968 resultados para 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences


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Heparan sulfate mimetics, which we have called the PG500 series, have been developed to target the inhibition of both angiogenesis and heparanase activity. This series extends the technology underpinning PI-88, a mixture of highly sulfated oligosaccharides which reached Phase III clinical development for hepatocellular carcinoma. Advances in the chemistry of the PG500 series provide numerous advantages over PI-88. These new compounds are fully sulfated, single entity oligosaccharides attached to a lipophilic moiety, which have been optimized for drug development. The rational design of these compounds has led to vast improvements in potency compared to PI-88, based on in vitro angiogenesis assays and in vivo tumor models. Based on these and other data, PG545 has been selected as the lead clinical candidate for oncology and is currently undergoing formal preclinical development as a novel treatment for advanced cancer.


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Methamphetamine (MA) use is associated with hostility, aggression, and positive psychotic symptoms. However, little is known of the processes or mechanisms that underlie this relationship. The present research was designed to investigate putative mediating and moderating variables between MA dependence and hostility in a sample of injecting MA users (N=237). Both positive symptoms of psychosis and higher levels of impulsivity functioned as mediators and moderators of this relationship. This pattern of findings suggests that MA use leads to greater hostility by increasing positive psychotic symptoms that contribute to a perception of the environment as a hostile and threatening place as well as by increasing impulsivity. Those who were high in positive symptoms and high in impulsivity were the most hostile. Individual differences in impulsivity and positive psychotic symptoms should be taken into account in the assessment and management of MA dependence.


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ROLE OF LOW AFFINITY β1-ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR IN NORMAL AND DISEASED HEARTS Background: The β1-adrenergic receptor (AR) has at least two binding sites, 1HAR and 1LAR (high and low affinity site of the 1AR respectively) which cause cardiostimulation. Some β-blockers, for example (-)-pindolol and (-)-CGP 12177 can activate β1LAR at higher concentrations than those required to block β1HAR. While β1HAR can be blocked by all clinically used β-blockers, β1LAR is relatively resistant to blockade. Thus, chronic β1LAR activation may occur in the setting of β-blocker therapy, thereby mediating persistent βAR signaling. Thus, it is important to determine the potential significance of β1LAR in vivo, particularly in disease settings. Method and result: C57Bl/6 male mice were used. Chronic (4 weeks) β1LAR activation was achieved by treatment with (-)-CGP12177 via osmotic minipump. Cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and catheterization. (-)-CGP12177 treatment in healthy mice increased heart rate and left ventricular (LV) contractility without detectable LV remodelling or hypertrophy. In mice subjected to an 8-week period of aorta banding, (-)-CGP12177 treatment given during 4-8 weeks led to a positive inotropic effect. (-)-CGP12177 treatment exacerbated LV remodelling indicated by a worsening of LV hypertrophy by ??% (estimated by weight, wall thickness, cardiomyocyte size) and interstitial/perivascular fibrosis (by histology). Importantly, (-)-CGP12177 treatment to aorta banded mice exacerbated cardiac expression of hypertrophic, fibrogenic and inflammatory genes (all p<0.05 vs. non-treated control with aorta banding).. Conclusion: β1LAR activation provides functional support to the heart, in both normal and diseased (pressure overload) settings. Sustained β1LAR activation in the diseased heart exacerbates LV remodelling and therefore may promote disease progression from compensatory hypertrophy to heart failure. Word count: 270


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Undernutrition is common in patients admitted for surgery and is often unrecognised, untreated and worsens in hospital. The complex synergistic relationship between nutritional status and the physiological responses to surgery puts patients at high nutritional risk. There are clear prospective associations between inadequate nutritional status and the risk of poorer outcomes for surgical patients, including infection, complications and length of stay. However, practically and ethically evidence that nutritional interventions can significantly reduce these poor outcomes is difficult to obtain. Nevertheless health professionals have a duty of care to ensure our patients are properly fed, by whatever means, to meet their physiological requirements.


