1000 resultados para 1995_12240208 CTD-148 5402605
In [8] the authors developed a logical system based on the definition of a new non-classical connective ⊗ capturing the notion of reparative obligation. The system proved to be appropriate for handling well-known contrary-to-duty paradoxes but no model-theoretic semantics was presented. In this paper we fill the gap and define a suitable possible-world semantics for the system for which we can prove soundness and completeness. The semantics is a preference-based non-normal one extending and generalizing semantics for classical modal logics.
Contenido: El ser : su constitución, su expresión conceptual / Octavio N. Derisi – En la génesis de la metafísica / Gabriel Ferrer – Qué es la filosofía, en el pensamiento de J. Dewey / William R. Darós – Fundamentos sapienciales de la ecología : oikos y téjne en la perspectiva clásica y cristiana / Héctor Aguer -- Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía
O deputado Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP), presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), reuniu os lideres partidários para discutir a proposta do Deputado Plínio Arruda Sampaio (PT-SP), que almeja a divisão dos debates por temas no Plenário. O Deputado José Lourenço (PFL-BA) diz que o regimento é muito rígido e os debates devem seguir a ordem de inscrição. O Deputado Plínio Arruda Sampaio sugere mais sessões pela manhã com a discussão de temas pré-estabelecidos. O Deputado Ulysses Guimarães esclarece que, se houver acordo entre as lideranças, verificará a possibilidade de serem adotadas tais medidas. O Deputado Brandão Monteiro (PDT-RJ) explica que o Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) está sensível no sentido de utilização de outros dias, em que o Plenário não funciona, para a definição prévia de temas. O Senador Humberto Lucena (PMDB-PB) acredita que as questões polêmicas da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte devem passar por uma decisão final do eleitorado brasileiro, através de um referendo. Na Convenção do PMDB, o partido definiu pontos importantes sobre a reforma agrária. O Deputado Mário Covas (PMDB-SP) esclarece que o substitutivo elaborado pelo Senador Severo Gomes (PMDB-SP) repete basicamente o Estatuto da Terra, com exceção de dois artigos, sendo que um deles trata da criação de varas da justiça agrária e outro trata da imissão de posse. Ele também define o que seria a função social da terra e afirma que a reforma agrária vai multiplicar o número de proprietários.
Chegou a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte uma emenda popular, com mais de sessenta e sete mil assinaturas, que propõe a manutenção do ensino religioso nas escolas de 1º e 2º graus. O Deputado Bernardo Cabral, Relator da Comissão de Sistematização, pede que as emendas populares não cheguem no último dia. Tão logo termine o prazo de apresentação de emendas, ele pretende iniciar a elaboração de uma espécie de rascunho do substitutivo, de tal forma que o Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), Ulysses Guimarães, as lideranças partidárias e ele próprio possam trocar ideias sobre esse esboço . O Relator quer também a ajuda dos Ministros de Estado para ouvir setores da sociedade envolvidos em temas polêmicos. O Deputado Aloysio Teixeira (PMDB-RJ) teme que a nova Carta não dure, devido a sua grande extensão, com muitos detalhes. O Deputado Chagas Rodrigues (PMDB-PI) acredita que os trabalhos da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), estão iniciando agora. O Deputado José Carlos Coutinho (PL-RJ) considera absolutamente necessário que, dentro de um espírito de patriotismo, haja um acordo para que todas essas grandes questões nacionais sejam resolvidas nesta Constituinte. O Deputado Victor Faccioni (PDS-RS) espera que a fase do Plenário seja mais objetiva, para se alcançar resultados concretos e de tal forma que a Constituição represente a média dos anseios da população. O Deputado João Hermann (PMDB-SP) apresentou emenda para que grande parte da receita do governo federal seja repassada para o município.
The Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP) Program is a component of NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program. The central hypothesis of this research is: Anthropogenic nutrient inputs have enhanced coastal ocean productivity with subsequent impacts on coastal ocean water quality, living resource yields, and the global marine carbon cycle. The initial study area for this program is the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Outflow and adjacent Louisiana shelf region.
BRCA1 has been implicated in numerous DNA repair pathways that maintain genome integrity, however the function responsible for its tumor suppressor activity in breast cancer remains obscure. To identify the most highly conserved of the many BRCA1 functions, we screened the evolutionarily distant eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae for mutants that suppressed the G1 checkpoint arrest and lethality induced following heterologous BRCA1 expression. A genome-wide screen in the diploid deletion collection combined with a screen of ionizing radiation sensitive gene deletions identified mutants that permit growth in the presence of BRCA1. These genes delineate a metabolic mRNA pathway that temporally links transcription elongation (SPT4, SPT5, CTK1, DEF1) to nucleopore-mediated mRNA export (ASM4, MLP1, MLP2, NUP2, NUP53, NUP120, NUP133, NUP170, NUP188, POM34) and cytoplasmic mRNA decay at P-bodies (CCR4, DHH1). Strikingly, BRCA1 interacted with the phosphorylated RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) carboxy terminal domain (P-CTD), phosphorylated in the pattern specified by the CTDK-I kinase, to induce DEF1-dependent cleavage and accumulation of a RNAPII fragment containing the P-CTD. Significantly, breast cancer associated BRCT domain defects in BRCA1 that suppressed P-CTD cleavage and lethality in yeast also suppressed the physical interaction of BRCA1 with human SPT5 in breast epithelial cells, thus confirming SPT5 as a relevant target of BRCA1 interaction. Furthermore, enhanced P-CTD cleavage was observed in both yeast and human breast cells following UV-irradiation indicating a conserved eukaryotic damage response. Moreover, P-CTD cleavage in breast epithelial cells was BRCA1-dependent since damage-induced P-CTD cleavage was only observed in the mutant BRCA1 cell line HCC1937 following ectopic expression of wild type BRCA1. Finally, BRCA1, SPT5 and hyperphosphorylated RPB1 form a complex that was rapidly degraded following MMS treatment in wild type but not BRCA1 mutant breast cells. These results extend the mechanistic links between BRCA1 and transcriptional consequences in response to DNA damage and suggest an important role for RNAPII P-CTD cleavage in BRCA1-mediated cancer suppression.
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Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812. Issue for July 12, 1813 includes an account of the capture of the Chesapeake, report of explosion of the schooner Eagle off New London, report Com. Hardy had detained a smack, was determined to destroy all smacks and other small craft he found, reports of recent events at Malden, Fort George, head of the Lake, Sacketts Harbour, two reports of attack on Hampton, report of British attack near point of Nansemond River/Craney Island, second report of battle on/near Craney Island, additional report of attack at Hampton, marine news from Baltimore, report that sickness rampant throughout Army, many deaths reported, report that British were fortifying Brownstown, but deserters from British believe Michigan could be retaken by 3000 troops, report Gen. Boyd remained at Fort George to supervise repair of fortifications, report British reinforced from Kingston in Niagara and in Malden, report Gen. Hampton arrived at Albany on way to Burlington, report Gen. Parker left Albany, headed to Burlington, report of 400 men marching from Greenbush to the frontier, report of battles at Stoney Creek, 40 Mile Creek, report that Gen. Boyd lost an action with British in which 8 to 10 hundred men killed and taken from Americans, reports British had captured stores at Black Rock, Sodus, and Oswego, report of British victory in a battle 5 miles from Queenston, troop strength under Dearborn in Niagara reported between 2 and 3 thousand, additional reports of Battle of Beaverdams, reports Dearborn had resumed command, after lengthy illness, Gen. Boyd remained at Fort George, reports natives had been sieging Fort Wayne.