993 resultados para ~1H


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铊的价态影响铊的毒性以及铊的迁移特性,本工作研究了光照对Tl ( Ⅰ) 的氧化作用. 结果表明,pH 值低、光照强度大以及UVB 和UVC 区有利于Tl ( Ⅰ) 的氧化. pH = 2 时,汞弧灯照射10 min 后,原溶液中所剩的Tl ( Ⅰ) 不到1 %;而pH = 9 时,光照1h 后溶液中的Tl ( Ⅰ) 还剩83 %;汞弧灯照射5min 后,灯2液距离为20cm 的实验,溶液中Tl ( Ⅰ) 仅剩4 % ,而灯2液距离为36cm 时,溶液中的Tl ( Ⅰ) 还剩50 %左右;经滤光后的汞弧灯照射后,溶液中所剩的Tl ( Ⅰ) 还剩90 %左右,而未经滤光的汞弧灯照射后,溶液中所剩的Tl ( Ⅰ) 不足1 %;微生物作用在本实验条件下,相对于光氧化作用并不明显,除去微生物和未除去微生物的水样,经日光照射后,所剩的Tl ( Ⅰ) 均为70 %左右.


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A madeira é o material mais utilizado para embalagem de hortaliças noBrasil, principalmente devido ao seu baixo custo e alta resistênciamecânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a absorção e a perdaprogressiva de água de ripas de madeira de Pinus utilizadas namontagem de caixas do tipo "K" em três condições de umidade relativae determinar o crescimento de fungos em sua superfície. O experimentofoi conduzido no Laboratório de Pós-Colheita da Embrapa Hortaliças, emBrasília-DF, em 2003. Trinta ripas novas de madeira de Pinus (52 x 6 x0,6cm) foram pesadas individualmente, imersas em água durante 1h epesadas novamente para avaliar a absorção de água. Em outroexperimento, dez ripas foram incubadas ao acaso em cada uma das trêscâmaras úmidas (61%, 86% e 94% UR) mantidas a 25oC (±2oC). A perda progressiva de água foi avaliada por pesagens diárias das ripasindividualmente e o desenvolvimento de fungos na madeira foi avaliadocom uma escala de notas (0-3) durante oito dias. A madeira nova dePinus pode absorver até 38% de seu peso em água, e permanecerúmida durante vários dias de acordo com a condição dearmazenamento. A umidade relativa do ambiente afetou a taxa de perdade água diária da madeira, estimada em 4,7%, 2,5% e 1,0%respectivamente a 61% UR, 86% UR e 94% UR, e ao final de oito diasalcançou 37,5%, 19,9% e 7,9%, respectivamente. Os fungospredominantes foram Trichoderma harzianum e Rhizopus stolonifer, mastambém observou-se crescimento de Aspergillus sp. e Penicillium sp.


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The catalytic performances of methane dehydroaromatization (MDA) under non-oxidative conditions over 6 wt.% Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts calcined for different durations of time at 773 K have been investigated in combination with ex situ H-1 MAS NMR characterization. Prolongation of the calcination time at 773 K is in favor of the diffusion of the Mo species on the external surface and the migration of Mo species into the channels, resulting in a further decrease in the number of Bronsted acid sites, while causing only a slight change in the Mo contents of the bulk and in the framework structure of the HZSM-5 zeolite. The MoQ(x) species associated and non-associated with the Bronsted acid sites can be estimated quantitatively based on the 1H MAS NMR measurements as well as on the assumption of a stoichiometry ratio of 1: 1 between the Mo species and the Bronsted acid sites. Calcining the 6 wt.% Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst at 773 K for 18 h can cause the MoOx species to associate with the Bronsted acid sites, while a 6 Wt-% MO/SiO2 sample can be taken as a catalyst in which all MoOx species are non-associated with the Bronsted acid sites. The TOF data at different times on stream on the 6 wt.% Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst calcined at 773 K for 18 h and on the 6 Wt-% MO/SiO2 catalyst reveal that the MoCx species formed from MoOx associated with the Bronsted acid sites are more active and stable than those formed from MoOx non-associated with the Bronsted acid sites. An analysis of the TPO profiles recorded on the used 6 wt.% Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts calcined for different durations of time combined with the TGA measurements also reveals that the more of the MoCx species formed from MoOx species associated with the Br6nsted acid sites, the lower the amount of coke that will be deposited on it. The decrease of the coke amount is mainly due to a decrease in the coke burnt-off at high temperature. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Estudo sobre a biologia, comportamento, intensidade de infestacao e quantificacao das perdas causadas pela broca-do-fruto no cupuacuzeiro para fornecer informacoes e, desse modo, aumentar os conhecimento de como melhorar o manejo dessa praga. O trabalho foi realizado em duas fases: a) campo - coleta semanal dos frutos caidos ao chao, registando o numero de furos na casca e o de larvas no interior do fruto; b) laboratorio - as larvas do ultimo instar foram colocadas dentro de garrafas de plastico de 2l contendo mistura de vermiculita esterilizada por 1h, a 160°C, na proporcao de 2:1. O substrato foi umedecido com agua destilada e as garrafas mantidas a 27°C±2°C, em umidade relativa de 80%±10% e fotoperiodo de 12h:12h, para o desenvolvimento pupal. A regiao mediana dos frutos foi a preferida para a perfuracao de saida das larvas. O numero de larvas foi crescente de fevereiro a abril, epoca de maior producao de frutos. A duracao media para transformacao da larva do ultimo instar para a emergencia dos adultos foi de 65,34 dias, a viabilidade foi de 81,62%, e a raza sexual, 1:1. a intensidade de infestacao foi de 85,0% a 93,33%, com altas perdas na producao.