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Introduction. There are two binding sites on the β1-adrenoceptor (AR), β1H and β1L corresponding to high and low affinity binding sites respectively, which can be activated to cause cardiostimulation. Some β-blockers that block β1AR and β2ARs can activate β1LARs at higher concentrations than those required to cause blockade. The β2AR does not form a corresponding low affinity binding site and therefore we postulated that heterologous amino acids are responsible for the formation of β1LAR. Aim. To investigate whether heterologous amino acids of transmembrane domain V (TMDV) of β1AR and β2ARs contribute to β1LAR. Methods. β1ARs, β2ARs and mutant β1ARs containing all (β1(β2TMDV)AR) or single amino acids of TMDV of the β2AR were prepared and stably expressed in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells. Concentration-effect curves for cyclicAMP accumulation were carried out for (-)-CGP12177 in the absence or presence of (-)-bupranolol. Results. The potencies (pEC50) of (-)-CGP12177 were β2AR (9.24 ± 0.14, n = 5), β1(V230I)AR (9.07 ± 0.07, n = 10), β1(β2TMDV)AR (8.86 ± 0.10, n = 15), β1(R222Q)AR (8.09 ± 0.29, n = 6), β1AR (8.00 ± 0.11, n = 11). The affinities (pKB) of (-)-bupranolol were β2AR (9.82 ± 0.52, n = 5), β1(V230I)AR (7.64 ± 0.12, n = 8), β1(β2TMV)AR (8.06 ± 0.17, n = 8), β1(R222Q)AR (7.33 ± 0.23, n = 5), β1AR (7.23 ± 0.23, n = 5). Discussion. The potency of (-)-CGP12177 was higher at β2AR than at β1AR consistent with activation through a low affinity site at the β1AR (β1LAR). The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted for the lower potency of (-)-CGP 12177. The affinity of (-)-bupranolol was lower at β1AR compared to β2AR. The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted in part for the lower affinity. In conclusion TMDV of the β1AR contributes in part to the low affinity binding site of β1AR.


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There are two binding sites on the β1-adrenoceptor (AR), β1H and β1L corresponding to high and low affinity binding sites respectively, which can be activated to cause cardiostimulation (reviewed Kaumann and Molenaar, 2008). Some β-blockers that block β1AR and β2ARs can activate β1LARs at higher concentrations than those required to cause blockade. The β2AR does not form a corresponding low affinity binding site (Baker et al 2002) and therefore we postulated that heterologous amino acids are responsible for the formation of β1LAR. Our aim was to investigate whether heterologous amino acids of transmembrane domain V (TMDV) of β1AR and β2ARs contribute to β1LAR. β1ARs, β2ARs and mutant β1ARs containing all (β1(β2TMDV)AR) or single amino acids of TMDV of the β2AR were prepared and stably expressed in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells. Concentration-effect curves for cyclicAMP accumulation were carried out for (-)-CGP12177 or (-)-isoprenaline in the absence or presence of (-)-bupranolol. _______________________________________________________________________ (-)-CGP 12177 (-)-Bupranolol affinity (pKB) pEC50 vs (-)-CGP 12177 vs (-)-isoprenaline _______________________________________________________________________ β1AR 8.00 ± 0.11 (11) 7.23 ± 0.23 (5) 9.52 ± 0.28 (5) β2AR (high density) 9.24 ± 0.14 (5) 9.82 ± 0.52 (8) xPaulxxxxxxx β2AR (low density) no effect β1(β2TMV)AR 8.86 ± 0.10 (15) 8.06 ± 0.17 (8) 9.08 ± 0.22 (6) β1(V230I)AR 9.07 ± 0.07 (10) 7.64 ± 0.12 (8) 9.36 ± 0.28 (9) β1(R222Q)AR 8.09 ± 0.29 (6) 7.33 ± 0.23 (5) 9.36 ± 0.08 (6) β1(V230A)AR 7.59 ± 0.09 (6) 7.32 ± 0.24 (4) 8.62 ± 0.18 (5) _______________________________________________________________________ The potency of (-)-CGP12177 was higher at β2AR than at β1AR consistent with activation through a low affinity site at the β1AR (β1LAR) but not β2AR. The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted for the lower potency of (-)-CGP 12177. The affinity of (-)-bupranolol at β1AR and mutants was higher when determined with (-)-isoprenaline than with (-)-CGP 12177. The affinity of (-)-bupranolol determined against (-)-CGP 12177 was lower at β1AR compared to β2AR. The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted in part for the lower affinity. In conclusion V230 of the β1AR contributes in part to the low affinity binding site of β1AR. Baker JG, Hall IP, Hill SJ (2002). Pharmacological characterization of CGP12177 at the human β2-adrenoceptor. Br J Pharmacol 137, 400−408 Kaumann AJ, Molenaar P (2008) The low-affinity site of the β1-adrenoceptor and its relevance to cardiovascular pharmacology. Pharmacol Ther 118, 303-336


