321 resultados para 1374


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With the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games quickly approaching, there has been a heightened interest in the performance of Canadian athletes at international competitions (Duffy, 2007; Fidlin, 2005; Longley, 2006). Two significant documents outline Canada's goal to become the number one sporting nation at the 2010 Olympic Games, and improve Canada's performance at the 2008 Olympic Games: Own the Podium and Road to Excellence (Priestner Allinger & Allinger, 2004; Road to Excellence, 2006). These two documents represent heightened interest in the performance of our elite athletes, in conjunction with Canada's hosting status of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games. The requirements to train and compete at the international level have become more demanding both in terms of financial resources and time commitment. The need to financially assist athletes with their training and competition costs has been an important topic of debate over the past decades (Beamish & Borowy, 1987; Gatehouse, 2004; Macintosh, 1996; Munro, 1970; Owens, 2004). Two sources of fiinding for high performance athletes in Canada are the Athlete Assistance Program (AAP) provided by the Federal Government and the Canadian Olympic Excellence Fund provided by the Canadian Olympic Committee. The importance of these fiinds for athletes has been discussed in various forums (Ekos, 1992, 1997, 2005; Priestner Allinger & Allinger, 2004; Thibault «& Babiak, 2005). However, alternative sources of funds for high performance athletes have never been the object of research. As such the purpose of this study was to describe a group of athlete applicants from the time period of November 2004 to April 2006, and to contextualize these applications within the development of the Charitable Fund for Athletes.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Especialidad en Producción Animal) UANL


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Since 1986, the Canadian Public Administration is required to analyze the socio-economic impact of new regulatory requirements or regulatory changes. To report on its analysis, a Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS) is produced and published in the Canada Gazette with the proposed regulation to which it pertains for notice to, and comments by, interested parties. After the allocated time for comments has elapsed, the regulation is adopted with a final version of the RIAS. Both documents are again published in the Canada Gazette. As a result, the RIAS acquires the status of an official public document of the Government of Canada and its content can be argued in courts as an extrinsic aid to the interpretation of a regulation. In this paper, an analysis of empirical findings on the uses of this interpretative tool by the Federal Court of Canada is made. A sample of decisions classified as unorthodox show that judges are making determinations on the basis of two distinct sets of arguments built from the information found in a RIAS and which the author calls “technocratic” and “democratic”. The author argues that these uses raise the general question of “What makes law possible in our contemporary legal systems”? for they underline enduring legal problems pertaining to the knowledge and the acceptance of the law by the governed. She concludes that this new interpretive trend of making technocratic and democratic uses of a RIAS in case law should be monitored closely as it may signal a greater change than foreseen, and perhaps an unwanted one, regarding the relationship between the government and the judiciary.


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This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the journal. It is not the copy of record. / Cet article ne constitue pas la version officielle, et peut différer de la version publiée dans la revue.


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A simple and efficient method for determining the complex permittivity of dielectric materials from both reflected and transmitted signals is presented. It is also novel because the technique is implemented using two pyramidal horns without any focusing mechanisms. The dielectric constant of a noninteractive and distributive (NID) mixture of dielectrics is also determined


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Aplicación realizada con el programa Clic 3.0


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Unidades didácticas digitales adaptadas al currículo educativo de la Región de Murcia que sirven de apoyo al profesor en el aula, al tiempo que fomentan la interacción con los alumnos a través de la tecnología. Están concebidas como recursos complementarios al libro de texto tradicional. La publicación forma parte del proyecto AULA XXI cuyo objetivo es avanzar en la integración plena de las TIC en el ámbito educativo regional. Se incluyen actividades de aprendizaje dinámicas que favorecen una actitud más activa del alumno en clase, a la vez que le proporciona una guía para seguir los contenidos de repaso o ampliación a través de sistemas de autoevaluación.


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This thesis presents there important results in visual object recognition based on shape. (1) A new algorithm (RAST; Recognition by Adaptive Sudivisions of Tranformation space) is presented that has lower average-case complexity than any known recognition algorithm. (2) It is shown, both theoretically and empirically, that representing 3D objects as collections of 2D views (the "View-Based Approximation") is feasible and affects the reliability of 3D recognition systems no more than other commonly made approximations. (3) The problem of recognition in cluttered scenes is considered from a Bayesian perspective; the commonly-used "bounded-error errorsmeasure" is demonstrated to correspond to an independence assumption. It is shown that by modeling the statistical properties of real-scenes better, objects can be recognized more reliably.


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El servicio WFS-G de Nomenclátor del Instituto de Cartografía de Andalucía (ICA) basa sus servicios en una base de datos que sigue el estándar del Modelo de Nomenclátor de España y que actualmente contiene unos 149.500 topónimos e identificadores geográficos clasificados temáticamente en áreas administrativas, entidades de población, hidrografía, orografía, patrimonio, infraestructuras, actividades industriales, extractivas, servicios y equipamientos. Este servicio OGC basado en el software libre Deegree 2.2. trata de dar servicio a otros proyectos del ICA como la IDEAndalucia, el catálogo de productos on-line LINE@ y en un futuro al buscador de cartografía histórica; por otro lado dispone de un visor propio de búsqueda de nombres geográficos con utilidades de descarga, rectificación y localización de topónimos cercanos


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Este trabajo de grado se realiza gracias al esfuerzo de La Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico, Maloka, CIDEM, Universidad del Rosario y de la coordinadora al colaborar y participar con el aprendizaje y desarrollo de las PYMES colombianas, con el objetivo de mejorar los procesos internos de la empresa en sus diferentes departamentos y así poder penetrar exitosamente en el mercado internacional con el fin de aumentar ser más competitivos no solo en el mercado interno si no también en el externo. Este proyecto se dividió en cinco etapas: Inteligencia de Mercados, Costos, Logística, Comercialización y Plan Exportador que sirvieron como base para la estrategia a seguir en el proceso de penetración de mercados internacionales. En consecuencia se realizó un diagnóstico de la empresa de Telar Arte y Diseño. En conclusión se identificaron tres mercados potenciales Costa Rica, Estados Unidos y España.