Research removing organic compounds 1,1 dichloroethane, 1,2 dichloroethane, chlorobenzene, 1,3-dichloropropene and 1,3-butadiene hexachloro through processes of granular activated carbon and advanced oxidation. LI 3 “Compact Water Treatment Plants”: Research on existing packaged plants to verify theoretical performance and suggest improvements. These lines of research are developed both theoretically and empirically, both in the laboratory and in the field. Throughout the document, it is evident that the main sources of pollution, other than the degradation of natural deposits, come from human activity (industrial and agricultural effluents, sewage and belligerent activities) which cause a broad spectrum of diseases which hamper both the definition of the source and the early detection of the disease. The main conclusions drawn are related to both the removal efficiency parameters after application of processes and treatment plants outlined above water. However, the real designator of originality of this thesis, such as outlined above, lies in the definition of a serial system water treatment processes assuring quality in case of emergency. This is defined in the following order: pretreatment, oxidation, coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation, sand filtration, ion exchange, granular activated carbon, microfiltration, UV radiation, reverse osmosis, UV radiation and final chlorination.


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The semiempirical PM3 method, calibrated against ab initio HF/6–31+G(d) theory, has been used to elucidate the reaction of 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) with the carboxylate of Asp-124 at the active site of haloalkane dehalogenase of Xanthobacter autothropicus. Asp-124 and 13 other amino acid side chains that make up the active site cavity (Glu-56, Trp-125, Phe-128, Phe-172, Trp-175, Leu-179, Val-219, Phe-222, Pro-223, Val-226, Leu-262, Leu-263, and His-289) were included in the calculations. The three most significant observations of the present study are that: (i) the DCE substrate and Asp-124 carboxylate, in the reactive ES complex, are present as an ion-molecule complex with a structure similar to that seen in the gas-phase reaction of AcO− with DCE; (ii) the structures of the transition states in the gas-phase and enzymatic reaction are much the same where the structure formed at the active site is somewhat exploded; and (iii) the enthalpies in going from ground states to transition states in the enzymatic and gas-phase reactions differ by only a couple kcal/mol. The dehalogenase derives its catalytic power from: (i) bringing the electrophile and nucleophile together in a low-dielectric environment in an orientation that allows the reaction to occur without much structural reorganization; (ii) desolvation; and (iii) stabilizing the leaving chloride anion by Trp-125 and Trp-175 through hydrogen bonding.


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Hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics calculations using Austin Model 1 system-specific parameters were performed to study the SN2 displacement reaction of chloride from 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) by nucleophilic attack of the carboxylate of acetate in the gas phase and by Asp-124 in the active site of haloalkane dehalogenase from Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10. The activation barrier for nucleophilic attack of acetate on DCE depends greatly on the reactants having a geometry resembling that in the enzyme or an optimized gas-phase structure. It was found in the gas-phase calculations that the activation barrier is 9 kcal/mol lower when dihedral constraints are used to restrict the carboxylate nucleophile geometry to that in the enzyme relative to the geometries for the reactants without dihedral constraints. The calculated quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics activation barriers for the enzymatic reaction are 16.2 and 19.4 kcal/mol when the geometry of the reactants is in a near attack conformer from molecular dynamics and in a conformer similar to the crystal structure (DCE is gauche), respectively. This haloalkane dehalogenase lowers the activation barrier for dehalogenation of DCE by 2–4 kcal/mol relative to the single point energies of the enzyme's quantum mechanics atoms in the gas phase. SN2 displacements of this sort in water are infinitely slower than in the gas phase. The modest lowering of the activation barrier by the enzyme relative to the reaction in the gas phase is consistent with mutation experiments.


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Analyses on DNA microarrays depend considerably on spot quality and a low background signal of the glass support. By using betaine as an additive to a spotting solution made of saline sodium citrate, both the binding efficiency of spotted PCR products and the homogeneity of the DNA spots is improved significantly on aminated surfaces such as glass slides coated with the widely used poly-l-lysine or aminosilane. In addition, non-specific background signal is markedly diminished. Concomitantly, during the arraying procedure, the betaine reduces evaporation from the microtitre dish wells, which hold the PCR products. Subsequent blocking of the chip surface with succinic anhydride was improved considerably in the presence of the non-polar, non-aqueous solvent 1,2-dichloroethane and the acylating catalyst N-methylimidazole. This procedure prevents the overall background signal that occurs with the frequently applied aqueous solvent 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone in borate buffer because of DNA that re-dissolves from spots during the blocking process, only to bind again across the entire glass surface.


