972 resultados para 00 - Ciència i coneixement. Investigació. Cultura. Humanitats


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El interés por desarrollar el tema de cultura ciudadana y su influencia sobre los indicadores de movilidad referidos a la accidentalidad, surge a partir de una percepción de éxito de tres alcaldías que lograron transformaciones culturales y físicas en Bogotá. El propósito era comprobar a partir de un análisis cuantitativo que la cultura ciudadana funcionó como herramienta de gestión y que había logrado afectar positivamente las crecientes tasas de accidentalidad vial en Bogotá, durante dichas alcaldías (1995-2004). Sin embargo, la caracterización de la cultura ciudadana referida a la accidentalidad vial, tenía un alto componente cualitativo que permitió comprender que las estadísticas no se podían asociar directamente a las estrategias de cultura ciudadana y que por lo tanto, la investigación debía concentrarse en dimensionar la capacidad real que tenían las acciones de cultura ciudadana sobre el problema urbano, desagregando las dos variables.


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Una experiencia educativa galardonada con el premio Escola i Natura 1992 del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, y el Banco de Crédito Agrícola, premio Andraitx d'Ecologia 1993 y premio Francesc de Borja Moll 1993 de la Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Esports del Govern Balear


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Complementa a esta publicación un libro del educador con el título: Nois-Noies ; Problemes ètics de la ciència i la tecnologia ; Ètica i consum. Premio Educación y Sociedad 1993


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Complementa a esta publicación un libro del educador con el título: Nois-Noies ; Problemes ètics de la ciència i la tecnologia ; Ètica i consum. Premio Educación y Sociedad 1993


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: 'Mejorar la escuela: perspectivas did??cticas y organizativas'. Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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El treball que presentem va néixer en el si de l'assignatura ‘Fonaments lèxics de la Ciència i la Tècnica’ (curs 2007/2008) amb la idea precisament d'unificar criteris quant a la FP. Aquesta optativa de 1r Batxillerat té com a finalitat dotar els alumnes (fonamentalment de Ciències i Tecnologia) d'un coneixement relativament ample de la terminologia cientificotècnica d'arrel grecollatina


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Dins de la disciplina de Ciència i Enginyeria dels Materials, en la qual s’estudia la interrelació entre l’estructura, el processament, les propietats i les aplicacions dels materials, aquest llibre intenta descriure com les tècniques de processament industrial afecten l’estructura dels materials. L’enfocament del text se centra en el material, no pas en les tècniques emprades, temàtica més propera a les tecnologies de fabricació. El temari s’ha organitzat en cinc grans temes. Els quatre primers intenten donar els fonaments d’una tecnologia de processament (colament dels metalls, conformació per deformació, conformació per sinterització, tractaments tèrmics) mentre que el cinquè es dedica a la corrosió. El temari no inclou la tecnologia dels materials polímers que mereixeria un temari específic


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Focaliza as questões de cultura organizacional, de poder e de contrapoder nas organizações enquanto fenômenos estruturados como uma linguagem. Destaca aspectos significativos da linguagem como forma de açã social, caracterizando as diversas estratégias utilizadas pela organização, no sentido de controlar e prever o comportamento de seus membros participantes como um idioma, e as formas de comportamentos divergentes ou de resistência a essas estratégias como dialetos


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Existe inumeras definições de cultura. A cultura é um tema complexo que pode ser considerado em inumeros aspectos.Porém uma importante caracteristica que diferencia signos de simbolos é que todos os símbolos são criados subjetivamente e saõ investidos de um tipo particularde de significado, eles buscam explicar um significado, significado esse que vai formar sujeitos ou definir tais padroes de cultura, da qual resutaria uma representação fiel do significado explicitamente tratado


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In the organizational context culture and communication are fundamental to the processes of appropriation, sharing, generation and use of knowledge. However, in organizations, it is evident that there is little awareness about the influence of information culture and informational communication in the scope of knowledge management. In this perspective and considering the theoretical context, we analyze the influence of culture and communication in the construction of knowledge in an organizational context. This study presents a qualitative research covering national literature focusing theoretical literature published about this thematic. Analyzing this literature we have verified that without an appropriate information culture and an appropriate information communication favoring the organizational processes, hardly the managers would reach the purpose of stimulating knowledge creation within the organization's environment. In conclusion we consider that culture and communication are the foundations for the effectiveness of activities that occur within the context of knowledge management.


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I. Gunter and Christmas (1973) described the events leading to the stranding of a baleen whale on Ship Island, Mississippi, in 1968, giving the species as Balaenopteru physalus, the Rorqual. Unfortunately the identification was in error, but fortunately good photographs were shown. The underside of the tail was a splotched white, but there was no black margin. The specimen also had fewer throat and belly grooves than the Rorqual, as a comparison with True’s (1904) photograph shows. Dr. James Mead (in litt.) pointed out that the animal was a Sei Whale, Balaenoptera borealis. This remains a new Mississippi record and according to Lowery’s (1974) count, it is the fifth specimen reported from the Gulf of Mexico. The stranding of a sixth Sei Whale on Anclote Keys in the Gulf, west of Tarpon Springs, Florida on 30 May 1974, was reported in the newspapers and by the Smithsonian Institution (1974). II. Gunter, Hubbs and Beal (1955) gave measurements on a Pygmy Sperm Whale, Kogia breviceps, which stranded on Mustang Island on the Texas coast and commented upon the recorded variations of proportional measurements in this species. Then according to Raun, Hoese and Moseley (1970) these questions were resolved by Handley (1966), who showed that a second species, Kogia simus, the Dwarf Sperm Whale, is also present in the western North Atlantic. Handley’s argument is based on skull comparisons and it seems to be rather indubitable. According to Raun et al. (op. cit.), the stranding of a species of Kogia on Galveston Island recorded by Caldwell, Ingles and Siebenaler (1960) was K. simus. They also say that Caldwell (in litt.) had previously come to the same conclusion. Caldwell et al. also recorded another specimen from Destin, Florida, which is now considered to have been a specimen of simus. The known status of these two little sperm whales in the Gulf is summarized by Lowery (op. cit.).


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I assessed the influence of the Keweenaw Current and spring thermal bar on the distribution of larval fishes and large zooplankton in Lake Superior. In 1998 and 1999, samples were collected from inshore (0.2 – 3.0 km from shore) and offshore (5.0 – 9.0 km from shore) locations on three transects off the western coast of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan. For larval fishes, density and size distribution patterns of lake herring (Coregonus artedi), rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), burbot (Lota lota), deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsoni), and spoonhead sculpin (Cottus ricei) suggest a seasonal inshore to offshore movement. For zooplankton, seasonal warming appeared to be the major factor that limited planktonic catches of the primarily benthic Mysisrelicta and Diporeia spp., while simultaneously stimulated growth and reproduction of the cladocerans Daphnia spp., Holopedium gibberum, and Bythotrephes cederstroemi. In contrast, calanoid copepods as a group were abundant throughout the entire sampling season. The greatest abundances of zooplankton were generally encountered offshore, even for the cladocerans, which apparently expanded from inshore to offshore locations with seasonal warming. In 2000, sampling efforts focused on lake herring. Samples were collected from surface waters at 0.1 – 17.0 km from shore on two transects. Lake herring larvae were also reared in the laboratory from eggs in order to validate the use of otolith microstructure for aging. Increment deposition was not statistically different from a daily rate starting from 28 days after hatching, near the time of yolk-sac absorption, but larvae with lower growth rates could not be aged as accurately. In Lake Superior, lake herring tended to be slightly more abundant, larger, and older at inshore locations, but a dense patch of younger larvae was also encountered 7 – 13 km from shore. The distribution iiipatterns suggest that larvae were transported by prevailing currents into the study region, possibly from the more productive spawning regions in western Lake Superior. Growth rates were suppressed at offshore locations where temperatures were less than 8°C. These results indicate that lake herring larvae may be transported far distances from spawning concentrations by longshore currents, and water temperatures may largely control their growth.


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I-compounds are newly discovered covalent DNA modifications detected by the $\sp{32}$P-postlabeling assay. They are age-dependent, tissue-specific and sex-different. The origin(s), chemistry and function(s) of I-compounds are unknown. The total level of I-compounds in 8-10 month old rat liver is 1 adduct in 10$\sp7$ nucleotides, which is not neglectable. It is proposed that I-compounds may play a role in spontaneous tumorigenesis and aging.^ In the present project, I-compounds were investigated by several different approaches. (1) Dietary modulation of I-compounds. (2) Comparison of I-compounds with persistent carcinogen DNA adducts and 5-methylcytosine. (3) Strain differences of I-compounds in relation to organ site spontaneous tumorigenesis. (4) Effects of nongenotoxic hepatocarcinogenes on I-compounds.^ It was demonstrated that the formation of I-compounds is diet-related. Rats fed natural ingredient diet exhibited more complex I-spot patterns and much higher levels than rats fed purified diet. Variation of major nutrients (carbohydrate, protein and fat) in the diet, produced quantitative differences in I-compounds of rat liver and kidney DNAs. Physiological level of vitamin E in the diet reduced intensity of one I-spot compared with vitamin E deficient diet. However, extremely high level of vitamin E in the diet gave extra spot and enhanced the intensities of some I-spots.^ In regenerating rat liver, I-compounds levels were reduced, as carcinogen DNA adducts, but not 5-methylcytosine, i.e. a normal DNA modification.^ Animals with higher incidences of spontaneous tumor or degenerative diseases tended to have a lower level of I-compounds.^ Choline devoid diet induced a drastic reduction of I-compound level in rat liver compared with choline supplemented diet. I-compound levels were reduced after multi-doses of carbon tetrachloride (CCl$\sb4$) exposure in rats and single dose exposure in mice. An inverse relationship was observed between I-compound level and DNA replication rate. CCl$\sb4$-related DNA adduct was detected in mice liver and intensities of some I-spots were enhanced 24 h after a single dose exposure.^ The mechanisms and explanations of these observations will be discussed. I-compounds are potentially useful indicators in carcinogenesis studies. ^


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This paper analyses the value of university collections of scientific instruments, their preservation, uses and improvement. It mostly relies on the data obtained by a research project on the scientific heritage of the University of Valencia.


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En l’àmbit científic hi ha una invisibilització de les aportacions de les dones a la ciència i la tecnologia. El treball que han portat a terme no ha rebut la difusió suficient ni el reconeixement que es mereixen. Per aquest motiu, la introducció de la perspectiva de gènere en aquesta assignatura afavoreix una mirada diferent, amb la finalitat de descobrir les contribucions que les dones científiques han fet. Amb aquesta metodologia d’assignació de noms de científiques destacades, estarem donant valor al treball que han portat a terme i que ha passat desapercebut en els manuals de psicologia i pedagogia.