941 resultados para scanning electron microscope.


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O ouro, assim como outros bens minerais, é uma commodity, ou seja, um produto não diferenciado, com preço determinado pelo mercado internacional, sem a interferência de seus produtores. Diante desse cenário, associado à exaustão dos depósitos minerais de maiores teores, as mineradoras vêm buscando melhores formas de aproveitamento de matérias-primas minerais mais complexas quanto à extração e ao beneficiamento. Os retornos financeiros são obtidos no estrito controle da produção com redução de custos e mitigação de perdas nas operações unitárias. A caracterização tecnológica está inserida como uma abordagem multidisciplinar e fundamental para o melhor aproveitamento dos bens minerais. Possibilita um maior conhecimento do minério e das associações minerais presentes, que auxiliará no desenvolvimento das alternativas de explotação e na otimização do processo em funcionamento. Dentre os procedimentos de caracterização das associações minerais mais acurados citam-se os sistemas automatizados de análise de imagens adquiridas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Permitem a avaliação qualitativa ou quantitativa de grande número de partículas quanto à composição química e mineral, partição de elementos nos minerais presentes, formas de associações e liberação entre os minerais. Este estudo se concentra na caracterização de quatro amostras mineralizadas a ouro, de diferentes regiões do Brasil, pela análise automatizada de imagens e por métodos laboratoriais de separações minerais e extração hidrometalúrgica do ouro. A combinação de procedimentos laboratoriais com a análise de imagens permitiu confrontar os resultados das recuperações potenciais, fornecendo subsídios para abordagens de processo, para obtenção da máxima recuperação do ouro e para diagnosticar as características interferentes nesses processos.


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A new interaction between insects and carnivorous plants is reported from Brazil. Larvae of the predatory flower fly Toxomerus basalis (Diptera: Syrphidae: Syrphinae) have been found scavenging on the sticky leaves of several carnivorous sundew species (Drosera, Droseraceae) in Minas Gerais and São Paulo states, SE Brazil. This syrphid apparently spends its whole larval stage feeding on prey trapped by Drosera leaves. The nature of this plant-animal relationship is discussed, as well as the Drosera species involved, and locations where T. basalis was observed. 180 years after the discovery of this flower fly species, its biology now has been revealed. This is (1) the first record of kleptoparasitism in the Syrphidae, (2) a new larval feeding mode for this family, and (3) the first report of a dipteran that shows a kleptoparasitic relationship with a carnivorous plant with adhesive flypaper traps. The first descriptions of the third instar larva and puparium of T. basalis based on Scanning Electron Microscope analysis are provided.


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Tourmaline from a gem-quality deposit in the Grenville province has been studied with X-ray diffraction, visible-near infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe and optical measurements. The tourmaline is found within tremolite-rich calc-silicate pods hosted in marble of the Central Metasedimentary Belt. The crystals are greenish-greyish-brown and have yielded facetable material up to 2.09 carats in size. Using the classification of Henry et al. 2011 the tourmaline is classified as a dravite, with a representative formula shown to be (Na0.73Ca0.2380.032)(Mg2+2.913Fe2+0.057Ti4+0.030) (Al3+5.787Fe3+0.017Mg2+0.14)(Si6.013O18)(BO3)3(OH)3((OH,O)0.907F0.093). Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data gives a = 15.9436(8) Å, c = 7.2126(7) Å and a unit cell volume of 1587.8 Å3. A polished thin section was cut perpendicular to the c-axis of one tourmaline crystal, which showed zoning from a dark brown core into a lighter rim into a thin darker rim and back into lighter zonation. Through the geochemical data, three key stages of crystal growth can be seen within this thin section. The first is the core stage which occurs from the dark core to the first colourless zone; the second is from this colourless zone increasing in brown colour to the outer limit before a sudden absence of colour is noted; the third is a sharp change from the end of the second and is entirely colourless. These events are the result of metamorphism and hydrothermal fluids resulting from nearby felsic intrusive plutons. Scanning electron microscope, and electron microprobe traverses across this cross-section revealed that the green colour is the result of iron present throughout the system while the brown colour is correlated with titanium content. Crystal inclusions in the tourmaline of chlorapatite, and zircon were identified by petrographic analysis and confirmed using scanning electron microscope data and occur within the third stage of formation.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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O presente trabalho consiste na caracterização física e química da pólvora. Esta caracterização foi realizada para alguns tipos de pólvora, com o objetivo de se poder empregar este tipo de material noutros âmbitos, que não seja só nas Forças Armadas, nomeadamente, no armamento. A caracterização física abrangeu, essencialmente, a caracterização morfológica das amostras tal-qual, nomeadamente, as pólvoras multi-perfurada, tubular, tubular (rocket), cilíndrica, esférica, lamelar, em fita e a pólvora negra. A técnica utilizada foi a observação através de uma lupa estereoscópica. Após a combustão, foi utilizado o microscópio eletrónico de varrimento. A caracterização química foi realizada no âmbito da análise química elementar, e também no âmbito da combustão, às condições atmosféricas. Na análise química elementar, foram estudadas a pólvora multiperfurada, tubular, tubular rocket e em fita, por intermédio da espectrometria de fluorescência de raios-X - dispersão de energia e por espectrometria de absorção atómica de chama. No âmbito da combustão, foram estudas a taxa de queima e a velocidade de propagação de chama, nas amostras de pólvora multi-perfurada e a pólvora de fita, através de técnicas de medição de massa e de visualização de chama. Na discussão de resultados constatou-se que a maioria dos tipos de pólvora estudados pertencem ao grupo dos propelentes de base dupla. Apesar da variabilidade entre amostras, verificou-se que o principal elemento comum é o chumbo. Quanto à taxa de queima, esta apresenta uma evolução aproximadamente linear em todas as amostras. Foi, ainda, apresentada uma velocidade de propagação de chama característica para os dois tipos de pólvora estudados, tendo sido estabelecida para a pólvora multi-perfurada uma velocidade SR = 1,1 mm/s, para em fita, SR = 6,0 mm/s.


