544 resultados para 1125


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样带是沿全球变化某一驱动因素的主要梯度而设置的由一系列研究站点构成的区域,被认为是研究全球变化与陆地生态系统关系的最有效的途径。而模型研究是全球变化研究中不可或缺的手段。本文即采用模型研究方法研究中国东北温带样带(NECT)区域,试图揭示温带生态系统对于全球变化(尤其是降水)的反应机制。 中国东北温带样带(NECT)位于42°N - 46°N,108°E - 132°E,长约二千多公里,是最早被列入GCTE的四条样带之一,从东到西有明显的湿度梯度,被认为是温带区域研究水分梯度的代表性样带。本文研究主要集中在: 1.NECT中环境数据库的建立,本文采用EIS作为数据管理系统。由于EIS管理空间数据的特点是根据确定的地理坐标来提供空间定位,因而每一环境因子的属性值分布都有确定的地理坐标与其对应,特别适合于样带这种研究区域较大,同时又要求有精确空间定位的区域。NECT环境数据库包括地形、气候、植被、土壤、土地利用、水文、孢粉数据及社会经济等分库、本数据库力图提供各环境因子的各种属性值而代替仅仅提供类型值。 2.NECT中PFTs的划分PFTs的划分被认为是建立DGVM的前提。本文认为PFTs的划分是模型研究中一个尺度上升过程的结果,不同的尺度,不同的研究目标导致不同的PFTs的划分。在NECT区域中,考虑植被对全球变化中降水因子的不同反映机制,采用生活型、高度、耐旱特性、叶子大小、叶子季相、主根深度和木质化程度等指标根据- TWINSPAN和FCLUS进行划分,得到以下9种NECT区域中植被功能类型:常绿针叶树种、落叶针叶树种、落叶阔叶树种、落叶小叶灌木、落叶小叶半灌木、落叶强旱生半灌木、多年生中旱生草本、适应旱生环境的多年生草本和多年生强旱生草本。对NECT区域中PFTs的DCA分析表明降水是控制PFTs在NECT区域中分布的主要环境因子。在代表景观层次的长白山PFTs的划分中,则采用树种有记载的最大寿命、最大胸径、最大树高、各树种生长参数、树种自然分布区内>5℃的有效积温的最小值和最大值、耐阴、耐旱、喜肥特性、树种的扩散更新,就地下种更新和萌条更新能力参数及叶子大小和类型等指标采用上述软件得到的以下PFTs:即不耐荫阔叶树种、耐荫阔叶树种、耐荫针叶树种和不耐荫的阳生针叶树种。 3.NECT中BCM模型的建立和预测 本文认为土壤水是决定SPC系统水分状况的直接指标。而均衡土壤水分剖面代表了土壤水的多年平均状态,因而本文以Watershed模型为基础,模拟NECT区域中任意一点的均衡土壤水分剖面(精度为每经纬网格32×48个点);然后根据这个均衡水分剖面用计算LAI子模型确定该水分剖面所能支持的LAI;进而根据这个LAI由Biome等模型划分出Biome在NECT中的分布。全球变化的结果将改变区域中任意一点的土壤水分状况,从而影响植被的LAI,进而导致Biome的改变。本模型成功的模拟了LAI和Biome在NECT区域中的分布,利用85-90生长季每月平均的NDVI作相关检验表明除5月份以外,相关系数都>0.7,而5月份也达到0,6457,都达到了极显著的程度。尤为重要的是,模型对于不同植被类型的NDVI与LAI的对应关系有良好的模拟,如针叶林的LAI在相同的NDVI值下明显比阔叶林小,因而模型模拟的LAI在NECT东部针叶林分布区LAI值比针阔混交林明显偏小,而与Spanmen等(1990)所提出的针叶林叶面积指数与NDVI关系非常一致。