880 resultados para thermoplastic extrusion


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Empirical data suggest that the race of calving of grounded glaciers terminating in water is directly proportional to the water depth. Important controls on calving may be the extent to which a calving face tends to become oversteepened by differential flow within the ice and the extent to which bending moments promote extrusion and bottom crevassing at the base of a calving face. Numerical modelling suggests that the tendency to become oversteepened increases roughly linearly with water depth. In addition, extending longitudinal deviatoric stresses at the base of a calving face increase with water depth. These processes provide a possible physical explanation for the observed calving-rate/water-depth relation.


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OBJECTIVE To describe the influence of fenestration at the disc herniation site on recurrence in thoracolumbar disc disease of chondrodystrophoid dogs. STUDY DESIGN Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS Chondrodystrophic dogs (n=19). METHODS Dogs were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (9 dogs) had thoracolumbar disc extrusion (Hansen type I) treated by hemilaminectomy and concomitant fenestration of the affected intervertebral disc and group 2 (10 dogs) had hemilaminectomy without fenestration. All dogs had 3 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations: preoperatively, immediately postoperatively to assess removal of herniated disc material, and again 6 weeks after surgery. RESULTS There were 13 male and 6 female dogs; mean age, 7.1 years. Thoracolumbar disc herniation was confirmed with MRI. Immediate post surgical MRI revealed that the herniated disc removal was complete in all but 1 dog and that fenestration did not lead to complete removal of nucleus pulposus within the intervertebral disc space. On the 3rd MRI examination, none of the group 1 dogs had further disc material herniation at the fenestrated site. Six of the 10 group 2 dogs had a recurrence of herniation leading to clinical signs in 3 dogs (pain in 2 dogs, paresis in 1 dog). CONCLUSION In thoracolumbar disc herniation, fenestration of the affected intervertebral disc space prevents further extrusion of disc material. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Fenestration reduces the risk of early recurrence of disc herniation and associated postoperative complications.


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BACKGROUND Severe femoral head deformities in the frontal plane such as hips with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) are not contained by the acetabulum and result in hinged abduction and impingement. These rare deformities cannot be addressed by resection, which would endanger head vascularity. Femoral head reduction osteotomy allows for reshaping of the femoral head with the goal of improving head sphericity, containment, and hip function. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES Among hips with severe asphericity of the femoral head, does femoral head reduction osteotomy result in (1) improved head sphericity and containment; (2) pain relief and improved hip function; and (3) subsequent reoperations or complications? METHODS Over a 10-year period, we performed femoral head reduction osteotomies in 11 patients (11 hips) with severe head asphericities resulting from LCPD (10 hips) or disturbance of epiphyseal perfusion after conservative treatment of developmental dysplasia (one hip). Five of 11 hips had concomitant acetabular containment surgery including two triple osteotomies, two periacetabular osteotomies (PAOs), and one Colonna procedure. Patients were reviewed at a mean of 5 years (range, 1-10 years), and none was lost to followup. Mean patient age at the time of head reduction osteotomy was 13 years (range, 7-23 years). We obtained the sphericity index (defined as the ratio of the minor to the major axis of the ellipse drawn to best fit the femoral head articular surface on conventional anteroposterior pelvic radiographs) to assess head sphericity. Containment was assessed evaluating the proportion of patients with an intact Shenton's line, the extrusion index, and the lateral center-edge (LCE) angle. Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score and range of motion (flexion, internal/external rotation in 90° of flexion) were assessed to measure pain and function. Complications and reoperations were identified by chart review. RESULTS At latest followup, femoral head sphericity (72%; range, 64%-81% preoperatively versus 85%; range, 73%-96% postoperatively; p = 0.004), extrusion index (47%; range, 25%-60% versus 20%; range, 3%-58%; p = 0.006), and LCE angle (1°; range, -10° to 16° versus 26°; range, 4°-40°; p = 0.0064) were improved compared with preoperatively. With the limited number of hips available, the proportion of an intact Shenton's line (64% versus 100%; p = 0.087) and the overall Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score (14.5; range, 12-16 versus 15.7; range, 12-18; p = 0.072) remained unchanged at latest followup. The Merle d'Aubigné-Postel pain subscore improved (3.5; range, 1-5 versus 5.0; range, 3-6; p = 0.026). Range of motion was not observed to have improved with the numbers available (p ranging from 0.513 to 0.778). In addition to hardware removal in two hips, subsequent surgery was performed in five of 11 hips to improve containment after a mean interval of 2.3 years (range, 0.2-7.5 years). Of those, two hips had triple osteotomy, one hip a combined triple and valgus intertrochanteric osteotomy, one hip an intertrochanteric varus osteotomy, and one hip a PAO with a separate valgus intertrochanteric osteotomy. No avascular necrosis of the femoral head occurred. CONCLUSIONS Femoral head reduction osteotomy can improve femoral head sphericity. Improved head containment in these hips with an often dysplastic acetabulum requires additional acetabular containment surgery, ideally performed concomitantly. This can result in reduced pain and avascular necrosis seems to be rare. With the number of patients available, function did not improve. Therefore, future studies should use more precise instruments to evaluate clinical outcome and include longer followup to confirm joint preservation. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level IV, therapeutic study.


