951 resultados para 1995-2003


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The Kara Sea is an area uniquely suitable for studying processes in the river-sea system. This is a shallow sea, into which two great Siberian rivers, Yenisei and Ob, flow. From 1995 to 2003, the sea was studied by six international expeditions onboard the R/V Akademik Boris Petrov. This publication summarizes the results obtained, within the framework of this project, at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences. Various hydrogeochemical parameters, concentrations and isotopic composition of organic and carbonate carbon of the sediments, plankton, particulate organic matter, hydrocarbons, and dissolved CO2 were examined throughout the whole sea area at more than 200 sites. The d13C varies from -22 and -24 per mil where Atlantic waters enter the Kara Sea and in the north-eastern part of the water area to -27 per mil in the Yenisei and Ob estuaries. The value of d13C of the plankton is only weakly correlated with the d13C of the organic matter from the sediments and is lower by as much as 3-4 per mil. The paper presents the results obtained from a number of meridional river-sea profiles. It was determined from the relations between the isotopic compositions of plankton and particulate matter that the river waters carry material consisting of 70% detrital-humus matter and 30% planktonogenic material in the river part, and the material contained in the offshore waters consists of 30% terrigenous components, with the contribution of bioproducers amounting to 70%. The carbon isotopic composition of the plankton ranges from -29 to -35 per mil in the riverine part, from -28 to -27 per mil in the estuaries, and from -27.0 to -25 per mil in the marine part. The relative lightness of the carbon isotopic composition of plankton in Arctic waters is explained by the temperature effect, elevated CO2 concentrations, and long-distance CO2 supply to the sea with river waters. The data obtained on the isotopic composition of CO2 in the surface waters of the Kara Sea were used to map the distribution of d13C. The complex of hydrocarbon gases extracted from the waters included methane, C2-C5, and unsaturated C2=-C4= hydrocarbons, for which variations in the concentrations in the waters were studied along river-estuary-sea profiles. The geochemistry of hydrocarbon gases in surface fresh waters is characterized by comparable concentrations of methane (0.3-5 µl/l) and heavier hydrocarbons, including unsaturated ones. Microbiological methane with d13C from -105 to -90 per mil first occurs in the sediments at depths of 40-200 cm. The sediments practically everywhere display traces of methane oxidation in the form of a shift of the d13C of methane toward higher values and the occurrence of autogenic carbonate material, including ikaite, enriched in the light isotope. Ikaite (d13C from -25 to -60 per mil) was found and examined in several profiles. The redox conditions in the sediments varied from normal in the southern part of the sea to highly oxidized along the Novaya Zemlya Trough. Vertical sections through the sediments of the latter exemplify the complete suppression of the biochemical activity of microorganisms. Our data provide insight into the biogeochemistry of the Kara Sea and make it possible to specify the background values needed for ecological control during the future exploration operations and extraction of hydrocarbons in the Kara Sea.


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This paper aims to discuss the influences of gender issues in formal and informal evaluation processes in order to identify situations that may lead to exclusion of boys and girls in our schools. Therefore, we rely on the authors as Freitas (2005, 2006, 2011), Sordi (2009), Villas Boas (2006), Fernandes (2006, 2008), (Carvalho (2001.2004, 2011), Blonde (1995, 2003), Scott (1995), Connell (1995), Navy (2009), Dal'igna (2004), among others. These authors help us understand that both gender issues as the evaluation questions in its formal and informal when analyzed, especially in light of school reality, are impregnated with socially constructed conceptions that are reflected in the school. The survey was conducted in two rooms of the 5th year of elementary school, and the genres of research were qualitative and quantitative. In the development of this study, the research followed those steps: School Rules analysis, grade maps, class journals; Mapping of records of the evaluation results of the 1st to 5th year of elementary school; Analysis of official government documents in education; development, implementation and analysis of questionnaires answered by the students and the teachers with issues about gender and evaluation; Mapping of the evaluation results of the students of two classes surveyed during 2012; Observation in the classroom; interview with the teachers of the surveyed groups. During the research we found that gender issues are not dealt with by the school and that this reinforces some exclusion processes that are linked to these questions. Studies also tell us that on the surveyed groups most of the children who have lower evaluative results are boys, which, in the evaluation of teachers, are considered undisciplined. Of the children with poor results, 50% are black. Some of these children who had low evaluative income have not completed the school year in that school. The study also reveals that on the observed groups, generally the girls have better results in formal assessments than boys, which are considered, by the teachers, more undisciplined and difficult to work with. The girls, on the other hand, are considered more docile and attentive than boys. The observations made by teachers concerning the behavior of boys and girls also reflect in the formal evaluative results, therefore the informal assessments, the value judgment of teachers in relation to the behavior of the students influence the results of formal assessments. In this sense, in order to seek ways to try to overcome the exclusion situations experienced in the evaluation process, we believe that the principles of popular education can be configured as an important parameter to begin discussions on gender and evaluation in schools.


