930 resultados para triple bottom line
This paper proposes a high current impedance matching method for narrowband power-line communication (NPLC) systems. The impedance of the power-line channel is time and location variant; therefore, coupling circuitry and the channel are not usually matched. This not only results in poor signal integrity at the receiving end, but also leads to a higher transmission power requirement to secure the communication process. To offset this negative effect, a high-current adaptive impedance circuit to enable impedance matching in power-line networks is reported. The approach taken is to match the channel impedance of N-PLC systems is based on the General Impedance Converter (GIC). In order to achieve high current a special coupler in which the inductive impedance can be altered by adjusting a microcontroller controlled digital resistor is demonstrated. It is shown that the coupler works well with heavy load current in power line networks. It works in both low and high transmitting current modes, a current as high as 760 mA has been obtained. Besides, compared with other adaptive impedance couplers, the advantages include higher matching resolution and a simple control interface. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the operation of the coupler. © 2011 IEEE.
We address the problem of face recognition by matching image sets. Each set of face images is represented by a subspace (or linear manifold) and recognition is carried out by subspace-to-subspace matching. In this paper, 1) a new discriminative method that maximises orthogonality between subspaces is proposed. The method improves the discrimination power of the subspace angle based face recognition method by maximizing the angles between different classes. 2) We propose a method for on-line updating the discriminative subspaces as a mechanism for continuously improving recognition accuracy. 3) A further enhancement called locally orthogonal subspace method is presented to maximise the orthogonality between competing classes. Experiments using 700 face image sets have shown that the proposed method outperforms relevant prior art and effectively boosts its accuracy by online learning. It is shown that the method for online learning delivers the same solution as the batch computation at far lower computational cost and the locally orthogonal method exhibits improved accuracy. We also demonstrate the merit of the proposed face recognition method on portal scenarios of multiple biometric grand challenge.
The Common Octopus, Octopus vulgaris, is an r-selected mollusk found off the coast of North Carolina that interests commercial fishermen because of its market value and the cost-effectiveness of unbaited pots that can catch it. This study sought to: 1) determine those gear and environmental factors that influenced catch rates of octopi, and 2) evaluate the feasibility of small-scale commercial operations for this species. Pots were fished from August 2010 through September 2011 set in strings over hard and sandy bottom in waters from 18 to 30 m deep in Onslow Bay, N.C. Three pot types were fished in each string; octopus pots with- and without lids, and conch pots. Proportional catch was modeled as a function of gear design and environmental factors (location, soak time, bottom type, and sea surface water temperature) using binomially distributed generalized linear models (GLM’s); parsimony of each GLM was assessed with Akaike Information Criteria (AIC). A total of 229 octopi were caught throughout the study. Pots with lids, pots without lids, and conch pots caught an average of 0.15, 0.17, and 0.11 octopi, respectively, with high variability in catch rates for each pot type. The GLM that best fit the data described proportional catch as a function of sea surface temperature, soak time, and station; greatest proportional catches occurred over short soak times, warmest temperatures, and less well known reef areas. Due to operating expenses (fuel, crew time, and maintenance), low catch rates of octopi, and high gear loss, a directed fishery for this species is not economically feasible at the catch rates found in this study. The model fitting to determine factors most influential on catch rates should help fishermen determine seasons and gear soak times that are likely to maximize catch rates. Potting for octopi may be commercially practical as a supplemental activity when targeting demersal fish species that are found in similar habitats and depth ranges in coastal waters off North Carolina.
A study was initiated in May 2011, under the direction of the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Deepwater Benthic Communities Technical Working Group (NRDA Deep Benthic TWG), to assess potential impacts of the DWH oil spill on sediments and resident benthic fauna in deepwater (> 200 meters) areas of the Gulf. Key objectives of the study were to complete the analysis of samples from 65 priority stations sampled in September-October 2010 on two DWH Response cruises (Gyre and Ocean Veritas) and from 38 long-term monitoring sites (including a subset of 35 of the original 65) sampled on a follow-up NRDA cruise in May-June 2011. The present progress report provides a brief summary of results from the initial processing of samples from fall 2010 priority sites (plus three additional historical sites). Data on key macrofaunal, meiofaunal, and abiotic environmental variables are presented for each of these samples and additional maps are included to depict spatial patterns in these variables throughout the study region. The near-field zone within about 3 km of the wellhead, where many of the stations showed evidence of impaired benthic condition (e.g. low taxa richness, high nematode/harpacticoid-copepod ratios), also is an area that contained some of the highest concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (total PAHs), and barium in sediments (as possible indicators of DWH discharges). There were similar co-occurrences at other sites outside this zone, especially to the southwest of the wellhead out to about 15 km. However, there also were exceptions to this pattern, for example at several farther-field sites in deeper-slope and canyon locations where there was low benthic species richness but no evidence of exposure to DWH discharges. Such cases are consistent with historical patterns of benthic distributions in relation to natural controlling factors such as depth, position within canyons, and availability of organic matter derived from surface-water primary production.