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Background Acetabular anatomy on AP pelvic radiographsdepends on pelvic orientation during radiograph acquisition. However, not all parameters may change to a clinically relevant degree with differences in pelvic orientation. This issue may influence the diagnosis of acetabular pathologies and planning of corrective acetabular surgery (reorientation or rim trimming). However, to this point, it has not been well characterized. Questions/purposes We asked (1) which radiographic parameters change in a clinical setting when normalized to neutral pelvic orientation; (2) which parameters do not change in an experimental setting when the pelvis is experimentally rotated/tilted; and (3) which of these changes are ‘‘ultimately’’ relevant based on a prespecified definition of relevance. Methods In a clinical setup, 11 hip parameters were evaluated in 101 patients (126 hips) by two observers and the interobserver difference was calculated. All parameters were normalized to an anatomically defined neutral pelvic orientation with the help of a lateral pelvic radiograph and specific software. Differences between nonnormalized and normalized values were calculated (effect of normalization). In an experimental setup involving 20 cadaver pelves (40 hips), the maximum range for each parameter was computed with the pelvis rotated (range, −12° to 12°) and tilted (range, −24° to 24°). ‘‘Ultimately’’ relevant changes existed if the effect of normalization exceeded the interobserver difference (eg, 37% versus 6% for prevalence of a positive crossover sign) and/or the maximum experimental range exceeded 1 SD of interobserver difference (eg, 27% versus 6% for anterior acetabular coverage). Results In the clinical setup, all parameters except the ACM angle and craniocaudal acetabular coverage changed when being normalized, eg, effect of normalization for lateral center-edge angle, acetabular index, and sharp angle ranged from −5° to 4° (p values < 0.029). In the experimental setup, five parameters showed no major changes, whereas six parameters did change (all p values < 0.001). Ultimately relevant changes were found for anteroposterior acetabular coverage, retroversion index, and prevalence of a positive crossover or posterior wall sign. Conclusions Lateral center-edge angle, ACM angle, Sharp angle, acetabular and extrusion index, and craniocaudal acetabular coverage showed no relevant changes with varying pelvic orientation and can therefore be acquired independent from individual pelvic tilt and rotation in clinical practice. In contrast, anteroposterior acetabular coverage, crossover and posterior wall sign, and retroversion index call for specific efforts that address individual pelvic orientation such as computer-assisted evaluation of radiographs. Level of Evidence Level III, diagnostic study. See the Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.


