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Trabalho de pesquisa que pretende retirar o teatro de Gil Vicente de um possível período mais obscurantista, tardo-gótico, para colocá-lo em meio às grandes transformações ocorridas na Europa durante o século XVI, mais propriamente o Renascimento artístico e cultural. A partir de uma crítica textual de autores contemporâneos como Nicolau de Cusa e Martinho Lutero, ou da literatura da Grécia clássica como Platão e Ésquilo, aproximamos o teatro vicentino das fontes clássicas da literatura, ao mesmo tempo em que, por uma crítica de determinadas correntes hegemônicas na análise da literatura como as que vêm do existencialismo e da psicanálise, afastamos seu teatro dessa crítica que antes obscurece do que propriamente o coloca à plena luz. Posto na luz correta, vemos um Gil Vicente em meio aos grandes movimentos de transformação da civilização mediterrânica do século XVI.
通过群落生态学和景观生态学方法,结合GIS、RS技术对锡林河流域湿地植被进行了研究。结果表明:流域湿地面积为301.62km2,占流域面积的3%左右。尽管面积相对较小,但是物种丰富,群落结构多样。植被调查数据显示基本确定的植被型4个,植被亚型6个,群系组16个,群系68个,区系成分以泛北极种为主,占69%,相对简单;按照水分生态型划分,中生物种占最多,为44.32%;按生活型分以多年生草本为主占50%以上;科属分布相对复杂,隶属39个科,其中禾本科和菊科是最大的两个科,所占比例仅有17.30%和12.43%,其他科没有明显的优势性,充分说明湿地优越的生境可以满足多种植物共同生长。 多度分布是研究物种多样性分布的重要组分,同时反映了群落结构的特性。以常用的Lognormal、Logseries和Weibull、Exp、Power模型来拟和6个典型草甸群落和踏头草甸群落的物种多度分布,分log-相对多度-物种级数和物种-游程两种形式进行比较;同时,对于典型草甸群落和踏头群落区分常见种、偶然种等进行细化,深入分析群落多度的变化。结果表明,5个模型对于log-相对多度-物种级数在整个群落水平上均不能很好的拟和,50%以上的点都落在95%置信区间以外;但是对常见种和偶然种的拟和情况要好,Weibull、Power和Logseris模型分别对典型草甸群落常见种、偶然种和中间种能很好的拟和,而Logseries和Power模型对于踏头群落的常见种和偶然种拟和较好。5个模型都能较好的拟和物种-游程分布,其中K—S检验结果表明:Lognormal模型对于无脉苔草、针苔草和荸荠这类相对湿润环境下的典型草甸群落拟和较好,对于长叶火绒草和密花风毛菊群落Weibull拟和最好,Power 模型拟和箭叶橐吾最好,踏头草甸拟和最好的是Logseries模型,踏头间拟合最好的是Exp模型。不同的拟和模型应用于不同的群落类型,可以看出湿地群落的复杂性和生境的多样性。区分常见种和偶然种的拟合结果表明典型群落和踏头群落表现一致,即Lognormal模型对所有种拟和是最好的,而Power模型对偶然种的拟和是最好的,同时,Lognormal对典型草甸群落的中间种拟和也是最好。从中可以看出典型草甸群落和踏头群落尽管在表现形式上不同,但是群落的内部仍存在相似的联系,可能跟相似物种的作用有关。 根据湿地表观类型、植被水分状态和航片判别能力,结合实地调查,采用监督分类的方法将锡林河流域的湿地划分为低湿地草甸、盐化草甸和沼泽三种类型。自1984年以来20多年的时间中,锡林河流域的湿地发生了巨大的变化。尽管总的面积没有太大变化,但是湿地类型发生转化。中上游的低湿地草甸面积减少8.94%,沼泽面积减少30.82%,同时,盐化草甸的面积增加了15.98%。增加的盐化草甸主要是另外两种湿地类型转化而成的,中游水库截流,加速中下游草甸的盐化是锡林河流域湿地变化的主要原因。利用GIS技术依据探讨不同湿地的空间变化,分析沙化对湿地变化的影响,结果表明:沙化只对少数湿地有影响,发育良好的湿地即使处在相对强烈的沙化环境下,仍能保持不变。接着,分析了人类直接干扰对湿地变化的影响,缓冲区居民点分析结果表明:近20年来,位于湿地周边的居民点分布格局发生显著的变化。1980年代,居民点分布在盐化草甸周边的最多,到2004年,居民点在沼泽草甸分布数量为最多,该类湿地水、草和资源最为丰富,人类直接的干扰最大,进而转化成另外两类,减少面积最大。低湿地草甸是物种丰富,结构复杂的一种湿地,抗干扰能力强,恢复能力也强,因此相对的变化面积较小。以锡林浩特市水库上下游的湿地植被物种和群落结构的变化,证明了水量减少是湿地数量、结构改变的直接影响因子。
报道云南怒江峡谷的蝴蝶共11 科115 属225 种。同时提出改造怒江峡谷为蝴蝶峡谷、开办蝴蝶牧场、发展蝴蝶 贸易、建立科普园地、加强生态环境的恢复和蝶类资源保护等5 点建议。
Developing a theoretical description of turbulent plumes, the likes of which may be seen rising above industrial chimneys, is a daunting thought. Plumes are ubiquitous on a wide range of scales in both the natural and the man-made environments. Examples that immediately come to mind are the vapour plumes above industrial smoke stacks or the ash plumes forming particle-laden clouds above an erupting volcano. However, plumes also occur where they are less visually apparent, such as the rising stream of warmair above a domestic radiator, of oil from a subsea blowout or, at a larger scale, of air above the so-called urban heat island. In many instances, not only the plume itself is of interest but also its influence on the environment as a whole through the process of entrainment. Zeldovich (1937, The asymptotic laws of freely-ascending convective flows. Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 7, 1463-1465 (in Russian)), Batchelor (1954, Heat convection and buoyancy effects in fluids. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 80, 339-358) and Morton et al. (1956, Turbulent gravitational convection from maintained and instantaneous sources. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 234, 1-23) laid the foundations for classical plume theory, a theoretical description that is elegant in its simplicity and yet encapsulates the complex turbulent engulfment of ambient fluid into the plume. Testament to the insight and approach developed in these early models of plumes is that the essential theory remains unchanged and is widely applied today. We describe the foundations of plume theory and link the theoretical developments with the measurements made in experiments necessary to close these models before discussing some recent developments in plume theory, including an approach which generalizes results obtained separately for the Boussinesq and the non-Boussinesq plume cases. The theory presented - despite its simplicity - has been very successful at describing and explaining the behaviour of plumes across the wide range of scales they are observed. We present solutions to the coupled set of ordinary differential equations (the plume conservation equations) that Morton et al. (1956) derived from the Navier-Stokes equations which govern fluid motion. In order to describe and contrast the bulk behaviour of rising plumes from general area sources, we present closed-form solutions to the plume conservation equations that were achieved by solving for the variation with height of Morton's non-dimensional flux parameter Γ - this single flux parameter gives a unique representation of the behaviour of steady plumes and enables a characterization of the different types of plume. We discuss advantages of solutions in this form before describing extensions to plume theory and suggesting directions for new research. © 2010 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. All rights reserved.
