992 resultados para variant surface glycoprotein (VSG)


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The swimming behavior exhibited by specimens of L. fasciatus and O. uniformis was analyzed frame-by-frame with video observation recorded with a digital camera, attached to a stereomicroscope. Adults of O. uniformis, an aquatic insect, swim with all three pairs of legs. During the process of swimming the majority of the abdomen and rostrum remain submerged, part of the fore and hind tibiae remain above the surface, while the mid tibiae remain submerged. The mesothoracic legs, during the power-stroke stage, provide the greatest thrust while the metathoracic legs provide the least forward propulsion. The prothoracic legs, extended forward, help to direct the swimming. The semi-aquatic specie L. fasciatus shows the same swimming style as O. uniformis, that is, with movement of all the three pairs of legs; the mesothoracic legs are responsible for the main propulsion. The insect body remains on the water surface during the process of swimming, while the legs remain submerged. Both species complete a swimming cycle in 0.33 and 0.32 seconds, respectively, with an average speed of 1.38 cm/s and a maximum and minimum swimming duration time of 11.15 and 5.05 minutes, respectively, for L. fasciatus. The swimming behavior exhibited by O. uniformis and L. fasciatus corresponds to the style known as a breast strokelike maneuver. This is the first record of this kind of swimming for both species here observed and increases to seven the number of genera of Curculionidae exhibiting this behavior.


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Plant trichomes can difficult the attachment and movement of small insects. Here, we examine the hypothesis that the success on the use of densely haired hosts by two cassidine species is determined by differential morphology and behavior. Larvae of Gratiana graminea (Klug, 1829) and Gratiana conformis (Boheman, 1854) move on the leaf surface of their host, Solanum guaraniticum Hassl by anchoring their tarsungulus on the trichome rays or by inserting the tarsungulus tip directly into epidermis. This kind of movement is only possible due to a similar tarsungulus shape among the species. Tarsungulus growth pattern is also similar between species, being relatively small on the posterior aperture, matching the diameter of the host plant trichome rays. The tarsungulus shape associated with differences on ontogenetic growth and attachment pattern allow these two Cassidinae larvae to efficiently move on the pubescent leaf surface of their host.


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Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) mediate neuronal communication at synapses throughout vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems. We have characterized a family of iGluR-related genes in Drosophila, which we name ionotropic receptors (IRs). These receptors do not belong to the well-described kainate, AMPA, or NMDA classes of iGluRs, and they have divergent ligand-binding domains that lack their characteristic glutamate-interacting residues. IRs are expressed in a combinatorial fashion in sensory neurons that respond to many distinct odors but do not express either insect odorant receptors (ORs) or gustatory receptors (GRs). IR proteins accumulate in sensory dendrites and not at synapses. Misexpression of IRs in different olfactory neurons is sufficient to confer ectopic odor responsiveness. Together, these results lead us to propose that the IRs comprise a novel family of chemosensory receptors. Conservation of IR/iGluR-related proteins in bacteria, plants, and animals suggests that this receptor family represents an evolutionarily ancient mechanism for sensing both internal and external chemical cues.


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We provide here a detailed protocol for studying the changes in electrical surface potential of leaves. This method has been developed over the years by plant physiologists and is currently used in different variants in many laboratories. The protocol records surface potential changes to measure long-distance electrical signals induced by diverse stimuli such as leaf wounding or current injection. This technique can be used to determine signaling speeds, to measure the connectivity between different plant organs and-by exploiting mutant plants-to identify transporters and ion channels involved in electrical signaling. The approach can be combined with the analysis of mRNA expression and of metabolite concentrations to correlate electrical signaling to specific physiological events. We describe how to use this protocol on Arabidopsis, looking at the effects of leaf wounding; however, it is broadly applicable to other plants and can be used to study other aspects of plant physiology. After wound infliction, surface potential recording takes ∼20 min per plant.


