729 resultados para sensibility
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas, 2016.
Character education has been viewed by many educators as having significant historical, academic, and social value. Many stakeholders in education argue for character development as a curricular experience. While understanding the degree to which character education is of worth to stakeholders of institutions is important, understanding students, teachers, and administrators perspectives from their lived experiences is likewise significant. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of character education within a Biblical framework environment by examining the lived experiences of students, administrators, and teachers of a Seventh-day Adventist School. Phenomenology describes individuals’ daily experiences of phenomena, the manner in which these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). ). This inquiry was undertaken to answer the question: What are the perceptions of students, teachers, and an administrator toward character education in a Seventh-day Adventist school setting? Ten participants (seven students and three adults) formed the homogeneous purposive sample, and the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Three 90-minute open-ended interviews were conducted with each of the participants. Data analysis included a three-phase process of description, reduction and interpretation. The findings from this study revealed that participants perceived that their involvement in the school’s character education program decreased the tendency to violence, improved their conduct and ethical sensibility, enhanced their ability to engage in decision-making concerning social relationships and their impact on others, brought to their attention the emerging global awareness of moral deficiency, and fostered incremental progress from practice and recognition of vices to their acquisition of virtues. The findings, therefore, provide a model for teaching character education from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. The model is also relevant for non-Seventh day Adventists who aspire to teach character education as a means to improving social and moral conditions in schools.
Recent perspectives on Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education emphasize children's participation in line with the Children's Rights Convention. The study aimed to analyse how children's rights are dealt with during recess in a school (Early Childhood and Primary Education) in Portugal. The aims were: to characterize the style of the adult (teaching assistants) and the interactions that are established with the children at the playground/recess, and analyse them in terms of children's rights. The qualitative approach was based on the observation during the recess for three weeks. The Adult Style Observation Schedule for Early Childhood Education (ASOS-ECE) was used to register and code the dynamics of six teaching assistants (3 ECE and 3 PE). Critical incidents were also registered. Statistical analysis of the ASOS-ECE levels were complemented with the content analysis of the notes. The playground space was quite limited and affected children's play and well-being. The outdoor playground was never used for the Early Childhood classes, only for Primary Education students but with little supervision. Children were often deprived of playground time by decision of the teaching assistants, as punishment. The results obtained through the Adult Style Observation Schedule for Early Childhood Education (ASOS-ECE) are not satisfactory and are below what would meet the minimum quality value (3,5). For Early Childhood Education, sensibility is the most valued dimension but with very low levels (<2,5). For Primary Education it was autonomy that scored highest (<2,5). The analysis of the notes/critical incidents highlighted articles 12 (expression of own views), 13 (freedom of expression), 19 (protection against violence), 29 (development of personality) and 31 (rest and leisure, play and recreational activities) as being put into question by actions of the adults responsible for the children. Children's rights and well-being need to be put forward in the knowledge base for all adults working with children so that Pedagogy can fulfil its purpose fully.
La radicalité du changement culturel provoque une crise de la forma ecclesiae et introduit la question relative à quelle est la forme de l’Église la plus appropriée à l’annonce de l’évangile. L’Église italienne, que le présent travail a l’intention d’assumer en qualité de point de référence particulier, en est également intéressée: contrairement au passé, même le plus récent, la foi chrétienne n’est plus un patrimoine «de tous». La question se pose puisque, au nom de l’évangile, l’action de l’Église ne peut pas disperser, pourtant, le caractère universel de la foi en soi même (son être «pour tous»). Dans un tel scénario, s’enclenche le but que cette thèse se pose de poursuivre sur le plan de la pensée théologique-pastorale: elle veut accompagner l’Église en son être à l’intérieur de cette tension entre l’instance théologique d’une foi qui est «pour tous» et le donné sociologique dont il émerge qu’elle n’est plus «de tous». Beaucoup de projets contemporaines de réforme pastorale ont l’intention de faire face aux transformations de la culture afin d’empêcher tout injustifiée domestication. Cependant, comme cette thèse essaie à le prouver, ils risquent souvent de suggérer une rupture avec le passé récent du corps ecclésial. Pour eux la référence polémique est représentée par cette figure de «catholicisme populaire» avec qui, dans le contexte de la «civilisation paroissiale», l’expérience chrétienne est réussie à s’enraciner dans le tissu social. Dans ces projets, il est – en effet – assimilé d’une manière restrictive à une sorte de «catholicisme de masse», basé seulement sur des processus religieux de socialisation et d’uniformisation de l’expérience. Au contraire, le but de ce travail consiste en un essai de compréhension renouvelée de cette figure de vie chrétienne. Elle n’est retenue seulement selon la particulière forme historique qu’elle a adoptée dans le demain passé, marqué par une situation d’homogénéité culturelle, d’une Église de peuple, mais aussi comme principe opératoire qui désigne la capacité du christianisme de se réaliser en tant qu’élévation et transfiguration des formes anthropologiques de base. Cette perspective dynamique permet de trouver dans le «catholicisme populaire» un principe écclesio-génétique qui exalte l’interaction entre l’initiative ecclésiale et la sensibilité des croyants, et qui, tout en défendant la qualité théologale de l’expérience chrétienne, ne méprise pas la valeur pédagogique de son enracinement religieux. La dynamique qui préside au «catholicisme populaire», grâce à la confrontation avec une étude sur le terrain, conduit à l’individuation de certaines provocations à propos de la structure du corps ecclésial, en ce qui concerne les représentations, les actions, les sujets et les limites qui le caractérisent. Elles sont transposées de manière à envisager une réforme de l’Église qui s’avère applicable pour le présent et qui cherche à garder le caractère universel-non formel de la foi, c’est à dire son «pour tous».