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Wydział Chemii


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Wydział Chemii: Zakład Biochemii


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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The research described in this thesis focuses, principally, on synthesis of stable α-diazosulfoxides and investigation of their reactivity under various reaction conditions (transition-metal catalysed, photochemical, thermal and microwave) with a particular emphasis on the reactive intermediates and mechanistic aspects of the reaction pathways involved. In agreement with previous studies carried out on these compounds, the key reaction pathway of α-diazosulfoxides was found to be hetero-Wolff rearrangement to give α-oxosulfine intermediates. However, a competing reaction pathway involving oxygen migration from sulfur to oxygen was also observed. Critically, isomerisation of α-oxosulfine stereoisomers was observed directly by 1H NMR spectroscopy in this work and this observation accounts for the stereochemical outcomes of the various cycloaddition reactions, whether carried out with in situ trapping or with preformed solutions of sulfines. Furthermore, matrix isolation experiments have shown that electrocyclisation of α-oxosulfines to oxathiiranes takes place and this verifies the proposed mechanisms for enol and disulfide formation. The introductory chapter includes a brief literature review of the synthesis and reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides prior to the commencement of research in this field by the Maguire group. The Wolff rearrangement is also discussed and the characteristic reactions of a number of reactive intermediates (sulfines, sulfenes and oxathiiranes) are outlined. The use of microwave-assisted organic synthesis is also examined, specifically, in the context of α-diazocarbonyl compounds as substrates. The second chapter describes the synthesis of stable monocyclic and bicyclic lactone derivatives of α-diazosulfoxides from sulfide precursors according to established experimental procedures. Approaches to precursors of ketone and sulfimide derivatives of α-diazosulfoxides are also described. The third chapter examines the reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides under thermal, microwave, rhodium(II)-catalysed and photochemical conditions. Comparison of the results obtained under thermal and microwave conditions indicates that there was no evidence for any effect, other than thermal, induced by microwave irradiation. The results of catalyst studies involving several rhodium(II) carboxylate and rhodium(II) carboxamidate catalysts are outlined. Under photochemical conditions, sulfur extrusion is a significant reaction pathway while under thermal or transition metal catalysed conditions, oxygen extrusion is observed. One of the most important observations in this work was the direct spectroscopic observation (by 1H NMR) of interconversion of the E and Z-oxosulfines. Trapping of the α-oxosulfine intermediates as cycloadducts by reaction with 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene proved useful both synthetically and mechanistically. As the stereochemistry of the α-oxosulfine is retained in the cycloadducts, this provided an ideal method for characterisation of this key feature. In the case of one α-oxosulfine, a novel [2+2] cycloaddition was observed. Preliminary experiments to investigate the reactivity of an α-diazosulfone under rhodium(II) catalysis and microwave irradiation are also described. The fourth chapter describes matrix isolation experiments which were carried out in Rühr Universität, Bochum in collaboration with Prof. Wolfram Sander. These experiments provide direct spectroscopic evidence of an α-oxosulfine intermediate formed by hetero-Wolff rearrangement of an α-diazosulfoxide and subsequent cyclisation of the sulfine to an oxathiirane was also observed. Furthermore, it was possible to identify which stereoisomer of the α-oxosulfine was present in the matrix. A preliminary laser flash photolysis experiment is also discussed. The experimental details, including all spectral and analytical data, are reported at the end of each chapter. The structural interpretation of 1H NMR spectra of the cycloadducts, described in Chapter 3, is discussed in Appendix I.


