890 resultados para „big bang urbain“
La teoria dell'inflazione risolve alcuni problemi fondamentali posti dalla teoria standard dell'origine dell'universo, in particolare chiarisce perché l'universo è piatto e omogeneo quando secondo la cosmologia standard non lo dovrebbe essere (o meglio: lo potrebbe essere solo con probabilità molto bassa). Inoltre la teoria dell'inflazione spiega l'origine delle anisotropie della radiazione cosmica di fondo e in tal modo l'inflazione è responsabile anche dell'origine della struttura a grande scala dell'universo. La teoria inflazionaria presenta la possibilità di una conferma sperimentale. Alcune sue predizioni sono già state verificate e una forte prova era sembrata venire dall'esperimento BICEP2, ma per ora (novembre 2014) non c'è stata una conferma. Nello specifico, l'esperimento BICEP2 aveva dichiarato a marzo 2014 di aver rilevato nella radiazione cosmica di fondo il segnale di onde gravitazionali che potevano essere state provocate soltanto dall'inflazione. La presente tesi descrive gli aspetti classici (non quantistici) della teoria dell'inflazione, riporta i risultati relativi alla trattazione quantistica delle perturbazioni della radiazione cosmica di fondo e illustra la questione delle verifiche sperimentali della teoria dell'inflazione, dedicando particolare rilievo al recente esperimento BICEP2.
La fisica delle collisioni ad alte energie è, ad oggi, uno dei campi di ricerca più interessante per la verifica di modelli teorici che spieghino la nascita e la formazione dell'universo in cui viviamo. In quest'ottica lavorano esperimenti presso i più importanti acceleratori di particelle: tra questi anche l'esperimento ALICE, presso il Large Hadron Collider LHC del CERN di Ginevra. Il suo scopo principale è quello di verificare e ampliare l'insieme delle prove sperimentali alla base sull'esistenza di un nuovo stato della materia: il Quark Gluon Plasma. La presenza della transizione di fase della materia adronica ordinaria a QGP era stata teorizzata da diversi studi termodinamici e da calcoli di QCD su reticolo: in particolare si prevedeva l'esistenza di uno stato della materia in cui i quark sono deconfinati. Il QGP è dunque un plasma colorato e densissimo di quark e gluoni, liberi di interagire tra loro. Queste condizioni sarebbero state quelle dell'universo primordiale, circa 1µs dopo il Big Bang: a seguito di una transizione di fase, si sarebbe poi formata tutta la materia adronica ordinaria. Per riprodurre le condizioni necessarie alla formazione del QGP occorrono collisioni ad energie ultrarelativistiche come quelle prodotte, negli ultimi anni, dall'acceleratore LHC. Uno dei principali rivelatori dedicati all'identificazione di particelle in ALICE è il sistema a tempo di volo TOF. Nonostante un attento processo di ottimizzazione della risoluzione delle sue componenti, persistono residui errori strumentali che limitano la qualità (già ottima) del segnale, tutt'oggi oggetto di studio. L'elaborato presentato in questa tesi è suddiviso in tre capitoli: nel primo ripercorriamo gli aspetti teorici del Modello Standard e del Quark Gluon Plasma. Nel secondo descriviamo la struttura di rivelazione di ALICE, analizzando il funzionamento delle singole componenti. Nel terzo, infine, verifichiamo le principali correzioni al TOF ad oggi note, confrontando i dati a nostra disposizione con delle simulazioni Monte Carlo: questo ci permette da un lato di approfondirne la conoscenza, dall'altro di cercarne di migliorare la descrizione del comportamento del rivelatore.
U.S. financial deregulation is often popularly presented as a fundamental attack on financial regulation that began with neoliberalism's Big Bang in 1980. This paper argues this position is wrong in two ways. First, it is a process that stretches back decades before 1980. Textbook mentions of 1970s precursor "financial innovations" fall far short of presenting the breadth and duration of the pre-1980 attack on the system of regulation. Second, it has not been an across-the-board attack on financial regulation in the name of market efficiency as required by its ideology and claimed by its advocates, but rather a focused attack on only one of the five pillars of the system of regulation. This paper develops both of these assertions through a presentation of the five central pillars of the pre-1980 system of financial regulation, and the four major attacks on the three different aspects of the restrictions on financial competition.
El conocimiento científico provisorio y cambiante, nos permite entender la realidad que nos rodea de una determinada manera. Esta no es la única forma de comprender nuestro universo pero sin duda explica los fenómenos de un modo racional y empírico. Esto se realiza mediante la formulación de hipótesis, la corroboración y contrastación de las mismas, comunicando los resultados y abriendo el juego a diversas opiniones que, lejos de criticar destructivamente, afianzan los conocimientos, solidificando las bases en una construcción colectiva del saber (Desantes-Guanter et al 2000). Este es el espíritu que se transmite a quienes participan de Latidos del Tiempo; una propuesta de extensión. Un recorrido guiado por especialistas en astronomía, zoología, ecología, biología de la conservación y antropología, que articula tres importantes centros de formación, divulgación y entretenimiento: el Observatorio Astronómico, el Museo de Ciencias Naturales y el Jardín Zoológico y Botánico de La Plata. La actividad, abarca los hitos más importantes de la evolución cósmica. Comienza con el Big Bang, incursionando por el Origen de la Vida y el Origen del Hombre hasta el presente, reflexionando sobre las problemáticas ambientales actuales y sobre nuestra responsabilidad como especie racional sobre el Planeta. El desafío y principal logro de la actividad, consiste en abordar cada tema de manera amena y multidisciplinar pero desdibujando los límites de cada disciplina, tratando de que los participantes experimenten la continuidad de los diversos hitos, integrando y relacionando los eventos, discutiendo ante distintas interpretaciones y generando nuevos interrogantes, más que de respuestas definitivas.
El conocimiento científico provisorio y cambiante, nos permite entender la realidad que nos rodea de una determinada manera. Esta no es la única forma de comprender nuestro universo pero sin duda explica los fenómenos de un modo racional y empírico. Esto se realiza mediante la formulación de hipótesis, la corroboración y contrastación de las mismas, comunicando los resultados y abriendo el juego a diversas opiniones que, lejos de criticar destructivamente, afianzan los conocimientos, solidificando las bases en una construcción colectiva del saber (Desantes-Guanter et al 2000). Este es el espíritu que se transmite a quienes participan de Latidos del Tiempo; una propuesta de extensión. Un recorrido guiado por especialistas en astronomía, zoología, ecología, biología de la conservación y antropología, que articula tres importantes centros de formación, divulgación y entretenimiento: el Observatorio Astronómico, el Museo de Ciencias Naturales y el Jardín Zoológico y Botánico de La Plata. La actividad, abarca los hitos más importantes de la evolución cósmica. Comienza con el Big Bang, incursionando por el Origen de la Vida y el Origen del Hombre hasta el presente, reflexionando sobre las problemáticas ambientales actuales y sobre nuestra responsabilidad como especie racional sobre el Planeta. El desafío y principal logro de la actividad, consiste en abordar cada tema de manera amena y multidisciplinar pero desdibujando los límites de cada disciplina, tratando de que los participantes experimenten la continuidad de los diversos hitos, integrando y relacionando los eventos, discutiendo ante distintas interpretaciones y generando nuevos interrogantes, más que de respuestas definitivas.
The physical validity of the hypothesis of (redshift-dependent) luminosity evolution in galaxies is tested by statistical analysis of an intensively studied complete high-redshift sample of normal galaxies. The necessity of the evolution hypothesis in the frame of big-bang cosmology is confirmed at a high level of statistical significance; however, this evolution is quantitatively just as predicted by chronometric cosmology, in which there is no such evolution. Since there is no direct observational means to establish the evolution postulated in big-bang studies of higher-redshift galaxies, and the chronometric predictions involve no adjustable parameters (in contrast to the two in big-bang cosmology), the hypothesized evolution appears from the standpoint of conservative scientific methodology as a possible theoretical artifact.
Observations of supernova explosions halfway back to the Big Bang give plausible evidence that the expansion of the universe has been accelerating since that epoch, approximately 8 billion years ago and suggest that energy associated with the vacuum itself may be responsible for the acceleration.
Most cosmologists now believe that we live in an evolving universe that has been expanding and cooling since its origin about 15 billion years ago. Strong evidence for this standard cosmological model comes from studies of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), the remnant heat from the initial fireball. The CMBR spectrum is blackbody, as predicted from the hot Big Bang model before the discovery of the remnant radiation in 1964. In 1992 the cosmic background explorer (COBE) satellite finally detected the anisotropy of the radiation—fingerprints left by tiny temperature fluctuations in the initial bang. Careful design of the COBE satellite, and a bit of luck, allowed the 30 μK fluctuations in the CMBR temperature (2.73 K) to be pulled out of instrument noise and spurious foreground emissions. Further advances in detector technology and experiment design are allowing current CMBR experiments to search for predicted features in the anisotropy power spectrum at angular scales of 1° and smaller. If they exist, these features were formed at an important epoch in the evolution of the universe—the decoupling of matter and radiation at a temperature of about 4,000 K and a time about 300,000 years after the bang. CMBR anisotropy measurements probe directly some detailed physics of the early universe. Also, parameters of the cosmological model can be measured because the anisotropy power spectrum depends on constituent densities and the horizon scale at a known cosmological epoch. As sophisticated experiments on the ground and on balloons pursue these measurements, two CMBR anisotropy satellite missions are being prepared for launch early in the next century.
With the advent of the new extragalactic deuterium observations, Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) is on the verge of undergoing a transformation. In the past, the emphasis has been on demonstrating the concordance of the BBN model with the abundances of the light isotopes extrapolated back to their primordial values by using stellar and galactic evolution theories. As a direct measure of primordial deuterium is converged upon, the nature of the field will shift to using the much more precise primordial D/H to constrain the more flexible stellar and galactic evolution models (although the question of potential systematic error in 4He abundance determinations remains open). The remarkable success of the theory to date in establishing the concordance has led to the very robust conclusion of BBN regarding the baryon density. This robustness remains even through major model variations such as an assumed first-order quark-hadron phase transition. The BBN constraints on the cosmological baryon density are reviewed and demonstrate that the bulk of the baryons are dark and also that the bulk of the matter in the universe is nonbaryonic. Comparison of baryonic density arguments from Lyman-α clouds, x-ray gas in clusters, and the microwave anisotropy are made.
It is argued that within the standard Big Bang cosmological model the bulk of the mass of the luminous parts of the large galaxies likely had been assembled by redshift z ∼ 10. Galaxy assembly this early would be difficult to fit in the widely discussed adiabatic cold dark matter model for structure formation, but it could agree with an isocurvature version in which the cold dark matter is the remnant of a massive scalar field frozen (or squeezed) from quantum fluctuations during inflation. The squeezed field fluctuations would be Gaussian with zero mean, and the distribution of the field mass therefore would be the square of a random Gaussian process. This offers a possibly interesting new direction for the numerical exploration of models for cosmic structure formation.
Recent major advances in x-ray imaging and spectroscopy of clusters have allowed the determination of their mass and mass profile out to ≈1/2 the virial radius. In rich clusters, most of the baryonic mass is in the gas phase, and the ratio of mass in gas/stars varies by a factor of 2–4. The baryonic fractions vary by a factor of ≈3 from cluster to cluster and almost always exceed 0.09 h50−[3/2] and thus are in fundamental conflict with the assumption of Ω = 1 and the results of big bang nucleosynthesis. The derived Fe abundances are 0.2–0.45 solar, and the abundances of O and Si for low redshift systems are 0.6–1.0 solar. This distribution is consistent with an origin in pure type II supernova. The amount of light and energy produced by these supernovae is very large, indicating their importance in influencing the formation of clusters and galaxies. The lack of evolution of Fe to a redshift of z ≈ 0.4 argues for very early enrichment of the cluster gas. Groups show a wide range of abundances, 0.1–0.5 solar. The results of an x-ray survey indicate that the contribution of groups to the mass density of the universe is likely to be larger than 0.1 h50−2. Many of the very poor groups have large x-ray halos and are filled with small galaxies whose velocity dispersion is a good match to the x-ray temperatures.