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We report the case of a congenital myasthenic syndrome due to a mutation in AGRN, the gene encoding agrin, an extracellular matrix molecule released by the nerve and critical for formation of the neuromuscular junction. Gene analysis identified a homozygous missense mutation, c.5125G>C, leading to the p.Gly1709Arg variant. The muscle-biopsy specimen showed a major disorganization of the neuromuscular junction, including changes in the nerve-terminal cytoskeleton and fragmentation of the synaptic gutters. Experiments performed in nonmuscle cells or in cultured C2C12 myotubes and using recombinant mini-agrin for the mutated and the wild-type forms showed that the mutated form did not impair the activation of MuSK or change the total number of induced acetylcholine receptor aggregates. A solid-phase assay using the dystrophin glycoprotein complex showed that the mutation did not affect the binding of agrin to alpha-dystroglycan. Injection of wild-type or mutated agrin into rat soleus muscle induced the formation of nonsynaptic acetylcholine receptor clusters, but the mutant protein specifically destabilized the endogenous neuromuscular junctions. Importantly, the changes observed in rat muscle injected with mutant agrin recapitulated the pre- and post-synaptic modifications observed in the patient. These results indicate that the mutation does not interfere with the ability of agrin to induce postsynaptic structures but that it dramatically perturbs the maintenance of the neuromuscular junction.


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1. ABSTRACTS - RÉSUMÉSSCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT - ENGLISH VERSIONGeometry, petrology and growth of a shallow crustal laccolith: the Torres del Paine Mafi c Complex (Patagonia)The Torres del Paine intrusive complex (TPIC) is a composite mafic-granitic intrusion, ~70km2, belonging to a chain of isolated Miocene plutons in southern Patagonia. Their position is intermediate between the Mesozoic-Cenozoic calc-alkaline subduction related Patagonian batholith in the West and the late Cenozoic alkaline basaltic back-arc related plateau lavas in the East. The Torres del Paine complex formed during an important reconfiguration of the Patagonian geodynamic setting, with a migration of magmatism from the arc to the back-arc, possibly related to the Chile ridge subductionThe complex intruded the flysch of the Cretaceous Cerro Toro and Punta Barrosa Formations during the Miocene, creating a well-defined narrow contact aureole of 200-400 m width.In its eastern part, the Torres del Paine intrusive complex is a laccolith, composed of a succession of hornblende-gabbro to diorite sills at its base, with a total thickness of ~250m, showing brittle contacts with the overlying granitic sills, that form spectacular cliffs of more than 1000m. This laccolith is connected, in the western part, to its feeding system, with vertical alternating sheets of layered gabbronorite and Hbl-gabbro, surrounded and percolated by diorites. ID-TIMS U-Pb on zircons on feeder zone (FZ) gab- bros yield 12.593±0.009Ma and 12.587±0.009Ma, which is identifcal within error to the oldest granite dated so far by Michel et al. (2008). In contrast, the laccolith mafic complex is younger than than the youngest granite (12.50±0.02Ma), and has been emplaced from 12.472±0.009Ma to 12.431 ±0.006Ma, by under-accretion beneath the youngest granite at the interface with previously emplaced mafic sills.The gabbronorite crystallization sequence in the feeder zone is dominated by olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene, while amphibole forms late interstitial crystals. The crystallization sequence is identical in Hornblende-gabbro from the feeder zone, with higher modal hornblende. Gabbronorite and Hornblende-gabbro both display distinct Eu and Sr positive anomalies. In the laccolith, a lower Hornblende-gabbro crystallized in sills and evolved to a high alkali shoshonitic series. The Al203, Ti02, Na20, K20, Ba and Sr composition of these gabbros is highly variable and increases up to ~50wt% Si02. The lower hornblende-gabbro is characterized