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A computational model is presented that can be used as a tool in the design of safer chemicals. This model predicts the rate of hydrogen-atom abstraction by cytochrome P450 enzymes. Excellent correlations between biotransformation rates and the calculated activation energies (delta Hact) of the cytochrome P450-mediated hydrogen-atom abstractions were obtained for the in vitro biotransformation of six halogenated alkanes (1-fluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, 1,1-difluoro-1,2,2-trichloroethane, 1,1,1-trifluro-2,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-2-chloroethane, 1,1,1,2,2,-pentafluoroethane, and 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane) with both rat and human enzyme preparations: In(rate, rat liver microsomes) = 44.99 - 1.79(delta Hact), r2 = 0.86; In(rate, human CYP2E1) = 46.99 - 1.77(delta Hact), r2 = 0.97 (rates are in nmol of product per min per nmol of cytochrome P450 and energies are in kcal/mol). Correlations were also obtained for five inhalation anesthetics (enflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane, methoxyflurane, and isoflurane) for both in vivo and in vitro metabolism by humans: In[F(-)]peak plasma = 42.87 - 1.57(delta Hact), r2 = 0.86. To our knowledge, these are the first in vivo human metabolic rates to be quantitatively predicted. Furthermore, this is one of the first examples where computational predictions and in vivo and in vitro data have been shown to agree in any species. The model presented herein provides an archetype for the methodology that may be used in the future design of safer chemicals, particularly hydrochlorofluorocarbons and inhalation anesthetics.


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A closed form solution is presented for determining the shape and location of the interface between two dissimilar fluids (having different densities) when steady flow takes place through a homogeneous and isotropic porous medium, into a sheetpile cofferdam; the interface is assumed to be sharp and the lower fluid stationary. The solution is obtained using the inverse hodograph. Numerical results are presented in nondimensional form for various parametric conditions in the physical plane; the interface pattern, as also the seepage discharge and exit gradient distribution are shown. The critical conditions of the interface are studied.


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The removal of native oxide from Si (1 1 1) surfaces was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and secondary ion mass spectra (SIMS) depth profiles. Two different oxide removal methods, performed under ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) conditions, were carried out and compared. The first cleaning method is thermal desorption of oxide at 900 degrees C. The second method is the deposition of metallic gallium followed by redesorption. A significant decrease in oxygen was achieved by thermal desorption at 900 degrees C under UHV conditions. By applying a subsequent Ga deposition/redesorption, a further reduction in oxygen could be achieved. We examine the merits of an alternative oxide desorption method via conversion of the stable SiO(2) surface oxide into a volatile Ca(2)O oxide by a supply of Ga metals. Furthermore, ultra thin films of pure silicon nitride buffer layer were grown on a Si (1 1 1) surface by exposing the surface to radio-frequency (RF) nitrogen plasma followed by GaN growth. The SIMS depth profile shows that the oxygen impurity can be reduced at GaN/beta-Si(3)N(4)/Si interfaces by applying a subsequent Ga deposition/redesorption. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The axisymmetric problem of an elastic fiber perfectly bonded to a nonhomogeneous elastic matrix which contains an annular crack going through the interface into the fiber under axially symmetric shear stress is considered. The nature of the stress singularity is studied. It is shown that at the irregular point on the interface, whether the shear modulus is continuous or discontinuous the stresses are bounded. The problem is formulated in terms of a singular integral equation and can be solved by a regular method. The stress intensity factors and crack surface displacement are given.


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A detailed analysis of kinking of an interface crack between two dissimilar anisotropic elastic solids is presented in this paper. The branched crack is considered as a distributed dislocation. A set of the singular integral equations for the distribution function of the dislocation density is developed. Explicit formulas of the stress intensity factors and the energy release rates for the branched crack are given for orthotropic bimaterials and misoriented orthotropic bicrystals. The role of the stress parallel to the interface, sigma0 is taken into account in these formulas. The interface crack can advance either by continued extension along the interface or by kinking out of the interface into one of the adjoining materials. This competition depends on the ratio of the energy release rates for interface cracking and for kinking out of the interface and the ratio of interface toughness to substrate toughness. Throughout the paper, the influences of the inplane stress sigma0 on the stress intensity factors and the energy release rates for the branched crack, which can significantly alter the conditions for interface cracking, are emphasized.