982 resultados para topological insulator


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Nb is one of the common refractory elements added in Ni, Co and Fe based superalloys. This lead to the formation of brittle topological close packed (tcp) mu phase, which is deleterious to the structure. It mainly grows by interdiffusion and in the present article, the interdiffusion process in different Nb-X (X=Ni, Co, Fe) systems is discussed. The activation energy for interdiffusion is lower in the Co-Nb system (173 kJ/mol) than Fe-Nb system (233 kJ/mol), which is again lower than the value found in the Ni-Nb system (319.7 kJ/mol). The mole fraction of Nb in this phase is less than Fe or Co at stoichiometric compositions in the Nb-Fe (that is Fe7Nb6) and Nb-Co (that is Co7Nb6) systems. On the other hand, the mole fraction of Nb is higher than Ni in the same phase (Ni6Nb2) in Ni-Nb system. However, in all the phases, Nb has lower diffusion rate. Possible diffusion mechanism in this phase is discussed with respect to the crystal structure.


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The fidelity of the folding pathways being encoded in the amino acid sequence is met with challenge in instances where proteins with no sequence homology, performing different functions and no apparent evolutionary linkage, adopt a similar fold. The problem stated otherwise is that a limited fold space is available to a repertoire of diverse sequences. The key question is what factors lead to the formation of a fold from diverse sequences. Here, with the NAD(P)-binding Rossmann fold domains as a case study and using the concepts of network theory, we have unveiled the consensus structural features that drive the formation of this fold. We have proposed a graph theoretic formalism to capture the structural details in terms of the conserved atomic interactions in global milieu, and hence extract the essential topological features from diverse sequences. A unified mathematical representation of the different structures together with a judicious concoction of several network parameters enabled us to probe into the structural features driving the adoption of the NAD(P)-binding Rossmann fold. The atomic interactions at key positions seem to be better conserved in proteins, as compared to the residues participating in these interactions. We propose a ``spatial motif'' and several ``fold specific hot spots'' that form the signature structural blueprints of the NAD(P)-binding Rossmann fold domain. Excellent agreement of our data with previous experimental and theoretical studies validates the robustness and validity of the approach. Additionally, comparison of our results with statistical coupling analysis (SCA) provides further support. The methodology proposed here is general and can be applied to similar problems of interest.


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Background: The correlation of genetic distances between pairs of protein sequence alignments has been used to infer protein-protein interactions. It has been suggested that these correlations are based on the signal of co-evolution between interacting proteins. However, although mutations in different proteins associated with maintaining an interaction clearly occur (particularly in binding interfaces and neighbourhoods), many other factors contribute to correlated rates of sequence evolution. Proteins in the same genome are usually linked by shared evolutionary history and so it would be expected that there would be topological similarities in their phylogenetic trees, whether they are interacting or not. For this reason the underlying species tree is often corrected for. Moreover processes such as expression level, are known to effect evolutionary rates. However, it has been argued that the correlated rates of evolution used to predict protein interaction explicitly includes shared evolutionary history; here we test this hypothesis. Results: In order to identify the evolutionary mechanisms giving rise to the correlations between interaction proteins, we use phylogenetic methods to distinguish similarities in tree topologies from similarities in genetic distances. We use a range of datasets of interacting and non-interacting proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find that the signal of correlated evolution between interacting proteins is predominantly a result of shared evolutionary rates, rather than similarities in tree topology, independent of evolutionary divergence. Conclusions: Since interacting proteins do not have tree topologies that are more similar than the control group of non-interacting proteins, it is likely that coevolution does not contribute much to, if any, of the observed correlations.


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Topoisomerases (topos) maintain DNA topology and influence DNA transaction processes by catalysing relaxation, supercoiling and decatenation reactions. In the cellular milieu, division of labour between different topos ensures topological homeostasis and control of central processes. In Escherichia coli, DNA gyrase is the principal enzyme that carries out negative supercoiling, while topo IV catalyses decatenation, relaxation and unknotting. DNA gyrase apparently has the daunting task of undertaking both the enzyme functions in mycobacteria, where topo IV is absent. We have shown previously that mycobacterial DNA gyrase is an efficient decatenase. Here, we demonstrate that the strong decatenation property of the enzyme is due to its ability to capture two DNA segments in trans. Topo IV, a strong dedicated decatenase of E. coli, also captures two distinct DNA molecules in a similar manner. In contrast, E. coli DNA gyrase, which is a poor decatenase, does not appear to be able to hold two different DNA molecules in a stable complex. The binding of a second DNA molecule to GyrB/ParE is inhibited by ATP and the non-hydrolysable analogue, AMPPNP, and by the substitution of a prominent positively charged residue in the GyrB N-terminal cavity, suggesting that this binding represents a potential T-segment positioned in the cavity. Thus, after the GyrA/ParC mediated initial DNA capture, GyrB/ParE would bind efficiently to a second DNA in trans to form a T-segment prior to nucleotide binding and closure of the gate during decatenation.


