1000 resultados para second homes
The basic idea behind improving local food security consists of two paths; first, accessibility (price, stock) and second, availability (quantity and biodiversity); both are perquisites to the provision of nutrients and a continuous food supply with locally available resources. The objectives of this thesis are to investigate if indigenous knowledge still plays an important role in traditional farming in the Minangkabau`s culture, thus supporting local food security. If the indigenous knowledge still plays a role in food culture in the Minangkabau`s culture which is linked to the matrilineal role and leads to a sound nutrition. Further, it should be tested if marantau influences traditional farming and food culture in Minangkabau`s, and if the local government plays a role in changing of traditional farming systems and food culture. Furthermore this thesis wants to prove if education and gender are playing a role in changing traditional farming system and food culture, and if the mass media affects traditional farming systems and food culture for the Minangkabau. The study was completed at four locations in West Sumatera; Nagari Ulakan (NU) (coastal area), Nagari Aia Batumbuak (NAB) (hilly area), Nagari Padang Laweh Malalo (NPLM) (lake area), Nagari Pandai Sikek (NPS) (hilly area). The rainfall ranged from 1400- 4800 mm annually with fertile soils. Data was collected by using PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) to investigate indigenous knowledge (IK) and its interactions, which is also combining with in depth-interview, life history, a survey using semi-structured-questionnaire, pictures, mapping, and expert interview. The data was collected from June - September 2009 and June 2010. The materials are; map of area, list of names, questionnaires, voices recorder, note book, and digital camera. The sampling method was snowball sampling which resulted in the qualitative and quantitative data taken. For qualitative data, ethnography and life history was used. For quantitative, a statistical survey with a semi-structured questionnaire was used. 50 respondents per each site participated voluntarily. Data was analyzed by performing MAXQDA 10, and F4 audio analysis software (created and developed by Philip-University Marburg). The data is clustered based on causality. The results show that; the role of IK on TFS (traditional farming system) shown on NPLM which has higher food crop biodiversity in comparison to the other three places even though it has relatively similar temperature and rainfall. This high food crop biodiversity is due to the awareness of local people who realized that they lived in unfavourable climate and topography; therefore they are more prepared for any changes that may occur. Carbohydrate intake is 100 % through rice even though they are growing different staple crops. Whereas most of the people said in the interviews that not eating rice is like not really eating for them. In addition to that, mothers still play an important role in kitchen activities. But when the agriculture income is low, mothers have to decide whether to change the meals or to feel insecure about their food supply. Marantau yields positive impact through the remittances it provides to invest on the farm. On the other hand, it results in fewer workers for agriculture, and therefore a negative impact on the transfer of IK. The investigation showed that the local government has a PTS (Padi Tanam Sabatang) programme which still does not guarantee that the farmers are getting sufficient revenue from their land. The low agricultural income leads to situation of potential food insecurity. It is evident that education is equal among men and women, but in some cases women tend to leave school earlier because of arranged marriages or the distances of school from their homes. Men predominantly work in agriculture and fishing, while women work in the kitchen. In NAB, even though women work on farmland they earn less then men. Weaving (NPS) and kitchen activity is recognized as women’s work, which also supports the household income. Mass media is not yielding any changes in TFS and food culture in these days. The traditional farming system has changed because of intensive agricultural extension which has introduced new methods of agriculture for the last three decades (since the 1980’s). There is no evidence that they want to change any of their food habits because of the mass media despite the lapau activity which allows them to get more food choices, instead preparing traditional meal at home. The recommendations of this thesis are: 1) The empowerment of farmers. It is regarding the self sufficient supply of manure, cooperative seed, and sustainable farm management. Farmers should know – where are they in their state of knowledge – so they can use their local wisdom and still collaborate with new sources of knowledge. Farmers should learn the prognosis of supply and demand next prior to harvest. There is a need for farm management guidelines; that can be adopted from both their local wisdom and modern knowledge. 2) Increase of non-agricultural income Increasing the non-agricultural income is strongly recommended. The remittances can be invested on non-agricultural jobs. 3) The empowerment of the mother. The mother plays an important role in farm to fork activities; the mother can be an initiator and promoter of cultivating spices in the backyard. Improvement of nutritional knowledge through information and informal public education can be done through arisan ibu-ibu and lapau activity. The challenges to apply these recommendations are: 1) The gap between institutions and organizations of local governments. There is more than one institution involved in food security policy. 2) Training and facilities for field extension agriculture (FEA) is needed because the rapid change of interaction between local government and farmer’s dependent on this agency.