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Background Both acetabular undercoverage (hip dysplasia) and overcoverage (pincer-type femoroacetabular impingement) can result in hip osteoarthritis. In contrast to undercoverage, there is a lack of information on radiographic reference values for excessive acetabular coverage. Questions/purposes (1) How do common radiographic hip parameters differ in hips with a deficient or an excessive acetabulum in relation to a control group; and (2) what are the reference values determined from these data for acetabular under- and overcoverage? Methods We retrospectively compared 11 radiographic parameters describing the radiographic acetabular anatomy among hip dysplasia (26 hips undergoing periacetabular osteotomy), control hips (21 hips, requiring no rim trimming during surgical hip dislocation), hips with overcoverage (14 hips, requiring rim trimming during surgical hip dislocation), and hips with severe overcoverage (25 hips, defined as having acetabular protrusio). The hips were selected from a patient cohort of a total of 593 hips. Radiographic parameters were assessed with computerized methods on anteroposterior pelvic radiographs and corrected for neutral pelvic orientation with the help of a true lateral radiograph. Results All parameters except the crossover sign differed among the four study groups. From dysplasia through control and overcoverage, the lateral center-edge angle, acetabular arc, and anteroposterior/craniocaudal coverage increased. In contrast, the medial center-edge angle, extrusion/acetabular index, Sharp angle, and prevalence of the posterior wall sign decreased. The following reference values were found: lateral center-edge angle 23° to 33°, medial center-edge angle 35° to 44°, acetabular arc 61° to 65°, extrusion index 17% to 27%, acetabular index 3° to 13°, Sharp angle 38° to 42°, negative crossover sign, positive posterior wall sign, anterior femoral head coverage 15% to 26%, posterior femoral head coverage 36% to 47%, and craniocaudal coverage 70% to 83%. Conclusions These acetabular reference values define excessive and deficient coverage. They may be used for radiographic evaluation of symptomatic hips, may offer possible predictors for surgical outcomes, and serve to guide clinical decision-making.


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The geologic structures and metamorphic zonation of the northwestern Indian Himalaya contrast significantly with those in the central and eastern parts of the range, where the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the High Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) thrust southward over the weakly metamorphosed sediments of the Lesser Himalaya along the Main Central Thrust (MCT). Indeed, the hanging wall of the MCT in the NW Himalaya mainly consists of the greenschist facies metasediments of the Chamba zone, whereas HHC high-grade rocks are exposed more internally in the range as a large-scale dome called the Gianbul dome. This Gianbul dome is bounded by two oppositely directed shear zones, the NE-dipping Zanskar Shear Zone (ZSZ) on the northern flank and the SW-dipping Miyar Shear Zone (MSZ) on the southern limb. Current models for the emplacement of the HHC in NW India as a dome structure differ mainly in terms of the roles played by both the ZSZ and the MSZ during the tectonothermal evolution of the HHC. In both the channel flow model and wedge extrusion model, the ZSZ acts as a backstop normal fault along which the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the HHC of Zanskar are exhumed. In contrast, the recently proposed tectonic wedging model argues that the ZSZ and the MSZ correspond to one single detachment system that operates as a subhorizontal backthrust off of the MCT. Thus, the kinematic evolution of the two shear zones, the ZSZ and the MSZ, and their structural, metamorphic and chronological relations appear to be diagnostic features for discriminating the different models. In this paper, structural, metamorphic and geochronological data demonstrate that the MSZ and the ZSZ experienced two distinct kinematic evolutions. As such, the data presented in this paper rule out the hypothesis that the MSZ and the ZSZ constitute one single detachment system, as postulated by the tectonic wedging model. Structural, metamorphic and geochronological data are used to present an alternative tectonic model for the large-scale doming in the NW Indian Himalaya involving early NE-directed tectonics, weakness in the upper crust, reduced erosion at the orogenic front and rapid exhumation along both the ZSZ and the MSZ.