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE It has been proposed that BRL37344, SR58611 and CGP12177 activate b3-adrenoceptors in human atrium to increase contractility and L-type Ca2+ current (ICa-L). b3-adrenoceptor agonists are potentially beneficial for the treatment of a variety of diseases but concomitant cardiostimulation would be potentially harmful. It has also been proposed that (-)-CGP12177 activates the low affinity binding site of the b1-adrenoceptor in human atrium. We therefore used BRL37344, SR58611 and (-)-CGP12177 with selective b-adrenoceptor subtype antagonists to clarify cardiostimulant b-adrenoceptor subtypes in human atrium. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Human right atrium was obtained from patients without heart failure undergoing coronary artery bypass or valve surgery. Cardiomyocytes were prepared to test BRL37344, SR58611 and CGP12177 effects on ICa-L. Contractile effects were determined on right atrial trabeculae. KEY RESULTS BRL37344 increased force which was antagonized by blockade of b1- and b2-adrenoceptors but not by blockade of b3-adrenoceptors with b3-adrenoceptor-selective L-748,337 (1 mM). The b3-adrenoceptor agonist SR58611 (1 nM–10 mM) did not affect atrial force. BRL37344 and SR58611 did not increase ICa-L at 37°C, but did at 24°C which was prevented by L-748,337. (-)-CGP12177 increased force and ICa-L at both 24°C and 37°C which was prevented by (-)-bupranolol (1–10 mM), but not L-748,337. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS We conclude that the inotropic responses to BRL37344 are mediated through b1- and b2-adrenoceptors. The inotropic and ICa-L responses to (-)-CGP12177 are mediated through the low affinity site b1L-adrenoceptor of the b1-adrenoceptor. b3-adrenoceptor-mediated increases in ICa-L are restricted to low temperatures. Human atrial b3-adrenoceptors do not change contractility and ICa-L at physiological temperature.


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There is an urgent need to develop safe, effective, dual-purpose contraceptive agents that combine the prevention of pregnancy with protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Here we report the identification of a group of compounds that on contact with human spermatozoa induce a state of “spermostasis,” characterized by the extremely rapid inhibition of sperm movement without compromising cell viability. These spermostatic agents were more active and significantly less toxic than the reagent in current clinical use, nonoxynol 9, giving therapeutic indices (ratio of spermostatic to cytotoxic activity) that were orders of magnitude greater than this traditional spermicide. Although certain compounds could trigger reactive oxygen species generation by spermatozoa, this activity was not correlated with spermostasis. Rather, the latter was associated with alkylation of two major sperm tail proteins that were identified as A Kinase-Anchoring Proteins (AKAP3 and AKAP4) by mass spectrometry. As a consequence of disrupted AKAP function, the abilities of cAMP to drive protein kinase A-dependent activities in the sperm tail, such as the activation of SRC and the consequent stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation, were suppressed. Furthermore, analysis of microbicidal activity using Chlamydia muridarum revealed powerful inhibitory effects at the same low micromolar doses that suppressed sperm movement. In this case, the microbicidal action was associated with alkylation of Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP), a major chlamydial membrane protein. Taken together, these results have identified for the first time a novel set of cellular targets and chemical principles capable of providing simultaneous defense against both fertility and the spread of sexually transmitted disease.