827 resultados para spiritual morality


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To elucidate the important contribution of care ethics in improving human relations and social intimates, this work reveals the fragility and lack of ethics on the formation of a just society, equal, peaceful and caring. To this end, we study on the moral development of men and women, warning of the natural differences between the sexes, which change for both the way of seeing life and live it - which does not imply inferiority to some genres. From this study it is clear that the natural care is innate to humans, it provides a tendency to act for the good of all life forms and nature as a whole. But it is evident here a greater sensitivity of women to such care because they possess perception and more emotion than men, which make them more participatory and involved in relationships. This greater openness to care found in women, due in part to the strong and lasting relationship with their mothers. Thus is revealed the power that women have to positively change the direction of human relationships, providing careful with your example, protective and caring, the awakening of a new and comprehensive ethics - opens to the truth, and features especially for affections. Therefore, the care ethics arises from the life experiences of women and aims, through them, to join the men's morality in order to bring out the relevant fact of interdependence between human beings, of human fragility and the need for relationships to the fullness of life


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This work posits a mutual implication between metaphysics and morality in the philosophy of Schopenhauer and seeks to clarify the many nuances that take place in this relation. Each chapter offers a perspective in which the relation between metaphysics and morality can be addressed. Thus, by exposing some important aspects of representation theory of Schopenhauer, we try, in the first chapter, explain the relationship between his idealism and his conception of morality; in the second chapter, the determinism present both in nature and in moral actions, determinism that establishes the relationship between morality and metaphysics through the very notion of a metaphysical nature; in the third chapter, relationship between metaphysics and morality that takes place through the notion of freedom as denial of the previous determinism, freedom possible to the genius, to the saint and to the ascetic. All of these perspectives, however, presuppose the distinction between phenomenon and thing-initself, figuring this distinction as crucial in building of this metaphysic that seeks to protect the moral significance of the world while denying the existence of God


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The present research deals with a philosophical reflection about the constitution of the subject religious and moral in the thought of Freud, starting from of question of religion while one of the various spaces concretion of the individual morality. Our hypothesis is that religion presents itself as a space of revival of the primary relationship with the mother of the subject and as a moral agency. That primary relationship corresponds to the period before the Oedipus complex. The cut caused in the Oedipus complex sake in the an emptiness the subject, leading him to a situation of helplessness. In trying to fill the emptiness and consequently out of the situation of displeasure occasioned by the helplessness, the individual seeks diverses means, between which, the religion. The religion, that sense, quest for one part, that support be filling of the existential emptiness, triggered in the Oedipus complex, and on the other, works as a staunch ally of the Superego, which for turn is direct heir of the Oedipus complex and whose function is to require of the subject to moral living, as is established by the social body, where the individual is inserted. Therefore, we seek to draw this subject starting from general ideas of the philosophy, about the moral, as well as some theoretical elements of freudian thought, since his idea of the origin of the culture, morality and religion the more specific elements that pertain to the individual subject, ie, the psychism


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Human cooperation is a hallmark of this species due to its wide extension to genetically unrelated individuals and complex division of labor. It is considered an evolutionary puzzle, because the theory of evolution by natural selection predicts that self-interested individuals tend to be selected. Different theories have been proposed to explain the evolution of cooperation, which the most important are kin selection and reciprocal altruism. Considering the evolutionary continuity between species, humans and other primates have several common traits that help to promote cooperation between individuals of these species. Two features, however, seem to be particularly humans: inequality aversion and preferences in relation to others. Although human cooperation is not necessarily related to morality, cooperative traits are the basis for moral tendencies. The development of human morality is a combination of early prosocial tendencies, cooperative skills displayed at different ages, social learning and cultural transmission of norms. The social stimulus seems to be particularly important in promoting cooperative behavior in children and adults. In order to study the influence of social stimuli, as verbal feedback, on children cooperation, a study was conducted with children in a public goods game. 407 children from public schools in Natal / RN, divided into 21 groups, between six and nine years, participated in eight rounds of this game. After each round, seven groups received praise for larger donations, seven groups have been criticized by smaller donations, and the other seven received no comment. Children cooperated more when criticized, without significant differences between sexes, although young children have cooperated more negative than older children. The results are likely related to the anticipation and avoidance of punishment associated with the feedback (although this did not occur), and greater sensitivity to the authority in younger children. Nevertheless, the cooperation decreased in all groups until the last day of play. The results suggest an early sensitivity to moral punishment, whose role in the maintenance of social relations must have been important in the evolution of cooperation in humans


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The objective of this work was about fixing the free will paradigm as negative evaluation of political rights which presents a new classification dde such rights, producing species: a) conditions of eligibility autonomous (free will), b) eligibility requirements heteronomous (will third party) and c) ineligibility (court decisions / administrative). This morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended, making a hermeneutic analysis of art. 14, § 9 of the Constitution, considering the justification of the views of the voting Minister Carlos Ayres Brito Appeal in Ordinary No 1069/2006 of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (where Eurico Miranda). Are fixed concepts of morality and life history from the perspective of the moral act freely and consciously. Has resulted in the identification of the moral virtues of honesty and integrity, which are voluntary acts as a reference to morality and integrity respectively. Justifies the morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended. who depend exclusively on the willingness of the candidate. It is noteworthy that the conditions for eligibility as a factual finding does not violate the law and does not allow punitive sanctions or setting a deadline in case of refusal to register the application. Attributed to political parties to take responsibility in their statutes moral criteria for the nomination convention in pre candidates, giving an ethical dimension. Analyzes the law under the Clean Record of morality and life history of the candidate and the possible impact on the electoral context


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem fenomenológica, objetivando descrever o significado de qualidade de vida, segundo relatos de idosos portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo II, e avaliar as repercussões da doença sobre sua vida. Entrevistamos 12 idosos diabéticos, no período de setembro a outubro de 2008, entre um e quarenta anos de evolução da doença. Foi feita a seguinte questão norteadora: Para o Sr. (a), o que significa qualidade de vida? A análise dos discursos mostrou facetas relevantes ligadas ao cotidiano do idoso com diabetes mellitus. Para eles, a qualidade de vida está intimamente relacionada à saúde física, independência na vida diária e econômica, integração social, suporte familiar e saúde mental-espiritual. A restrição alimentar foi o ponto de maior repercussão do diabetes sobre seu modo de viver. Verificou-se que cabe aos profissionais de saúde ampliar o diálogo profissional-paciente, promovendo autonomia e independência no cuidado e corresponsabilização.


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À luz da teoria social de Pierre Bourdieu, saliento a violência simbólica concebida das relações de forças entre agentes e práticas médicas e religiosas no interior de uma instituição filantrópica voltada à assistência à saúde de portadores de deficiências múltiplas. do trabalho etnográfico, descrevo detalhes do acordo entre administradores religiosos espíritas e profissionais de saúde durante a implementação de um projeto que incluía especificamente assistência espiritual. Um caso de cura aparece como bem simbólico e sobre ele concorreram duas versões explicativas sobre a abrupta recuperação do paciente assistido durante meses na UTI por caquexia: a versão religiosa, que entendeu a reabilitação como cura espiritual, e a versão médica, que compreendeu o restabelecimento do paciente como resultado das atividades e gerência médica.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a fidedignidade da tradução e adaptação brasileira do Definig Issues Test (DIT) -2, assim como realizar algumas ponderações sobre a utilização desse instrumento e do DIT -1 em pesquisas sobre moralidade. Os testes DIT-1 e DIT-2 foram aplicados em 621 jovens brasileiros, proporcionalmente distribuídos conforme a cidade de procedência (Floriano/PI, Erechim/RS e Marília/SP), o tipo de escola (pública e particular) e o ano escolar freqüentado (8º ano do ensino fundamental e 3º ano do ensino médio). em relação à fidedignidade, notou-se que, apesar de os valores alcançados serem próximos àquele obtido na tradução e adaptação do DIT-1, revelam-se bem menores que os verificados nas versões originais americanas. Na verificação das pontuações alcançadas nos testes, foi observada a existência de tendências distintas no interior da amostra investigada, marcadas pelas variáveis controladas. Foram tecidas considerações sobre a validade e a interpretação desses testes.


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O artigo defende o argumento de que a lógica objetiva das relações sociais capitalistas opõe-se ao desenvolvimento da moral e da cidadania. Também argumenta que a cidadania é uma representação idealizada que não tem força para superar a alienação das relações sociais, que têm o dinheiro como mediação universal em nossa sociedade. Por fim, o artigo analisa criticamente a proposta curricular do Estado de São Paulo para o ensino de filosofia no Ensino Médio, a qual tem como referência a pedagogia das competências.


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O objetivo geral do presente artigo é colaborar para a discussão sobre o campo da saúde. Especificamente, pretende-se contribuir para a reflexão do poder médico hegemônico e suas relações com as práticas relacionadas às curandeirices. Considerando a teoria do campo e do habitus de Pierre Bourdieu, discute-se sobre o curandeirismo com base em uma revisão do conceito de transe no campo intelectual como objeto do habitus científico formado entre a prática médica e a prática religiosa. Finalmente, por meio de temas contemporâneos compartilhados pelas Ciências Sociais e pela Saúde Coletiva, indica-se como o curandeirismo - aspecto negativo para o campo médico - transforma-se em aspecto positivo no campo da Saúde Coletiva.


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This article examines the interplay between legitimacy and context as key determinants of public sector reform outcomes. Despite the importance of variables Such as legitimacy of public institutions, levels of civic morality and socio-economic realities, reform strategies often fail to take such contextual factors into account. The article examines, first, relevant literature both conceptual and empirical, including data from the World Values Survey project. It is argued that developing countries have distinctive characteristics which require particular reform strategies. The data analysed shows that in Latin American countries, there is no clear Correlation between confidence in public institutions and civic morality. Other empirical studies show that unemployment has a negative impact on the level of civic morality, while inequality engenders corruption. This suggests that poorer and socio-economically stratified countries face greater reform challenges owing to the lack of legitimacy of public institutions. The article concludes that reforms should focus on areas of governance that impact on poverty. This will in turn help produce more stable outcomes. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This study concentrates on the discovery of Japanese Buddhism by Brazilian intellectuals as a group of spiritual practices and as a body of spiritual wisdom. The study has been realized through readings and meetings with Japanese Buddhist monks and/or Japanese immigrants. These intellectuals defend a religious experience based on a universal notion of representations of Japanese Buddhism, which provides them with a non-dualistic philosophical perspective and a unique psychological experience. Through innovative spiritual experiences these intellectuals have broken the tension created within the dispute between secularized science and the Catholic hegemony, both predominant in the intellectual panorama.


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Erythrocytes and environmental interferences on sickle cell anaemia Sickle cell anaemia runs na extremely variable clinical course At one end of spectrum, it is characterized by a crippling haemolitic anaemia, interspersed with severe exacerbations, or crises, yet it may be an extremely mild disorder, which is found only by chance on rotine haematological examination. The reasons are only partly understood for these remarkable differences in phenotypic expression of what appears to be the same genetic defect: they include the level of Hb Fetal, coinheritance of the alpha thalassaemia and of other genetic variantsthat has influence as genetic modulation in sickle cell anaemia. However, other genetics abnormalities of erythrocytes: G-6PD deficiency, spherocytosis and deficiencies of anti-oxidant enzymes(SOD, GPx and Catalase) probably interfereon the clinical course of sickle cell anaemia. The haplotypes of the chromosome (Bantu, Benin, Camaroon and Arab-Indian) bearing the sickle gene is associated with assorted haematological and clinical features that are likely, at least in part, to be mediated throgh effects on Hb Fetal concentration. Beyond these factors characterizes as erythrocytes interferents, there are the environmental interferents. Between environmental interferents become detached the socio-economic and cultural situation of each patient. These aspects have influence on the life of affected individuals including social interactions, family relations, peer interaction, intimate relationships, education, enployment, violence, spiritual attitudes and navigating complexities of the health care system, providers and their ancillary functions. As a result of this article it is proposed a protocol of laboratorial management of sickle cell syndrome with detach to sickle cell anaemia.


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President Cardoso delivered this address at the First Regional Conference in Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development, held in Sao Paulo from 6 to 9 April 1997. On that occasion President Cardoso reviewed the issues examined at the World Summit, with special emphasis on poverty and the search for an environmentally sound, democratic form of development that will lead to a greater degree of social equity. Within this context, he discussed the relationship between economic and social factors, devoting particular attention to State reform, education, competitiveness and job creation. He also outlined the situation in Brazil with regard to economic development, education and health services, the neeed for agrarian reform based on the principle of equity, and respect for human rights. In concluding his statement, he stressed the need to overcome the traditional division between community and society and between the public and private spheres. To that end, he called for a re-examination of ethical considerations, not as an empty discussion of morality but rather as an effective means of motivating action for change.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA