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A simple method to prepare titania nanomaterials of core-shell structure, hollow nanospheres and mesoporous nanoparticles has been developed. The core-shell nanostructures with NH4Cl as core and TiO2 center dot xH(2)O-NH4Cl as shell were prepared in nonaqueous system by the deposition on the surface of the aggregated NH4Cl crystals, which could be transformed into mesoporous anatase nanoparticles or hollow nanospheres by calcination at 500A degrees C or extraction with methanol, respectively. The hierarchical mesoporous nanostructures benefited the photocatalytic activities of the resultant titania nanomaterials, demonstrated by the UV light photodegradation of Methyl Orange.
应用基质辅助激光解吸电离质谱技术对新型环状聚芳酯预聚体进行了表征,从而确 定了该环状聚合物不同聚合度(n=1,2……8)的存在,获得了满意的结果。实验证明本方法 是测定环状聚合物不同聚合度快速、有效、准确的方法。
The modification of polypropylene (PP) was accomplished by melt grafting glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) on its molecular chains. The resulting PP-g-GMA was used to prepare binary blends of polyamide 1010 (PA1010) and PP-g-GMA. Different blend morphologies were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) according to the nature and content of PA1010 used. Comparing the PA1010/PP-g-GMA and PA1010/PP binary blends, the size of the domains of PP-g-GMA were much smaller than that of PP at the same compositions. It was found that mechanical properties of PA1010/PP-g-GMA blends were obviously better than that of PA1010/PP blends, and the mechanical properties were significantly influenced by wetting conditions for uncompatibilized and compatibilized blends. A different dependence of the flexural modulus on water was found for PA1010/PP and PA1010/PP-g-GMA. These behaviors could be attributed to the chemical interactions between the two components and good dispersion in PA1010/PP-g-GMA blends. Thermal and rheological analyses were performed to confirm the possible chemical reactions taking place during the blending process. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
We dredged lots of Cenozoic basalts from areas covered from the northern sub-slope to the southern sub- slope of the South China Sea. Based on the study on mineral chemistry of clinopyroxenes in these Cenozoic hasalts, this paper indicates that pyroxenes are mostly enstatite and a few of augite, sahlite and Ca-rich pyroxene. Pyroxene microlite has higher content in, Ca, Ti and Fe than pyroxene phenocryst, it may reflect that the evolution trend of host magma of pyroxene is coincidence with that of alkali rock series. The depth of magma chambers which calculated from equilibrium temperatures and pressures between clinopyroxene and melt are as follows, that of magma of tephrite is about 49km, that of magma of trachybasalt is about 25km, and that of magma of basalt is about 15km. Correspondingly, Equilibrium temperatures( K) of three types rocks mentioned above gradually decrease from 1535 1498 to 1429 to 1369. By using discriminant plot which developed from pyroxene and alkali discriminant diagram of host rock, Cenozoic basalt from the South China Sea belongs to intraplate alkali basalt. The results suggest that alkali basalt series in the study area may be the products of continuous evolution of mantle plume, which result from some physical and chemistry process including partial melting and fractional crystallization of mantle plume during the course of its ascent to the surface.