La tuberculosis TB es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo en individuos con infección por VIH. En Colombia esta coinfección soporta una carga importante en la población general convirtiéndose en un problema de salud pública. En estos pacientes las pruebas diagnósticas tienen sensibilidad inferior y la enfermedad evoluciona con mayor frecuencia hacia formas diseminadas y rápidamente progresivas y su diagnóstico oportuno representa un reto en Salud. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar el desempeño de las pruebas diagnósticas convencionales y moleculares, para la detección de TB latente y activa pacientes con VIH, en dos hospitales públicos de Bogotá. Para TB latente se evaluó la concordancia entre las pruebas QuantiFERON-TB (QTF) y Tuberculina (PPD), sugiriendo superioridad del QTF sobre la PPD. Se evaluaron tres pruebas diagnósticas por su sensibilidad y especificidad, baciloscopia (BK), GenoType®MTBDR plus (Genotype) y PCR IS6110 teniendo como estándar de oro el cultivo. Los resultados de sensibilidad (S) y especificidad (E) de cada prueba con una prevalencia del 19,4 % de TB pulmonar y extrapulmonar en los pacientes que participaron del estudio fue: BK S: 64% E: 99,1%; Genotype S: 77,8% E: 94,5%; PCRIS6110 S: 73% E: 95,5%, de la misma forma se determinaron los valores predictivos positivos y negativos (VPP y VPN) BK: 88,9% y 94,8%, Genotype S: 77,8% E: 94,5%; PCRIS6110 S: 90% y 95,7%. Se concluyó bajo análisis de curva ROC que las pruebas muestran un rendimiento diagnóstico similar por separado en el diagnóstico de TB en pacientes con VIH, aumentando su rendimiento diagnostico cuando se combinan
On November the 2nd 1882, William James visited Ernst Mach in Prague, and attended one of his lectures. The conversation with Mach and the lecture were marking events for James. Based, namely, on James’s lectures for teachers and on Mach’s lectures for the general public, we propose a reflection on the defining traits that made that event "the most artistic lesson [James] ever heard". We shall remark on the imaginative joy contained in these texts, which appear to embody some of James' key ideas on Education. The experience of knowledge about the world contained in the texts, reveals that "to experiment" means "not coldly to observe a thing happening outside us, but to undergo, to feel within oneself, to live oneself this or that manner of being".
Transdisciplinarity gained importance in the 1970s, with the initial signs of weakness of both multi- and interdisciplinary approaches. This weakness was felt due to the increased complexity in the social and technological landscapes. Generally, discussion over the transdisciplinary topic is centred in social and health sciences. Therefore, the major challenge in this research is to adapt design research to the emerging transdisciplinary discussion. Based on a comparative and critical review of several engineering and design models for the design process, we advocate the importance of collaboration and conceptualisation for these disciplines. Therefore, a transdisciplinary and conceptual cooperation between engineering and industrial design disciplines is considered as decisive to create breakthroughs. Furthermore, a synthesis is proposed, in order to foster the cooperation between engineering and industrial design.
Conceptual interpretation of languages has gathered peak interest in the world of artificial intelligence. The challenge in modeling various complications involved in a language is the main motivation behind our work. Our main focus in this work is to develop conceptual graphical representation for image captions. We have used discourse representation structure to gain semantic information which is further modeled into a graphical structure. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated by a caption based image retrieval system. The image retrieval is performed by computing subgraph based similarity measures. Best retrievals were given an average rating of . ± . out of 4 by a group of 25 human judges. The experiments were performed on a subset of the SBU Captioned Photo Dataset. This purpose of this work is to establish the cognitive sensibility of the approach to caption representations
Conceptual interpretation of languages has gathered peak interest in the world of artificial intelligence. The challenge in modeling various complications involved in a language is the main motivation behind our work. Our main focus in this work is to develop conceptual graphical representation for image captions. We have used discourse representation structure to gain semantic information which is further modeled into a graphical structure. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated by a caption based image retrieval system. The image retrieval is performed by computing subgraph based similarity measures. Best retrievals were given an average rating of . ± . out of 4 by a group of 25 human judges. The experiments were performed on a subset of the SBU Captioned Photo Dataset. This purpose of this work is to establish the cognitive sensibility of the approach to caption representations.