955 resultados para óleo e Gás


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The geophysical methods may be employed in aquifer system studies, as determination of groundwater level, soil/rock contact, beyond estimative of the aquifer thickness horizon. The geoeletric methods are particularly relevant in evaluations of the oilfields systems, due to directs relations between porosity and electrical resistivity, which allow inferences about oil and gas production. The indirect estimative of the productions in free aquifers system is something complex before of the diverse variables responsible for factors or physical phenomena, as clays minerals, which conditioned the physical parameters by electric geophysical methods. This paper present analyzed correlation among electrical resistivity, chargeability and direct measure flow in shallow wells, for determination of statistical relationships between parameters and evaluation of the geological constraints evolved. The study count with the 23 shallow wells located in free aquifer, constituted by alteration materials of the granites localized in Caçapava do Sul (RS). The geophysical data are acquired by vertical electric sounding in Schlumberger array. The correlations between electrical resistivity and flow, chargeability and flow, thickness of the soil/saprolite and flow indicated relationships between physical and hydrogeologic parameters, with variations conditioned by factors as porosity, permeability, besides intrinsic geological heterogeneities such soil variable thickness and rock fragments with several alteration degrees.


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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In the past few years, the Brazilian oil and gas sector had a considered growth, gaining enough relevance at international level, and being extremely important for the Brazilian socioeconomic development. However, the sector is still limited due to technical deficiencies. This work aims to conduct a current study, comprehending the entire oil chain, since it is possible to mention the Brazilian market updates on this context. To support this study, the historical development of the Brazilian petroleum industry was presented and the main stages of the production process were exposed with an emphasis on exploration and production phases. The new technologies developed for deepwater extractions, such as the pre-salt regions, were also discussed and, in the end, the relation of this growing market with the opportunities of the Human Resources Program of n. 48 was highlighted. This program identifies the market's actual needs and it's scarce's areas with the purpose of building capacity and qualified workforces, since it is also aimed, in a national level, a self-sufficient human resources for the sector


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In the past few years, the Brazilian oil and gas sector had a considered growth, gaining enough relevance at international level, and being extremely important for the Brazilian socioeconomic development. However, the sector is still limited due to technical deficiencies. This work aims to conduct a current study, comprehending the entire oil chain, since it is possible to mention the Brazilian market updates on this context. To support this study, the historical development of the Brazilian petroleum industry was presented and the main stages of the production process were exposed with an emphasis on exploration and production phases. The new technologies developed for deepwater extractions, such as the pre-salt regions, were also discussed and, in the end, the relation of this growing market with the opportunities of the Human Resources Program of n. 48 was highlighted. This program identifies the market's actual needs and it's scarce's areas with the purpose of building capacity and qualified workforces, since it is also aimed, in a national level, a self-sufficient human resources for the sector


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Materiais compósitos são projetados e fabricados para várias aplicações de alto desempenho, incluindo componentes para os segmentos automobilístico, aeroespacial, aeronáutico, naval, de defesa, de óleo e gás, energia eólica e até equipamentos esportivos. Porém, a união por soldagem de Compósitos de Matriz Metálica de Alumínio (Al-CMM) ainda é um grande obstáculo para a maior disseminação desta classe de materiais estruturais. As mudanças microestruturais decorrentes do ciclo de soldagem e/ou do tratamento térmico afetam sensivelmente as propriedades mecânicas e físico-químicas finais da junta e do metal base nas proximidades de mesma, daí a importância de se estudar a evolução microestrutural que prospera nestas etapas. O presente trabalho caracterizou a microestrutura do compósito liga-A356/SiCp soldado por laser de fibra de Itérbio, empregando-se nessa tarefa técnicas de microscopia óptica, radiografia e microscopia eletrônica de varredura, assim como difração de raios-X e de elétrons retroespalhados, ensaio instrumentado de dureza e microtomografia computadorizada. O foco das análises realizadas restringiu-se à geometria dos cordões de solda, à expulsão de SiC particulado da zona soldada, à volatilização de elementos químicos da poça de soldagem, à formação de precipitados fragilizantes de Al4SiC4 em formato de agulhas no cordão de solda e à determinação das regiões com concentração de poros, todos estes fenômenos tendo efeitos nocivos, em maior ou menor extensão, no desempenho global da junta do Al-CMM soldada a laser, notadamente em suas propriedades mecânicas e eletroquímicas.


