978 resultados para 129-800


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This paper tries to develop more generally some fundamental bases for the ecological study of freshwater plankton. A special attention is given to the phytoplankton associations which can be separated out and made into groups according to their dependence upon changing environments. Plankton formations in different types of water bodies (ponds, lakes and rivers) are studied.


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The reaction γ + p p + π+ + π- has been studied for photon energies between 800 and 1500 MeV and for dipion masses between 510 and 900 MeV. The bremsstrahlung beam from the Caltech synchrotron was passed through a liquid hydrogen target and spark chambers were used to detect the three final particles. In addition, the proton energy was determined by a range measurement. Approximately 40,000 photographs were taken, yielding 3018 acceptable events. The results were fit to an incoherent combination of the N*(1238) resonance, the po (750) resonance, and three-body phase space, with various models being tried for po production. The total cross section for po production is consistent with previous experiments. However, the angular dependence of the cross section is slightly more peaked in the forward direction, and the ratio of po production to phase space production is larger than previously observed.

However, since this experiment was only sensitive to the production angles cos θ cm ≥ .75, statistical fluctuations and/or an anisotropic distribution of background production have a severe influence on the po to background ratio. Of the po models tested, the results prefer po production by the one pion exchange mechanism with a very steep form factor dependence. The values of the mass and width of the po found here are consistent with previous experiments.


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The structure of the titanate glass is destroyed during irradiation by the femtosecond laser pulses, and (TiO6)(8-) and (TiO4)(4-) anion units are exsolved from the network of the titanate glass. These anion units are rearranged to form some crystals such as anatase and Ba2TiO4 crystals. By Raman spectroscopy, it is found that these crystals have a strong dependence on the intensity of the femtosecond laser pulses. The relation between the generation of these crystals and space distribution of the femtosecond laser power intensity is qualitatively explained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ta2O5膜采用传统的电子束蒸发方法制备,并在氧气中673 K的条件下进行了退火12 h处理。首先在1-on-1体系下对Ta2O5膜进行了532和1064 nm波长下的激光损伤阈值(LIDT) 研究,然后在n-on-1体系下分别对532,800和1064 nm三种波长下的激光损伤阈值进行了研究。结果表明在n-on-1体系下Ta2O5膜在532和1064 nm波长下的阈值均高于1-on-1体系下的阈值。此外,在n-on-1体系下,薄膜的阈值随波长增加而增大。同时发现,在氧气中进行退火对Ta2O5膜的光学性能


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El trabajo llevado a cabo se enmarca en el campo de los pulsos de luz ultracortos, teniendo como objetivo la construcción de un sistema capaz de generar pulsos de femtosegundos con duraciones inferiores a 30 fs en la región del ultravioleta. Para poder obtenerlos, se ha puesto a punto un sistema óptico que partiendo de pulsos provenientes de una fuente comercial, con una duración aproximada de 50 fs y centrados en 800 nm, ha permitido producir pulsos a 267 nm con duraciones inferiores a 30 fs. Para ello se ha usado un proceso no lineal de generación de tercer armónico (TH), empleando como medio activo un filamento generado en aire libre y en un canal taladrado en una lámina delgada de acero. El trabajo realizado ha permitido dotar al laboratorio de una herramienta nueva para llevar a cabo experimentos de dínamica molecular.


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Tubular graphite cones (TGCs) with a single-crystal nanotip have been achieved by means of microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition using in-situ-evaporated Fe catalysts. The absence of the disorder-induced D band in Raman spectra revealed the single-crystalline feature of the nanotip. TGCs were found to stem from Fe catalytic carbon spherules on the order of 100 mum diameter, whose critical role in promoting both nucleation and plasma annealing in the formation of highly crystalline TGCs is discussed. The crystalline quality of such TGCs can be further verified by the investigation of their oxidative stability in air. All TGCs can survive up to 600 degrees C without any structural variations, and a few TGCs still survive with an anisotropic etched and stepped nanotip at temperatures up to 800 degrees C, much better than CNTs. Thus, TGCs with single crystalline nanotips are potential candidates for scanning probes in high-temperature oxygen-containing environments.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Four cores recovered from Little Packer Lake in Glenn County, California, have provided a paleoflood record for the past 800 years. ... The sequence of flood deposits in the top 2 meters of the record shows a reasonable agreement with the known history of floods during the past 150 years. At least three major flood events are indicated for AD 1400-1525, although these dates may have to be revised when more dates become available.


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Cultured silver carp (Hypopthalmichthys molitrix 800-1000 g) was stored in ice (fish to ice ratio 1:1) in a plywood box insulated with one inch thick expanded polystyrene and subjected to detailed examination of quality by chemical, microbiological and organoleptic evaluation at regular intervals to assess the storage life in good acceptable form. Alpha-amino nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen and pH values showed no positive correlation as spoilage index. Total volatile base nitrogen was not high at the end of the storage period although the fish became unacceptable during the period. There was steep decrease in total bacterial count during initial stages of storage and then increased steadily on further storage. Organoleptic evaluation of raw and cooked meat revealed that fish was in good acceptable form up to 14 days in ice.


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We present a novel 800-nm Bragg-mirror-based semiconductor saturable absorption mirror with low temperature and surface state hybrid absorber, with which we can realize the passive soliton mode locking of a Ti:sapphire laser pumped by 532-nm green laser which produces pulses as short as 37 fs. The reflection bandwidth of the mirror is 30 nm and the pulse frequency is 107 MHz. The average output power is 1.1 W at the pump power of 7.6 W.


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利用溶胶-凝胶法制备了SiO_2、TiO_2等单组份凝胶玻璃及二者混合的双组份二元凝胶玻璃。对其中溶胶的形成、溶胶向凝胶的转化过程及最终凝胶玻璃的形成进行了大量系统的研究。稀土(Tb~(3+)、Eu~(3+))配合物分别以预掺杂法、原位(in-situ)掺杂法及原位两步水解法等方法掺入溶胶中,用旋转涂覆法(spin-coating method)制成发光薄膜。利用荧光光谱、红外光谱、X射线衍射分析等现代谱学方法对薄膜的性能进行了分析。由于稀土Eu~(3+)离子的~5D_0→~7F_2跃迁是对环境变化比较敏感的跃迁超灵敏跃迁,相应于这些跃迁的谱线强度随着环境的不同可改变2-4倍,故将Eu~(3+)离子作为荧光探针引入TiO_2凝胶玻璃中来研究TiO_2凝胶形成中的水解、缩聚过程。