The rearrangement of antibody and T-cell receptor gene segments is indispensable to the vertebrate immune response. All extant jawed vertebrates can rearrange these gene segments. This ability is conferred by the recombination activating genes I and II (RAG I and RAG II). To elucidate their origin and function, the cDNA encoding RAG I from a member of the most ancient class of extant gnathostomes, the Carcharhine sharks, was characterized. Homology domains identified within shark RAG I prompted sequence comparison analyses that suggested similarity of the RAG I and II genes, respectively, to the integrase family genes and integration host factor genes of the bacterial site-specific recombination system. Thus, the apparent explosive evolution (or "big bang") of the ancestral immune system may have been initiated by a transfer of microbial site-specific recombinases.
A large fraction of Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) displays an X-ray plateau phase within <105 s from the prompt emission, proposed to be powered by the spin-down energy of a rapidly spinning newly born magnetar. In this work we use the properties of the Galactic neutron star population to constrain the GRB-magnetar scenario. We re-analyze the X-ray plateaus of all Swift GRBs with known redshift, between 2005 January and 2014 August. From the derived initial magnetic field distribution for the possible magnetars left behind by the GRBs, we study the evolution and properties of a simulated GRB-magnetar population using numerical simulations of magnetic field evolution, coupled with Monte Carlo simulations of Pulsar Population Synthesis in our Galaxy. We find that if the GRB X-ray plateaus are powered by the rotational energy of a newly formed magnetar, the current observational properties of the Galactic magnetar population are not compatible with being formed within the GRB scenario (regardless of the GRB type or rate at z = 0). Direct consequences would be that we should allow the existence of magnetars and "super-magnetars" having different progenitors, and that Type Ib/c SNe related to Long GRBs form systematically neutron stars with higher initial magnetic fields. We put an upper limit of ≤16 "super-magnetars" formed by a GRB in our Galaxy in the past Myr (at 99% c.l.). This limit is somewhat smaller than what is roughly expected from Long GRB rates, although the very large uncertainties do not allow us to draw strong conclusion in this respect.
In the past five years, the concept of solidarity has quietly lost much of its traction in the public discourse in Europe. Widely used at the time of the creation of the single market, the emergence of the common currency and during the EU's big bang enlargement of 2004-2007, it has recently become a more confused organising principle. The European system has been affected by growing levels of distrust, which has much to do with the way in which the euro zone crisis was tackled. In spite of massive resources having been mobilised to support countries in need, mutual accusations and discord have become ever more present in the EU's policy-making process.
The Eastern enlargement is about to be decided by the European Council. As expected, the “end game “ of the negotiations and assessments is heavily biased by a narrow perspective on net transfers, on income compensations to Central European farmers and on the psychological politics of a single “big bang “. None of these three so-called key items of the end game are of much relevance to appreciate the significance of enlargement. Net transfers have little to do with the costs and benefits of club membership for countries which pay, and can lead to addiction and lethargy rather than extra growth if market integration, macro-economic stability and domestic reforms are not taken serious (as the case of Greece before 1997 has demonstrated). Income compensations for Eastern farmers are crucial for this pressure group, and symbolically of some importance in domestic politics because of the perversity that rich farmers get more, but their absence is likely to serve the public interest in candidate countries far better. And being part of the big bang, as against getting in one or three years later, has assumed a dramatic meaning during this end game, far beyond its true proportions. This hectic European theatre tends to obscure what enlargement is mainly about, now that the stability and values have been secured for the peoples from Central Europe. In a guaranteed setting of peace, freedom and security, enlargement is about greater prosperity.