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Missense mutations in ATP2A1 gene, encoding SERCA1 protein, cause a muscle disorder designed as congenital pseudomyotonia (PMT) in Chianina and Romagnola cattle or congenital muscular dystonia1 (CMD1) in Belgian Blue cattle. Although PMT is not life-threatening, CMD1 affected calves usually die within a few weeks of age as a result of respiratory complication. We have recently described a muscular disorder in a double muscle Dutch Improved Red and White cross-breed calf. Mutation analysis revealed an ATP2A1 mutation identical to that described in CMD1, even though clinical phenotype was quite similar to that of PMT. Here, we provide evidence for a deficiency of mutated SERCA1 in PMT affected muscles of Dutch Improved Red and White calf, but not of its mRNA. The reduced expression of SERCA1 is selective and not compensated by the SERCA2 isoform. By contrast, pathological muscles are characterized by a broad distribution of mitochondrial markers in all fiber types, not related to intrinsic features of double muscle phenotype and by an increased expression of sarcolemmal calcium extrusion pump. Calcium removal mechanisms, operating in muscle fibers as compensatory response aimed at lowering excessive cytoplasmic calcium concentration caused by SERCA1 deficiency, could explain the difference in severity of clinical signs.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT In canine intervertebral disc (IVD) extrusion, a spontaneous animal model of spinal cord injury, hemorrhage is a consistent finding. In rodent models, hemorrhage might be involved in secondary tissue destruction by biochemical mechanisms. PURPOSE This study aimed to investigate a causal association between the extents of intramedullary, subdural and epidural hemorrhage and the severity of spinal cord damage following IVD extrusion in dogs. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING A retrospective study using histologic spinal cord sections from 83 dogs euthanized following IVD extrusion was carried out. METHODS The degree of hemorrhage (intramedullary, subdural, epidural), the degree of spinal cord damage in the epicenter (white and gray matter), and the longitudinal extent of myelomalacia were graded. Associations between the extent of hemorrhage and the degree of spinal cord damage were evaluated statistically. RESULTS Intramedullary and subdural hemorrhages were significantly associated with the degree of white (p<.001/ p=.004) and gray (both p<.001) matter damage, and with the longitudinal extension of myelomalacia (p<.001/p=.005). Intriguingly, accumulation of hemorrhagic cord debris inside or dorsal to a distended and ruptured central canal in segments distant to the epicenter of the lesion was observed exhibiting a wave-like pattern on longitudinal assessment. The occurrence of this debris accumulation was associated with high degrees of tissue destruction (all p<.001). CONCLUSIONS Tissue liquefaction and increased intramedullary pressure associated with hemorrhage are involved in the progression of spinal cord destruction in a canine model of spinal cord injury and ascending or descending myelomalacia. Functional and dynamic studies are needed to investigate this concept further.


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OBJECTIVES To assess intrathecal pressure (ITP) in chondrodystrophic dogs with thoracolumbar disk extrusion. STUDY DESIGN Prospective cohort study. ANIMALS Group 1: 11 chondrodystrophic dogs with thoracolumbar disk extrusion and present deep pain sensation. Group 2 (control): 3 healthy chondrodystrophic laboratory dogs without spinal disease. METHODS Diagnosis was based on neurologic signs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, and surgical confirmation. Blood pressure was maintained within physiologic range during anesthesia. A standardized surgical procedure was applied to minimize factors that could influence measurement readings. An extended hemilaminectomy was performed and ITP was measured with a fiber optic catheter. The catheter was inserted in the subarachnoid space 1 spinal segment caudal to the level of herniation and its tip was advanced to the site of compression. RESULTS Significantly higher ITP occurred in chondrodystrophic dogs with acute thoracolumbar disk disease compared with controls. ITP was not associated with duration of clinical signs, neurologic status, outcome, degree of spinal cord compression, or signal intensity changes as assessed by MRI. CONCLUSION Acute thoracolumbar disk disease leads to elevated ITP in chondrodystrophic dogs, which may contribute to increased compression of spinal cord parenchyma.


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OBJECTIVES To assess the influence of the use of Gelpi and Grevel retractors on multifidus muscle blood flow during hemilaminectomy, using a dorsolateral approach, for acute disc extrusion in dogs as measured by laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI). METHODS Blood flow in the multifidus muscles was measured intra-operatively using LSCI prior to insertion of the retractors, immediately after hemilaminectomy and removal of the retractors, and after 10 minutes of lavage of the surgical site. Plasma creatine kinase levels were measured preoperatively and 12-24 hours postoperatively. RESULTS Muscular blood flow was significantly decreased following retraction and remained lower than initial values 10 minutes after lavage in all dogs. The decrease in blood flow was significantly greater with Gelpi retractors (n = 8) than with Grevel retractors (n = 10). No significant relation was found between the duration of retraction and postoperative changes in creatine kinase levels or blood flow. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Findings in this study demonstrate a drop in blood flow within the multifidus muscles using the dorsolateral approach regardless of retractor type used. Gelpi retractors seem to have greater influence on muscular blood flow than Grevel retractors. Further studies are warranted to confirm this second finding.