by kaersutite anhedral cores with inclusions of olivine, clino- and orthopyroxene and rare apatite and An70 plagioclase. Trace element modelling indicates that hornblende and clinopyroxene are in equilibrium with a liquid whose composition is similar to late basaltic trachyandesitic dikes that cut the complex. The matrix in the lower hornblende gabbro is composed of normally zoned oligoclase, Magnesio-hornblende, biotite, ilmenite and rare quartz and potassium feldspar. This assemblage crystallized in-situ from a Ba and Sr-depleted melts. In contrast, the upper Hbl-gabbro is high-K calc-alkaline. Poikilitic pargasite cores have inclusions of euhedral An70 plagioclase inclusions, and contain occasionally clinopyroxene, olivine and orthopyroxene. The matrix composition is identical to the lower hornblende-gabbro and similar to the diorite. Diorite bulk rock compositions show the same mineralogy but different modal proportions relative to hornblende-gabbrosThe Torres del Paine Intrusive Complex isotopic composition is 87Sr/86Sr=0.704, 143Nd/144Nd=0.5127, 206Pb/204Pb=18.70 and 207Pb/204Pb=15.65. Differentiated dioritic and granitic units may be linked to the gabbroic cumulates series, with 20-50% trapped interstitial melt, through fractionation of olivine-bearing gabbronorite or hornblende-gabbro fractionation The relative homogeneity of the isotopic compositions indicate that only small amounts of assimilation occurred. Two-pyroxenes thermometry, clinopyroxene barometry and amphibole-plagioclase thermometry was used to estimate pressure and temperature conditions. The early fractionation of ultramafic cumulates occurs at mid to lower crustal conditions, at temperatures exceeding 900°C. In contrast, the TPIC emplacement conditions have been estimated to ~0.7±0.5kbar and 790±60°C.Based on field and microtextural observations and geochemical modelling, fractionation of basaltic-trachyandesitic liquids at intermediate to lower crustal levels, has led to the formation of the Torres del Paine granites. Repetitive replenishment of basaltic trachy- andesitic liquid in crustal reservoirs led to mixed magmas that will ascend via the feeder zone, and crystallize into a laccolith, in the form of successive dioritic and gabbroic sills. Dynamic fractionation during emplacement concentrated hornblende rich cumulates in the center of individual sills. Variable degrees.of post-emplacement compaction led to the expulsion of felsic liquids that preferentially concentrated at the top of the sills. Incremental sills amalgamation of the entire Torres del Paine Intrusive Complex has lasted for ~160ka.RESUME SCIENTIFIQUE - VERSION FRANÇAISEGéométrie, pétrologie et croissance d'un laccolite peu profond : Le complexe ma- fique du Torres del Paine (Patagonie)Le Complexe Intrusif du Torres del Paine (CITP) est une intrusion bimodale, d'environ 70km2, appartenant à une chaîne de plutons Miocènes isolés, dans le sud de la Patago-nie. Leur position est intermédiaire entre le batholite patagonien calco-alcalin, à l'Ouest, mis en place au Mesozoïque-Cenozoïque dans un contexte de subduction, et les basal-tes andésitiques et trachybasaltes alcalins de plateau, plus jeune, à l'Est, lié à l'ouverture d'un arrière-arc.A son extrémité Est, le CITP est une succession de sills de gabbro à Hbl et de diorite, sur une épaisseur de ~250m, avec des évidences de mélange. Les contacts avec les sills de granite au-dessus, formant des parois de plus de 1000m, sont cassants. Ce laccolite est connecté, dans sa partie Ouest, à une zone d'alimentation, avec des intrusions sub-ver- ticales de gabbronorite litée et de gabbro à Hbl, en alternance. Celles-ci sont traversées et entourées par des diorites. Les zircons des gabbros de la zone d'alimentation, datés par ID-TIMS, ont cristallisés à 12.593±0.009Ma et 12.587±0.009Ma, ce qui correspond au plus vieux granite daté à ce jour par Michel et al. (2008). A l'inverse, les roches manques du laccolite se sont mises en place entre 12.472±0.009Ma et 12.431 ±0.006Ma, par sous-plaquage successifs à l'interface avec le granite le plus jeune daté à ce jour (12.50±0.02Ma).La séquence de cristallisation des gabbronorites est dominée par