924 resultados para two-step carcinogenesis
A woman's risk of breast cancer is strongly affected by her reproductive history. The hormonal milieu is also a key determinant of the course of the disease. Combining mouse genetics with tissue recombination techniques, we have established that the female reproductive hormones, estrogens, progesterone, and prolactin, act sequentially on the mammary epithelium to trigger distinct developmental steps. The hormones impinge directly on a subset of luminal mammary epithelial cells that express the respective hormone receptors and act as sensor cells translating and amplifying systemic signals into local stimuli. Local signaling is stage and age specific. During puberty, estrogens promote proliferation using the EGF family member, amphiregulin, as essential paracrine mediator. In adulthood, progesterone, rather than estrogen, is the major inducer of stem cell activation and cell proliferation of the mammary epithelium. Hormonal signaling modulates crucial developmental pathways that impinge on mammary stem cell populations, while Notch signaling, by inhibiting p63, is central to mammary cell fate determination. Cell proliferation occurs in two waves. The first results from direct stimulation of the small fraction of hormone receptor positive cells. It is followed by a second wave of progesterone-induced proliferation involving mostly hormone receptor negative cells, in which RANKL is a key mediator. A model in which repeated activation of paracrine signaling by progesterone with resulting stem cell activation promotes breast carcinogenesis is proposed.
Background: Urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration is routinely measured in all anti-doping laboratories to exclude the misuse of recombinant or urinary hCG preparations. In this study, extended validation of two commercial immunoassays for hCG measurements in urine was performed. Both tests were initially designed for hCG determination in human serum/plasma. Methods: Access (R) and Elecsys (R) 1010 are two automated immunoanalysers for central laboratories. The limits of detection and quantification, as well as intra-laboratory and inter-technique correlation, precision, and accuracy, were determined. Stability studies of hCG in urine following freezing and thawing cycles (n = 3) as well as storage conditions at room temperature, 4 degrees C and 20 degrees C, were performed. Results: Statistical evaluation of hCG concentrations in male urine samples (n = 2429) measured with the Elecsys (R) 1010 system enabled us to draw a skewed frequency histogram and establish a far outside value equal to 2.3 IU/L. This decision limit corresponds to the concentration at which a sportsman will be considered positive for hCG. Intra-assay precision for the Access (R) analyser was less than 4.0 A, whereas the inter-assay precision was closer to 4.5 % (concentrations of the official external controls contained between 5.5 and 195.0 IU/L). Intra and inter-assay precision for the Elecsys (R) 1010 analyser was slightly better. A good inter-technique correlation was obtained when measuring various urine samples (male and female). No urinary hCG loss was observed after two freeze/thaw cycles. On the other hand, time and inappropriate storage conditions, such as temperatures above 10 degrees C for more than 5 days, can deteriorate urinary hCG. Conclusions: Both analysers showed acceptable performances and are suitable for screening urine for anti-doping analyses. Each laboratory should validate and establish its own reference values because hCG concentrations measured in urine can be different from one immunoassay to another. The time delay between urine collection and analysis should be reduced as much as possible, and urine samples should be transported in optimal conditions to avoid a loss of hCG immunoreactivity.
Reliable quantification of the macromolecule signals in short echo-time H-1 MRS spectra is particularly important at high magnetic fields for an accurate quantification of metabolite concentrations (the neurochemical profile) due to effectively increased spectral resolution of the macromolecule components. The purpose of the present study was to assess two approaches of quantification, which take the contribution of macromolecules into account in the quantification step. H-1 spectra were acquired on a 14.1 T/26 cm horizontal scanner on five rats using the ultra-short echo-time SPECIAL (spin echo full intensity acquired localization) spectroscopy sequence. Metabolite concentrations were estimated using LCModel, combined with a simulated basis set of metabolites using published spectral parameters and either the spectrum of macromolecules measured in vivo, using an inversion recovery technique, or baseline simulated by the built-in spline function. The fitted spline function resulted in a smooth approximation of the in vivo macromolecules, but in accordance with previous studies using Subtract-QUEST could not reproduce completely all features of the in vivo spectrum of macromolecules at 14.1 T. As a consequence, the measured macromolecular 'baseline' led to a more accurate and reliable quantification at higher field strengths.
