557 resultados para 1067


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This supplement to the “Guide to the freshwater fauna of Ceylon” by A. S. Mendis and C. H. Fernando. Bull Fish. Res. Stn. Ceylon 12, 160 pp. (1962) includes a number of additional records to the fauna and nomenclatural changes designed to bring the names of the Rotifera, and Hydracarina up to date. This latter involves a complete change in naming of Rotifera to keep in line with modern nomenclature synonymizing species where necessary. A major study on the water mites of India by Cook (1067) has necessitated considerable changes in the naming of Ceylonese species. Besides the Rotifera and Hydracarina the Ilemiptera-Heteroptera have received attention as regards the Corixidae and new generic and specific records from published and unpublished material has been included. A major difficulty in studying freshwater animals (for that matter any animals) is the lack of suitable illustrations of local forms. An attempt has been made to fill this gap for the Rotifera and Turbellaria, It is hoped that in future supplements other groups can be similarly dealt with.


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2005年3~4月,对云南省临沧地区澜沧江自然保护区的鸟类资源进行了调查.通过观察和网捕调查,共计采集记录105种鸟类.结合中国科学院昆明动物研究所鸟类标本室收藏的临沧地区的207种鸟类标本,以及该地区的有关文献资料记录的84种,保护区内共有396种鸟类,隶属55 科(另4亚科)19 目,占云南省所录鸟类种数848种的47%,全国鸟类种数1331种的30%.其中国家一级保护物种2种,二级保护物种39种.保护区内记录的鸟类有留鸟307种,占所录鸟类的78%.区系成分以东洋界物种为主,有292种,占繁殖鸟类总种数的83%.亚区级区系分析表明保护区内的鸟类以滇南山地亚区和西南山地亚区的种类为主,前者成分稍多于后者,说明该地区处于由滇南山地亚区向西南山地亚区过渡的地带.结合该区鸟类垂直分布的特点,提出应加强对原生及次生阔叶林的保护,尤其是对成熟次生林的保护,因为它们对保存该保护区的大多数物种具有重要的价值.


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The fabrication of high frequency acoustic wave devices requires thedevelopment of thin films of piezoelectric materials with improved morphologicaland electro-acoustical properties. In particular, the crystalline orientationof the films, surface morphology, film stress and electrical resistivity are keyissues for the piezoelectric response. In the work reported here, ZnO thinfilms were deposited at high rates (>50 nm/min) using a novel process knownas the High Target Utilisation Sputtering (HiTUS). The films deposited possessexcellent crystallographic orientation, high resistivity (>109ωm), and exhibit surface roughness and film stress one order of magnitudelower than films grown with standard magnetron sputtering. The electromechanicalcoupling coefficient of the films, kT, was precisely calculated byimplementing the resonant spectrum method, and was found to be at least 6%higher than any previously reported kT of magnetron sputtered filmsto the Authors' knowledge. The low film stress of the film is deemed as one ofthe most important factors responsible for the high k T valueobtained. © 2010 IEEE.


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An innovative approach for fabricating pillar arrays for ultrasonic transducer applications is disclosed. It involves the preparation of concentrated piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT) suspensions in aqueous solutions of epoxy resin and its polymerization upon adding a polyamine based hardener. Zeta potential and rheological measurements revealed that 1wt.% dispersant, 20wt.% of epoxy resin and a hardener/epoxy resin ratio of 0.275mLg -1, were the optimized contents to obtain strong PZT samples with high green strength (35.21±0.39MPa). Excellent ellipsoidal and semi-circle shaped pillar arrays presenting lateral dimensions lower than 10μm and 100μm height were successfully achieved. The organics burning off was conducted at 500°C for 2h at a heating rate of 1°Cmin -1. Sintering was then carried out in the same heating cycle at 1200°C for 1h. The microstructures of the green and sintered ceramics were homogeneous and no large defects could be detected. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Hybrid large-eddy type simulations for cold jet flows from a serrated nozzle are performed at an acoustic Mach number Ma ac = 0.9 and Re = 1.03×10 6. Since the solver being used tends towards having dissipative qualities, the subgrid scale (SGS) model is omitted, giving a numerical type LES (NLES) or implicit LES (ILES) reminiscent procedure. To overcome near wall streak resolution problems a near wall RANS (Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes) model is smoothly blended to the LES making a hybrid RANS-ILES. The geometric complexity of the serrated nozzle is fully considered without simplification or emulation. An improved but still modest hexahedral multi-block grid with circa 20 million grid points (with respect to 12.5 million in Xia et al.; Int J Heat Fluid Flow 30:1067-1079, 2009) is used. Despite the modest grid size, encouraging and improved results are obtained. Directly resolved mean and second-order fluctuating quantities along the jet centerline and in the jet shear layer compare favorably with measurements. The radiated far-field sound predicted using the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings (FW-H) surface integral method shows good agreement with the measurements in directivity and sound spectra. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Experiments were conducted to identify the rules of the individual sense organs in the feeding behaviour of Chinese perch Siniperca chuatsi by determining the consumption of natural food after selective removal or blocking of eyes, lateral lines and olfactory organs, and also by observing the behavioural response to visual, mechanical and chemical stimulation by artificial prey. Chinese perch were able to feed properly on live prey fish when either eyes or lateral lines were intact or functional, but could scarcely feed without these two senses. Chinese perch recognized its prey by vision through the perception of motion and shape, and showed a greater dependence on vision in predation when both visual and mechanical cues were available. Chemical stimulation by natural food could not elicit any feeding response in Chinese perch, and gustation was only important to the fish for the last stage of food discrimination in the oropharyngeal cavity. The sensory basis of Chinese perch in feeding is well adapted to its nocturnal stalking hunting strategy. and also explains its peculiar food habit of accepting live prey fish only and refusing dead prey fish or artificial diets. (C) 1998 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Spin dynamics in (Ga,Mn)As films grown on GaAs(001) was investigated by Time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect. The Kerr signal decay time of (Ga,Mn)As without external magnetic field applied was found to be several hundreds picoseconds, which suggested that photogenerated polarized holes and magnetic ions are coupled as a ferromagnetic system. Nonmonotonic temperature dependence of relaxation and dephasing (R&D) time and Larmor frequency manifests that Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism dominates the spin R&D time at low temperature, while D'yakonov-Perel mechanism dominates the spin R&D time at high temperature, and the crossover between the two regimes is Curie temperature.


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