模型的预测显示:(1) T+20C (PET+15%),Precipitation+20%,LAI总体上变化不大,且空间变化呈现复杂性,总体上表现出草原植被LAI减少,而森林的LAI增加;Biome层次表现出针阔混交林和矮草原面积扩大,针叶林和森林草原面积减少,其中对于该情形下变化最为明显的是针叶林和森林草原。NECT东部区域发育在沙性土上的植被的LAI明显增加,而科尔沁沙地植被的LAI则维持不变。(2)T+40C (PET+30%),Precipitation+20%,LAI总体上将减小0.14,但空间分布不均。东部森林区域LA1将维持不变或增加(主要为针叶林),草原植被LAI仍表现出减少趋势;在Biome层次上则表现出草原面积的扩大。对于第一种情形下LAI有增有减的森林革原地区则表现出减小的一致性,总体来说,第二种情形比第一种情形表现出相当的干旱性。从对两种全球变化情形的反应来看,针叶林和森林草原是NECT中对全球变化驱动因子温度和降水的敏感植被类型;丽科尔沁沙地植被表现出相当的稳定性,表明该沙地的敏感性主要是由于人类活动这个因子造成的。 4.NECT中景观层次NPP模型的建立和预测 景观层次之所以成为模型研究中一个独特的层次,是由于地形效应的存在。地形效应对于水、热。营养物质的进行重新分配,从而进一步控制了生态系统的分布。本文选择NECT区域中森林生态系统的代表性分布小流域一二道白河小流域为研究区域。首先,应用Sunlight模型来模拟小流域任意一点所截取的能用于光合作用的太阳辐射能。Sunlight模型充分考虑了由于栅格的坡度、坡向和遮蔽度对可照时间和太阳直射辐射的影响以及坡度和可祝度对太阳散射辐射的影响,并提供了消除大气状况从站点观察数据推测的方法,即太阳直射辐射转换系数Rb和太阳散射辐射转换系数R,结合植被的分布特性,得到IPR在小流域中的分布。结果表明,IPR在小流域中相差不大,与高程呈正相关。进而利用温度修正模型得到温度修正系数,平均为0.446,表明温度对NPP的限制效应比较大;而水分修正系数则通过Topmodel模拟每一栅格的地下水位,由这个地下水位通过前述Waterbalance模型模拟均衡土壤水分剖面,进而求出水分修正系数,平均为0.86,表明该流域水分状况良好,水分状况对NPP的限制性不强。模拟结果显示:海拔1700m的岳桦林平均NPP为7.31t.ha-l年“两实测的NPP值分别为20.19 t.ha-l年 13.45 t.ha-l年‘1和5.15 t.ha-1年”。可见模型模拟的整个NPP的分布趋势与现实NPP分布一致。模型的预测表明:(1).T+2℃( PET+15%),P+20%时整个小流域的平均NPP将从14.60 t.ha-1年-1增加到16.65 t.ha_l年,且不同生态系统的增加幅度大致类似。以岳桦林生态系统稍高,增加幅度为15.3%,引起该小流域NPP增加的主要原因是温度状况的改善,而水分状况与变化前一致。(2)T+4℃( PET+30%),P+20%的变化前景下NPP的增加幅度更大,整个小流域的平均NPP将达到18.63 t.ha-1年,且不同生态系统变化幅度不同.阔叶红松林、暗针叶林和岳桦林生态系统NPP增加幅度将分别达到25.8%,28.3%和32.8%.引起整个小流域NPP增加的主要原因仍旧是温度状况的大幅度提高,平均从变化前的0.477提高到0.610,而水分状况则仍保持相当的稳定性。


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Prenatal stress can cause many long-term behavior changes in offspring, but whether prenatal stress can alter addictive behavior in offspring and postnatal enriched environment treatment (EE) can restore these changes are unknown. We reported here that pr


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RNAi(RNA interference)为研究未知功能基因提供了新的反向遗传学手段;并能应用于人类的基因治疗。文中就RNAi的研究进展、作用机制及其应用进行了评述,并与基因敲除及反义RNA抑制进行了比较。


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This is a report on the results of the Frame Survey conducted in the Uganda side of Lake Victoria during August 2012 by the LVFO Institutions, namely: the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR) Uganda and the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) in close collaboration with the District Fisheries offices of Busia, Bugiri, Namayingo, Mayuge, Jinja, Buvuma, Buikwe, Mukono, Kampala, Wakiso, Mpigi, Kalungu, Masaka, Kalangala and Rakai. In the 2012 Frame survey some indicators of fishing effort including e.g. number of fishers, fishing crafts and long line hooks increased; whereas others like the number of gillnets less than 5 inches decreased by 10.4% from that recorded in 2010. The other indicators of fishing effort, which showed decrease in 2012 included illegal beach seines and undersized gillnets (<5 inch mesh size). However, a large proportion (66%) of long line hooks recorded in the 2012 survey were in the smallest size range (hook size >10), which target small Nile perch. The number of other illegal gears, i.e. cast nets and monofilament gillnets showed modest increases (25%) between 2010 and 2012 while beach seines decrease by 15%. Recent crackdown on illegal fishing activities as part of measures for recovery of the Nile perch stocks which are faced with depletion appear to have had an impact but much more needs to be done to eradicate illegal fishing. The fisheries in the Ugandan waters have remained predominantly near shore with 61% of all fishing crafts using paddles out of which 17% were tiny three plank, flat bottomed boats locally known as parachutes. The 2012 survey shows an increase in the number of fishing crafts using sails by 65% from 682 in 2010 to 1125 in 2012. This is an encouraging trend as more fishers are able to access distant fishing grounds using free wind power. The Mukene fishery in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria remained underdeveloped comprising only 15.2% of all fishing crafts, of which 31% were motorised which is a great improvement from the situation recorded in 2010. The Catamarans increased to 18 with a majority in Buikwe district where there is a private investor fishing specifically for Mukene. The Catamarans in Kalangala were reported not to be working because of the high operating cost compared to ordinary Mukene fishing boats.


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Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) is a suitable method for predicting scalars such as carbon monoxide with slow chemical time scales in turbulent combustion. Although this method has been successfully applied to non-premixed combustion, its application to lean premixed combustion is rare. In this study the CMC method is used to compute piloted lean premixed combustion in a distributed combustion regime. The conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable, is closed using an algebraic model and turbulence is modelled using the standard k-e{open} model. The conditional mean reaction rate is closed using a first order CMC closure with the GRI-3.0 chemical mechanism to represent the chemical kinetics of methane oxidation. The PDF of the progress variable is obtained using a presumed shape with the Beta function. The computed results are compared with the experimental measurements and earlier computations using the transported PDF approach. The results show reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with the transported PDF computations. When the compounded effects of shear-turbulence and flame are strong, second order closures may be required for the CMC. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The Pt nanoparticles (NPs), which posses the wider tunable localized-surface-plasmon (LSP) energy varying from deep ultraviolet to visible region depending on their morphology, were prepared by annealing Pt thin films with different initial mass-thicknesses. A sixfold enhancement of the 357 nm forward emission of ZnMgO was observed after capping with Pt NPs, which is due to the resonance coupling between the LSP of Pt NPs and the band-gap emission of ZnMgO. The other factors affecting the ultraviolet emission of ZnMgO, such as emission from Pt itself and light multi-scattering at the interface, were also discussed. These results indicate that Pt NPs can be used to enhance the ultraviolet emission through the LSP coupling for various wide band-gap semiconductors.


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海洋面积占地球总面积的71%,蕴藏着丰富的海洋能源。海洋能包括海水温差、海水盐度差、潮汐、潮流、海流、波浪等形式。本文仅就储量丰富又有特色的海洋动能及其开发作一综述。 一、海洋动能的形式 动能形式指海流、潮流和波浪能。 1.海流 海水朝一定方向以一定速度不