915 resultados para 1927-


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This dissertation examines the concept of the personalized teaching proposed by the physician and educator from Rio Grande do Norte Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, in his doctoral thesis "Mental Hygiene and Education," published in 1927. To do so, we start from the assumption that this thinker appropriated part of the educational theory formulated by Èdouard Claparède - specifically, in the case of the teaching concepts of the personalized teaching and comprehensive education designed by the Swiss intellectual - and, considering the Brazilian social reality of early twentieth century, reframed these concepts, adapting them to the country context. To implement the proposed idea, the bibliographical study was the option chosen, and so was done through a theoretical research which had as a reference authors whose studies referred to the Brazilian historical moment in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, our examined time frame. As for the understanding and the methodological analysis of discourse, seen as socially constructed, the Foucault postulations were studied under an analytical approach, in which the disciplinary society is analyzed from the relations of power and knowledge that exist in it. The main source of this research was the work of "Mental Hygiene and Education," published as a requirement to the obtainment of Luiz Antonio s medical degree by the Rio de Janeiro Medicine School. Thus, it was found that the conception of personalized learning to the comprehensive education of students, as proposed in the doctoral thesis of Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, was related to abnormalities of mental character that children could present. School education was thought in a way by the potiguar thinker that it could be applied as deep as the moral, intellectual and behavioral deviations of the individual were, making use of hygiene practices of the minds through a normalizing process towards a civilized and developed future of the Brazilian nation which would manage, watch and fix the thoughts of the school students


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This work has as object of study the Hospital de Caridade Juvino Barreto, nosocomial institution located in the city of Natal (RN), between the Praia de Areia Preta and the Monte Petrópolis, focusing on the period from 1909, the year in which the new hospital building was constructed and opened, and 1927, the date of the transfer of administration of the public domain to the newly created Sociedade de Assistência Hospitalar (SAH). We study the conditions of possibility of the emergence of this hospital space in the urban environment of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, seeking to understand the different tactics and strategies implemented by the historical subjects involved in the formation of this institution nosocomial. Starting from a corpus of documents consisting of medical memories (with Dr. Januário Cicco as privileged observer), information present in newspapers (the Republic and the Christmas Journa l), photo collection and extensive administrative and legal material (Speeches, Exhibitions, Reports, Laws and Resolutions), we analyzed in detail the medical geography of HCJB, relating the discourses of medicine and geography in choosing the spatial location of the hospital as we examine the architecture of the hospital, its inner spat iality, divisions, forms of space control, and, finally, we discuss the medical practices that took place within it, leading us in this regard, from the experiences of clinical hospital chief, Dr. Januário Cicco, especially the discussion on "ethics" in hospital work. The perception of HCJB as medical nosoespaciality always on the move, incorporated under taxonomic principles based on difference and dispersion forces, led us to articulate it theoretically from the conceptual-methodological arsenal of philosopher Michel Foucault, particularly his reflections of genealogical phase, focusing on the phenomenon of power, a position that allows us to enhance our space-hospital construction, invention, product of power relations, which give the unfinished aspect nosocômio, apparent, always at stake, perpetual non-modeling possibility has previously defined array, establishing it at the field of possible, of virtuality, of power: hospital that could have been and that it was not. Indeed, the investigation of various aspects/elements of hospital space Juvino Barreto revealed us new dimensions of hospital space, far more complex than the simple and the current idea of a place to shelter patients: plasticity and fluidity of space, which is not made to circumscribe the limits of empeiria, engraving up to strength relations fought between different subject; its Constitution as a transitional space, Heterotopic, doing live inside modern elements with premoderns (professional doctors working with religious thought, skeptical of positivist medicine living with the religious faith of the nuns of Santana); the impossibility of thinking hospital space of HCJB while homogeneous unit, static, transistoric, making the spatiality, without considering the profound differences, fractures and dislocations that animated his own existence, multiplying their expressions of identity


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Muitas espécies de peixes de água doce são consideradas miniaturas, entretanto, sua identificação é frequentemente baseada apenas no critério arbitrário que é seu reduzido tamanho corporal. Apesar de algumas espécies de Otothyris terem sido propostas como miniaturas, informações acerca do processo de miniaturização no gênero e suas consequências são escassas. Aqui detalhamos eventos de perda, fusão, modificações em muitos ossos, sistema laterossensorial e no cérebro, que juntos evidenciam a miniaturização em todas as espécies do gênero. Nossos resultados podem ser úteis na identificação de outras espécies miniaturas dentro de Loricariidae.