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In order to determine the shear parameters of the forearc sedimentary strata drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 186, West Pacific Seismic Network, Japan Trench, eight whole-round samples were selected from different depths in the drilled sections of Sites 1150 and 1151. Whereas Site 1150 lays above the seismically active part of the subduction zone, Site 1151 is situated in an aseismic zone. The aim of the triaxial tests was, apart from determination of the static stress strain behavior of the sediments, to test the hypothesis that the static stress strain parameter could differ for each sites. In order to simulate undrained deformation conditions according to the high clay mineral content of the strata, consolidated undrained shear tests were performed in a triaxial testing setup. Measurements of water content, grain density, organic content, and microtextural investigations under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) accompanied the compression experiments. After the saturation and consolidation stages were completed, failure occurred in the compression stage of the experiments at peak strengths of 280-7278 kPa. The stiffness moduli calculated for each sample from differential stress vs. strain curves show a linear relationship with depth and range between 181 and 5827 kPa. Under the SEM, the artificial fault planes of the tested specimen only show partial alignment of clay minerals because of the high content of microfossils.


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The capillary-pressure characteristics of 22 samples of lithified post-Paleozoic Indian-Ocean carbonates were compared to published data from older carbonate rocks (lower Paleozoic Hunton Group of Texas and Oklahoma). The Indian-Ocean samples are considerably more porous than are the Paleozoic samples, yet all of the Indian-Ocean samples fit readily into a descriptive petrofacies scheme previously established for the Hunton Group. The Indian-Ocean samples may be assigned to four petrophysical facies (petrofacies) based on the shapes of their capillary-pressure curves, their pore-throat-size distributions, their estimated recovery efficiency values (for nonwetting fluids), and the visual characteristics of their pore systems, as observed with a scanning-electron microscope. Petrofacies assignments for the Indian-Ocean samples are as follows. Petrofacies I includes six samples collected from the coarse basal portions of event deposits (primarily turbidites). These samples have large throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, low- to moderate recovery efficiency values, concave cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies II includes two sedimentologically dissimilar samples that have medium-size throats, platykurtic throat-size distributions, moderate- to-high recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies III includes two polymictic sandstones and a skeletal packstone that have small throats, polymodal throat-size distributions, moderate recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies IV includes 11 samples, mostly recrystallized neritic carbonates, that have small throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, high recovery efficiency values, convex cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and low porosity values. Comparison of petrofacies assignment to core-, thin-section-, and smear-slide data, and to inferred depositional setting, suggests that pore systems in most samples from Holes 765C and 766A result from primary depositional features, whereas pore systems in samples from Hole 761C and one sample from Hole 765C have been strongly influenced by diagenetic processes. For Hole 761C, prediction of petrophysical parameters should be most successful if based on diagenetic facies patterns. By contrast, the distribution of favorable reservoir facies and of permeability barriers in less highly altered rocks collected from Holes 765C and 766A is related to depositional patterns. Recovery efficiency is inversely related to both porosity and median throat size for the present data set. This relationship is similar to that observed for carbonates of the lower Paleozoic Hunton Group and the Ordovician Ellenburger dolomite, but opposite of that observed for some other ancient carbonates. The coarse deposits of the massive basal units of turbidites are petrophysically distinct and form a coherent petrophysical group (Petrofacies I) with substantial reservoir potential. Two samples assigned to Petrofacies I have extremely large throats (median throat size at least 4 ?m, and at least six times that of any other sample) and therefore high permeability values. These two samples come from thin, coarse turbidites that lack or have poorly developed fine divisions and are interpreted to have been deposited on channeled suprafan lobes in a proximal mid-fan setting. The restriction of extremely high permeability values to a single depositional facies suggests that careful facies mapping of deep-sea fans in a deliberate search for such coarse turbidites could dramatically enhance the success of exploration for aquifers or hydrocarbon reservoirs. Such reservoirs should have substantial vertical heterogeneity. They should have high lateral permeability values but low vertical permeability values, and reservoir sections should include numerous thin units having widely differing petrophysical characteristics.