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As recentes descobertas de petróleo e gás na camada do Pré-sal representam um enorme potencial exploratório no Brasil, entretanto, os desafios tecnológicos para a exploração desses recursos minerais são imensos e, consequentemente, têm motivado o desenvolvimento de estudos voltados a métodos e materiais eficientes para suas produções. Os tubos condutores de petróleo e gás são denominados de elevadores catenários ou do inglês \"risers\", e são elementos que necessariamente são soldados e possuem fundamental importância nessa cadeia produtiva, pois transportam petróleo e gás natural do fundo do mar à plataforma, estando sujeitos a carregamentos dinâmicos (fadiga) durante sua operação. Adicionalmente, um dos problemas centrais à produção de óleo e gás das reservas do Pré-Sal está diretamente associado a meios altamente corrosivos, tais como H2S e CO2. Uma forma mais barata de proteção dos tubos é a aplicação de uma camada de um material metálico resistente à corrosão na parte interna desses tubos (clad). Assim, a união entre esses tubos para formação dos \"risers\" deve ser realizada pelo emprego de soldas circunferenciais de ligas igualmente resistentes à corrosão. Nesse contexto, como os elementos soldados são considerados possuir defeitos do tipo trinca, para a garantia de sua integridade estrutural quando submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos, é necessário o conhecimento das taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga da solda circunferencial. Assim, neste trabalho, foram realizados ensaios de propagação de trinca por fadiga na região da solda circunferencial de Inconel® 625 realizada em tubo de aço API 5L X65 cladeado, utilizando corpos de prova do tipo SEN(B) (Single Edge Notch Bending) com relações entre espessura e largura (B/W) iguais a 0,5, 1 e 2. O propósito central deste trabalho foi de obter a curva da taxa de propagação de trinca por fadiga (da/dN) versus a variação do fator de intensidade de tensão (ΔK) para o metal de solda por meio de ensaios normatizados, utilizando diferentes técnicas de acompanhamento e medição da trinca. A monitoração de crescimento da trinca foi feita por três técnicas: variação da flexibilidade elástica (VFE), queda de potencial elétrico (QPE) e análise de imagem (Ai). Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes relações B/W utilizadas no estudo não alteraram significantemente as taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga, respeitado que a propagação aconteceu em condições de escoamento em pequena escala na frente da trinca. Os resultados de propagação de trinca por fadiga permitiram a obtenção das regiões I e II da curva da/dN versus ΔK para o metal de solda. O valor de ΔKlim obtido para o mesmo foi em torno de 11,8 MPa.m1/2 e os valores encontrados das constantes experimentais C e m da equação de Paris-Erdogan foram respectivamente iguais a 1,55 x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m] e 4,15. A propagação de trinca no metal de solda deu-se por deformação plástica, com a formação de estrias de fadiga.


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Welding is one of the most employed process for joining steel pipes. Although, manual welding is still the most used one, mechanized version and even automatized one have increased its demand. Thus, this work deals with girth welding of API 5L X65 pipes with 8” of nominal diameter and 8.0 mm thickness, beveled with V-30º narrow gap. Torch is moved by a bug carrier (mechanized welding) and further the parameters are controlled as a function of angular position (automatized welding). Welding parameters are presented for filling the joint with two-passes (root and filling/capping passes). Parameters for the root pass were extracted from previous author´s work with weldments carried out in plates, but validated in this work for pipe welding. GMAW processes were assessed with short-circuit metal transfer in both conventional and derivative modes using different technologies (RMD, STT and CMT). After the parameter determination, mechanical testing was performed for welding qualification (uniaxial tension, face and root bending, nick break, Charpy V-notch impact, microhardness and macrograph). The initially obtained results for RMD and CMT were acceptable for all testing and, in a second moment, also for the STT. However, weld beads carried out by using the conventional process failed and revealed the existence of lack of fusion, which required further parametrization. Thus, a Parameter-Variation System for Girth Welding (SVP) was designed and built to allow varying the welding parameters as a function of angular position by using an inclinometer. The parameters were set for each of the three angular positions (flat, vertical downhill and overhead). By using such equipment and approach, the conventional process with parameter variation allowed reducing the welding time for joint accomplishment of the order of 38% for the root pass and 30% for the filling/capping pass.


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One of the major current challenges for oilwell companies is the extraction of oil from evaporitic zones, also known as pre-salt basins. Deep reservoirs are found under thick salt layers formed from the evaporation of sea water. Salt layers seal the flow of oil from underneath rock formations, which store hydrocarbons and increase the probability of success in oil and gas exploration. Oilwells are cemented using Portland-based slurries to promote mechanical stability and zonal isolation. For pre-salt oilwells, NaCl must be added to saturate the cement slurries, however, the presence of salt in the composition of slurries affects their overall behavior. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of 5 to 25% NaCl on selected properties of Portland-based slurries. A series of tests were carried out to assess the rheological behavior, thickening time, free water and ultrassonic compressive strength. In addition, the slurries were also characterized by thermal analysis, X ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the addition of NaCl affected the thickening time of the slurries. NaCl contents up to 10% shortened the thickening time of the slurries. On the other hand, concentrations in excess of 20% not only extended the thickening time, but also reduced the strength of hardened slurries. The addition of NaCl resulted in the formation of a different crystalline phase called Friedel´s salt, where free chlorine is bonded to tricalcium aluminate