Ol, Plg, Cpx et Opx, alors que la Hbl est un cristal interstitiel. Elle est identique dans les gabbros à Hbl de la zone d'alimentation, avec ~30%vol de Hbl. Les gabbros de la zone d'alimentation montrent des anomalies positives en Eu et Sr distinctes. Dans le laccolite, le gabbro à Hbl inférieur évolue le long d'une série shoshonitique, riche en éléments incompatibles. Sa concentration en Al203, Ti02, Na20, K20, Ba et Sr est très variable et augmente rapide-ment jusqu'à ~50wt% Si02. Il est caractérisé par la présence de coeurs résorbés de kaer- sutite, entourés de Bt, et contenant des inclusions d'OI, Cpx et Opx, ou alors d'Ap et de rares Plg (An70). Hbl et Cpx ont cristallisés à partir d'un liquide de composition similaire aux dykes trachy-andesite basaltique du CITP. La matrice, cristallisée in-situ à partir d'un liquide pauvre en Ba et Sr, est composée d'oligoclase zoné de façon simple, de Mg-Hbl, Bt, llm ainsi que de rares Qtz et KF. Le gabbro à Hbl supérieur, quant à lui, appartient à une suite chimique calco-alcaline riche en K. Des coeurs poecilitiques de pargasite con-tiennent de nombreuses inclusions de Plg (An70) automorphe, ainsi que des Ol, Cpx et Opx. La composition de la matrice est identique à celle des gabbros à Hbl inférieurs et toutes deux sont similaires à la minéralogie des diorites. Les analyses sur roches totales de diorites montrent la même variabilité que celles de gabbros à Hbl, mais avec une ten-eur en Si02 plus élevée.La composition isotopique des liquides primitifs du CITP a été mesurée à 87Sr/86Sr=0.704, 143Nd/144Nd=0.5127, 206Pb/204Pb=18.70 et 207Pb/204Pb=15.65. Les granites et diorites différenciés peuvent être reliés à des cumulais gabbronoritiques (F=0.74 pour les granites et F=1-0.5 pour les diorites) et gabbroïques à Hbl (fractionnement supplémentaire pour les granites, avec F=0.3). La cristallisation de 20 à 50%vol de liquide interstitiel piégé dans les gabbros du CITP explique leur signature géochimique. Seules de faibles quantités de croûte continentale ont été assimilées. La température et la pression de fractionnement ont été estimées, sur la base des thermobaromètres Opx-Cpx, Hbl-Plg et Cpx, à plus de 900°C et une profondeur correspondant à la croûte inférieure-moyenne. A l'inverse, les conditions de cristallisation de la matrice des gabbros et diorites du laccolite ont été estimées à 790±60°C et ~0.7±0.5kbar.Je propose que les liquides felsiques du CITP se soient formés par cristallisation frac-tionnée en profondeur des assemblages minéralogiques observés dans les gabbros du CITP, à partir d'un liquide trachy-andesite basaltique. La percolation de magma dans les cristaux accumulés permet la remontée du mélange à travers la zone d'alimentation, vers le laccolite, où des sills se mettent en place successivement. L'amalgamation de sills dans le CITP a duré ~160ka.Le CITP s'est formé durant une reconfiguration importante du contexte géodynamique en Patagonie, avec un changement du magmatisme d'arc vers un volcanisme d'arrière- arc. Ce changement est certainement lié à la subduction de la ride du Chili.RESUME GRAND PUBLIC - VERSION FRANÇAISEGéométrie, pétrologie et croissance d'une chambre magmatique peu profonde : Le complexe mafique du Torres del Paine (Patagonie)Le pourtour de l'Océan Pacifique est caractérisé par une zone de convergence de plaques tectoniques, appelée zone de subduction, avec le plongement de croûte océa-nique sous les Andes dans le cas de la Patagonie. De nombreux volcans y sont associés, formant la ceinture de feu. Mais seuls quelques pourcents de tout le magma traversant la croûte terrestre parviennent à la surface et la majeure partie cristallise en profondeur, dans des chambres magmatiques. Quelles est leur forme, croissance, cristallisation et durée de vie ? Le complexe magmatique du Torres del Paine représente l'un des meilleurs endroits au monde pour répondre à ces questions. Il se situe au sud de la Patagonie, formant un massif de 70km2. Des réponses peuvent être trouvées à différentes échelles, variant de la montagne à des minéraux de quelques 1000ème de millimètres.Il est possible de distinguer trois types de roches : des gabbros et des diorites sur une épaisseur de 250m, surmontées par des parois de granite de plus de 1000m. Les contacts entre ces roches sont tous horizontaux. Entre granites et gabbro-diorite, le contact est net, indiquant que le second magma s'est mis en place au contact avec un magma plus ancien, totalement solidifié. Entre gabbros et diorites, les contacts sont diffus, souvent non-linéaires, indiquant à l'inverse la mise en contact de magmas encore partiellement liquides. Dans la partie Ouest de cette chambre magmatique, les contacts entre roches sont verticaux. Il s'agit certainement du lieu de remplissage de la chambre magmatique.Lors du refroidissement d'un magma, différents cristaux vont se former. Leur stabilité et leur composition varient en fonction de la pression, de la température ou de la chimie du magma. La séquence de cristallisation peut être définie sur la base d'observations microscopiques et de la composition chimique des minéraux. Différents gabbros sont ainsi distingués : le gabbro à la base est riche en hornblende, d'une taille de ~5mm, sans inclusion de plagioclase mais avec des cristaux d'olivine, clinopyroxene et orthopyroxene inclus ; le gabbro supérieur est lui-aussi riche en hornblende (~5mm), avec les mêmes inclusions additionnées de plagioclase. Ces cristaux se sont formés à une température supérieure à 900°C et une profondeur correspondant à la croûte moyenne ou inférieure. Les minéraux plus fin, se trouvant hors des cristaux de hornblende des deux gabbros, sont similaires à ceux des diorites : plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, apatite, quartz et feldspath alcalin. Ces minéraux sont caractéristiques des granites. Ils ont cristallisé à ~790°C et ~2km de profondeur.La cristallisation des minéraux et leur extraction du magma par gravité provoque un changement progressif de la composition de ce dernier. Ainsi, après extraction d'olivine et d'orthopyroxene riches en Mg, de clinopyroxene riche en Ca, de plagioclase riche en Ca et Al et d'hornblende riche en Ca, Al et Mg, le liquide final sera appauvri en ces élé-ments. Un lien peut ainsi être proposé entre les diorites dont la composition est proche du liquide de départ, les granites dont la composition est similaire au liquide final, et les gabbros dont la minéralogie correspond aux minéraux extraits.L'utilisation de zircons, un minéral riche en U dont les atomes se transforment en Pb par décomposition radioactive au cours de millions d'années, permet de dater le refroidissement des roches qui les contiennent. Ainsi, il a été observé que les roches de la zone d'alimentation, à l'Ouest du complexe magmatique, ont cristallisés il y a 12.59±0.01 Ma, en même temps que les granites les plus vieux, se trouvant au sommet de la chambre magmatique, datés par Michel et al. (2008). Les deux roches pourraient donc avoir la même origine. A l'inverse, les gabbros et diorites de la chambre magmatique ont cristallisé entre 12.47±0.01Ma et 12.43±0.01Ma, les roches les plus vieilles étant à la base.En comparant la composition des roches du Torres del Paine avec celles d'autres en-tités géologiques de Patagonie, les causes du magmatisme peuvent être recherchées. A l'Ouest, on trouve en effet des intrusions granitiques, plus anciennes, caractéristiques de zones de convergence de plaque tectonique, alors qu'à l'Est, des laves basaltiques plus jeunes sont caractéristiques d'une dynamique d'extension. Sur la base des compositions chimiques des roches de ces différentes entités, l'évolution progressive de l'une à l'autre a pu être démontrée. Elle est certainement due à l'arrivée d'une dorsale océanique (zone d'extension crustale et de création de croûte océanique par la remontée de magma) dans la zone de subduction, le long des Andes.Je propose que, dans un premier temps, des magmas granitiques sont remontés dans la chambre magmatique, laissant d'importants volumes de cristaux dans la croûte pro-fonde. Dans un second épisode, les cristaux formés en profondeur ont été transportés à travers la croûte continentale, suite au mélange avec un nouveau magma injecté. Ces magmas chargés de cristaux ont traversé la zone d'alimentation avant de s'injecter dans la chambre magmatique. Différents puises ont été distingués, injectés dans la chambre magmatique du sommet à la base concernant les granites, puis à la base du granite le plus jeune pour les gabbros et diorites. Le complexe magmatique du Torres del Paine s'est construit sur une période totale de 160'000±20'000 ans.