The Fáiltiú service provides information and advice on rights, entitlements and options to homeless people, or those at risk of homelessness. The objectives of this evaluation were to assess the information needs of users of the service, how effectively they were being met, and how they could be improved. Two focus groups of staff members and service users gave their views on the design and implementation of the research at the outset of the project. A screening questionnaire identified 78 people who used the Fáiltiú service in a specified time period, of whom 40 participated in the evaluation by giving their views on the service. The study reviewed the literature on homelessness, attempted to define the term, and examined the characteristics of homeless people and relevant Irish social policy. The conclusions reached were: users of the Fáiltiú service are marginalized in a number of ways and share characteristics related to poverty and social exclusion, such as poor educational qualifications, high levels of unemployment and experience of prison; their needs are multi-dimensional and include accommodation, financial, social and medical support, and access to employment and training services: the service needs to respond to these needs in a holistic way.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This study proposes a theoretical model describing the electrostatically driven step of the alpha 1 b-adrenergic receptor (AR)-G protein recognition. The comparative analysis of the structural-dynamics features of functionally different receptor forms, i.e., the wild type (ground state) and its constitutively active mutants D142A and A293E, was instrumental to gain insight on the receptor-G protein electrostatic and steric complementarity. Rigid body docking simulations between the different forms of the alpha 1 b-AR and the heterotrimeric G alpha q, G alpha s, G alpha i1, and G alpha t suggest that the cytosolic crevice shared by the active receptor and including the second and the third intracellular loops as well as the cytosolic extension of helices 5 and 6, represents the receptor surface with docking complementarity with the G protein. On the other hand, the G protein solvent-exposed portions that recognize the intracellular loops of the activated receptors are the N-terminal portion of alpha 3, alpha G, the alpha G/alpha 4 loop, alpha 4, the alpha 4/beta 6 loop, alpha 5, and the C-terminus. Docking simulations suggest that the two constitutively active mutants D142A and A293E recognize different G proteins with similar selectivity orders, i.e., G alpha q approximately equal to G alpha s > G alpha i > G alpha t. The theoretical models herein proposed might provide useful suggestions for new experiments aiming at exploring the receptor-G protein interface.
In this study we have demonstrated the potential of two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE)-based technologies as tools for characterization of the Leishmania proteome (the expressed protein complement of the genome). Standardized neutral range (pH 5-7) proteome maps of Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis and Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis promastigotes were reproducibly generated by 2DE of soluble parasite extracts, which were prepared using lysis buffer containing urea and nonidet P-40 detergent. The Coomassie blue and silver nitrate staining systems both yielded good resolution and representation of protein spots, enabling the detection of approximately 800 and 1,500 distinct proteins, respectively. Several reference protein spots common to the proteomes of all parasite species/strains studied were isolated and identified by peptide mass spectrometry (LC-ES-MS/MS), and bioinformatics approaches as members of the heat shock protein family, ribosomal protein S12, kinetoplast membrane protein 11 and a hypothetical Leishmania-specific 13 kDa protein of unknown function. Immunoblotting of Leishmania protein maps using a monoclonal antibody resulted in the specific detection of the 81.4 kDa and 77.5 kDa subunits of paraflagellar rod proteins 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, differences in protein expression profiles between distinct parasite clones were reproducibly detected through comparative proteome analyses of paired maps using image analysis software. These data illustrate the resolving power of 2DE-based proteome analysis. The production and basic characterization of good quality Leishmania proteome maps provides an essential first step towards comparative protein expression studies aimed at identifying the molecular determinants of parasite drug resistance and virulence, as well as discovering new drug and vaccine targets.
Most of oral targeted therapies are tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Oral administration generates a complex step in the pharmacokinetics (PK) of these drugs. Inter-individual PK variability is often large and variability observed in response is influenced not only by the genetic heterogeneity of drug targets, but also by the pharmacogenetic background of the patient (e.g. cytochome P450 and ABC transporter polymorphisms), patient characteristics such as adherence to treatment and environmental factors (drug-drug interactions). Retrospective studies have shown that targeted drug exposure, reflected in the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) correlates with treatment response (efficacy/toxicity) in various cancers. Nevertheless levels of evidence for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) are however heterogeneous among these agents and TDM is still uncommon for the majority of them. Evidence for imatinib currently exists, others are emerging for compounds including nilotinib, dasatinib, erlotinib, sunitinib, sorafenib and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors. Applications for TDM during oral targeted therapies may best be reserved for particular situations including lack of therapeutic response, severe or unexpected toxicities, anticipated drug-drug interactions and/or concerns over adherence treatment. Interpatient PK variability observed with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is comparable or slightly lower to that observed with TKIs. There are still few data with these agents in favour of TDM approaches, even if data showed encouraging results with rituximab, cetuximab and bevacizumab. At this time, TDM of mAbs is not yet supported by scientific evidence. Considerable effort should be made for targeted therapies to better define concentration-effect relationships and to perform comparative randomised trials of classic dosing versus pharmacokinetically-guided adaptive dosing.
Poor compliance with antihypertensive drug regimens is one recognized cause of inadequate blood pressure control. Compliance is difficult to measure, so poor adherence to treatment remains largely undiagnosed in clinical practice. When the therapeutic response to a drug is not the one expected, it is a major challenge for many physicians to decide whether the patient is a non-responder or a non-complier. Poor compliance is therefore often incorrectly interpreted as a lack of response to treatment. Not detecting non-compliance can lead to the wrong measures being taken. Electronic monitoring of compliance provides important longitudinal information about drug-intake behaviour that cannot be obtained in the clinic. Such monitoring can improve both compliance and blood pressure control, and help physicians to make more rational therapeutic decisions. A reliable assessment of compliance could have a great impact on medical costs by preventing unnecessary investigations or dose adaptations in patients who are not taking their drugs adequately, or potentially reducing the number of hospitalizations. Side-effects and lack of effectiveness are two frequent causes of poor compliance. The right choice of antihypertensive drug can therefore contribute to compliance. In this respect, it is important to find a drug regimen that is effective, long-acting and well tolerated. Long-acting antihypertensive drugs that provide good blood pressure control beyond the 24-h dosing period should perhaps be considered as drugs of choice in non-compliant patients with hypertension because they help to prevent the consequences of occasional drug omissions.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the l’ Institute for Computational Molecular Science of the Temple University, United States, from 2010 to 2012. Two-component systems (TCS) are used by pathogenic bacteria to sense the environment within a host and activate mechanisms related to virulence and antimicrobial resistance. A prototypical example is the PhoQ/PhoP system, which is the major regulator of virulence in Salmonella. Hence, PhoQ is an attractive target for the design of new antibiotics against foodborne diseases. Inhibition of the PhoQ-mediated bacterial virulence does not result in growth inhibition, presenting less selective pressure for the generation of antibiotic resistance. Moreover, PhoQ is a histidine kinase (HK) and it is absent in animals. Nevertheless, the design of satisfactory HK inhibitors has been proven to be a challenge. To compete with the intracellular ATP concentrations, the affinity of a HK inhibidor must be in the micromolar-nanomolar range, whereas the current lead compounds have at best millimolar affinities. Moreover, the drug selectivity depends on the conformation of a highly variable loop, referred to as the “ATP-lid, which is difficult to study by X-Ray crystallography due to its flexibility. I have investigated the binding of different HK inhibitors to PhoQ. In particular, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations have been combined with enhanced sampling techniques in order to provide structural and dynamic information of the conformation of the ATP-lid. Transient interactions between these drugs and the ATP-lid have been identified and the free energy of the different binding modes has been estimated. The results obtained pinpoint the importance of protein flexibility in the HK-inhibitor binding, and constitute a first step in developing more potent and selective drugs. The computational resources of the hosting institution as well as the experience of the members of the group in drug binding and free energy methods have been crucial to carry out this work.
Placental malaria is a special form of malaria that causes up to 200,000 maternal and infant deaths every year. Previous studies show that two receptor molecules, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate A, are mediating the adhesion of parasite-infected erythrocytes in the placenta of patients, which is believed to be a key step in the pathogenesis of the disease. In this study, we aimed at identifying sites of malaria-induced adaptation by scanning for signatures of natural selection in 24 genes in the complete biosynthesis pathway of these two receptor molecules. We analyzed a total of 24 Mb of publicly available polymorphism data from the International HapMap project for three human populations with European, Asian and African ancestry, with the African population from a region of presently and historically high malaria prevalence. Using the methods based on allele frequency distributions, genetic differentiation between populations, and on long-range haplotype structure, we found only limited evidence for malaria-induced genetic adaptation in this set of genes in the African population; however, we identified one candidate gene with clear evidence of selection in the Asian population. Although historical exposure to malaria in this population cannot be ruled out, we speculate that it might be caused by other pathogens, as there is growing evidence that these molecules are important receptors in a variety of host-pathogen interactions. We propose to use the present methods in a systematic way to help identify candidate regions under positive selection as a consequence of malaria.
This article reports on the results of the research done towards the fully automatically merging of lexical resources. Our main goal is to show the generality of the proposed approach, which have been previously applied to merge Spanish Subcategorization Frames lexica. In this work we extend and apply the same technique to perform the merging of morphosyntactic lexica encoded in LMF. The experiments showed that the technique is general enough to obtain good results in these two different tasks which is an important step towards performing the merging of lexical resources fully automatically.
Two common herbicides; isoproturon and bentazon, are strong skin irritants and cross the skin barrier easily. Assessment of percutaneous absorption of these substances is a very important step in the evaluation of any dermal or transdermal dose, especially among agricultural workers who frequently have dermal exposures during crop treatment. The aims of the study were to determine the permeation rate of human skin for both herbicides in vitro, and histologically evaluate skin damage due to irritation at different concentrations. Skin penetration was assessed using a dynamic flow-through in vitro penetration system and analysis were performed with ion trap LC-MS (acidified water: acetronitile, C18 column). Two concentrations of bentazon (75 and 150 μg/mL) and isoproturon (125 and 250 μg/mL) in saline solution were applied on excised human skin from several donors. Saline water was used as receptor fluid. Collection times were: 4, 8, and 24 hours. After the experiments, the skin was removed and examined by histopathology for apoptosis, acanthosis, acantholysis and epidermolysis. The skin permeation rate, J, was calculated from the slope of the cumulative amount permeated as a function of time. The lag time, tL, was assigned from the time-axis intercept of the extrapolation of this linearity. Our results showed that tL for bentazon and isoproturon for both concentrations tested were similar; 2, 1.5 hours, respectively. Bentazon had a lowerer J compared to isoproturon; 350, 600 ng/cm2/h, respectively. Some acanthosis was observed after 8 hours of exposure to either of the two substances. In conclusion, our in vitro experiments demonstrate that bentazon and isoproturon cross the skin barrier within 2 hours even at very low concentrations, and showed some signs of skin damage. Future tests involve concentrations found in commercial products.
Advanced stage follicular lymphoma is incurable by conventional treatment. Important progress has been observed with the development of new therapies based on monoclonal antibodies and on the use of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) in the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL). Rituximab in combination with chemotherapy in the upfront setting significantly improved treatment outcome as compared with chemotherapy alone. Different studies also indicate that RIT has an important role in the management of NHL and could be beneficial in combination with chemotherapy. These two new treatment options have clearly distinctive mechanisms of action, rituximab being an exclusively biological treatment and RIT adding targeted systemic radiation therapy. Both RIT and the unlabeled antibody treatments might be further improved by different strategies including repetition of RIT or combination of different antibodies. We present here our experience with RIT using 131I-tositumomab (Bexxar) and discuss different topics regarding RIT, like the use of different antibodies, the best choice of the radioisotope or the place of radio-imaging. From the therapeutic point of view, we argue that the debate should not be as to which one among antibody immunotherapy or RIT should be best added to chemotherapy, but that all three treatments might be optimally combined with the aim to get the highest chance of cure for advanced stage follicular lymphoma.