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Shipboard analysis of the 1183-m sedimentary section recovered at Site 918 in the Irminger Basin during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 152 revealed material of glacial origin (diamictons, ice-rafted debris (IRD) and dropstones) as deep as 543 m below sea floor (bsf). The sediment containing the deepest dropstone was biostratigraphically dated shipboard as approximately 7 Ma, pushing back the date for the onset of glaciation on southern Greenland by 5 Ma. Thin layers of fine sand were found as much as 60 m deeper in the core, raising the possibility of an even earlier date for glaciation. To determine the sedimentary history of these deeper sand layers, the surface textures on quartz grains from eleven cores bracketing the interval of interest were analyzed by scanning electron microscope. The results suggest that the grains in the 60-m interval below the deepest dropstone have a glacial history. At that level, an 11 -Ma Sr-isotope date was obtained from planktonic foraminifers. This late Miocene timing is supported biostratigraphically by both nannofossil and foraminifer assemblages, indicating a new minimum age for the onset of glaciation on southern Greenland and in the North Atlantic.


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Surface sediments from the continental slope and rise of North-West Africa between the Canary lslands and the Cape Verde Islands are mainly composed of silt-sized material (2-63 µm). A number of sampling profiles were run normal to the coast and the composition of the silt fraction was determined quantitatively by scanning electron microscope analysis. The carbonate portion of the sediment was found to be nearly exclusively of biogenic origin. The most important contributors are planktonic foraminifers and coccoliths with minor contributions derived from pteropods. Plankton-produced biogenic opal such as diatoms and radiolarians play a very minor role. The high production rates of opal-silica plankton which exists in the surface waters of the NW-African upwelling system does not give rise to corresponding increases of opal accumulation in the bottom sediment. Benthic producers consist mainly of foraminifers and molluscs but the entire input from benthic producers is extremely small. An exception to this occurs in the prodelta sediments of the Senegal river. Downslope particle transport is indicated by the occurrence of shallow-water coralline algae, ascidian sclerites and cliona boring chips and can be traced as far down as the continental rise. The non-carbonate silt fraction mostly consists of quartz which is derived as eolian dust from the Sahara desert by the Harmattan and the NE-Trade-wind system. The percentage of carbonate in the surface sediments directly indicates the relative proportions of autochthonous biogenic components and terrigenous allochthonous quartz particles.


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During Leg 134, the influence of ridge collision and subduction on the structural evolution of island arcs was investigated by drilling at a series of sites in the collision zone between the d'Entrecasteaux Zone (DEZ) and the central New Hebrides Island Arc. The DEZ is an arcuate Eocene-Oligocene submarine volcanic chain that extends from the northern New Caledonia Ridge to the New Hebrides Trench. High magnetic susceptibilities and intensities of magnetic remanence were measured in volcanic silts, sands, siltstones, and sandstones from collision zone sites. This chapter presents the preliminary results of studies of magnetic mineralogy, magnetic properties, and magnetic fabric of sediments and rocks from Sites 827 through 830 in the collision zone. The dominant carrier of remanence in the highly magnetic sediments and sedimentary rocks in the DEZ is low-titanium titanomagnetite of variable particle size. Changes in rock magnetic properties reflect variations in the abundance and size of titanomagnetite particles, which result from differences in volcanogenic contribution and the presence or absence of graded beds. Although the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility results are difficult to interpret in terms of regional stresses because the cores were azimuthally unoriented, the shapes of the susceptibility ellipsoids provide information about deformation style. The magnetic fabric of most samples is oblate, dominated by foliation, as is the structural fabric. The variability of degree of anisotropy (P) and a factor that measures the shape of the ellipsoid (q) reflect the patchy nature of deformation, at a micrometer scale, that is elucidated by scanning electron microscope analysis. The nature of this patchiness implies that deformation in the shear zones is accomplished primarily by motion along bedding planes, whereas the material within the beds themselves remains relatively undeformed.