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Intrinsically disordered proteins, IDPs, are proteins that lack a rigid 3D structure under physiological conditions, at least in vitro. Despite the lack of structure, IDPs play important roles in biological processes and transition from disorder to order upon binding to their targets. With multiple conformational states and rapid conformational dynamics, they engage in myriad and often ``promiscuous'' interactions. These stochastic interactions between IDPs and their partners, defined here as conformational noise, is an inherent characteristic of IDP interactions. The collective effect of conformational noise is an ensemble of protein network configurations, from which the most suitable can be explored in response to perturbations, conferring protein networks with remarkable flexibility and resilience. Moreover, the ubiquitous presence of IDPs as transcriptional factors and, more generally, as hubs in protein networks, is indicative of their role in propagation of transcriptional (genetic) noise. As effectors of transcriptional and conformational noise, IDPs rewire protein networks and unmask latent interactions in response to perturbations. Thus, noise-driven activation of latent pathways could underlie state-switching events such as cellular transformation in cancer. To test this hypothesis, we created a model of a protein network with the topological characteristics of a cancer protein network and tested its response to a perturbation in presence of IDP hubs and conformational noise. Because numerous IDPs are found to be epigenetic modifiers and chromatin remodelers, we hypothesize that they could further channel noise into stable, heritable genotypic changes.


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Points-to analysis is a key compiler analysis. Several memory related optimizations use points-to information to improve their effectiveness. Points-to analysis is performed by building a constraint graph of pointer variables and dynamically updating it to propagate more and more points-to information across its subset edges. So far, the structure of the constraint graph has been only trivially exploited for efficient propagation of information, e.g., in identifying cyclic components or to propagate information in topological order. We perform a careful study of its structure and propose a new inclusion-based flow-insensitive context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm based on the notion of dominant pointers. We also propose a new kind of pointer-equivalence based on dominant pointers which provides significantly more opportunities for reducing the number of pointers tracked during the analysis. Based on this hitherto unexplored form of pointer-equivalence, we develop a new context-sensitive flow-insensitive points-to analysis algorithm which uses incremental dominator update to efficiently compute points-to information. Using a large suite of programs consisting of SPEC 2000 benchmarks and five large open source programs we show that our points-to analysis is 88% faster than BDD-based Lazy Cycle Detection and 2x faster than Deep Propagation. We argue that our approach of detecting dominator-based pointer-equivalence is a key to improve points-to analysis efficiency.


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CdTe thin films of 500 thickness prepared by thermal evaporation technique were analyzed for leakage current and conduction mechanisms. Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors were fabricated using these films as a dielectric. These films have many possible applications, such as passivation for infrared diodes that operate at low temperatures (80 K). Direct-current (DC) current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements were performed on these films. Furthermore, the films were subjected to thermal cycling from 300 K to 80 K and back to 300 K. Typical minimum leakage currents near zero bias at room temperature varied between 0.9 nA and 0.1 mu A, while low-temperature leakage currents were in the range of 9.5 pA to 0.5 nA, corresponding to resistivity values on the order of 10(8) a''broken vertical bar-cm and 10(10) a''broken vertical bar-cm, respectively. Well-known conduction mechanisms from the literature were utilized for fitting of measured I-V data. Our analysis indicates that the conduction mechanism in general is Ohmic for low fields < 5 x 10(4) V cm(-1), while the conduction mechanism for fields > 6 x 10(4) V cm(-1) is modified Poole-Frenkel (MPF) and Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling at room temperature. At 80 K, Schottky-type conduction dominates. A significant observation is that the film did not show any appreciable degradation in leakage current characteristics due to the thermal cycling.


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In this paper, a simple but accurate semi analytical charge sheet model is presented for threshold voltage of accumulation mode polycrystalline silicon on insulator (PSOI) MOSFETs. In this model, we define the threshold voltage (V-T) of the polysilicon accumulation mode MOSFET as the gate voltage required to raise the surface potential (phi(s)) to a value phi(sT) necessary to overcome the charge trapping in the grain boundary and to create channel accumulation charge that is equal to the channel accumulation charge available in the case of single crystal silicon accumulation mode MOSFET at that phi(sT). The correctness of the model is demonstrated by comparing the theoretically estimated values of threshold voltage with the experimentally measured threshold voltages on the accumulation mode PSOI MOSFETs fabricated in the laboratory using LPCVD polysilicon layers doped with boron to achieve dopant densities in the range 3.3 x 10(-15)-5 x 10(17)/cm(3). Further, it is shown that the threshold voltage values of accumulation mode PSOI MOSFETs predicted by the present model match very closely with the experimental results, better than those obtained with the models previously reported in the literature. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the simulation and analytical results obtained for homogenous or bulk sensing of protein on Siliconon- insulator strip waveguide based microring resonator. The radii of the rings considered are 5 μm and 20 μm; the waveguide dimensions are 300 × 300 nm. A gap of (i) 200 nm and (ii) 300 nm exists between the ring and the bus waveguide. The biomaterial is uniformly distributed over a thickness which exceeds the evanescent field penetration depth of 150 nm. The sensitivities of the resonators are 32.5 nm/RIU and 17.5 nm/RIU (RIU - Refractive index unit) respectively.


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Mn- doped SrTiO3.0, when synthesized free of impurities, is a paramagnetic insulator with interesting dielectric properties. Since delocalized charge carriers are known to promote ferromagnetism in a large number of systems via diverse mechanisms, we have looked for the possibility of any intrinsic, spontaneous magnetization by simultaneous doping of Mn ions and electrons into SrTiO3 via oxygen vacancies, thereby forming SrTi1-xMnxO3-delta, to the extent of making the doped system metallic. We find an absence of any enhancement of the magnetization in the metallic sample when compared with a similarly prepared Mn doped, however, insulating sample. Our results, thus, are not in agreement with a recent observation of a weak ferromagnetism in metallic Mn doped SrTiO3 system.


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Traction insulators are solid core insulators widely used for railway electrification. Constant exposure to detrimental effects of vandalism, and mechanical vibrations begets certain faults like shorting of sheds or cracks in the sheds. Due to fault in one/two sheds, stress on the remaining healthy sheds increases, owing to atmospheric pollution the stress may lead to a flashover of the insulator. Presently due to non availability of the electric stress data for the insulators, simulation study is carried out to find the potential and electric field for most widely used traction insulators in the country. The results of potential and electric field stress obtained for normal and faulty imposed insulators are presented.


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We present a unified study of the effect of periodic, quasiperiodic, and disordered potentials on topological phases that are characterized by Majorana end modes in one-dimensional p-wave superconducting systems. We define a topological invariant derived from the equations of motion for Majorana modes and, as our first application, employ it to characterize the phase diagram for simple periodic structures. Our general result is a relation between the topological invariant and the normal state localization length. This link allows us to leverage the considerable literature on localization physics and obtain the topological phase diagrams and their salient features for quasiperiodic and disordered systems for the entire region of parameter space. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.146404


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Three new compounds of bismuth, C4N2H10]center dotBi(C7H4NO4)(C7H3NO4)]center dot H2O, I, Bi(C5H3N2O4) (C5H2N2O4)], II, and Bi(mu(2)-OH)(C7H3NO4)], III, have been prepared by the reaction between bismuth nitrate and heterocyclic aromatic dicarboxylic acids, 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, 4,5-imidazoledicarboxylic acid, and 3,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, respectively, under hydrothermal conditions. The structures of all the compounds have linkages between Bi2O2 and the corresponding dicarboxylate forming a simple molecular unit in I, a bilayer arrangement in II, and a three-dimensional extended structure in III. The topological arrangement of the nodal building units in the structures indicates that a brucite-related layer (II) and fluorite-related arrangement (III) can be realized in these structures. By utilizing the secondary interactions, one can correlate the structure of III to a Kagome-related one. The observation of such classical inorganic related structures in the bismuth carboxylates is noteworthy. Lewis acid catalytic studies on the formation of ketal suggest the possible participatory role of the lone pair of electrons. All the compounds are characterized employing elemental analysis, IR, UV-vis, and thermal studies.


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Kinetically frustrated bosons at half filling in the presence of a competing nearest-neighbor repulsion support a wide supersolid regime on the two-dimensional triangular lattice. We study this model on a two-leg ladder using the finite-size density-matrix renormalization-group method, obtaining a phase diagram which contains three phases: a uniform superfluid (SF), an insulating charge density wave (CDW) crystal, and a bond ordered insulator (BO). We show that the transitions from SF to CDW and SF to BO are continuous in nature, with critical exponents varying continuously along the phase boundaries, while the transition from CDW to BO is found to be first order. The phase diagram is also found to contain an exactly solvable Majumdar Ghosh point, and reentrant SF to CDW phase transitions.


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This paper reports on the fabrication of cantilever silicon-on-insulator (SOI) optical waveguides and presents solutions to the challenges of using a very thin 260-nm active silicon layer in the SOI structure to enable single-transverse-mode operation of the waveguide with minimal optical transmission losses. In particular, to ameliorate the anchor effect caused by the mean stress difference between the active silicon layer and buried oxide layer, a cantilever flattening process based on Ar plasma treatment is developed and presented. Vertical deflections of 0.5 mu m for 70-mu m-long cantilevers are mitigated to within few nanometers. Experimental investigations of cantilever mechanical resonance characteristics confirm the absence of significant detrimental side effects. Optical and mechanical modeling is extensively used to supplement experimental observations. This approach can satisfy the requirements for on-chip simultaneous readout of many integrated cantilever sensors in which the displacement or resonant frequency changes induced by analyte absorption are measured using an optical-waveguide-based division multiplexed system.