997 resultados para 16-163


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Las décadas de 1970 y 1980 fueron marcadas por la disminución rápida de las superficies ocupadas por las florestas tropicales. Este fenómeno es particularmente espectacular en Brasil donde se estima que 551.000 km2 de la floresta amazónica fueron destruidos para una mise en valeur agrícola (agropecuaria). El caso de Mato Grosso es muy revelador de esa evolución en razón de la extensión de las superficies conquistadas por la agricultura en detrimento de la floresta y también en función de la diversidad de los paisajes preexistentes y de las formas actuales de ocupación de los llamados “espacios vacíos”. La Amazonía Mato-Grossense es la porción del territorio que se extiende al norte del paralelo 16º S y cuyo drenaje es en gran parte dominado por los principales afluentes del río Amazonas: Araguaia, Xingu, Teles Pires/Tapajós, Madeira/Guaporé. En la década de 1970 el gobierno brasileño transformó en proyecto de estrategia militar la ocupación territorial de la Amazonía, aplicando como doctrina los eslóganes: (a) Seguridad y Desarrollo e (b) Integrar para no entregar, ya que temía la influencia del modelo Cubano, materializado en América Latina a partir de la presencia notoria del Che Guevara en Bolivia. Entre 1970 y 1974 el Instituto Nacional de Colonización y Reforma Agraria (INCRA) dio prioridad al asentamiento de colonos pobres en los estados de Rondonia y Mato Grosso, conforme la propuesta del proyecto POLONOROESTE, atendiendo tres objetivos básicos: (1) Objetivo Económico: promover la agricultura teniendo como meta el aumento de la producción de alimentos para abastecer el mercado interno y para la exportación; (2) Objetivo Demográfico: frenar el éxodo rural y reorientar, para la Amazonía, el flujo que se dirigía para las grandes metrópolis del Sureste de Brasil; (3) Objetivo Social: disminuir las tensiones sociales provocadas por el latifundio en el Nordeste y por el minifundio en el Sur del país. Como estrategias de ocupación una serie de programas especiales de desarrollo del Gobierno Federal fueron implementados, entre los cuales destacamos: -         Pavimentación de la carretera BR-163, uniendo Campo Grande/MS a Cuiabá/MT; -         Pavimentación de la carretera BR-364, uniendo Goiás/GO a Cuiabá/MT; -         Creación de la Universidad Federal de Mato Grosso; -         Extensión de la primera gran línea de transmisión de energía eléctrica desde Cachoeira Dourada/MS até Cuiaba/MT; -         Implementación de programas especiales para la ocupación del “cerrado”[1]/POLOCENTRO que financió la ocupación de 1 millón de hectáreas de “cerrados” por la agropecuaria en el Norte de Mato Grosso; -         La pequeña producción de subsistencia de Mato Grosso sufrió los primeros impactos de los colonos gauchos y paranaenses. La metodología adoptada para investigar como esas acciones definen/redefinen las dinámicas territoriales y, evidentemente, se plasman en el paisaje motivando una serie de impactos socioambientales, consiste en investigaciones de campo (observaciones empíricas, entrevistas, tomadas de fotos y filmes) y en los análisis de imágenes LANDSAT TM. Partiendo del presupuesto de que esas transformaciones acontecen, raramente de manera completamente espontánea y anárquica, es posible identificar las estructuras espaciales suficientemente recurrentes para que el estudio de toda esa región se preste a una tentativa de definir las configuraciones espaciales típicas, sus lógicas de funcionamiento y sus evoluciones temporales. El objetivo mayor es diagnosticar el estado actual de la ocupación del suelo, así como pronosticar las alteraciones futuras. La colonización agrícola y su corolario de deforestación – promedio anual de 20.000 km2 – está en plena dinámica con el apoyo de los gobiernos – Federal y Estadual -, de los avances tecnológicos y de grandes grupos capitalistas (nacionales e internacionales). [1] Tipo de sabana brasileña.


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Childcare workers play a significant role in the learning and development of children in their care. This has major implications for the training of workers. Under new reforms of the childcare industry the Australian government now requires all workers to obtain qualifications from a vocational education and training provider (eg. Technical and Further Education) or university. Effective models of employment-based training are critical to provide training to highly competent workers. This paper presents findings from a study that examined current and emerging models of employment-based training in the childcare sector, particularly at the Diploma level. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of 16 participants who represented childcare directors, employers, and workers located in childcare services in urban, regional and remote locations in the State of Queensland. The study proposes a ‘best-fit’ employment-based training approach that is characterised by a compendium of five models instead of a ‘one size fits all’. Issues with successful implementation of the EBT models are also discussed


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This article examines the continued relevance of the 16-19 business education curriculum in the UK, stimulated by doubts expressed by Thomas (1996), over its continued relevance. We express a concern that business education needs, but is struggling, to respond to significant societal shifts in consumption and production strategies that do not sit easily within traditional theories of business practice currently underpinning 16-19 business education. We examine firstly, the extent to which a formal body of knowledge couched in a modernist discourse of facts and objectivity can cope with the changing and fluid developments in much current business practice that is rooted in the cultural and symbolic. Secondly, the extent to which both academic and vocational competences provide the means for students to develop a framework of critical understanding that can respond effectively to rapidly changing business environments.Findings are based on research conducted jointly by the University of Manchester and the Manchester Institute for Popular Culture at Manchester Metropolitan University. The growth of dynamism of the cultural industries sector - largely micro-businesses and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) -encapsulates forms of business knowledge, business language and business practice which may not immediately fit with the models provided within business education. Results suggest increasingly reflexive forms of consumption being met by similarly reflexive and flexible modes of production.Our evidence suggests that whilst modernist business knowledge is often the foundation for many 16-19 business education courses, these programmes of study/training do not usually reflect the activities of SME and micro-business practitioners in the cultural industries. Given the importance of cultural industries in terms of the production strategies required to meet increasingly reflexive markets, it is suggested that there may be a need to incorporate a postmodern approach to the current content and pedagogy; one that is contextual, cultural and discursive.


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The mineral reevesite and the cobalt substituted reevesite have been synthesised. The d(003) spacings of the minerals ranged from 7.54 to 7.95 Å. The maximum d(003) value occurred at around Ni:Co 0.4:0.6. This maximum in interlayer distance is proposed to be due to a greater number of carbonate anions and water molecules intercalated into the structure. The stability of the reevesite and cobalt doped reevesite was determined by thermogravimetric analysis. The maximum temperature of the reevesite occurs for the unsubstituted reevesite and is around 220°C. The effect of cobalt substitution results in a decrease in thermal stability of the reevesites. Four thermal decomposition steps are observed and are attributed to dehydration, dehydroxylation and decarbonation, decomposition of the formed carbonate and oxygen loss at ~807 °C. A mechanism for the thermal decomposition of the reevesite and the cobalt substituted reevesite is proposed.


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We have successfully synthesized hydrotalcites (HTs) contg. calcium, which are naturally occurring minerals. Insight into the unique structure of HTs has been obtained using a combination of X-ray diffraction (XRD) as well as IR and Raman spectroscopies. Calcium-contg. hydrotalcites (Ca-HTs) of the formula Ca4Al2(CO3)(OH)12·4H2O (2:1 Ca-HT) to Ca8Al2(CO3)(OH)20· 4H2O (4:1 Ca-HT) have been successfully synthesized and characterised by XRD and Raman spectroscopy. XRD has shown that 3:1 calcium HTs have the largest interlayer distance. Raman spectroscopy complemented with selected IR data has been used to characterize the synthesized Ca-HTs. The Raman bands obsd. at around 1086 and 1077 cm-1 were attributed to the ν1 sym. stretching modes of the (CO32-) units of calcite and carbonate intercalated into the HT interlayer. The corresponding ν3 CO32- antisym. stretching modes are found at around 1410 and 1475 cm-1.


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Previous literature has focused on the need for support of undergraduate nursing students during clinical placements. Little is known about the support provided by employers for registered nurses (RNs) who pursue further education. This study sought to identify and describe the types, levels and perceived need for support in the workplace for RNs as they undertake further postgraduate nursing study by distance education (DE).Using an exploratory descriptive design a self-report questionnaire was distributed to a convenient sample of 270 RNs working in one acute care public hospital in Tasmania, Australia.92 questionnaires (response rate 34%) were returned with 26 (28%) reporting being currently enrolled in further study by DE and a further 50 (54)% of RNs planning future study. Results revealed that 100% of participants with a Masters degree completed this by DE. There were differences between the support sought by RNs to that offered by employers, and 16 (34%) who had done or were currently doing DE study, received no support to undertake DE. There was an overwhelming desire by RNs for support; 87 (94%), with a majority believing some support should be mandatory 76 (83%).This study may encourage employers to introduce structured support systems that will actively assist nurses to pursue further study. © 2010.


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This article investigates the complex phenomenon of major gift giving to charitable institutions. Drawing on empirical evidence from interviews with 16 Australian major donors (who gave a single gift of at least AU$10,000 in 2008 or 2009), we seek to better understand donor expectations and (dis)satisfaction. Given growing need for social services, and the competition among nonprofit organisations (NPOs) to secure sustainable funding, this research is particularly timely. Currently, little is known about major donors’ expectations, wants and needs. Equity theory, with the concept of reciprocity at its core, was found to provide a useful framework for understanding these phenomena. A model of equitable major gift relationships was developed from the data, which portrays balanced relationships and identifies potential areas of dissatisfaction for major donors. We conclude by offering suggestions for NPOs seeking to understand the complexities of major gift relationships, with practical implications for meeting donors’ needs.