738 resultados para single mode fiber


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We report experimental study of vector solitons for the fundamental and harmonic mode-locked operation in erbiumdoper fiber lasers with carbon nanotubes based saturable absorbers and anomalous dispersion cavities. We measure evolution of the output pulses polarization and demonstrate vector solitons with various polarization attractors, including locked polarization, periodic polarization switching, and polarization precession.


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We study polarization dynamics of a harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotubes absorber. New types of vector solitons are shown for multi-pulse and harmonic mode-locked operation with locked, switching and precessing polarization states. © 2014 OSA.


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Optical solitons are important in the modern photonics. Passively mode locked erbium doped fiber lasers provide a neat platform to study soliton dynamics. Soliton interaction dynamics is important for various applications and has quite different manifestations, including e.g. such as bound state solitons [1], soliton rains [2]. Soliton interactions have been observed with different mode locking approaches such as figure-of-eight [3] and nonlinear polarization rotation [4]. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have recently been widely applied as an efficient saturable absorber for passively mode locked fiber lasers. We have recently studied the polarization dynamics in a CNT mode locked vector soliton erbium doped fiber laser [5]. So far, the polarization dynamics of bound state solitons have yet to be investigated. In this report, we present a wide range of polarization dynamics of bound state solitons generated in a CNT mode locked erbium doped fiber laser. The fiber laser consists of ∼ 2 m highly doped erbium fiber (Liekki Er80-8/125) as the gain medium, an optical isolator to ensure unidirectional oscillation anda 980 nm laser diode is used to pump the gain through the 1550/980 nm wavelength division multiplexer. A fused 10:90 coupler is used to couple 10 % of the light out of the laser cavity and two in-line polarization controllers (NewPort) are used to control the birefringence of the cavity and polarization of the pump light respectively. The total cavity length is ∼ 7.8 m indicating a 25.7 MHz fundamental repetition rate. © 2013 IEEE.


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We propose and numerically demonstrate a novel simple method to produce optical Nyquist pulses based on pulse shaping in a passively mode-locked fiber laser with an in-cavity flat-top spectral filter. The proposed scheme takes advantage of the nonlinear in-cavity dynamics of the laser and offers the possibility to generate high-quality sinc-shaped pulses with widely tunable bandwidth directly from the laser oscillator. We also show that the use of a filter with a corrective convex profile relaxes the need for large nonlinear phase accumulation in the cavity by offsetting the concavity of the nonlinearly broadened pulse spectrum.


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Mode-locked fiber lasers provide convenient and reproducible experimental settings for the study of a variety of nonlinear dynamical processes. The complex interplay among the effects of gain/loss, dispersion and nonlinearity in a fiber cavity can be used to shape the pulses and manipulate and control the light dynamics and, hence, lead to different mode-locking regimes. Major steps forward in pulse energy and peak power performance of passively mode-locked fiber lasers have been made with the recent discovery of new nonlinear regimes of pulse generation, namely, dissipative solitons in all-normal-dispersion cavities and parabolic self-similar pulses (similaritons) in passive and active fibers. Despite substantial research in this field, qualitatively new phenomena are still being discovered. In this talk, we review recent progress in the research on nonlinear mechanisms of pulse generation in passively mode-locked fiber lasers. These include similariton mode-locking, a mode-locking regime featuring pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity, and spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation. We also report on the possibility of achieving various regimes of advanced temporal waveform generation in a mode-locked fiber laser by inclusion of a spectral filter into the laser cavity.


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We show that self-similar evolution in a fiber laser can stabilize spectra broader than the gain bandwidth. 21-fs pulses, which are the shortest from a fiber laser to date, and 200-nm spectra are generated. © OSA 2012.