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This thesis is focused on transition metal catalysed reaction of α-diazoketones leading to aromatic addition to form azulenones, with particular emphasis on enantiocontrol through use of chiral copper catalysts. The first chapter provides an overview of the influence of variation of the substituent at the diazo carbon on the outcome of subsequent reaction pathways, focusing in particular on C-H insertion, cyclopropanation, aromatic addition and ylide formation drawing together for the first time input from a range of primary reports. Chapter two describes the synthesis of a range of novel α-diazoketones. Rhodium and copper catalysed cyclisation of these to form a range of azulenones is described. Variation of the transition metal catalyst was undertaken using both copper and rhodium based systems and ligand variation, including the design and synthesis of a novel bisoxazoline ligand. The influence of additives, especially NaBARF, on the enantiocontrol was explored in detail and displayed an interesting impact which was sensitive to substituent effects. Further exploration demonstrated that it is the sodium cation which is critical in the additive effects. For the first time, enantiocontrol in the aromatic addition of terminal diazoketones was demonstrated indicating enantiofacial control in the aromatic addition is feasible in the absence of a bridgehead substituent. Determination of the enantiopurity in these compounds was particularly challenging due to the lability of the products. A substantial portion of the work was focused on determining the stereochemical outcome of the aromatic addition processes, both the absolute stereochemistry and extent of enantiopurity. Formation of PTAD adducts was beneficial in this regard. The third chapter contains the full experimental details and spectral characterisation of all novel compounds synthesised in this project, while details of chiral stationary phase HPLC and 1H NMR analysis are included in the appendix.


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INTRODUCTION: Proteins that undergo receptor-mediated endocytosis are subject to lysosomal degradation, requiring radioiodination methods that minimize loss of radioactivity from tumor cells after this process occurs. To accomplish this, we developed the residualizing radioiodination agent N(ϵ)-(3-[(*)I]iodobenzoyl)-Lys(5)-N(α)-maleimido-Gly(1)-D-GEEEK (Mal-D-GEEEK-[(*)I]IB), which enhanced tumor uptake but also increased kidney activity and necessitates generation of sulfhydryl moieties on the protein. The purpose of the current study was to synthesize and evaluate a new D-amino acid based agent that might avoid these potential problems. METHODS: N(α)-(3-iodobenzoyl)-(5-succinimidyloxycarbonyl)-D-EEEG (NHS-IB-D-EEEG), which contains 3 D-glutamates to provide negative charge and a N-hydroxysuccinimide function to permit conjugation to unmodified proteins, and the corresponding tin precursor were produced by solid phase peptide synthesis and subsequent conjugation with appropriate reagents. Radioiodination of the anti-HER2 antibody trastuzumab using NHS-IB-D-EEEG and Mal-D-GEEEK-IB was compared. Paired-label internalization assays on BT474 breast carcinoma cells and biodistribution studies in athymic mice bearing BT474M1 xenografts were performed to evaluate the two radioiodinated D-peptide trastuzumab conjugates. RESULTS: NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG was produced in 53.8%±13.4% and conjugated to trastuzumab in 39.5%±7.6% yield. Paired-label internalization assays with trastuzumab-NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG and trastuzumab-Mal-D-GEEEK-[(125)I]IB demonstrated similar intracellular trapping for both conjugates at 1h ((131)I, 84.4%±6.1%; (125)I, 88.6%±5.2%) through 24h ((131)I, 60.7%±6.8%; (125)I, 64.9%±6.9%). In the biodistribution experiment, tumor uptake peaked at 48 h (trastuzumab-NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG, 29.8%±3.6%ID/g; trastuzumab-Mal-D-GEEEK-[(125)I]IB, 45.3%±5.3%ID/g) and was significantly higher for (125)I at all time points. In general, normal tissue levels were lower for trastuzumab-NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG, with the differences being greatest in kidneys ((131)I, 2.2%±0.4%ID/g; (125)I, 16.9%±2.8%ID/g at 144 h). CONCLUSION: NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG warrants further evaluation as a residualizing radioiodination agent for labeling internalizing antibodies/fragments, particularly for applications where excessive renal accumulation could be problematic.