In früheren Experimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass die sekundären Botenstoffe cAMP, cGMP und IP3 in der olfaktorischen Signaltransduktionskaskade bei Manduca sexta involviert sind. Während cGMP Perfusionen in die Antenne die Pheromonwahrnehmung tageszeitabhängig adaptierten, führten cAMP Perfusionen zu einer tageszeitabhängigen Sensitisierung, ähnlicher der von Octopamin (OA). Daher wurde hypothetisiert, dass eine tageszeitabhängige Oszillation antennaler OA Level sowie der intrazelluläre Kalziumkonzentration in einer Schwankung von sekundären Botenstoffen resultieren könnte. Diese Hypothese wurde mittels biochemischen Nachweißverfahren in der Antenne von M. sexta und Rhyparobia maderae überprüft. Tatsächlich konnten in der Antenne des Tabakschwärmers tageszeitabhängige Unterschiede in der OA-, cAMP- und IP3-, aber nicht in der cGMP Konzentration, nachgewiesen werden. Während die cAMP- und OA Oszillationen einander sehr ähnelten und die Maxima in der Paarungsphase aufzeigten, korrelierte der IP3 Verlauf sehr stark mit dem Flug- bzw. Fressverhalten. Diese Korrelationen konnten auch in der Madeira Schabe beobachtet werden, in der darüber hinaus gezeigt werden konnte, dass antennale cAMP- und IP3 Level von dem circadianen Uhrwerk gesteuert werden. Zudem wurde herausgefunden, dass OA die cAMP- und teilweise auch die IP3- Spiegel reguliert. Demgegenüber beeinflusste Kalzium die Konzentration aller untersuchten sekundären Botenstoffe. Daher wird angenommen, dass die intrazelluläre Kalziumkonzentration aber auch der antennale OA Level kritische Faktoren bei der Regelung der olfaktorischen Sensitivität sind. Da Oszillationen von sekundären Botenstoffen in mutmaßlichen, peripheren Schrittmacher nachgewiesen wurden, wurde untersucht, ob sie auch im circadianen Schrittmacher der Madeira Schabe oszillieren und ob das Neuropeptid pigment-dispersing factor (PDF), ein entscheidender Kopplungsfaktor des Uhrwerks in Insekten, diese Rhythmen generieren könnte. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass PDF die cAMP Synthese steigert. Darüber hinaus wurden bimodale cAMP Oszillationen unter licht-dunkel Bedingungen beobachtet, welche unter konstanten Umweltbedingungen verblieben. Daher wird angenommen, dass PDF Freisetzung zelluläres cAMP erhöht über das das circadiane Uhrwerk synchronisiert wird.
Per suggeriment de la Comissió de Dona i Ciència, el 21 d'abril del 2006 la Junta Plenària del Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya va instar de manera oficial que totes les unversitats catalanes iniciessin l'elaboració d'un pla d'igualtat entre homes i dones, i que aquest estigui redactat abans de finals de l'any 2007
En aquest monografic dedicat al cine hem recollit articles de directores de dues generacions perque ens expliquin la seva experiencia de fer pel.licules i també hem convidat a un crític perque ens parli, des de la seva diferencia de ser home, del cinema fet per dones
Ressenya del llibre 'Homes, vaixells i mercaderies de Tossa al Grau de València, 1459-1703', de Mario Zucchitello. Treball que estudia els intercanvis comercials entre el litoral selvatà i el Regne de València i la seva capital al segle XV
The H∞ synchronization problem of the master and slave structure of a second-order neutral master-slave systems with time-varying delays is presented in this paper. Delay-dependent sufficient conditions for the design of a delayed output-feedback control are given by Lyapunov-Krasovskii method in terms of a linear matrix inequality (LMI). A controller, which guarantees H∞ synchronization of the master and slave structure using some free weighting matrices, is then developed. A numerical example has been given to show the effectiveness of the method
This is the original Dingledine et al's Tor paper. Please consider it required reading.