Boron deficiency causes large productivity losses in eucalypt stands in extensive areas of the Brazilian Cerrado region, thus understanding B mobility is a key step in selecting genetic materials that will better withstand B limitation. Thus, in this study B mobility was evaluated in two eucalypt clones (68 and 129), under B sufficiency or B deficiency, after foliar application of the 10B isotope tracer to a single mature leaf. Samples of young tissue, mature leaves and roots were collected 0, 1, 5, 12 and 17 days after 10B application. The 10B:11B isotope ratio was determined by HR-ICP-MS. Samples of leaves and xylem sap were collected for the determination of soluble sugars and polyalcohols by ion chromatography. Boron was translocated within eucalypt. Translocation of foliar-applied 10B to the young tissues, mature leaves and roots was higher in clone 129 than in 68. Seventeen days after 10B application to a single mature leaf, between 14 and 18 % of B in the young tissue was originated from foliar B application. In plants with adequate B supply the element was not translocated out of the labeled leaf.
Summary Skin, and more precisely the epidermis, plays a crucial role in our survival since it constitutes our first line of defense against our environment. A subtle equilibrium between proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes, the main epidermal cell type, provides a continous self-renewal of the epidermis, maintaining the integrity of this protective barrier. It is now well established that pertubation of the normal balance between proliferation and differentiation can induce development of several diseases including cancer. The aim of my thesis was first to characterize new genes involved in the differentiation process of keratinocytes and the formation of the epidermis. We show that cornulin, encoded by the c1orf10 gene, is a new marker of epidermal differentiation, mainly expressed in the suprabasal layers of the epidermis. Structurally, cornulin belongs to the "fused genes" protein family and contains a functional calcium-binding domain as well as two repeated sequences of 60 amino acids, the function of which remain unknown. The second part of my work aimed to identify new proteins interacting with CYLD. When mutated, CYLD is responsible for cylindromatosis, a predisposition to benign tumors of skin appendages mainly located on the scalp. CYLD is implicated in the NF-κB signalling pathway. We have identified HBO1 and p30, two nuclear proteins, as potential CYLD partners. Since CYLD was described as a negative regulator of NF-icB-mediated transcription, we have tested the putative effect of HBO1 and p30 on the regulation of this signalling pathway. We have shown that only HBO1 is able to inhibit NF-κB-mediated transactivation. The mechanism of action of HBO1 is still under investigation but our results suggest that an unknown cofactor is involved in this process. Résumé La peau est cruciale à notre survie car elle est notre première ligne de défense contre notre environnement. L'épiderme qui forme cette barrière protectrice entre le corps et l'environnement extérieur est continuellement renouvelé suite aux agressions physiques, chimiques et biologiques répétées qu'il subit. Le but de ce renouvellement étant de garantir l'intégrité de cette barrière. Le keratinocyte est le principal type cellulaire trouvé dans l'épiderme. La formation d'une barrière active dépend essentiellement de la faculté des kératinocytes à proliférer et à se différencier. Il est aujourd'hui admis que tout déséquilibre entre l'activité de prolifération et de différenciation des kératinocytes est la cause du développement de plusieurs maladies, dont certains cancers. Le but de ce travail de thèse était, dans un premier temps d'identifier ou de caractériser de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans le processus de différenciation afin de mieux comprendre la formation de l'épiderme. Noús avons ainsi démontré que la cornulin, produit du gène c1orf10, est un nouveau marqueur de la différenciation épidermique, principalement exprimé dans les couches suprabasales de l'épiderme. D'un point de vue structural, nous avons montré que cette protéine appartient à la famille des « fused gene » et qu'elle possède un domaine de liaison au calcium qui est fonctionnel et deux séquences répétées de 60 acides aminés dont la fonction est encore inconnue. La seconde partie de cette thèse était dédiée à l'étude de la cylindromatose, une prédisposition génétique à la formation de tumeurs bénignes, principalement localisées sur la tête et due à des mutations du gène CYLD. Nous avons cherché de nouvelles protéines qui interagissent avec CYLD afin de mieux caractériser les voies de signalisation impliquées dans le développement de la maladie. Nous avons ainsi identifiés deux nouveaux partenaires potentiels de CYLD ; HBO1 et p30 CYLD ayant été décrit comme un régulateur négatif de la transcription médiée par NF-κB; nous avons testé l'implication de HBO1 et p30 au niveau de cette activité transcriptionnelle. Nous montrons que seul HBO1 est capable d'inhiber la transactivation d'un gène rapporteur régulé par NF-κB. Le mécanisme d'action de HBO1 n'est pas encore connu, néanmoins nos résultats suggèrent l'intervention d'un cofacteur qui reste à déterminer.