差热一热重分析表明在400 ℃左右TiO_2凝胶发生了由无定型向锐钛矿型的晶型的转变,在不同温度下处理的TiO_2凝胶的XRD曲线也可得到同样的结论。当温度达到800 ℃时观察到了金红石相的微小的衍射峰。从Eu~(3+)离子的荧光光谱可以看出对应于610 nm的~5D_0→~7F_2的跃迁强度(I_2)和590 nm的~5D_0→~7F_1的跃迁强度(I_1)随着热处理温度的升高而逐渐增强,说明随着处理温度升高,凝胶中水分子不断挥发,热处理过程中的羟基含量由于缩聚反应的不断进行而逐渐减少。~5D_0→~7F_1的跃迁属于磁偶极跃迁,发射强度I_1变化与环境变化无关。定义两个发射强度的比值R(R=I_2/I_1),由R值的变化可以看出,TiO_2湿凝胶时Eu~(3+)离子与水成水合离子,干凝胶中水合离子逐渐被(Ti-O)_nEu键所取代,Eu~(3+)离子逐渐进入凝胶网状结构中。同时掺入Al~(3+)离子的凝胶中Eu~(3+)的发光强度要大于不含Al~(3+)离子的凝胶中Eu~(3+)的发光强 度,因为Eu~(3+)离子的聚集对荧光有猝灭作用,掺入Al~(3+)离子之后由于其对Eu~(3+)离子的分散作用使得跃迁强度大大增强。采用预掺杂法;原位掺杂法;原位两步水解法制备了稀土Eu~(3+)、Tb~(3+)的羧酸类配合物,2-2‘联吡啶,1,10-邻菲咯啉,β-二酮类等有机配合物掺杂的溶胶-凝胶发光薄膜。双掺Tb~(3+)和苯甲酸的凝胶荧光薄膜的红外分析结果可以看出,制得的凝胶薄膜的红外光谱图与SiO_2凝胶粉末的红外光谱图几乎一致,Tb~(3+)及有机配体掺入凝胶后配合物没有明显的特征振动吸收峰。说明配合物进入凝胶网状结构中,其振动被缩聚反应形成的微小孔隙结构所限制,没能观察到明显的吸收峰。由几种双掺稀土羧酸配合物的SiO_2凝胶薄膜的激发光谱可以看出,当以稀土Eu~(3+)离子或Tb~(3+)离子的特征发射波长监控时,得到的激发谱均为260 nm-350 nm范围内的宽带代替了稀土离子的特征窄带激发光谱,可以判断在凝胶薄膜中已经形成了配合物。而且双掺凝胶薄膜发射峰值比单掺稀土离子的凝胶薄膜发光强度高几个数量级。同时将薄膜在一定温度下进行热处理发现,对于双掺稀土和羧酸配体的凝胶薄膜,50 ℃时发射光谱无明显的发射峰,而随着热处理温度的逐渐升高出现发射峰并且强度逐渐增强,热处理超过100 ℃时发射峰的强度又有所降低。说明温度的升高使凝胶环境向着有利于稀土配合物形成的方向转变,因为两步水解过程中加入的六次甲基四胺会随着温度升高而逐渐分解出OH~-而仗凝胶环境pH值升高;另一方面,由于分子水和HCl的不断挥发也能提高凝胶环境的pH值,从而使配合物的形成反应更加完全。超过120 ℃后,接近配体的熔点(苯甲酸熔点129 ℃),由于薄膜相当薄使配体的逐渐分解,荧光逐渐减弱;经175 ℃处理后,荧光几乎消失。除了羧酸配合物外还制备了稀土Tb~(3+) (Eu~(3+))与2-2‘联吡啶(邻菲咯啉)、TTA等二元配合物掺杂的溶胶-凝胶发光薄膜。凝胶薄膜的发光强度与相应的纯配合物薄膜相比由于凝胶的独特网状结构而有了较大的提高,通过荧光光谱和荧光寿命的比较均可以得出这样的结论。对凝胶薄膜和纯配合物/PVB薄膜的热稳定性比较可以看出,溶胶-凝胶发光薄膜的荧光强度随温度升高而降低,但与配合物的PVB薄膜的相比,仍显示了一定的热稳定性,在温度超过配合物的分解温度后仍显示出一定的发光强度,而纯配合物/PVB薄膜中配合物的荧光此时几乎完全消失。除了SiO_2凝胶之外,还制备和研究了TiO_2凝胶以及TiO_2-SiO_2复合凝胶作为基质的发光薄膜,发现在TiO_2凝胶中配合物未能象在SiO_2中那样显示出良好的发光性能,可能是因为作为过渡金属钛由于有d轨道与掺入其中的配体作用参与成键,影响了配体与稀土离子之间的能量转移。本论文中还将在光学领域中有重要作用的染料,例如荧光素(FL)引人TiO_2凝胶中,研究了FL在凝胶中的发光性质,对比了FL掺入TiO_2、TiO_2-SiO_2凝胶前后的吸收光谱、荧光光谱的变化。结果表明吸收峰有了较为明显的位移;荧光发射光谱吸收峰位置也有了较大的红移,这可能是由于凝胶的网状结构及孔道内的Ti-OH键等对染料影响的结果。