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Stable isotope analyses and scanning electron micrographs have been carried out on six planktonic forminifera species, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Globorotalia tumida, Sphaeroidinella dehiscens, Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globigerinoides quadrilobatus from eleven box-cores taken at increasing depths in the equatorial Ontong-Java Plateau (Pacific). This allows us to describe the way dissolution affects the microstructures of the tests of the different species and to quantify the changes of isotopic composition. We may conclude that: 1) dissolution effects on test morphology and stable isotope compositions are species dependent, species with a similar habitat showing a similar trend; 2) the shallow water, thin-shelled species are the first to disappear: scanning electron microscope (SEM) work shows alteration of outer layers. Deep water, thick-shelled species are present in all samples: SEM work shows breakdown and disparition of inner layers; 3) for all species there is a similar trend towards increasing delta18O values with increasing water depths and increasing dissolution. This effect may be as high as 0.6 ? per thousand meters for Globorotalia tumida; 4) below the lysocline, around 3500 m, it appears that 13C/12C ratios slightly increase towards equilibrium values for thick shelled species: G. tumida, P. obliquiloculata and S. dehiscens. 14C dates and isotope stratigraphy of two box-cores show that all samples are recent in age, and exclude upward mixing of glacial deposits as an important factor.


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The initiation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) was studied using scanning electron microscope observations of linearly increasing stress test specimens. SCC initiation from the following surfaces was studied: (i) initiation from the commercial pipe surface covered by the Zn coating, (ii) initiation from a mechanically polished surface with a deformed layer, and (iii) initiation from an electro-polished surface. SCC initiation involved different features for these surfaces as follows. (i) For the Zn coated commercial pipe surface, a crack in the Zn coating led to the dissolution of the deformed layer and when the deformed layer was penetrated, intergranular SCC initiation became possible. (ii) For a mechanically polished surface with a deformed layer, cracks in the surface oxide concentrated the anodic dissolution to such an extent that there was transgranular SCC in the deformed layer. SCC was intergranular when the deformed layer had been penetrated. Transgranular stress corrosion cracks were stopped at ferrite grain boundaries (GBs) oriented perpendicular to the SCC propagation direction. (iii) For an electro-polished surface, the surface oxide film was cracked at many locations, but intergranular SCC only propagated into the steel when the oxide crack corresponded to a GB. An oxide crack away from a GB is expected to be healed. The observed SCC initiation mechanism was not associated with simple preferential chemical attack of the ferrite GBs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two-way N transfers mediated by Pisolithus sp. were examined by excluding root contact and supplying (NH4+)-N-15 or (NO3-)-N-15 to 6-month-old Eucalyptus maculata or Casuarina cunninghamiana grown in two-chambered-pots separated by 37 m screens. Mycorrhizal colonization was 35% in Eucalyptus and 66% in Casuarina (c. 29% N-2-fixation). Using an environmental scanning electron microscope, living hyphae were observed to interconnect Eucalyptus and Casuarina. Biomass and N accumulation was greatest in nodulated mycorrhizal Casuarina/mycorrhizal Eucalyptus pairs, less in nonnodulated mycorrhizal Casuarina/mycorrhizal Eucalyptus pairs, and least in nonnodulated nonmycorrhizal Casuarina/nonmycorrhizal Eucalyptus pairs. In nonnodulated mycorrhizal pairs, N transfers to Eucalyptus or to Casuarina were similar (2.4-4.1 mg per plant in either direction) and were 2.6-4.0 times greater than in nonnodulated nonmycorrhizal pairs. In nodulated mycorrhizal pairs, N transfers were greater to Eucalyptus (5-7 times) and to Casuarina (12-18 times) than in nonnodulated mycorrhizal pairs. Net transfer to Eucalyptus or to Casuarina was low in both nonnodulated nonmycorrhizal (< 0.7 mg per plant) and nonnodulated mycorrhizal pairs (< 1.1 mg per plant). In nodulated mycorrhizal pairs, net transfer to Casuarina was 26.0 mg per plant. The amount and direction of two-way mycorrhiza-mediated N transfer was increased by the presence of Pisolithus sp. and Frankia, resulting in a net N transfer from low-N-demanding Eucalyptus to high-N-demanding Casuarina.