Artículo incluido en el número de la revista dedicado íntegramente a la violencia de género
This is the original Dingledine et al's Tor paper. Please consider it required reading.
The present paper presents the results of a transversal descriptive study which intended to estimate the contribution of the project “Caring for those who take care of people with disabilities” in the areas of: strength of personal and group competences, self care, life project, dexterity in the care process of people with disabilities, and communitarian auto management; that was implemented in 20 urban areas with caregivers of the city of Bogota in the year 2007. The study allowed the nresearches to acknowledge the little change perception that caregivers had in terms of self care, however, the caregivers perceived change in the four areas, although this were not statistically significant in comparison with the general population. There were only significant changes in the communitarian auto management area in 30% of the population. As a result, it is proposed that more extensive, continuous, and sustainable processes are implemented and that this process arises from contention spaces which can be created with the caregivers, from which they can be motivated to participate in other ´processes of collective and individual changes. Also there’s a need to rely on facilitators (professionals and change agents) who have stronger competences on the how to be and the how to interact competences, because there’s a need to manage the psychosocial components in this group of people. Also, we must make organizational processes and the social networks stronger, this is: collective actions are required, because disability is a social fact, and so, the individual issues are just a moment in the process of inclusion of the person with disability, his family and caregiver.
Resumen basado en el de las autoras
Crédito común de Tecnología, destinado a los alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Básicamente se propone una ampliación de los principios básicos de la mecánica, sobretodo de la cinemática. Por eso se favorece la relación de este crédito con el área de Ciencias Experimentales. Para el crédito que presentamos es necesario tener unos conocimientos previos sobre matemáticas (ecuaciones lineales). El material para el alumnado contiene numerosas ilustraciones y dibujos para ejemplificarlo explicado y para realizar ejercicios. Se ofrece material para el profesor, como guía didáctica. Encontramos también, la bibliografía de algunas de las imágenes y fotocopias para realizar transparencias.
Crédito de Lengua Clásica (Griego) y Ciencias Sociales. Forma parte de un proyecto que propone el aprendizaje del griego y el latín paralela y simultáneamente. El alumno ya tiene unas bases y contacto con las lenguas clásicas, lo que se pretende es profundizar un poco más. Los textos hacen referencia a Homero y a la guerra de Troia, a Empúries, Olipmia, Delfos y Esparta. Pretende una metodología activa y participativa. Aporta un material para el profesorado y otro para el alumnado..
Material educativo aplicable en ciencias sociales de segundo y tercer ciclo de Primaria y ESO. Relacionado con una visita del Museu Marítim de Barcelona 'De la barca a la companyia : l'esplendor de la Barcelona marítima, 1750-1850', desarrolla el crecimiento de Cataluña en los s. XVIII y XIX, su agricultura y demografía, y el comercio marítimo con América como sector fundamental en cuanto a la cobertura de demandas catalanas como en la emigración o la estructura enconómica. Incluye los conceptos, procedimientos y valores que se trabajan tanto en el material como en las visitas al museo.
Crédito de 23 unidades lectivas de Ciencias Sociales, para Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. La propuesta de estudio se basa en el trabajo cartográfico a través del paisaje. Se pretende que el alumno aprenda a interpretar y realizar las representaciones cartográficas. Para ésto se proponen siete temas dentro del material de documentación para el alumnado. Los temas tratan la representación en el espacio, el relieve, la hidrografía, el clima, los paisajes y el medio ambiente y la transformación del paisaje. Se proponen numerosos trabajos gráficos y experimentación directa de trabajo de campo. Se ofrece material para el profesorado y para el alumnado.