359 resultados para 1451
Contient : N° 53 Sceau de Catherine d'Alençon, duchesse de Bavière (1416) ; Nos 56 et 57 Sceaux de Jean, duc de Calabre et de Lorraine (31 octobre 1465) et de son fils aîné ; N° 58 Sceau de Marguerite, reine d'Angleterre (1470) ; N° 59 Sceau de Bernardin Bochetel, évêque de Rennes (1564) ; N° 61 « S. Petri, Dei gratia archiepiscopi Tholosani » [Pierre V de Lion ?] ; Nos 62 et 64 Sceau de Robert d'Alençon, comte du Perche (1370 et 1375) ; Nos 72 et 81 Médailles du roi René (dessins) ; N° 73 Sceau de Jeanne, reine de Jérusalem, Sicile et Aragon (1498), avec contre-sceau ; N° 74 Sceau et contre-sceau de Louis de France, duc d'Anjou et roi de Sicile ; N° 75 Sceau d'Isabelle, comtesse du Maine et de Guise (1462), avec contresceau ; N° 76 Sceau et contre-sceau de René d'Anjou, roi de Sicile et de Jérusalem ; N° 77 « [S. Nicolai] ducis Calabrie, Lotharingie, A[ndegavie]..., » avec contre-sceau ; N° 78 Sceau de Pierre, comte d'Alençon, seigneur de Fougères, vicomte de Beaumont (1378), avec contre-sceau ; Nos 79 et 82 Sceau et contre-sceau de Louis II, roi de Jérusalem et de Sicile et comte d'Anjou (1407 et 1408) ; Nos 80 et 88 Sceau et contre-sceau de Robert, comte d'Artois ; N° 84 « S. novum Ludovici, regis Fran. filii, ducis Andegavensis et comitis Cenomannensis, » avec contre-sceau (1374) ; N° 85 Sceau et contre-sceau de Catherine, fille aînée du duc d'Alençon, « comtesse de Montfort, dame de Sonois » ; N° 86 Sceau et contre-sceau de Charles, comte du Maine (1451) ; N° 87 « Scel René d'Anjou, chlr., baron et s. de Mézières et de Thury, » avec contre-sceau ; N° 89 Sceau de Yolande reine de Jérusalem et de Sicile (1428) ; N° 94 Sceau d'Henri de Carinthie, évêque de Troyes ; cf. vol. 3101, n° 8 ; N° 101 Sceau de Charles, comte d'Alençon (1361) ; N° 112 Sceau d'Antoine de Cravant, abbé de la Trinité de Vendôme ; cf. vol. 3113, n° 7 ; N° 113 « Sigillum Johannis, episcopi Silvanectensis » [Jean Neveu † 1499, ou Jean Calveau † 1522] ; N° 115 Sceau de Jean de Tinteniac du Percher, abbé de Saint-Aubin († 1525) ; N° 120 « Scel Pierre, bastart d'Alençon » (1419) ; N° 128 « Constras. Ludovici, regis condam Francor. filii, ducis Andegavie et comit. Cenamanie. » ; N° 154 Sceau de Mathieu, évêque de Troyes (1169-1180) ; N° 257 Sceau de René, duc d'Alençon (1478)
Transaxial tomoscintigraphy (or single-photon emission computerised tomography) was used to detect secondary deposits of carcinoma in 17 patients who had been injected with iodine-131-labelled monoclonal antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen. Of 17 tumor sites studied by tomoscintigraphy 16 were detected (sensitivity 94%); five sites had a volume smaller than 10 cm3. Tomoscintigraphy also detected three unknown tumour deposits later confirmed by surgery or radiology. In contrast, when 21 tumour sites in the same patients were studied by rectilinear scintigraphy, only nine tumour sites were detected (sensitivity 43%), of which eight had a volume larger than 50 cm3.
Peer reviewed
INTRODUCTION: Approximately 2% of lung adenocarcinomas have BRAF (v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B) mutations, including V600E and other types. Vemurafenib, dabrafenib, and sorafenib as BRAF inhibitors are currently tested in clinical trials, but access for patients is limited. The aim of this study was to document the clinical course of patients treated outside of clinical trials. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective multicenter cohort study in Europe of patients with advanced BRAF-mutant lung cancer treated with known BRAF inhibitors. Data were anonymized and centrally assessed for age, gender, smoking, histology, stage, local molecular diagnostic results, systemic therapies, and survival. Best response was assessed locally by RECIST1.1. RESULTS: We documented 35 patients treated in 17 centers with vemurafenib, dabrafenib, or sorafenib. Median age was 63 years (range 42-85); gender was balanced; 14 (40%) were never smokers; all (100%) had adenocarcinoma; 29 (83%) had V600E; 6 (17%) had other mutations; one of them had a concomitant KRAS mutation. Thirty (86%) patients had chemotherapy in the first line. Overall survival with first-line therapy was 25.3 months for V600E and 11.8 months for non-V600E. Thirty-one patients received one BRAF inhibitor, and four received a second inhibitor. Overall response rate with BRAF therapy was 53%, and disease control rate was 85%. Median progression-free survival with BRAF therapy was 5.0 months, and overall survival was 10.8 months. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm the activity of targeted therapy in patients with BRAF-mutant lung adenocarcinoma. Further trials are warranted to study combination therapies and drug resistance mechanisms.
AIMS: We aimed to assess the prevalence and management of clinical familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) among patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 4778 patients with ACS from a multi-centre cohort study in Switzerland. Based on personal and familial history of premature cardiovascular disease and LDL-cholesterol levels, two validated algorithms for diagnosis of clinical FH were used: the Dutch Lipid Clinic Network algorithm to assess possible (score 3-5 points) or probable/definite FH (>5 points), and the Simon Broome Register algorithm to assess possible FH. At the time of hospitalization for ACS, 1.6% had probable/definite FH [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3-2.0%, n = 78] and 17.8% possible FH (95% CI 16.8-18.9%, n = 852), respectively, according to the Dutch Lipid Clinic algorithm. The Simon Broome algorithm identified 5.4% (95% CI 4.8-6.1%, n = 259) patients with possible FH. Among 1451 young patients with premature ACS, the Dutch Lipid Clinic algorithm identified 70 (4.8%, 95% CI 3.8-6.1%) patients with probable/definite FH, and 684 (47.1%, 95% CI 44.6-49.7%) patients had possible FH. Excluding patients with secondary causes of dyslipidaemia such as alcohol consumption, acute renal failure, or hyperglycaemia did not change prevalence. One year after ACS, among 69 survivors with probable/definite FH and available follow-up information, 64.7% were using high-dose statins, 69.0% had decreased LDL-cholesterol from at least 50, and 4.6% had LDL-cholesterol ≤1.8 mmol/L. CONCLUSION: A phenotypic diagnosis of possible FH is common in patients hospitalized with ACS, particularly among those with premature ACS. Optimizing long-term lipid treatment of patients with FH after ACS is required.
Le syndrome douloureux fémoro-patellaire (SDFP) est l'une des causes les plus fréquentes de douleur antérieure du genou chez l'adolescent et l'adulte. De par son étiologie complexe, multifactorielle et encore mal comprise, sa prise en charge est un important challenge pour le praticien. Le diagnostic se fait principalement sur l'anamnèse et l'examen clinique du genou mais aussi de l'ensemble du membre inférieur, pouvant parfois nécessiter la réalisation d'une imagerie. Le traitement est dans la grande majorité des cas conservateur, principalement axé sur la rééducation avec de la physiothérapie ciblée et personnalisée. Le traitement chirurgical est réservé aux cas présentant une anomalie structurelle causale. Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is one of the most frequent cause of anterior knee pain in adolescents and adults. Due to its complex etiology, which is multifactorial and still poorly understood, its management is a major challenge for the practitioner. The diagnosis is made primarily on the history and clinical examination of the knee, but also of the entire lower limb, which may sometimes require the completion of imaging. The treatment is mostly conservative, focussing on rehabilitation with targeted and personalized therapy. Surgical treatment is reserved for cases with a causal structural lesion.