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Cell surface receptors bind ligands expressed on other cells (in trans) in order to communicate with neighboring cells. However, an increasing number of cell surface receptors are found to also interact with ligands expressed on the same cell (in cis). These observations raise questions regarding the biological role of such cis interactions. Specifically, it is important to know whether cis and trans binding have distinct functional effects and, if so, how a single cell discriminates between interactions in cis versus trans. Further, what are the structural features that allow certain cell surface receptors to engage ligand both on the same as well as on an apposed cell membrane? Here, we summarize known examples of receptors that display cis-trans binding and discuss the emerging diversity of biological roles played by these unconventional two-way interactions, along with their structural basis.


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Maturation of the arenavirus GP precursor (GPC) involves proteolytic processing by cellular signal peptidase and the proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin isozyme 1 (SKI-1)/site 1 protease (S1P), yielding a tripartite complex comprised of a stable signal peptide (SSP), the receptor-binding GP1, and the fusion-active transmembrane GP2. Here we investigated the roles of SKI-1/S1P processing and SSP in the biosynthesis of the recombinant GP ectodomains of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and Lassa virus (LASV). When expressed in mammalian cells, the LCMV and LASV GP ectodomains underwent processing by SKI-1/S1P, followed by dissociation of GP1 from GP2. The GP2 ectodomain spontaneously formed trimers as revealed by chemical cross-linking. The endogenous SSP, known to be crucial for maturation and transport of full-length arenavirus GPC was dispensable for processing and secretion of the soluble GP ectodomain, suggesting a specific role of SSP in the stable prefusion conformation and transport of full-length GPC.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. La variant dialectal del català de Menorca conserva algunes paraules d'origen anglès arran de la dominació britànica del segle XVIII. L'autor d'aquest treball ha dut a terme una recerca per a comprovar la pervivència de les paraules que l'últim estudi realitzat el 1983 havia constatat que eren d'ús habitual i comprovar si el pas del temps, el contacte amb altres llengües i la normalització lingüística, amb la introducció del català com a llengua vehicular en l'educació i la recepció de canals de ràdio i de televisió en català normatiu, havien tingut l'efecte d'anar substituint aquests mots. A través d'un exhaustiu treball de camp, amb un total de cent noranta-set entrevistes realitzades a peu de carrer de manera proporcional als habitants de les diferents poblacions de l'illa, d'est a oest, el mateix nombre per a cada gènere i dividides en grups per trams d'edat, l'autor va recollir les dades, a partir de les quals va fer l'anàlisi per passar a la seva posterior interpretació tenint en compte totes aquestes variables (gènere, territori i trams d'edat). Altres informacions complementàries recollides en el treball de camp van servir per a recolzar les conclusions. S’ha evidenciat que l'ús dels anglicismes es pot dividir en quatre grups: el dels que han desaparegut de la parla habitual; el dels que el seu ús decreix en funció de l'edat de les persones entrevistades; evidenciant la seva gradual desaparició; el dels que s'usen només en determinades poblacions i el dels que es mantenen ben vives arreu de l'illa, la majoria lligades a les festes o tradicions o al món de l'educació. Contràriament a la hipòtesi inicial, l'estudi ha constatat que la desaparició no es produeix en favor del terme corresponent en català estàndard, sinó per un castellanisme.


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Adjustment of Na+ balance in extracellular fluids is achieved by regulated Na+ transport involving the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) in the distal nephron. In this context, ENaC is controlled by a number of hormones, including vasopressin, which promotes rapid translocation of water and Na+ channels to the plasma membrane and long-term effects on transcription of vasopressin-induced and -reduced transcripts. We have identified a mRNA encoding the deubiquitylating enzyme ubiquitin-specific protease 10 (Usp10), whose expression is increased by vasopressin at both the mRNA and the protein level. Coexpression of Usp10 in ENaC-transfected HEK-293 cells causes a more than fivefold increase in amiloride-sensitive Na+ currents, as measured by whole cell patch clamping. This is accompanied by a three- to fourfold increase in surface expression of alpha- and gamma-ENaC, as shown by cell surface biotinylation experiments. Although ENaC is well known to be regulated by its direct ubiquitylation, Usp10 does not affect the ubiquitylation level of ENaC, suggesting an indirect effect. A two-hybrid screen identified sorting nexin 3 (SNX3) as a novel substrate of Usp10. We show that it is a ubiquitylated protein that is degraded by the proteasome; interaction with Usp10 leads to its deubiquitylation and stabilization. When coexpressed with ENaC, SNX3 increases the channel's cell surface expression, similarly to Usp10. In mCCD(cl1) cells, vasopressin increases SNX3 protein but not mRNA, supporting the idea that the vasopressin-induced Usp10 deubiquitylates and stabilizes endogenous SNX3 and consequently promotes cell surface expression of ENaC


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BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis is a major cause of visual impairment and blindness among patients with uncontrolled HIV infections. Whereas polymorphisms in interferon-lambda 3 (IFNL3, previously named IL28B) strongly influence the clinical course of hepatitis C, few studies examined the role of such polymorphisms in infections due to viruses other than hepatitis C virus. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the association of newly identified IFNL3/4 variant rs368234815 with susceptibility to CMV-associated retinitis in a cohort of HIV-infected patients. DESIGN AND METHODS: This retrospective longitudinal study included 4884 white patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, among whom 1134 were at risk to develop CMV retinitis (CD4 nadir <100 /μl and positive CMV serology). The association of CMV-associated retinitis with rs368234815 was assessed by cumulative incidence curves and multivariate Cox regression models, using the estimated date of HIV infection as a starting point, with censoring at death and/or lost follow-up. RESULTS: A total of 40 individuals among 1134 patients at risk developed CMV retinitis. The minor allele of rs368234815 was associated with a higher risk of CMV retinitis (log-rank test P = 0.007, recessive mode of inheritance). The association was still significant in a multivariate Cox regression model (hazard ratio 2.31, 95% confidence interval 1.09-4.92, P = 0.03), after adjustment for CD4 nadir and slope, HAART and HIV-risk groups. CONCLUSION: We reported for the first time an association between an IFNL3/4 polymorphism and susceptibility to AIDS-related CMV retinitis. IFNL3/4 may influence immunity against viruses other than HCV.


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PURPOSE: This study aimed at examining the influence of different playing surfaces on in-shoe loading patterns in each foot (back and front) separately during the first serve in tennis. METHODS: Ten competitive tennis players completed randomly five first (ie, flat) serves on two different playing surfaces: clay vs GreenSet. Maximum and mean force, peak and mean pressure, mean area, contact area and relative load were recorded by Pedar insoles divided into 9 areas for analysis. RESULTS: Mean pressure was significantly lower (123 ± 30 vs 98 ± 26 kPa; -18.5%; P < .05) on clay than on GreenSet when examining the entire back foot. GreenSet induced higher mean pressures under the medial forefoot, lateral forefoot and hallux of the back foot (+9.9%, +3.5% and +15.9%, respectively; both P < .01) in conjunction with a trend toward higher maximal forces in the back hallux (+15.1%, P = .08). Peak pressures recorded under the central and lateral forefoot (+21.8% and +25.1%; P < .05) of the front foot but also the mean area values measured on the back medial and lateral midfoot were higher (P < .05) on clay. No significant interaction between foot region and playing surface on relative load was found. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that in-shoe loading parameters characterizing the first serve in tennis are adjusted according to the ground type surface. A lesser asymmetry in peak (P < .01) and mean (P < .001) pressures between the two feet was found on clay, suggesting a greater need for stability on this surface.


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Receptor activity modifying proteins RAMP1, RAMP2, and RAMP3 are responsible for defining affinity to ligands of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRLR). It has also been proposed that receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMP) are molecular chaperones required for CRLR transport to the cell surface. Here, we have studied the respective roles of CRLR and RAMP in transporting CRLR/RAMP heterodimers to the plasma membrane by using a highly specific binding assay that allows quantitative detection of cell surface-expressed CRLR or RAMP in the Xenopus oocytes expression system. We show that: (i) heterodimer assembly is not a prerequisite for efficient cell surface expression of CRLR, (ii) N-glycosylated RAMP2 and RAMP3 are expressed at the cell surface and their transport to the plasma membrane requires N-glycans, (iii) RAMP1 is not N-glycosylated and is transported to the plasma membrane only upon formation of heterodimers with CRLR, and (iv) introduction of N-glycosylation sites in the RAMP1 sequence (D58N/G60S, Y71N, and K103N/P105S) allows cell surface expression of these mutants at levels similar to that of wild-type RAMP1 co-expressed with CRLR. Our data argue against a chaperone function for RAMP and identify the role of N-glycosylation in targeting these molecules to the cell surface.


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A host genetic variant (-35C/T) correlates with increased human leukocyte antigen C (HLA-C) expression and improved control of HIV-1. HLA-C-mediated immunity may be particularly protective because HIV-1 is unable to remove HLA-C from the cell surface, whereas it can avoid HLA-A- and HLA-B-mediated immunity by Nef-mediated down-modulation. However, some individuals with the protective -35CC genotype exhibit high viral loads. Here, we investigated whether the ability of HIV-1 to replicate efficiently in the "protective" high-HLA-C-expression host environment correlates with specific functional properties of Nef. We found that high set point viral loads (sVLs) were not associated with the emergence of Nef variants that had acquired the ability to down-modulate HLA-C or were more effective in removing HLA-A and HLA-B from the cell surface. However, in individuals with the protective -35CC genotype we found a significant association between sVLs and the efficiency of Nef-mediated enhancement of virion infectivity and modulation of CD4, CD28, and the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II)-associated invariant chain (Ii), while this was not observed in subjects with the -35TT genotype. Since the latter Nef functions all influence the stimulation of CD4(+) T helper cells by antigen-presenting cells, they may cooperate to affect both the activation status of infected T cells and the generation of an antiviral cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response. In comparison, different levels of viremia in individuals with the common -35TT genotype were not associated with differences in Nef function but with differences in HLA-C mRNA expression levels. Thus, while high HLA-C expression may generally facilitate control of HIV-1, Nef may counteract HLA-C-mediated immune control in some individuals indirectly, by manipulating T-cell function and MHC-II antigen presentation.