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A partir do governo do Presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2003), houve incentivo para abertura de novas Instituições privadas de ensino superior no Brasil. Os alunos tornam-se clientes e começam a escolher a melhor opção de instituição de ensino superior (IES) que atenda às suas necessidades. O objetivo desta dissertação é compreender limites e policiamentos no desenvolvimento da comunicação mercadológica de IES confessionais na captação de novos alunos. A pesquisa desenvolvida foi a partir de um estudo exploratório descritivo, por meio de revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa qualitativa com entrevistas com executivos de comunicação da UMESP. Os principais resultados apontam para uma maior restrição no desenvolvimento da comunicação mercadológica da IES em estudo (UMESP), notadamente na vigilância sobre a veracidade e alcance do texto publicitário


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Na contística de Maria Aurora Carvalho Homem, A Santa do Calhau (1992), Para Ouvir Albinoni (1995; 2003) e Leila (2005), impõe-se com naturalidade uma constante temática centrada nas experiências quotidianas do feminino. Considerando a relevância do contributo da literatura para a compreensão da condição da mulher e do seu papel na sociedade, procuramos explorar as representações do feminino na produção ficcional da autora. No conjunto dos contos, deparamo-nos com figurações de mulheres subjugadas à hegemonia masculina, de transgressoras e de mulheres emancipadas. As personagens, embora entidades ficcionais, testemunham o rumo trilhado pela mulher no encalce da autoconstrução de uma renovada identidade feminina, constituindo-se a escrita como meio de reflexão sobre o mundo.


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Na contística de Maria Aurora Carvalho Homem, A Santa do Calhau (1992), Para Ouvir Albinoni (1995; 2003) e Leila (2005), impõe-se com naturalidade uma constante temática centrada nas experiências quotidianas do feminino. Considerando a relevância do contributo da literatura para a compreensão da condição da mulher e do seu papel na sociedade, procuramos explorar as representações do feminino na produção ficcional da autora. No conjunto dos contos, deparamo-nos com figurações de mulheres subjugadas à hegemonia masculina, de transgressoras e de mulheres emancipadas. As personagens, embora entidades ficcionais, testemunham o rumo trilhado pela mulher no encalce da autoconstrução de uma renovada identidade feminina, constituindo-se a escrita como meio de reflexão sobre o mundo.