Invocatio: KREIKKAA Alpha, omega.
1871/05/12 (Numéro 1451).
1871/05/04 (Numéro 1451).
Com a finalidade de testar misturas de herbicidas, aplicados em pré-plantio incorporado e préemergência na cultura algodoeira, instalaram-se no ano agrícola 74/75, três ensaios. Usaram-se no plantio as cultivares IAC-13-1 (Triângulo e Norte) e Minas Dona Beja (Metalúrgica). Acanthospermum australe foi a planta daninha de mais difícil controle. Somente a mistura de tanque de alachlor a 2,00 kg/ha e linuron a 0,75 kg/ha foi eficiente no seu controle. No Triângulo Mineiro, para o total das plantas daninhas somente houve controle até os 30 dias, sendo as melhores misturas: dinitramine + diuron; dinitroanilin + prometryne e pendimethalin + diuron, sendo esse controle de 96,2%, 92,5% e 96,2% respectivamente. Com relação aos rendimentos, o melhor tratamento foi pendimetalin + diuron, com 1962 kg/ha contra 1130 kg/ha da testemunha sem capina. No Norte de Minas Gerais, para o total das plantas daninhas, as melhores misturas foram pendimethalin + diuron com controle de 86,4% aos 30 dias, 83,6% aos 50 dias e 70,3% aos 80 dias após a aplicação. Com relação aos rendimentos as misturas de dinitramine + fluometuron e dinitroanilin + fluometuron produziram respectivamente 1532 kg/ha e 1451 kg/ha contra 229 kg/ha da testemunha sem capina. Na Região Metalúrgica, para o controle total das plantas daninhas a mistura mais eficiente foi dinitramine + diuron, com controle de 67% até os 30 dias após a aplicação. Depois de 50 dias, seu efeito não foi satisfatório. Com relação ao rendimento, a mistura dinitramine + fluometuron produziu 831 kg/ha, contra 145 kg/ha da testemunha sem capina. Em todos os locais a altura das plantas foi afetada pela competição das plantas daninhas. O peso do tapulho e de 100 sementes foram efetados somente na região Metalúrgica, para os tratamentos sem controle sobre as mesmas. Para índice de fibra, percentagem de fibra, comprimento da fibra, índice Pressle y, índice Micronaire e maturidade da fibra em nenhuma região foi encontrado efeito negativo da aplicação dos herbicidas.
We investigated kidney and lung alterations caused by intercellular adhesion molecule type 1 (ICAM-1) blockade after ischemia and reperfusion of hind limb skeletal muscles. Rats were submitted to ligature of the infrarenal aorta for 6 h. The animals were randomized into three groups of 6 rats each: group I, sacrificed after ischemia; group II, reperfusion for 24 h, and group III, reperfusion for 24 h after receiving monoclonal anti-ICAM-1 antibodies. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected for creatinine, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase, potassium, pH and leukocyte counts. Samples were taken from the muscles of the hind limbs and from the kidneys and lungs for histological analysis and measurement of the neutrophil infiltrate by myeloperoxidase staining. The groups did not differ significantly with regard to the laboratory tests. There were no major histological alterations in the kidneys. An intense neutrophil infiltrate in the lungs, similar in all groups, was detected. Myeloperoxidase determination showed that after reperfusion there was significantly less retention of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in the muscles (352 ± 70 vs 1451 ± 235 × 10² neutrophils/mg; P<0.01) and in the kidneys (526 ± 89 vs 852 ± 73 × 10² neutrophils/mg; P<0.01) of the animals that received anti-ICAM-1 before perfusion compared to the group that did not. The use of anti-ICAM-1 antibodies in this experimental model minimized neutrophil influx, thus reducing the inflammatory process, in the muscles and kidneys after ischemia and reperfusion of the hind limbs.
1918/10/13 (Numéro 1451).