南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海之一,位于欧亚板块、印-澳板块以及太平洋板块之间。南海海底扩张停止(15.5Ma, Briais et al., 1993) 后的板内火山作用,影响着中国南部、中南半岛、大洋基底和分裂的微大陆片段的广大地区。对南海新生代玄武岩进行地球化学研究,不仅对于理解南海板内火山作用的深部地幔过程有着重要意义,而且对南海形成演化及含油气盆地形成的深部动力学机制有着深远意义。 南海新生代玄武岩K-Ar/Ar-Ar年龄为3.8-7.9Ma, 表明为晚中新世以来的岩浆活动产物,与周边地区的碱性火山岩在年龄上的一致性。岩石学特征表明,南海新生代玄武岩的矿物组合为橄榄石、单斜辉石、斜长石,与特征的碱性玄武岩的矿物组合一致。由橄榄石所计算的南海底潜在地幔温度(Tp)平均值为1661℃, 暗示南海地区下的地幔可能存在热量异常,为海南地区存在地幔柱的观点提供了证据。单斜辉石富钙、钛,由单斜辉石-熔体平衡温压计计算的岩浆房深度分别为:碱玄岩岩浆房深度约49km(对应压力为1.46~1.48 GPa);粗面玄武岩岩浆房约25km(对应压力为0.76 GPa);玄武岩岩浆房约15km(对应压力为0.44GPa)。由碱玄岩→粗面玄武岩→玄武岩,平衡温度(K)依次降低:从1535~1498→1429→1369。由斜长石微晶所计算的岩浆喷出地表的温度为989℃。 主量元素特征表明,岩石类型主要为碱玄岩,有少量的粗面玄武岩和玄武岩,属于碱性系列。微量元素方面,大离子亲石元素(LILE)以及高场强元素(HFSE)特别是Nb、Ta、Ti、Y等元素均呈现富集现象,Yb、Sc、Sr以及K、U、Th等生热元素相对亏损,微量元素及稀土元素分布岩石类似板内OIB微量元素的全球平均值。同位素地球化学研究表明,源区存在两个混合端员并具Dupal Pb异常:一个为DMM,位于软流圈或岩石圈地幔中;另一个为EM2源区,可能来自位于核-幔边界处的海南地幔柱而非大陆底岩石圈地幔。研究表明,南半球Dupal异常不存在全球范围内的地区专属性,本区存在的Dupal异常与南半球Dupal异常可能不存在联系。在南海新生代玄武岩的成因过程中,海南地幔柱在为岩石圈地幔的部分熔融作用提供所需的热量同时,也在物质上作出了贡献。南海盆新生代碱性玄武岩由不同程度的部分熔融作用,以及岩浆在上升期间或者在高位岩浆房中的橄榄石等矿物分离结晶作用所形成,同时还可能发生了堆晶作用。构造环境判别表明,玄武岩浆在上升到地表过程中几乎未受到地壳混染。 南海新生代玄武岩的地球化学研究表明,在玄武质岩浆的深部地幔演化过程中,海南地幔柱可能起着重要的作用。通过引入海南岛地幔柱这个概念,本文建立了一个新的有关南海形成演化的初步的概念性模型:(1)50-32Ma,印度洋板块-欧亚板块碰撞及其所导致的太平洋板块后退的综合效应为南海地区提供了一个伸展环境,此伸展环境为地幔柱物质的上升提供了通道;(2)32-21Ma,当地幔柱柱头到达软流圈时, 通过侧向物质流开始同扩张中心发生相互作用,促进了南海的扩张,并在26-24Ma期间发生了洋脊重新就位事件,使扩张中心从原来的18°N附近(即现今西北海盆的中心)调整到15.5°N附近(即现今的东部亚盆);(3)21-15.5Ma, 随着地幔柱效应的逐渐增强,热点-洋脊相互作用越来越强烈,在大约21Ma发生了洋脊的再次重新就位事件,诱发了西南海盆的扩张;(4)15.5-现在,由于印澳板块前缘与巽他大陆碰撞,使得南海大约在15.5Ma停止扩张,并沿着南沙海槽及吕宋海沟向菲律宾岛弧及巴拉望地块之下俯冲,而南海热点继续活动,在地表处直到第四纪还有碱性玄武岩喷出。
沉积物由源到汇的搬运过程是整个地球物质循环的一个重要环节;在这一过 程中,载有当时主要地质历史事件信息的沉积物汇入海洋;但因受到复杂的海洋 环境的改造以及人类活动的影响,这些信息的表现形式可能已经发生了改变。因 此,如何反演上述地质历史进程、预测其发展变化,成为海洋地质学研究的重要 内容。 本文通过对长江、黄河、钱塘江、瓯江和闽江等5 条中国东部入海河流沉积 物稀土元素(REE),以及东海陆架表层细颗粒沉积物中粘土矿物、元素组成等 的综合研究,借助数学统计,分析探讨了陆架区细颗粒沉积的物质来源、现代长 江入海沉积物在东海陆架区的影响范围,以及由源到汇输运过程中沉积物示踪标 记数值改变等问题。 长江口沉积物REE 在<2μm 和2-31μm 粒级中较富集,但全岩REE 总量 (ΣREE)在数值上受物质组成占优的2-31μm 粒级控制;因粉砂对水动力环境的 反映最为敏感,在输运过程中该粒级组成不稳定即可引起全岩REE 含量的变化。 全岩REE 含量在河口附近较高,在东海陆架区由岸向海有减小的趋势,轻重稀 土比值自28°N 向南有增大的趋势。在长江口和东海内陆架,水动力对沉积物的 作用可能对REE 含量空间分布模式的形成起着重要作用。 长江、黄河等五条河流沉积物的ΣREE、轻重稀土含量比值(L/HREE)等 参数在数值分布上有所不同。但陆架复杂的水动力环境可造成砂粒级沉积物中轻 重矿物分异、粉砂与粘土粒级间级配调整,并由此引起沉积物中REE 含量的数 值变化。此时,单由砂、粉砂等较大粒级区间内REE 含量的分布已经不能准确 判断沉积物物源的改变。在长期稳定的陆架沉积环境下,借助沉积物输运模型, 有可能解决因水动力因素造成的REE 分布变化的问题。 东海陆架区未能发现在数值上绝对不变的示踪标记物,而引起示踪指标变化 的决定性因素尚未明确。因此,本文采用前人研究中可以明显区分沉积物河流来 源的指标,借助统计学中聚类和判别分析方法定性地判断东海陆架区沉积物常、 微量元素和粘土矿物的可能物源。 根据四种主要粘土矿物相对含量与细颗粒沉积物微量元素的构成特征,推断 研究区表层类长江细颗粒物质主要为现代长江入海沉积物;它们主要分布在东海陆架中、西部区域,在中部可以跨越123°E 向东继续延伸,在北部可以达到外陆 架的东部边缘。研究区东侧、东海外陆架边缘表层细颗粒沉积物的微量元素构成 与现代长江沉积物存在较大差异,具有类黄河沉积物的性质,可能是在更新世冰 期干冷气候下形成的产物与现代河流入海细颗粒的混合物。
Longgang maar area in Northern China is a sensitive region to the change of Asian summer monsoon, and also an important area to understand the dynamic mechanism of global paleoclimate and paleoenvironment changes. The grain-size and major element analyses have been carried out on the samples of the core from Erlongwan maar for reconstruction of high –resolution paleoenvironment change in Northeast China. Subsampling was done by 1cm interval for the upper 19.39m. Connecting multi-proxies (including,dry density, total organic carbon, etc.), we have acquired the following conclusions: 1、 the coarse fraction in grain size reflects the intensity of surface flow, and thus the intensity of monsoon rainfall in the region. 2、 the 19.39-m-long sediment covering the past 33ka, can be divided into 3 periods: The last glacial stage (33-18.5ka B.P.):summer monsoon rainfall was low, temperature was minimum and climatic deteriorated. The last deglaciation (18.5-10 ka B.P.): temperature rose and surface water inflow increased. But it experienced a period, a Younger Dryas-like climatic deterioration. Holocene(10-0 ka B.P.):summer monsoon rainfall reached maxima and varied at century scale and major millennial scale. 3、 the climatic variability in the whole Holocene is positively correlated with Atlantic ice-rafting events and there is an influence of sunspot activity in the late Holocene
This thesis examines a complete design framework for a real-time, autonomous system with specialized VLSI hardware for computing 3-D camera motion. In the proposed architecture, the first step is to determine point correspondences between two images. Two processors, a CCD array edge detector and a mixed analog/digital binary block correlator, are proposed for this task. The report is divided into three parts. Part I covers the algorithmic analysis; part II describes the design and test of a 32$\time $32 CCD edge detector fabricated through MOSIS; and part III compares the design of the mixed analog/digital correlator to a fully digital implementation.
Winter, Rudolf; Jones, A.R.; Florian, P.; Massiot, D., (2005) 'Tracing the reactive melting of glass-forming silicate batches by in situ Na-23 NMR', Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109(10) pp.4324-4332 RAE2008
A well-known paradigm for load balancing in distributed systems is the``power of two choices,''whereby an item is stored at the less loaded of two (or more) random alternative servers. We investigate the power of two choices in natural settings for distributed computing where items and servers reside in a geometric space and each item is associated with the server that is its nearest neighbor. This is in fact the backdrop for distributed hash tables such as Chord, where the geometric space is determined by clockwise distance on a one-dimensional ring. Theoretically, we consider the following load balancing problem. Suppose that servers are initially hashed uniformly at random to points in the space. Sequentially, each item then considers d candidate insertion points also chosen uniformly at random from the space,and selects the insertion point whose associated server has the least load. For the one-dimensional ring, and for Euclidean distance on the two-dimensional torus, we demonstrate that when n data items are hashed to n servers,the maximum load at any server is log log n / log d + O(1) with high probability. While our results match the well-known bounds in the standard setting in which each server is selected equiprobably, our applications do not have this feature, since the sizes of the nearest-neighbor regions around servers are non-uniform. Therefore, the novelty in our methods lies in developing appropriate tail bounds on the distribution of nearest-neighbor region sizes and in adapting previous arguments to this more general setting. In addition, we provide simulation results demonstrating the load balance that results as the system size scales into the millions.
In decision making problems where we need to choose a particular decision or alternative from a set of possible choices, we often have some preferences which determine if we prefer one decision over another. When these preferences give us an ordering on the decisions that is complete, then it is easy to choose the best or one of the best decisions. However it often occurs that the preferences relation is partially ordered, and we have no best decision. In this thesis, we look at what happens when we have such a partial order over a set of decisions, in particular when we have multiple orderings on a set of decisions, and we present a framework for qualitative decision making. We look at the different natural notions of optimal decision that occur in this framework, which gives us different optimality classes, and we examine the relationships between these classes. We then look in particular at a qualitative preference relation called Sorted-Pareto Dominance, which is an extension of Pareto Dominance, and we give a semantics for this relation as one that is compatible with any order-preserving mapping of an ordinal preference scale to a numerical one. We apply Sorted-Pareto dominance to a Soft Constraints setting, where we solve problems in which the soft constraints associate qualitative preferences to decisions in a decision problem. We also examine the Sorted-Pareto dominance relation in the context of our qualitative decision making framework, looking at the relevant optimality classes for the Sorted-Pareto case, which gives us classes of decisions that are necessarily optimal, and optimal for some choice of mapping of an ordinal scale to a quantitative one. We provide some empirical analysis of Sorted-Pareto constraints problems and examine the optimality classes that result.
A computational model for the interrelated phenomena in the process of vacuum arc remelting is analyzed and adjusted of optimal accuracy and computation time. The decision steps in this case study are offered as an example how the coupling in models of similar processes can be addressed. Results show dominance of the electromagnetic forces over buoyancy and inertia for the investigated process conditions.
Solid-state protonated and N,O-deuterated Fourier transform infrared (IR) and Raman scattering spectra together with the protonated and deuterated Raman spectra in aqueous solution of the cyclic di-amino acid peptide cyclo(L-Asp-L-Asp) are reported. Vibrational band assignments have been made on the basis of comparisons with previously cited literature values for diketopiperazine (DKP) derivatives and normal coordinate analyses for both the protonated and deuterated species based upon DFT calculations at the B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ level of the isolated molecule in the gas phase. The calculated minimum energy structure for cyclo(L-Asp-L-Asp), assuming C-2 symmetry, predicts a boat conformation for the DKP ring with both the two L-aspartyl side chains being folded slightly above the ring. The C=O stretching vibrations have been assigned for the side-chain carboxylic acid group (e.g. at 1693 and 1670 cm(-1) in the Raman spectrum) and the cis amide I bands (e.g. at 1660 cm(-1) in the Raman spectrum). The presence of two bands for the carboxylic acid C=O stretching modes in the solid-state Raman spectrum can be accounted for by factor group splitting of the two nonequivalent molecules in a crystallographic unit cell. The cis amide II band is observed at 1489 cm(-1) in the solid-state Raman spectrum, which is in agreement with results for cyclic di-amino acid peptide molecules examined previously in the solid state, where the DKP ring adopts a boat conformation. Additionally, it also appears that as the molecular mass of the substituent on the C-alpha atom is increased, the amide II band wavenumber decreases to below 1500 cm(-1); this may be a consequence of increased strain on the DKP ring. The cis amide II Raman band is characterized by its relatively small deuterium shift (29 cm(-1)), which indicates that this band has a smaller N-H bending contribution than the trans amide II vibrational band observed for linear peptides.