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In this article we aimed the identification and the analysis of the “textual configuration aspects” from the speeches of the “high authorities” of public instruction in São Paulo contained in Annuarios do ensino do estado de São Paulo, centrally those published between 1907 and 1927, on the direction of public instruction and its teachers statewide. This formulation resulted from the need to search the peculiar aspects of these discourses, that is, from a conductor thread through which and by vitue of which these discourses have been produced. It was concluded at the end, the common orientation mentioned to speeches was to bring the idea together, a sense of unity to the sphere of public education in the state, which would characterize the called school apparatus in São Paulo.


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O trabalho de conclusão de curso, que tem por tema “A imprensa interiorana: análise das dinâmicas sociais e urbanas em O Progresso, 1925-1927 e O Linense, 1928-1929”, visa analisar os periódicos aqui apontados, enquanto representativos dos jornais circulantes no interior paulista do início do século XX, inseridos dentro de um contexto de urbanização das cidades do noroeste do estado de São Paulo, mais especificamente, Lins. Esses periódicos serão, portanto, objeto de estudo e, concomitantemente, as principais ferramentas de pesquisa sobre a cidade aqui estudada e de identificação das temáticas relativas ao assunto cidade/urbano. Este trabalho serve como um complemento à pesquisa de iniciação científica “A Imprensa em Lins: temas da cidade e do urbano em O Progresso, 1925-1927 e O Linense, 1928-1929”, que teve como proposta fazer o levantamento de temas sobre a vida, as transformações e as dinâmicas urbanas de Lins, município do oeste paulista, mapeando diversas dimensões da cidade publicadas nos jornais O Progresso, do período de 1925 a 1927 e O Linense, de 1928 a 1929. Dessa maneira, o trabalho visa contribuir para os estudos sobre as cidades da Zona Noroeste paulista e, a partir da análise dos jornais, realizar uma leitura da imprensa interiorana do início do século XX em São Paulo. Cabe salientar que a pesquisa está vinculada ao Projeto Temático “Saberes Eruditos e Técnicos na Configuração e Reconfiguração do Espaço Urbano – Estado de São Paulo, séculos XIX e XX (processo 05/55338-0)”, com coordenação do grupo de professores da Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação da UNESP-Bauru. O subtema desse projeto, sob a responsabilidade específica do orientador Célio José Losnak, chama-se “As dimensões política e cultural da circulação dos saberes nas cidades do oeste paulista: legislação, processos decisórios... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Esta monografia é resultado da pesquisa de iniciação científica “A imprensa em Avaí: a cidade e o urbano no AVAHY-JORNAL, 1927 – 1931”, e tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento e mapeamento de temas sobre as dinâmicas e transformações urbanas da cidade de Avaí - localizada na região oeste paulista -, presentes no periódico “AVAHY-JORNAL” no período compreendido entre novembro de 1927 a dezembro de 1931. Por meio da articulação entre a leitura e fichamento do jornal, documentação específica sobre o município e fontes bibliográficas das temáticas acerca da Cidade e do Urbano, História da Imprensa, História de Avaí, da região e do estado de São Paulo, este trabalho também pretende esboçar uma problematização sobre a questão social, política e econômica de Avaí do final dos anos 1920 e início dos anos 1930, além de analisar o veículo pesquisado


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Microphilypnus Myers, 1927 is a genus with three nominal species (M. amazonicus and M. macrostoma from the lower Amazon basin, and M. ternetzi from Orinoco), and is among the most poorly studied groups of Neotropical fishes. In this paper, M. ternetzi and M. macrostoma are redescribed and validated and M. amazonicus is regarded as synonym of M. ternetzi. Also, a new species, M. acangaquara, is described from the lower Amazon.


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