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One of the major challenges faced nowadays by oil companies is the exploration of pre-salt basins. Thick salt layers were formed in remote ages as a consequence of the evaporation of sea water containing high concentrations of NaCl and KCl. Deep reservoirs can be found below salt formations that prevent the outflow of oil, thus improving the success in oil prospection. The slurries used in the cement operations of salt layers must be adequate to the properties of those specific formations. At the same time, their resulting properties are highly affected by the contamination of salt in the fresh state. It is t herefore important to address the effects of the presence of salt in the cement slurries in order to assure that the well sheath is able to fulfill its main role to provide zonal isolation and mechanical stability. In this scenario, the objective of the present thesis work was to evaluate the effect of the presence of NaCl and KCl premixed with cement and 40% silica flour on the behavior of cement slurries. Their effect in the presence of CO2 was also investigated. The rheological behavior of slurries containing NaCl and KCl was evaluated along with their mechanical strength. Thermal and microstructural tests were also carried out. The results revealed that the presence of NaCl and KCl affected the pozzolanic activity of silica flour, reducing the strength of the hardened slurries containing salt. Friedel´s salt was formed as a result of the bonding between free Cl- and tricalcium aluminate. The presence of CO2 also contributed to the degradation of the slurries as a result of a process of carbonation/bicarbonataion


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Cementation operation consists in an extremely important work for the phases of perforation and completion of oil wells, causing a great impact on the well productivity. Several problems can occur with the cement during the primary cementation, as well as throughout the productive period. The corrective operations are frequent, but they are expensive and demands production time. Besides the direct cost, prejudices from the interruption of oil and gas production till the implementation of a corrective operation must be also taken into account. The purpose of this work is the development of an alternative cement paste constituted of Portland cement and porcelainized stoneware residue produced by ceramic industry in order to achieve characteristics as low permeability, high tenacity, and high mechanical resistance, capable of supporting various operations as production or oil wells recuperation. Four different concentration measures of hydrated paste were evaluated: a reference paste, and three additional ones with ceramic residue in concentrations of the order of 10%, 20% and 30% in relation to cement dough. High resistance and low permeability were found in high concentration of residues, as well as it was proved the pozolanic reactivity of the residue in relation to Portland cement, which was characterized through x-ray and thermogravimetry assays. It was evident the decrease of calcium hydroxide content, once it was substituted by formation of new hydrated products as it was added ceramic residue


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Nearly 3 x 1011 m3 of medium and light oils will remain in reservoirs worldwide after conventional recovery methods have been exhausted and much of this volume would be recovered by Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. The in-situ combustion (ISC) is an EOR method in which an oxygen-containing gas is injected into a reservoir where it reacts with the crude oil to create a high-temperature combustion front that is propagated through the reservoir. The High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) method is a particular denomination of the air injection process applied in light oil reservoirs, for which the combustion reactions are dominant between 150 and 300°C and the generation of flue gas is the main factor to the oil displacement. A simulation model of a homogeneous reservoir was built to study, which was initially undergone to primary production, for 3 years, next by a waterflooding process for 21 more years. At this point, with the mature condition established into the reservoir, three variations of this model were selected, according to the recovery factors (RF) reached, for study the in-situ combustion (HPAI) technique. Next to this, a sensitivity analysis on the RF of characteristic operational parameters of the method was carried out: air injection rate per well, oxygen concentration into the injected gas, patterns of air injection and wells perforations configuration. This analysis, for 10 more years of production time, was performed with assistance of the central composite design. The reservoir behavior and the impacts of chemical reactions parameters and of reservoir particularities on the RF were also evaluated. An economic analysis and a study to maximize the RF of the process were also carried out. The simulation runs were performed in the simulator of thermal processes in reservoirs STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The results showed the incremental RF were small and the net present value (NPV) is affected by high initial investments to compress the air. It was noticed that the adoption of high oxygen concentration into the injected gas and of the five spot pattern tends to improve the RF, and the wells perforations configuration has more influence with the increase of the oil thickness. Simulated cases relating to the reservoir particularities showed that smaller residual oil saturations to gas lead to greater RF and the presence of heterogeneities results in important variations on the RF and on the production curves


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The resistance of aluminum and their alloys, to the corrosion phenomenon, in aqueous solutions, is a result of the oxide layer formed. However, the corrosion process in the aluminum alloy is associated with the presence a second phase of particles or the presence of chloride ions which promote the disruption of the oxide layer located producing the corrosion process. On the other hand, the term water produced is used to describe the water after the separation of the oil and gas in API separators. The volumes of produced water arrive around 5 more times to the volume of oil produced. The greatest feature of the water is the presence of numerous pollutants. Due to the increased volume of waste around the world in the current decade, the outcome and the effect of the discharge of produced water on the environment has recently become an important issue of environmental concern where numerous treatments are aimed at reducing these contaminants before disposal. Then, this study aims to investigate the electrochemical corrosion behavior of aluminum alloy 6060 in presence of water produced and the influence of organic components as well as chloride ions, by using the electrochemical techniques of linear polarization. The modification of the passive layer and the likely breakpoints were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). In the pit formation potential around -0.4 to -0.8 V/EAg/AgCl was observed that the diffusion of chloride ions occurs via the layer formed with the probable formation of pits. Whereas, at temperatures above 65 °C, it was observed that the range of potential for thepit formation was -0.4 to -0.5 V/EAg/AgCl. In all reactions, the concentration of Al(OH)3 in the form of a gel was observed


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG