907 resultados para small-scale hydropower
Macroalgal species richness and diversity were analysed along a longitudinal profile in small and large scales during Spring, Fall and Winter, respectively in a small stream and a mid size river in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil (20 degrees 23'-20 degrees 49'S, 49 degrees 26'-51 degrees 19'W). Longitudinal variation in species richness and diversity in small scale was strongly associated with incident light. Microhabitat distribution (from data taken by quadrat technique) revealed no significant correlations. Principal coordinates analysis (PCO) indicated no consistent groupings among sampling sites in distinct seasons (Spring, Fall and Winter). Longitudinal analysis in large scale revealed different patterns in the two seasons sampled (Spring and Winter), whereas species diversity presented a consistent tl end: high upstream, low in mid reaches and higher downstream. It was associated with type of substratum in Spring, rocky substrata presenting the highest values for species richness and diversity. Weak correlations were observed in Winter. Microhabitat distribution showed significant correlations between species abundance and the following variables: positive for rocky substrata and current velocity and negative for sandyclayish substratum and macrophyte-dominated substratum. PCO delineated only one consistent grouping formed by the two headwater sites. Small scale macroalgal distribution corroborated the longitudinal pattern predicted by the River Continuum Concept, whereas the large scale approach showed a distribution more associated with substratum type than to light availability. These results showed an opposite trend in relation to the expected distributional pattern. Longitudinal distribution in macroalgal community structure has yet to be better documented, particularly for tropical streams and no generalization is possible at this stage.
Brazil has become a great producer of bioethanol using sugarcane as the basic raw material. Fed-batch process and continuous process are used. Biogas generation from vinasse, production of dry yeast, and autolyzed bagasse for animal feed are making the ethanol production less polluting and more profitable. Bagasse surplus has also been converted into electrical energy. Another alternative use for bioethanol is its conversion to petrochemical derivatives. Up to the present, however, this conversion has been carried out on only a small scale by the industry.
A methodology for pipeline leakage detection using a combination of clustering and classification tools for fault detection is presented here. A fuzzy system is used to classify the running mode and identify the operational and process transients. The relationship between these transients and the mass balance deviation are discussed. This strategy allows for better identification of the leakage because the thresholds are adjusted by the fuzzy system as a function of the running mode and the classified transient level. The fuzzy system is initially off-line trained with a modified data set including simulated leakages. The methodology is applied to a small-scale LPG pipeline monitoring case where portability, robustness and reliability are amongst the most important criteria for the detection system. The results are very encouraging with relatively low levels of false alarms, obtaining increased leakage detection with low computational costs. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The construction of a flow-through cell incorporating an array of gold microelectrodes is described and its application to flow injection analysis with amperometric detection is presented, Simple modification of almost any conventional integrated circuit chip, used as an inexpensive source of pre-assembled gold micro-wires, leads to the rapid and successful preparation of arrays of 8-48 elements, the polymeric encapsulation material from the top face of the chip is removed by abrasion until the gold micro-mires (used to interconnect the silicon circuit to the external contact pins of the chip) are disrupted and their transversal (elliptical) sections become exposed. Once polished, the flat and smooth top surface of the gold microelectrode-array chip (MEAC) is provided with a spacer and fitted under pressure against an acrylic block with the reference and auxiliary electrodes, to form the electrochemical (thin-layer) flow cell, while the contact pins are plugged into a standard IC socket, This design ensures autonomous electric contact with each electrode and allows fast dismantling for polishing or substitution, the performance of flow cells with MEACs was investigated utilizing the technique of reverse pulse amperometry without oxygen removal, A method was established for the determination of the copper concentration in sugar cane spirit, regulated by law for beverages, Samples from industrial producers and small-scale (alembic) brewers were compared, With a 24 MEAC, a detection limit of 30 mu g I-l of copper (4.7 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) of Cu-II for 100 mu l injections) was calculated, Routine operation was established at a frequency of 60-90 determinations per hour, Intercomparison with atomic absorption spectrometric determinations resulted in excellent agreement.
A case study of convective development in the Southwest Amazon region during the Wet Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign (WETAMC) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)/Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (LBA) Experiment in Amazonia is presented. The convective development during 7 February 1999 is shown to occur during a period of very weak large-scale forcing in the presence of topography and deforestation. The available data include dual Doppler radar analysis, radiosonde launches, and surface and boundary layer observations. The observational analysis is complemented with a series of model simulations using the RAMS with 2-km resolution over a 300 km 300 km area forced by a morning radiosonde profile. A comparison of the observed and simulated thermodynamic transformation of the boundary layer and of the formation of convective lines, and of their kinematic and microphysical properties is presented. It is shown that only a few very deep and intense convective cells are necessary to explain the overall precipitating line formation and that discrete propagation and coupling with upper atmosphere circulations may explain the appearance of several lines. The numerical simulation indicates that topography may be the cause of initial convective development, although later on the convective line is parallel to the midlevel shear. There are indications that small-scale deforestation may have an effect on increasing rainfall in the wet season when the large-scale forcing is very weak.
Diamonds obtained from small scale mining near Jequitai and surrounding villages are extracted from Tertiary conglomerates and Quaternary gravels of the Rio Jequitai. Eocretaceous conglomerates, which are locally poorly diamondiferous, cover parts of the Serra da Agua Fria and Serra do Cabral. They are of no economic importance. Analyses of neotectonic, post-Miocene features support a transpressive regime that gave rise to N-S to N25° E transcurrent faults, and WNW normal faults. The main evidence for neotectonic processes are inclined Tertiary sediments, drainage captures, striated laterites of Miocene age, and tilting of blocks that form the Rio Jequitai graben. Diamonds in the Tertiary terraces derived from the Eocretaceous conglomerates, which were affected by neotectonic processes, followed by erosion and concentration during redeposition of sediments.
Estimating total landings of artisanal fisheries in managed areas is essential for the development of programs aimed at the establishment of sustainable production systems. However, few experiences addressed the constraints of assessments targeted at multispecific and small scale fisheries with pulverized landings. Total annual production (fish, lobsters and octopus) at the Marine Extractive Reserve of Corumbau, Bahia, Brazil, in 2006, was estimated through yields recorded by fisherfolks, in the scope of a participatory fisheries monitoring program. Three designs were employed: 1) simple random sampling, 2) stratified random sampling by month and fishing frequency, 3) stratified random sampling by community, fishing frequency and months, resulting in estimates of 349t (95% confidence interval = 305-393), 330t (289-372) and 315t (279-351), respectively. This kind of information can help design strategies for aggregation of value to small scale fisheries production, and also for the dimensioning of the corresponding infrastructure. However, these estimates shall not be used to support fishing effort increase, as there is high uncertainty regarding the state of the stocks, as well as limitations related to the asymmetry in monthly landings per fisherfolk and to the sampling coverage in the different strata.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Riverine fisheries in Brazil are reviewed. There is a broad description of the environment and the fish, and arguments for the high diversity of fish fauna diversity are examined. The country is divided into five large river basins and the fisheries are described in relation to the main fish species caught, the main gear employed, and the fishing strategies. Exotic species introduction is discussed along with strategies for fish stock management. Effects of dams on resident fish stocks and consequences for the small scale fisheries are discussed and compared with the effects of pollution. -Author
Sour cassava starch is traditionally produced in Latin America for preparation of cheesebreads such as 'pan de yuca' and 'pandebono' in Colombia, and 'pao de queijo' in Brazil. The processing involved is described and improvements suggested. Criteria for quality assessment of sour cassava starch are based on consumers' requirements. Recommendations are made for improving the processing and product quality. Alternatives are given for extending the potential value of this traditional foodstuff.
After the prohibition of organochlorine-pesticide use in Brazil for controlling insect vector diseases, Mato Grosso State gathered the exceeding DDT and stored it irregularly in an open air area that belongs to the National Health Foundation, causing soil contamination. This study aimed to evaluate the contamination level and dissipation of p,p′-DDT and p,p′-DDE in this area. For that, surface soil samples were collected on 19 September 2000, 15 December 2000, 4 April 2001 and soil samples 30-40 cm; 60-70 cm and 90-100 cm deep were taken from five points in the studied area on 17 July 2001. The contaminants were determined by a small scale method which consists on extraction and clean-up steps combined into one step by transferring soil samples mixed with neutral alumina to a chromatographic column prepacked with neutral alumina and elution with hexane:dichloromethane (7:3 v:v). The eluate was concentrated and the analytes were quantified by gas chromatography with an electron-capture detector. p,p′-DDT at surface soil ranged from 3800 to 7300 mg kg -1. 30-40 cm deep soil sample concentrations varied from 0.036 to 440 mg kg -1 while 90-100 cm deep samples varied from 0.069 to 180 mg kg -1. Volatilization is probably the main dissipation process. The p,p′-DDT is moving slowly downward in the soil profile, however, the levels of this contaminant are high enough to present risk to underground waters. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Female broiler breeder productivity is based on the principles of thermal comfort that are directly related with the microclimate inside the housing. This research had the objective of monitoring the behavior of female broiler breeders, using the technology of radio-frequency, injectable transponders and readers in different existing microclimates inside a small scale distorted housing model. Eight birds with electronic identification were used. Three readers were used, in three different points inside the model: on the floor of the nest, in the passage besides the lateral wall and below the water facility. Dry bulb (DBT), wet bulb (WBT) and black globe (BGT) temperature were measured continuously. The results point out a distinct behavioral pattern of the birds regarding the environment exposition during the experiment. Three probabilistic models of behavior were developed from the recorded data: probabilistic model for the passage use: FP = 1.10 - 0.244 ln(DBT), probabilistic model for the water facility use: FB = 0.398 + 0.00866(DBT), and probabilistic model for the nest use: FN = 2.22 - 0.272 DBT + 0,011 DBT 2 - 0.000144 DBT 3.
The region of Alfenas, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is predominantly constituted of Pre-Cambrian rocks with well developed alteration profiles in association with colluvial and alluvial sediments. No study to date has examined in detail its potential use in the ceramic industry. The scarce knowledge of its mineralogical and technological properties limits its value and consequently its industrial use. Until now, these clay materials have been used in a rudimental manner, in small scale in the fabrication of red tiles. The present study aimed at analyzing these clays mineralogically (X-ray diffraction), chemically (major and minor elements by X-ray fluorescence and organic carbon analysis) and technologically (pressing granulometric distribution; mechanical resistence; water absorption, apparent porosity; linear firing shrinkage; color of firing and others) in order to better understand the raw material and develop adequate technological applications. The best results of ceramic properties were the samples with higher organic content (more plastic clays) and higher values of Al2O3 (kaolinite and gibbsite) and Fe2O3 as well lower SiO2 content and finer grain size which contribute to a better sinterization.
Includes bibliography
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)