995 resultados para 1500


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Trata el tema de la monarquía medieval inglesa entre 1100 y 1500, desde una perspectiva que ayude a los alumnos a acercarse a la historia de la Edad Media y mostrar su relevancia en el mundo actual. Este contenido se adapta a las pruebas de evaluación que realiza el organismo Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR) para obtener el título de General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) en historia. Se completa con un material online de apoyo al profesorado.


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Pertenece a una serie que aporta al libro del alumno un nuevo enfoque en los contenidos históricos tradicionales. Este recurso para el profesor, que se apoya en dicho material, mantiene las innovaciones introducidas e incluye hojas de trabajo, que pueden fotocopiarse, con recomendaciones de actividades que desarrollen habilidades de pensamiento en los estudiantes.


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Se adapta al plan de estudios inglés de historia para la etapa 3 (key stage 3) de secundaria y al Programme of Study. Los ejercicios se refieren al contenido del texto y las fuentes históricas amplían el conocimiento de los hechos, promueven su comprensión y ayudan a desarrollar las habilidades exigidas en el curriculum.


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Pertenece al Schools History Project creado en 1972 para mejorar el estudio de la historia entre estudiantes de 13 a 16 años. Reconsidera las formas en que la historia contribuye a las necesidades educativas de los jóvenes, y por ello idea nuevos objetivos, nuevos criterios para la planificación y desarrollo del curso, así como otros materiales de apoyo. Requiere nuevos criterios de evaluación y, por tanto nuevos exámenes y adquirió mayor expansión con la introducción del General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) en 1987.


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The maritime piracy included a wide variety of associated criminal activities including attack and confiscation of vessels and merchandise, imprisonment or torturing of merchants and rulers in sea-space in return for ransom money, attack and raiding of coastal trading centers and villages, creation of fear and terror in chief channels of navigation and attacking commercial competitors as a strategy to weaken the trading ability and the wealth-mobilizing ability of their rivals. All this applied to coastal south west India during the period under study. The merchant chiefs of Cannanore like Mamale Marakkar and later under Poca Amame (Pokar Ahamad) and Pocarallee (Pokar Ali) were some of the better known protagonists that the Portuguese had to deal with. But the Malabar corsairs had their corresponding English and Sicilian corsairs in the Mediterranean.


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We present here the results of a large-scale diachronic palaeodietary (carbon and nitrogen isotopic measurements of bone collagen) study of humans and animals from a single site, the city of York (U.K.) dating from the Roman period to the early 19th century The human sample comprises 313 burials from the cemeteries of Trentholme Drive and Blossom Street (Roman), Belle Vue House (Anglo-Saxon), Fishergate (High and Later Medieval), and All Saints, Pavement (Later and Post-Medieval). In addition, 145 samples of mammal, fish and bird bone from the sites of Tanner Row and Fishergate were analyzed. The isotope data suggest dietary variation between all archaeological periods, although the most significant change was the introduction of significant quantities of marine foods in the Medieval periods. These are first evident in the diet of a small group of individuals from the High Medieval cemetery at Fishergate, although they were consumed almost universally in the following periods. The human isotope values are also remarkable due to unusually elevated delta N-15 ratios that are not sufficiently explained by the comparably small enrichment in C-13 that accompanies them. We discuss the possible reasons behind this and the archaeological significance of the data set.


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A detailed analysis is undertaken of the Atlantic-European climate using data from 500-year-long proxy-based climate reconstructions, a long climate simulation with perpetual 1990 forcing, as well as two global and one regional climate change scenarios. The observed and simulated interannual variability and teleconnectivity are compared and interpreted in order to improve the understanding of natural climate variability on interannual to decadal time scales for the late Holocene. The focus is set on the Atlantic-European and Alpine regions during the winter and summer seasons, using temperature, precipitation, and 500 hPa geopotential height fields. The climate reconstruction shows pronounced interdecadal variations that appear to “lock” the atmospheric circulation in quasi-steady long-term patterns over multi-decadal periods controlling at least part of the temperature and precipitation variability. Different circulation patterns are persistent over several decades for the period 1500 to 1900. The 500-year-long simulation with perpetual 1990 forcing shows some substantial differences, with a more unsteady teleconnectivity behaviour. Two global scenario simulations indicate a transition towards more stable teleconnectivity for the next 100 years. Time series of reconstructed and simulated temperature and precipitation over the Alpine region show comparatively small changes in interannual variability within the time frame considered, with the exception of the summer season, where a substantial increase in interannual variability is simulated by regional climate models.


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The significance and cause of the decline in biomass burning across the Americas after AD 1500 is a topic of considerable debate. We synthesized charcoal records (a proxy for biomass burning) from the Americas and from the remainder of the globe over the past 2000 years, and compared these with paleoclimatic records and population reconstructions. A distinct post-AD 1500 decrease in biomass burning is evident, not only in the Americas, but also globally, and both are similar in duration and timing to ‘Little Ice Age’ climate change. There is temporal and spatial variability in the expression of the biomass-burning decline across the Americas but, at a regional–continental scale, ‘Little Ice Age’ climate change was likely more important than indigenous population collapse in driving this decline.


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This is one of three articles in eBLJ (2013) dedicated to the "Abreujamen de las estorias", British Library Egerton MS 1500. The other two articles are: Federico Botana,' The Making of "L'Abreujamen de las estorias": British Library Egerton MS 1500', eblj (2013), article 16. Alexander Ibarz, 'The Provenance of the "Abreujamens de las estorias" (London, British Library, Egerton MS. 1500) and the Identification of Scribal Hands (c. 1323)' eblj (2013), article 17. Leglu's article, eblj (2013), article 18, examines the various political agendas that emerge in the depiction of the kings of Britain and England, from Brutus to Edward II.