The complete genome of spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV) strain A-1 isolated from cultured common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in China was sequenced and characterized. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) derived clones were constructed and the DNA was sequenced. It showed that the entire genome of SVCV A-1 consists of 11,100 nucleotide base pairs, the predicted size of the viral RNA of rhabdoviruses. However, the additional insertions in bp 4633-4676 and bp 4684-4724 of SVCV A-1 were different from the other two published SVCV complete genomes. Five open reading frames (ORFs) of SVCV A-1 were identified and further confirmed by RT-PCR and DNA sequencing of their respective RT-PCR products. The 5 structural proteins encoded by the viral RNA were ordered 3'-N-P-M-G-L-5'. This is the first report of a complete genome sequence of SVCV isolated from cultured carp in China. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that SVCV A-1 is closely related to the members of the genus Vesiculovirus, family Rhabdoviridae.
Efficient green emission from ZnMgS:Mn2+ nanoparticles prepared by co-doping Mg2+ and Mn2+ ions into ZnS lattices has been observed. The synthesis is carried out in aqueous solution, followed by a post-annealing process, thus showing the features of less complexity, low cost, and easy incorporation of dopants. In comparison with the emission of ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles, which is located generally around 590 nm, the photoluminescence of ZnMgS:Mn2+ nanoparticles is blue-shifted by 14 nm in wavelength, leading to the enhanced green emission. The X-ray diffraction, electron spin resonance, and pressure dependent photoluminescence measurements suggest that the change of the crystal field caused by Mg2+ ionic doping and the lower symmetry in the nanoparticles may account for the blue-shift of the photoluminescence. The ZnMgS:Mn2+ nanoparticles with 1% Mn2+ doping exhibit the strongest luminescence, which could potentially meet the requirements for the construction of green light emitting diodes.
High-quality nc-Si/a-Si:H diphasic films with improved stability were prepared by using the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition technology. In comparison with typical amorphous silicon, the diphasic silicon films possess higher photoconductivity (two orders larger than that of the amorphous silicon film) and fairly good photosensitivity(the ratio of the photo-to dark-conductivity is about 10) and higher stability (the degradation of the photoconductivity is less than 10% after 24h long light soaking with 50 mW/cm(2) intensity at room temperature). In addition, the diphasic silicon film has a better light spectra response in the longer wavelength range. The improvement in photoelectronic properties may be attributed to: the existence of the disorder within the amorphous matrix, which breaks the momentum selection rule in the optical transition and, consequently, results in the large light absorption coefficient and high photosensitivity; the improved medium range order and low gap states density. Excess carriers generated in the amorphous matrix tend to recombine in the embedded crystallites, which suppresses nonradiative recombination within the amorphous matrix and reduces the subsequent defect creation.
The thermoluminescence (TL) of ZnS nanoparticles is reported. The TL intensity increases as the particle size is decreased. The consistency of the size dependence of the TL with that of the surface fluorescence indicates that the TL may be related to the surface states. TL may be caused by the recombination of carriers released from the surface states or defect sites by heating. Smaller particles have higher surface/volume ratio and more surface states, therefore contain more accessible carriers for TL. Besides, the carrier recombination rate increases upon decreasing size due to the increase of the overlap between the electron and hole wave functions. These two effects may make the TL increase upon decreasing size of the particles. The appearance of TL prior to any radiation reveals that trapped carriers have pre-existed. The investigation of TL may provide some useful information about the surface states that may explain the size dependence of the surface fluorescence. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.