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El arroz (Oryza sativa L.) es una especie cultivada en todo el mundo y las malezas constituyen uno de los principales factores que afectan su producción. El conocimiento del potencial alelopático de los diferentes cultivares regionales resulta fundamental en términos de posibles estrategias para el control de las mismas. Se evaluó el potencial alelopático en cultivares de arroz utilizados en la Mesopotamia argentina frente a Echinochloa crus galli L. A través de boiensayos RST (Relay Seeding Technique) se determinó que los cultivares El Paso 144 (EP) y Bluebonnet 50 (BB) presentaron mayor bioactividad que Cambá, Yeruá, Irga 147 y Supremo 13. Los posibles aleloquímicos relacionados al potencial inhibitorio fueron evaluados en las raíces de los dos cultivares fuertemente activos (EP) y (BB) y el menos bioactivo (Supremo 13). Mediante técnicas cromatográficas (CG y CLAR) y espectroscópicas (RMN 1H y 13C y EM) se determinó la presencia de hidrocarburos, aldehídos, cetonas, ácidos carboxílicos y sus ésteres metílicos en los extractos no polares. Los cultivares alelopáticos (BB y EP) presentaron mayor proporción de compuestos oxigenados que el no alelopático (Supremo 13). Se informa por primera vez la cetona 6,10,14-trimetil-2-pentadecanona en un cultivar de arroz alelopático. Todos los cultivares de arroz produjeron los ácidos cafeico, vanilico, siríngico, ferúlico y p-cumárico, siendo la concentración de este último mayor en los alelopáticos. En los extractos metanólicos de los cultivares alelopáticos se determinó la presencia del 3-O-? -D-glucopiranósido de sitosterol y de las momilactonas A y B que fueron caracterizadas por técnicas espectroscópicas. Estos resultados son los primeros en relació n al cultivo de arroz en Argentina y tienen utilidad potencial en el control de malezas, en términos del manejo sustentable de los agroecosistemas arroceros.


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The reaction of the five-membered C,N-palladacycle [(L)PdCl](2), where LH = 1-methyl-5-phenyl-1H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2(3H)-one, with 1,2-ethanebis(diphenylphosphine), dppe, leads to the formation of the bridged palladacycle. [Pd(2)L(2)(mu-dppe)Cl(2)] 3, which was characterised in solution by (1)H and (31)P NMR spectroscopy and in the solid state by X-ray crystallography. Complex 3 was tested in vitro against a number of cell lines. For example, it inhibited K562 leukaemia cells with an IC(50) value of 4.3 microM (1 h exposure) and displayed cathepsin B inhibitory action with an IC(50) value of 3 microM.


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Linear poly(amidoamine)s (PAAs) have been designed to exhibit minimal non-specific toxicity, display pH-dependent membrane lysis and deliver genes and toxins in vitro. The aim of this study was to measure PAA cellular uptake using ISA1-OG (and as a reference ISA23-OG) in B16F10 cells in vitro and, by subcellular fractionation, quantitate intracellular trafficking of (125)I-labelled ISA1-tyr in liver cells after intravenous (i.v.) administration to rats. The effect of time after administration (0.5-3h) and ISA1 dose (0.04-100mg/kg) on trafficking, and vesicle permeabilisation (N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) release from an isolated vesicular fraction) were also studied. ISA1-OG displayed approximately 60-fold greater B16F10 cell uptake than ISA23-OG. Passage of ISA1 along the liver cell endocytic pathway caused a transient decrease in vesicle buoyant density (also visible by TEM). Increasing ISA1 dose from 10mg/kg to 100mg/kg increased both radioactivity and NAG levels in the cytosolic fraction (5-10 fold) at 1h. Moreover, internalised ISA1 provoked NAG release from an isolated vesicular fraction in a dose-dependent manner. These results provide direct evidence, for the first time, of PAA permeabilisation of endocytic vesicular membranes in vivo, and they have important implications for potential efficacy/toxicity of such polymeric vectors.