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The coming out process has been conceptualized as a developmental imperative for those who will eventually accept their same-sex attractions. It is widely accepted that homophobia, heterosexism, and homonegativity are cultural realities that may complicate this developmental process for gay men. The current study views coming out as an extra-developmental life task that is at best a stressful event, and at worst traumatic when coming out results in the rupture of salient relationships with parents, siblings, and/or close friends. To date, the minority stress model (Meyer, 1995; 2003) has been utilized as an organizing framework for how to empirically examine external stressors and mental health disparities for lesbians, gay men, and bisexual individuals in the United States. The current study builds on this literature by focusing on the influence of how gay men make sense of and represent the coming out process in a semi-structured interview, more specifically, by examining the legacy of the coming out process on indicators of wellness. In a two-part process, this study first employs the framework well articulated in the adult attachment literature of coherence of narratives to explore both variation and implications of the coming out experience for a sample of gay men (n = 60) in romantic relationships (n = 30). In particular, this study employed constructs identified in the adult attachment literature, namely Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind, to code a Coming Out Interview (COI). In the present study current state of mind refers to the degree of coherent discourse produced about coming out experiences as relayed during the COI. Multilevel analyses tested the extent to which these COI dimensions, as revealed through an analysis of coming out narratives in the COI, were associated with relationship quality, including self-reported satisfaction and observed emotional tone in a standard laboratory interaction task and self-reported symptoms of psychopathology. In addition, multilevel analyses also assessed the Acceptance by primary relationship figures at the time of disclosure, as well as the degree of Outness at the time of the study. Results revealed that participant’s narratives on the COI varied with regard to Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind, suggesting that the AAI coding system provides a viable organizing framework for extracting meaning from coming out narratives as related to attachment relevant constructs. Multilevel modeling revealed construct validity of the attachment dimensions assessed via the COI; attachment (i.e., Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind) as assessed via the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) was significantly correlated with the corresponding COI variables. These finding suggest both methodological and conceptual convergence between these two measures. However, with one exception, COI Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind did not predict relationship outcomes or self-reported internalizing and externalizing symptoms. However, further analyses revealed that the degree to which one is out to others moderated the relationship between COI Preoccupied and internalizing. Specifically, for those who were less out to others, there was a significant and positive relationship between Preoccupied current state of mind towards coming out and internalizing symptoms. In addition, the degree of perceived acceptance of sexual orientation by salient relationship figures at the time of disclosure emerged as a predictor of mental health. In particular, Acceptance was significantly negatively related to internalizing symptoms. Overall, the results offer preliminary support that gay men’s narratives do reflect variation as assessed by attachment dimensions and highlights the role of Acceptance by salient relationship figures at the time of disclosure. Still, for the most part, current state of mind towards coming out in this study was not associated with relationship quality and self-reported indicators of mental health. This finding may be a function of low statistical power given the modest sample size. However, the relationship between Preoccupied current state of mind and mental health (i.e., internalizing) appears to depend on degree of Outness. In addition, the response of primary relationships figures to coming out may be a relevant factor in shaping mental health outcomes for gay men. Limitations and suggestions for future research and clinical intervention are offered.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.


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Background Edoxaban, an oral factor Xa inhibitor, is non-inferior for prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation and is associated with less bleeding than well controlled warfarin therapy. Few safety data about edoxaban in patients undergoing electrical cardioversion are available. Methods We did a multicentre, prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint evaluation trial in 19 countries with 239 sites comparing edoxaban 60 mg per day with enoxaparin–warfarin in patients undergoing electrical cardioversion of non-valvular atrial fibrillation. The dose of edoxaban was reduced to 30 mg per day if one or more factors (creatinine clearance 15–50 mL/min, low bodyweight [≤60 kg], or concomitant use of P-glycoprotein inhibitors) were present. Block randomisation (block size four)—stratified by cardioversion approach (transoesophageal echocardiography [TEE] or not), anticoagulant experience, selected edoxaban dose, and region—was done through a voice-web system. The primary efficacy endpoint was a composite of stroke, systemic embolic event, myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular mortality, analysed by intention to treat. The primary safety endpoint was major and clinically relevant non-major (CRNM) bleeding in patients who received at least one dose of study drug. Follow-up was 28 days on study drug after cardioversion plus 30 days to assess safety. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02072434. Findings Between March 25, 2014, and Oct 28, 2015, 2199 patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive edoxaban (n=1095) or enoxaparin–warfarin (n=1104). The mean age was 64 years (SD 10·54) and mean CHA2DS2-VASc score was 2·6 (SD 1·4). Mean time in therapeutic range on warfarin was 70·8% (SD 27·4). The primary efficacy endpoint occurred in five (<1%) patients in the edoxaban group versus 11 (1%) in the enoxaparin–warfarin group (odds ratio [OR] 0·46, 95% CI 0·12–1·43). The primary safety endpoint occurred in 16 (1%) of 1067 patients given edoxaban versus 11 (1%) of 1082 patients given enoxaparin–warfarin (OR 1·48, 95% CI 0·64–3·55). The results were independent of the TEE-guided strategy and anticoagulation status. Interpretation ENSURE-AF is the largest prospective randomised clinical trial of anticoagulation for cardioversion of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Rates of major and CRNM bleeding and thromboembolism were low in the two treatment groups. Funding Daiichi Sankyo provided financial support for the study. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd


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Analisa a atuação do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), na Câmara dos Deputados, durante as Reformas da Previdência Social, entre os anos de 1995-98 e em 2003. Problematiza o comportamento do PT em distintos momentos históricos, considerando as posições políticas ocupadas, oposição e governo, possibilita interessante debate acerca das estratégias de articulação política, da coerência ideológica ou das contradições que o Partido demonstrou diante de uma questão complexa e conflitante como as mudanças no sistema previdenciário. Discute como um partido político com uma trajetória singular, uma história de origens de bases populares, embora de constituição bastante heterogênea, conduziu o debate e os processos de reforma previdenciária, levando-se em consideração o contexto histórico, as pressões internas e externas, e também a incerteza que envolve transformações em torno de uma questão tão abrangente, cuja natureza, para além do aspecto técnico, é também social e política, como a previdência social.