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An erbium doped fiber ring laser achieving soliton mode locking by the use of an intra-cavity all-fiber polarization interference filter (AFPIF) has been demonstrated. To incorporate an AFPIF with relative narrow transmission bandwidth, the laser has produced clean soliton pulses of 1.2 ps duration at a repetition rate of 14.98 MHz with a polarization extinction ratio up to 25.7 dB. Moreover, we have demonstrated that the operating wavelength of the mode locking laser can be tuned over 20 nm range from 1545 to 1565 nm by thermally tuning the AFPIF cavity. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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We have proposed and demonstrated passive harmonic mode locking of an erbium doped fiber laser with soliton pulse shaping using carbon nanotubes polyvinyl alcohol film. Two types of samples prepared by using filtration and centrifugation were studied. The demonstrated fiber laser can support 10th harmonic order corresponding to 245 MHz repetition rate with an output power of ~12 mW. More importantly, all stable harmonic orders show timing jitter below 10 ps. The output pulses energies are between 25 to 56 pJ. Both samples result in the same central wavelength of output optical spectrum with similar pulse duration of ~1 ps for all harmonic orders. By using the same laser configuration, centrifugated sample exhibits slightly lower pulse chirp. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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A Raman converter based on an active fiber with variable mode structure is experimentally and theoretically studied. It is demonstrated that a conventional telecommunication fiber with variable mode structure can be used to construct Raman converters © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011.


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We demonstrated an Erbium-doped picosecond fiber laser mode locked by carbon nanotube in N-methyl-2-pryrrolidone solvent in an in-fiber micro-channel. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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We report on the generation of orthogonally polarized bright–dark pulse pair in a passively mode-locked fiber laser with a large-angle tilted fiber grating (LA-TFG). The unique polarization properties of the LA-TFG, i.e., polarization-dependent loss and polarization-mode splitting, enable dual-wavelength mode-locking operation. Besides dual-wavelength bright pulses with uniform polarization at two different wavelengths, the bright–dark pulse pair has also been achieved. It is found that the bright–dark pulse pair is formed due to the nonlinear couplings between lights with two orthogonal polarizations and two different wavelengths. Furthermore, harmonic mode-locking of bright–dark pulse pair has been observed. The obtained bright–dark pulse pair could find potential use in secure communication system. It also paves the way to manipulate the generation of dark pulse in terms of wavelength and polarization, using specially designed fiber grating for mode-locking.


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we demonstrate a polarization switchable, single/ multi-wavelength fiber ring laser based on an intra-cavity all fiber Lyot filter. The laser can operate at single-, multi-wavelength by adjusting polarization controller, and givessingle polarization output. © 2015 OSA.


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We present recent results on measurements of intensity spatio-temporal dynamics in passively mode-locked fibre laser. We experimentally uncover distinct, dynamic and stable spatio-temporal generation regimes of various stochasticity and periodicity properties in though-to-be unstable laser. We present a method to distinguish various types of generated coherent structures, including rogue and shock waves, within the radiation by means of introducing of intensity ACF evolution map. We also discuss how the spectral dynamics could be measured in fiber lasers generating irregular train of pulses of quasi-CW generation via combination of heterodyning and intensity spatio-temporal measurement concept.


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We numerically investigate a fiber laser which contains an active fiber along with a dispersion decreasing fiber both operating at normal dispersion. Large-bandwidth pulses are obtained that can be linearly compressed resulting in ultra-short high-energy pulse generation. ©2010 Crown.


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We present a theoretical description of the generation of ultra-short, high-energy pulses in two laser cavities driven by periodic spectral filtering or dispersion management. Critical in driving the intra-cavity dynamics is the nontrivial phase profiles generated and their periodic modification from either spectral filtering or dispersion management. For laser cavities with a spectral filter, the theory gives a simple geometrical description of the intra-cavity dynamics and provides a simple and efficient method for optimizing the laser cavity performance. In the dispersion managed cavity, analysis shows the generated self-similar behavior to be governed by the porous media equation with a rapidly-varying, mean-zero diffusion coefficient whose solution is the well-known Barenblatt similarity solution with parabolic profile. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.