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INTRODUCTION Cardiac myocytes utilize three high-capacity Na transport processes whose precise function can determine myocyte fate and the triggering of arrhythmias in pathological settings. We present recent results on the regulation of all three transporters that may be important for an understanding of cardiac function during ischemia/reperfusion episodes. METHODS AND RESULTS Refined ion selective electrode (ISE) techniques and giant patch methods were used to analyze the function of cardiac Na/K pumps, Na/Ca exchange (NCX1), and Na/H exchange (NHE1) in excised cardiac patches and intact myocytes. To consider results cohesively, simulations were developed that account for electroneutrality of the cytoplasm, ion homeostasis, water homeostasis (i.e., cell volume), and cytoplasmic pH. The Na/K pump determines the average life-time of Na ions (3-10 minutes) as well as K ions (>30 minutes) in the cytoplasm. The long time course of K homeostasis can determine the time course of myocyte volume changes after ion homeostasis is perturbed. In excised patches, cardiac Na/K pumps turn on slowly (-30 seconds) with millimolar ATP dependence, when activated for the first time. In steady state, however, pumps are fully active with <0.2 mM ATP and are nearly unaffected by high ADP (2 mM) and Pi (10 mM) concentrations as may occur in ischemia. NCX1s appear to operate with slippage that contributes to background Na influx and inward current in heart. Thus, myocyte Na levels may be regulated by the inactivation reactions of the exchanger which are both Na- and proton-dependent. NHE1 also undergo strong Na-dependent inactivation, whereby a brief rise of cytoplasmic Na can cause inactivation that persists for many minutes after cytoplasmic Na is removed. This mechanism is blocked by pertussis toxin, suggesting involvement of a Na-dependent G-protein. Given that maximal NCX1- and NHE1-mediated ion fluxes are much greater than maximal Na/K pump-mediated Na extrusion in myocytes, the Na-dependent inactivation mechanisms of NCX1 and NHE1 may be important determinants of cardiac Na homeostasis. CONCLUSIONS Na/K pumps appear to be optimized to continue operation when energy reserves are compromised. Both NCX1 and NHE1 activities are regulated by accumulation of cytoplasmic Na. These principles may importantly control cardiac cytoplasmic Na and promote myocyte survival during ischemia/reperfusion episodes by preventing Ca overload.


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The utility and inter-session repeatability of sensory threshold measurements using an electronic von Frey anesthesiometer (VFA) were assessed in a group of six neurologically normal dogs. Sensory threshold values obtained in neurologically normal dogs were compared to those of dogs with acute spinal cord injury (SCI) caused by intervertebral disc extrusion (n=6) and to a group of neurologically normal dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR; n=6). Sensory threshold values in neurologically normal dogs were 155.8 ± 37.7 g and 154.7 ± 67.2 g for the left and right pelvic limbs, respectively. The difference in mean sensory threshold values obtained for the group when two distinct testing sessions were compared was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Mean sensory threshold values for the group with SCI were significantly higher than those for neurologically normal dogs at 351.1 ± 116.5 g and 420.3 ± 157.7 g for the left and right pelvic limbs, respectively (P=0.01). A comparison of sensory threshold values for the group with CCLR and neurologically normal dogs was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The modified dorsal technique for VFA described here represents a reliable method to assess sensory threshold in neurologically normal dogs and in those with SCI.


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This volume represents the proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium held at Kansas State University on April 26, 1986. Some of the papers describe the progress of ongoing projects, and others contain the results of completed projects. Only brief summaries are given of many of the papers that will be published in full elsewhere. ContentsEnd-Product Inhibition of the Acetone-Butanol Fermentation—Bob Kuhn, Colorado State University Effect of Multiple Substrates in Ethanal Fermentations from Cheese Whey—C.J. Wang, University of Missouri Extraction and Fermentation of Ensiled Sweet Sorghum—Karl Noah, Colorado State University Removal of Nucleic Acids from Bakers' Yeast—Richard M. Cordes, Iowa State University Modeling the Effects of Plasmid Replication and Product Repression on the Growth Rate of Recombinant Bacteria—William E. Bentley, University of Colorado Indirect Estimates of Cell Concentrations in Mass Cultivation of Bacterial Cells—Andrew Fisher, University of Missouri A Mathematical Model for Liquid Recirculation in Airlift Columns—C.H.Lee, Kansas State University Characterization of Imperfect Mixing of Batch Reactors by Two Compartment Model—Peter Sohn, University of Missouri First Order Breakage Model for the Degradation of Pullalan in the Batch Fermentor—Stephen A. Milligan, Kansas State University Synthesis and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of 13C-Labeled Amylopectin and Maltooligosaccharides—Bernard Y. Tao, Iowa State University Preparation of Fungal Starter Culture in Gas Fluidized Bed Reactor—Pal Mihaltz, Colorado State University Yeast Flocculation and Sedimentation—David Szlag, University of Colorado Protein Enrichment of Extrusion Cooked Corn by Solid Substrate Fermentation—Lucas Alvarez-Martinez, Colorado State University Optimum Design of a Hollow Fiber Mammalian Cell Reactor—Thomas Chresand, Colorado State University Gas Chromatography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Trifluoroacetylated Carbohydrates—Steven T. Summerfelt, Iowa State University Kinetic and Bioenergetic Considerations for Modeling Photosynthetic Microbial P~ocesses in Producing Biomass and Treating Wastewater—H. Y. Lee, Kansas State University Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Bicarbonate-Limited Photsynthetic Growth in Continuous Culture—Craig Curless, Kansas State University Data Acquisition and Control of a Rotary Drum Solid State Fermentor—Mnasria A. Habib, Colorado State University Biodegradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D)—Greg Sinton, Kansas State University


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Trace element and isotopic signatures of magmatic rock samples from ODP Hole 642E at the Vøring Plateau provide insight into the interaction processes of mantle melt with crust during the initial magma extrusion phases at the onset of the continental breakup. The intermediate (basaltic-andesitic) to felsic (dacitic and rhyolitic) Lower Series magmas at ODP Hole 642E appear to be produced by large amounts of melting of upper crustal material. This study not only makes use of the traditional geochemical tools to investigate crust-mantle interaction, but also explores the value of Cs geochemistry as an additional tool. The element Cs forms the largest lithophile cation, and shows the largest contrast in concentration between (depleted) mantle and continental crust. As such it is a very sensitive indicator of involvement of crustal material. The Cs data reinforce the conclusion drawn from isotopic signatures that the felsic magmas are largely anatectic crustal melts. The down-hole geochemical variation within ODP Hole 642E defines a decreasing continental crustal influence from the Lower Series into the Upper Series. This is essential information to distinguish intrinsic geochemical properties of the mantle melts from signatures imposed by crustal contamination. A comparison with data from the SE Greenland margin highlights the compositional asymmetry of the crust-mantle interactions at both sides of the paleo-Iapetus suture. While Lower Series and Middle Series rocks from the SE Greenland margin have isotopic signatures reflecting interactions with lower and middle crust, such signatures have not been observed at the mid-Norwegian margin. The geochemical data either point to a dissimilar Caledonian crustal composition and/or to different geodynamic pre-breakup rifting history at the two NE Atlantic margin segments.


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The compositions, mineralogies, and textures of gabbros recovered in polymict breccias in Hole 453 indicate that they are the cumulus assemblages of calc-alkalic crystal fractional on that occurred beneath the West Mariana Ridge. They are among a class of gabbros known only from other calc-alkalic associations (e.g., the Lesser Antilles and the Peninsular Ranges batholith of Southern California) and differ from gabbros of stratiform complexes, ophiolites, and the ocean crust. Particularly abundant in the Hole 453 breccias are olivine-bearing gabbros with extremely calcic Plagioclase (An94-97) but with fairly iron-rich olivines (Fo76-77). Other gabbros contain biotite and amphibole and occur in breccias with fairly high-grade greenschist facies (amphibole-chlorite-stilpnomelane) metabasalts. One unusual gabbro has experienced almost complete subsolidus recrystallization to an assemblage of aluminous magnesio-hornblende, anorthite, and green hercynitic spinel. This reaction, the extremely calcic Plagioclase, the occurrence of biotite and amphibole, and the association with greenschist facies metamorphic rocks suggest that crystallization of the gabbros occurred at elevated P(H2O). Comparisons with other calc-alkalic gabbro suites suggest pressures in excess of 4 kbar (about 12 km depth). The gabbros were exposed by the early stages of opening of the Mariana Trough and imply that considerable uplift may have attended rifting. They were also subjected to hydrothermal alteration after breccia formation, resulting in formation of chlorite, epidote, actinolite, and prehnite. Temperatures of at least 200°C - and probably 350°C - were reached, and most likely could not have been attained without extrusion or intrusion of magmas nearby, even though no such rocks were cored.