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El estudio desde ―La incidencia del manejo del Espacio Público en Bogotá, entre los años 1995 y 2003, en la Cultura Ciudadana de los bogotanos‖ se divide en cinco capítulos: el primero, parte de la contextualización del problema de investigación y surge de la necesidad de abordar la problemática con características temporales y espaciales en Bogotá; el segundo se refiere al marco teórico y conceptual del problema; aborda elementos urbanísticos y de cultura ciudadana, a partir de planteamientos filosóficos, de la misma historia y funcionalidad del Espacio Publico en lo Urbano y de su desarrollo a partir de las necesidades del ciudadano; el tercer capitulo se origina desde la materialización urbana, a través de su historia, y su normatividad en la ciudad. El cuarto capitulo, rescata la importancia del Espacio Publico desde el desarrollo material de las políticas en cada una de las administraciones que comprenden el estudio y finalmente en el quinto capitulo se relacionan todos los elementos de los capítulos anteriores con el fin de evaluar cada uno de los aspectos analizados y poder observar la evolución de estos en el tiempo y estos materializados en la ciudad y el ciudadano para dar paso final a la conclusión del presente estudio.


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El símbolo su aprovechamiento como recurso innovador en el ejercicio del gobierno su manejo para la construcción comunicativa de nuevos discursos políticos y su incidencia para la formación y construcción de una imagen común o como proyecto de ciudad


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Este trabalho traz interessantes descobertas acerca do comportamento dos preços das ações no mercado acionário brasileiro. Utilizando a metodologia de Haugen e Baker (1996) e seu Modelo de Fator de Retorno Esperado, o estudo mostra que são cinco os fatores determinantes dos preços das ações no mercado brasileiro, considerando o período de janeiro de 1995 a julho de 2003. Dentre os fatores, dois foram obtidos a partir do comportamento dos preços passados das ações, o que evidencia que o mercado não é eficiente nem em sua forma fraca, conforme os conceitos apresentados por Fama (1970). Além disso, fatores como o beta do CAPM e os betas da APT, os principais modelos de precificação de ativos, não foram incluídos entre os fatores determinantes. A aplicação dos fatores determinantes em duas simulações de investimento, uma sem custos de transação e outra com custos de transação, mostrou que o Modelo de Fator de Retorno Esperado possui boa eficiência na previsão dos retornos das ações, sendo capaz de construir, entre 10 carteiras, aquela com maior retorno em relação às demais e, inclusive, em relação ao principal índice de mercado brasileiro, o Ibovespa. A Carteira 1, com melhor retorno esperado, apresentou retorno médio mensal de 1,78% na simulação sem custos de transação e de 0,46% na simulação com custos de transação, ambos superiores ao retorno médio mensal do Ibovespa, de -0,45%. Além da melhor performance, a análise do perfil dos portfolios apontou resultados também relevantes, especialmente no que concerne ao risco das carteiras. A Carteira 1 apresentou a menor volatilidade dos retornos mensais, o menor beta de mercado, bem como mostrou ser formada por ações de empresas com o menor grau de endividamento do patrimônio líquido.


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Principalmente a partir do final da década de 1990, com as crises internacionais que afetaram especialmente os países em desenvolvimento, passou-se a designar maior importância a temas como dívida pública, sua gestão e o desenvolvimento do mercado de títulos públicos. Nos últimos dezesseis anos da economia brasileira observamos diferentes momentos da situação do endividamento público. O crescimento da relação dívida pública/PIB e a piora da sua composição (em relação aos indexadores) são características do período de governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), enquanto o decréscimo da dívida pública em relação ao PIB, assim como a melhora de seu perfil, foram características presentes durante o governo de Luis Inácio “Lula” da Silva (2003-2010). É importante destacar que o cenário da economia mundial, em cada um dos períodos citados, influenciou diretamente na execução da política econômica, e, portanto, na gestão da dívida pública